It was a coup.

My position couldn’t be more clear. Don’t complicate it.

It is certainly very clear, in a "cutting off the nose to spite the face" or "tossing out the baby with the bathwater" type of clear.

Simply put, if you took every bit of Trump's policy positions and tossed it onto a generic throwback Republican NPC candidate, you would vote for that candidate. I agree with your claim that you are a Republican, it's just you (and other Never Trumpers like you) aren't a very practical one. And I say this as someone who loathes Trump the human being, as somebody who was a member of the Young Democrats as a teen, a Reagan Republican as a young to middle aged man, and a vindictive yet pragmatic libertarian leaning conservative as I entered the third trimester of my life.

You took the opportunity to thumb your nose at Trump and the party in 2016 and 2020 (as did I 2016). But I say the time for dillydallying is over. If there was ever a time to put aside the disdain of the unsavory candidate in favor of policy it would be now. The Biden Administration has started us down a rabbit hole that a Harris Administration will likely bury us in.
lol….she’s miserable and a terrible choice. Your own party couldn’t stand her and she couldn’t win one delegate in 2020. Now she woke up the Democratic voters? Democrat voters are hopeless.

Agree, but NOTHING matters but "saving democracy" to Dems. The intra party stuff becomes important after Trump is defeated.
I couldn't agree more. Most dems would probably vote for a cardboard box if it would keep Trump, Project 2025, and the plan to replace Thomas/Alito with younger versions of themselves and extend this MAGA minority "supermajority on SCOTUS" for generations. It's certainly how I feel, even though it's highly unlikely I'd have to experience the world Trump represents. I just think Americans deserve better...

As to people whining about a coup (many of whom were fine with Jan 6) the last thing I'm going to do is cede the moral high ground to representatives of a party who are perfectly willing to nominate and vote for a twice impeached, 4x indicted liar, thief conman and convicted felon. To date, that is the source of most of the complaints. And for anyone who voted for Biden in the Dem Primaries and apparently didn't know they were voting to once again place KH a heartbeat away from the Presidency, they are free to vote for whomever they choose.

I'm going to say that over $250 million in grassroots contributions since Sun and 160,000 volunteers rushing to get involved shows that she has the overwhelming support of grassroots Dems. Biden's election was always going to be difficult because for some reason people were largely willing to cede the age/mental stability issue to Trump.

Not me, I know he's as looney as a fruitcake, but people have short memories of how pathetic it was to live under Trump. So a lot of "Biden voters" weren't going to be inspired to go out and work for, much less vote for and that's why it looked like Trump was more popular. I actually think KH will win handily because I'd say there are a lot of negatives heading Trump's way. In the end I just think people aren't going to vote for a convicted felon- maybe I'm wrong...
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It would be hard for me to find a political issue I’m more worried about than avoiding a debt spiral (if we aren’t already in one).

If Harris came out and said balancing the budget and restructuring entitlements so they are sustainable for future generations was her chief priority, I’d probably vote for her.

But that won’t happen. They are all MMT adherents even if they can’t explain MMT if given an hour.

How can a president influence the budget unless he has both houses on his side and a majority in both buys his proposed budget.

This would also require cuts in entitlements and possibly the military which no president in history has been willing to do.

A president running on the above probably would lose.
It is certainly very clear, in a "cutting off the nose to spite the face" or "tossing out the baby with the bathwater" type of clear.

Simply put, if you took every bit of Trump's policy positions and tossed it onto a generic throwback Republican NPC candidate, you would vote for that candidate. I agree with your claim that you are a Republican, it's just you (and other Never Trumpers like you) aren't a very practical one. And I say this as someone who loathes Trump the human being, as somebody who was a member of the Young Democrats as a teen, a Reagan Republican as a young to middle aged man, and a vindictive yet pragmatic libertarian leaning conservative as I enter the third trimester of my life.

You took the opportunity to thumb your nose at Trump and the party in 2016 and 2020 (as did I 2016). But I say the time for dillydallying is over. If there was ever a time to put aside the disdain of the unsavory candidate in favor of policy it would be now. The Biden Administration has started us down a rabbit hole that a Harris Administration will likely bury us in.
I disagree with some key things about Trump and MAGA policies, but agree with many too. Well, such as can be determined about them. Consistency isn’t a Trump trait. However, this isn’t enough for my vote because he’s fundamentally changed/changing the party in ways that aren’t acceptable - anti-NATO, isolationism, anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia tendencies, excessive protectionism, non-compromising, uncivil, dishonesty, selective concern for law and order, tendency toward a sort of unquestioning loyalty to the party’s current leader, a persecution complex, anger, pessimism, and more. No, they’re not all policies, but it’s a culture too and an unacceptable one.

Trump deserve a presumption of innocence, but I believe he’s guilty in the documents case. Failure to protect national security information is unacceptable.

However, as I tell all my Republican friends, vote for Trump if you want, it causes me no consternation. Many of my Republican friends are just like me. They’ll vote Republican but not for Trump.

Would we be a big happy GOP family if we’d have nominated Haley, DeSamtis or Scott? I don’t know, but I’d guess much more congenial. Maybe.
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It would be hard for me to find a political issue I’m more worried about than avoiding a debt spiral (if we aren’t already in one).

If Harris came out and said balancing the budget and restructuring entitlements so they are sustainable for future generations was her chief priority, I’d probably vote for her.

But that won’t happen. They are all MMT adherents even if they can’t explain MMT if given an hour.

Good luck with that, regardless of who is elected..
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I couldn't agree more. Most dems would probably vote for a cardboard box if it would keep Trump, Project 2025, and the plan to replace Thomas/Alito with younger versions of themselves and extend this MAGA minority "supermajority on SCOTUS" for generations. It's certainly how I feel, even though it's highly unlikely I'd have to experience the world Trump represents. I just think Americans deserve better...

As to people whining about a coup (many of whom were fine with Jan 6) the last thing I'm going to do is cede the moral high ground to representatives of a party who are perfectly willing to nominate and vote for a twice impeached, 4x indicted liar, thief conman and convicted felon. To date, that is the source of most of the complaints. And for anyone who voted for Biden in the Dem Primaries and apparently didn't know they were voting to once again place KH a heartbeat away from the Presidency, they are free to vote for whomever they choose.

I'm going to say that over $250 million in grassroots contributions since Sun and 160,000 volunteers rushing to get involved shows that she has the overwhelming support of grassroots Dems. Biden's election was always going to be difficult because for some reason people were largely willing to cede the age/mental stability issue to Trump.

Not me, I know he's as looney as a fruitcake, but people have short memories of how pathetic it was to live under Trump. So a lot of "Biden voters" weren't going to be inspired to go out and work for, much less vote for and that's why it looked like Trump was more popular. I actually think KH will win handily because I'd say there are a lot of negatives heading Trump's way. In the end I just think people aren't going to vote for a convicted felon- maybe I'm wrong...

You are officially insane as a result of TDS.

Innumerable proven schemes and hoaxes by various combinations of the Dems, the MSM, the CIA/FBI do not faze you. Anything goes.

The MSM repeating, word for word, specific talking points provided by Democratic operatives. Sounds good.

Campuses filled with sh** for brains professors producing brain-dead chanting Hamas agitators. Fine people.

Stalinist/3rd world style political prosecutions just clean out the rifraff. Political opponents held without bail and in isolation....,,easier to break them that way. 20 armed FBI agents breaking down the door of 70 year old political appointments at 4:00 am with MSM on the scene.......just dandy.

Illegal immigrants from 70 different countries....just folks seeking amnesty who occasionally rape and pillage. Thank you Border Czar.

All is well. Nothing to see here.
That’s also on my wish list for both parties - fiscal responsibility. Neither of the candidates is fiscally responsible so that’s a wash. If Republicans would adhere to traditional conservative fiscal conservative and actually do something about it that would be awesome. I vote for Republicans for Congress hoping they’ll do something about it or at least slow the fiscal insanity.
Can you specifically name any republicans in the last 30 yrs that have been fiscally conservative? Any? …. One?
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Can you specifically name any republicans in the last 30 yrs that have been fiscally conservative? Any? …. One?

We are so screwed.

For '23, entitlements were 50% of spending, "Income Security" ( net) 18%, Defense 13%, Debt payments 11%, all other 8%.

People like their SS, Medicare, Medicaid so good luck cutting that. The 8% (everything else) is where the perceived fat is. I don't see hope for spending going down until the Boomers are all dead.
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That’s also on my wish list for both parties - fiscal responsibility. Neither of the candidates is fiscally responsible so that’s a wash. If Republicans would adhere to traditional conservative fiscal conservative and actually do something about it that would be awesome. I vote for Republicans for Congress hoping they’ll do something about it or at least slow the fiscal insanity.

It’s not a wash. Trump administration was more fiscally conservative than Biden/Harris.

Article on how Biden has increased the deficit more.

Government employment has increased more under Biden

The stock market performed better when Trump was in office.

Incomes were up more under Trump.

Trump isn't anywhere near what I'd like to see as a conservative President. However he was/is still a lot more fiscally conservative than Biden/Harris. The numbers don't lie. And I do not care who you vote for. I'm just refuting your claim that Trump and Biden/Harris are a wash when it comes to fiscal conservatism.
I disagree with some key things about Trump and MAGA policies, but agree with many too. Well, such as can be determined about them. Consistency isn’t a Trump trait. However, this isn’t enough for my vote because he’s fundamentally changed/changing the party in ways that aren’t acceptable - anti-NATO, isolationism, anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia tendencies, excessive protectionism, non-compromising, uncivil, dishonesty, selective concern for law and order, tendency toward a sort of unquestioning loyalty to the party’s current leader, a persecution complex, anger, pessimism, and more. No, they’re not all policies, but it’s a culture too and an unacceptable one.

Trump deserve a presumption of innocence, but I believe he’s guilty in the documents case. Failure to protect national security information is unacceptable.

However, as I tell all my Republican friends, vote for Trump if you want, it causes me no consternation. Many of my Republican friends are just like me. They’ll vote Republican but not for Trump.

Would we be a big happy GOP family if we’d have nominated Haley, DeSamtis or Scott? I don’t know, but I’d guess much more congenial. Maybe.
All reasonable positions.
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All reasonable positions.
"ALL"... I would say a very good start, but many of those anti stances are taken from emotion and do not account for the context in which Trump has developed animus against his actual positions.
IF, everything that aloha said were actually legit, in a vacuum, then I would be totally in agreement with him. Sadly he isn't correct. Example, Anti NATO is a Dem talking point. Nothing more, nothing less. Trump simply uses scorched earth as a bargaining style. What is truly sad, our highest command life long military can't understand scorched earth bargaining.
"ALL"... I would say a very good start, but many of those anti stances are taken from emotion and do not account for the context in which Trump has developed animus against his actual positions.
IF, everything that aloha said were actually legit, in a vacuum, then I would be totally in agreement with him. Sadly he isn't correct. Example, Anti NATO is a Dem talking point. Nothing more, nothing less. Trump simply uses scorched earth as a bargaining style. What is truly sad, our highest command life long military can't understand scorched earth bargaining.
How do you constantly get it wrong? None of that is emotion. Anti-NATO is not a talking point. For one thing. It has been reported that he told his senior military advisors he wanted to pull out of NATO in 2020. I know it’s true because I heard it directly from one of the attendees of the meeting. He was talked into waiting until after the election. That’s a reason to be thankful he lost.

“Scorched earth bargaining” is a stupid Trump supporter talking point from those that know pulling out of NATO would be a huge mistake. Besides, who the hell was he bargaining with? Dumb.
How do you constantly get it wrong? None of that is emotion. Anti-NATO is not a talking point. For one thing. It has been reported that he told his senior military advisors he wanted to pull out of NATO in 2020. I know it’s true because I heard it directly from one of the attendees of the meeting. He was talked into waiting until after the election. That’s a reason to be thankful he lost.

“Scorched earth bargaining” is a stupid Trump supporter talking point from those that know pulling out of NATO would be a huge mistake. Besides, who the hell was he bargaining with? Dumb.
"its true because I heard it".. C'mon Alhoa. You are not stupid. Let walk through this just a bit.
The Don, has hung his hat on "negotiations" and been pretty GD good at it, if you would allow yourself to get past the emotions of hate and understand your opponent. Negotiating, at a master level, and you don't honestly trust the legacy team (DC swamp donkeys) around you.
Can you think of a better way to send a very strong message, AND uncover those in your inner circle who are leakers, than to give a few (cough of YOUR FRIENDS it appears) that will leak highly classified presidential conversations with the public, and then have people JUST LIKE YOU EXACTLY, go spread... I mean share those privledge conversations, to help delver a message of intent, during a negotiation?

I'll walk around the fact that you are and have repeatedly relayed confidential communications, from the President of the United States, via your "buddies" who where parties of the conversation in real time, as part of his critical input providers. Although your cover story may be completely blown now, with this information, I like you. I won't call this out much further. right now. at this time.

He wanted NATO countries to PAY THE FVCK UP. They did and that is one thing that continue to happen under biden who could politically state that and take some credit. That is what Trump wanted, no matter who gets credit, America takes the win !!

Now, shall we discuss this confidential information at further lengths? I really hope you say no. We don't need that, do we?

What a total POS shit is. If anyone were to make Hitler comparisons, it should be toward good old Nan!! She has it all perfected (honestly like any really strong Matriarch of a family, with total evil intentions).
And some on this board want term limits. Smh

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"its true because I heard it".. C'mon Alhoa. You are not stupid. Let walk through this just a bit.
The Don, has hung his hat on "negotiations" and been pretty GD good at it, if you would allow yourself to get past the emotions of hate and understand your opponent. Negotiating, at a master level, and you don't honestly trust the legacy team (DC swamp donkeys) around you.
Can you think of a better way to send a very strong message, AND uncover those in your inner circle who are leakers, than to give a few (cough of YOUR FRIENDS it appears) that will leak highly classified presidential conversations with the public, and then have people JUST LIKE YOU EXACTLY, go spread... I mean share those privledge conversations, to help delver a message of intent, during a negotiation?

I'll walk around the fact that you are and have repeatedly relayed confidential communications, from the President of the United States, via your "buddies" who where parties of the conversation in real time, as part of his critical input providers. Although your cover story may be completely blown now, with this information, I like you. I won't call this out much further. right now. at this time.

He wanted NATO countries to PAY THE FVCK UP. They did and that is one thing that continue to happen under biden who could politically state that and take some credit. That is what Trump wanted, no matter who gets credit, America takes the win !!

Now, shall we discuss this confidential information at further lengths? I really hope you say no. We don't need that, do we?
So wrong. You’re mixing up two different issues. One is meeting the 2% of GDP on defense goal and he got a couple more countries to meet that. More under Biden are meeting it, but war does that so I’m not crediting Biden. The other issue is that Trump just doesn’t understand why it’s important for the USA to stay in NATO and was wanting out. Nothing I’ve relayed is classified and it’s been included in a book vetted prior to publishing. I know you don’t know what you’re talking about, but I do.
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So, in order for it to be coup, you and Maureen Dowd must think Biden is competent to run and serve 4 more years if he wins? Because it’s not like she’s taken control now as president.

I’d give this theory credence if Biden was remotely in the ballpark of serving anymore than his January 20th exit date.
So, in order for it to be coup, you and Maureen Dowd must think Biden is competent to run and serve 4 more years if he wins? Because it’s not like she’s taken control now as president.

I’d give this theory credence if Biden was remotely in the ballpark of serving anymore than his January 20th exit date.
He’s fine until Jan 20th and then , magically, he’s unfit?

There has been a lot of pretzel twisting….or maybe it’s nothing more than lying
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So, in order for it to be coup, you and Maureen Dowd must think Biden is competent to run and serve 4 more years if he wins? Because it’s not like she’s taken control now as president.

I’d give this theory credence if Biden was remotely in the ballpark of serving anymore than his January 20th exit date.
It was a shitty coup. Biden is still president last I checked.

- Dumbasses
"its true because I heard it".. C'mon Alhoa. You are not stupid. Let walk through this just a bit.
The Don, has hung his hat on "negotiations" and been pretty GD good at it, if you would allow yourself to get past the emotions of hate and understand your opponent. Negotiating, at a master level, and you don't honestly trust the legacy team (DC swamp donkeys) around you.
Can you think of a better way to send a very strong message, AND uncover those in your inner circle who are leakers, than to give a few (cough of YOUR FRIENDS it appears) that will leak highly classified presidential conversations with the public, and then have people JUST LIKE YOU EXACTLY, go spread... I mean share those privledge conversations, to help delver a message of intent, during a negotiation?

I'll walk around the fact that you are and have repeatedly relayed confidential communications, from the President of the United States, via your "buddies" who where parties of the conversation in real time, as part of his critical input providers. Although your cover story may be completely blown now, with this information, I like you. I won't call this out much further. right now. at this time.

He wanted NATO countries to PAY THE FVCK UP. They did and that is one thing that continue to happen under biden who could politically state that and take some credit. That is what Trump wanted, no matter who gets credit, America takes the win !!

Now, shall we discuss this confidential information at further lengths? I really hope you say no. We don't need that, do we?
Robotussin today?

I disagree with some key things about Trump and MAGA policies, but agree with many too. Well, such as can be determined about them. Consistency isn’t a Trump trait. However, this isn’t enough for my vote because he’s fundamentally changed/changing the party in ways that aren’t acceptable - anti-NATO, isolationism, anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia tendencies, excessive protectionism, non-compromising, uncivil, dishonesty, selective concern for law and order, tendency toward a sort of unquestioning loyalty to the party’s current leader, a persecution complex, anger, pessimism, and more. No, they’re not all policies, but it’s a culture too and an unacceptable one.

Trump deserve a presumption of innocence, but I believe he’s guilty in the documents case. Failure to protect national security information is unacceptable.

However, as I tell all my Republican friends, vote for Trump if you want, it causes me no consternation. Many of my Republican friends are just like me. They’ll vote Republican but not for Trump.

Would we be a big happy GOP family if we’d have nominated Haley, DeSamtis or Scott? I don’t know, but I’d guess much more congenial. Maybe.
I understand everything you’re saying.

You do understand there aren’t enough of those republicans like you and your friends that won’t hold their noses and vote for Trump to elect a dog catcher against the Democrat machine?
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I understand everything you’re saying.

You do understand there aren’t enough of those republicans like you and your friends that won’t hold their noses and vote for Trump to elect a dog catcher against the Democrat machine?
Nope. Winning elections without us is highly unlikely IMO.
Nope. Winning elections without us is highly unlikely IMO.
That’s not what I meant. Your part of the party don’t won without MAGA. MAGA don’t win without your part. So the Republican Party splinters and Dems rule the Country.
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Paul Ryan was miles to the right on fiscal conservative policies compared with Trump, but now he's a 'RINO'.

Just proves how brain dead Trump followers really are.
Wasn't Paul Ryan House Speaker when Trump was elected?

What the hell did he do to lower the deficit?

But, of course,..... TRUMP.
Wasn't Paul Ryan House Speaker when Trump was elected?

What the hell did he do to lower the deficit?

But, of course,..... TRUMP.

Trump pulled Ryan far left on his tax and spending proposals. And Ryan really wanted to address Medicare and SS reform, our much larger issues. But Trump wouldn't touch them.

Trump is much more liberal than Ryan when it comes to fiscal policy.
So, in order for it to be coup, you and Maureen Dowd must think Biden is competent to run and serve 4 more years if he wins? Because it’s not like she’s taken control now as president.

I’d give this theory credence if Biden was remotely in the ballpark of serving anymore than his January 20th exit date.
You evidently think he's competent enough to run the country through this year. That's just burying your head in the sand for political purposes. You don't really care if he's competent or not - you just didn't want to lose the next election.
Trump pulled Ryan far left on his tax and spending proposals. And Ryan really wanted to address Medicare and SS reform, our much larger issues. But Trump wouldn't touch them.

Trump is much more liberal than Ryan when it comes to fiscal policy.
Oh bullshit. Ryan could have done anything he wanted to - Trump had very few political allies in 2016.

Ryan diddled and didn't get shit done. Instead of working with House members to pass legislation, he whined about Trump. He was a total pussy when it came to the budget. Don't try to paint him as some fiscal conservative now.
Oh bullshit. Ryan could have done anything he wanted to - Trump had very few political allies in 2016.

Ryan diddled and didn't get shit done. Instead of working with House members to pass legislation, he whined about Trump. He was a total pussy when it came to the budget. Don't try to paint him as some fiscal conservative now.

Wow. You are literally dumber than a rock.