It was a coup.

How does not funding wars make one isolationist. Is China isolationist for making friends in south America since they are not pushing wars in the region. NATO is looking like an Emperialistic organization.

A lot of what Ron Paul has said over the last 40 or so years has proven out. We need more nuts. They are good for health. His podcast shows are the best. One topic recently discussed are the dangers of govt. regulations and price controls that Dems want.? When the current regime adds price controls to their agenda, I hope to get a good ticket for the line to get toilet paper because shelves will be empty. I certainly don't want to use the paper that the Democrat propaganda BS is printed on even if that is all their message may be good for. I have those papers reserved to get the firepit started.
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A lot of what Ron Paul has said over the last 40 or so years has proven out. We need more nuts. They are good for health. His podcast shows are the best.
If you took Ron Paul's advice 10 years ago and pulled all of your investments out of the stock market because (as he claimed) a crash was inevitable, advice that he repeated about 5 times since then, you would be crying about not realizing the incredible gains you opted out from. He's pretty nutty, and his son is worse.
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How does not funding wars make one isolationist. Is China isolationist for making friends in south America since they are not pushing wars in the region. NATO is looking like an Emperialistic organization.

A lot of what Ron Paul has said over the last 40 or so years has proven out. We need more nuts. They are good for health. His podcast shows are the best. One topic recently discussed are the dangers of govt. regulations and price controls that Dems want.? When the current regime adds price controls to their agenda, I hope to get a good ticket for the line to get toilet paper because shelves will be empty. I certainly don't want to use the paper that the Democrat propaganda BS is printed on even if that is all their message may be good for. I have those papers reserved to get the firepit started.
Agreed. We need more Ron Paul's, Rand Paul's, Massie's, Mike lee's in the GOP. Men who aren't content to kick the can.
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How does not funding wars make one isolationist. Is China isolationist for making friends in south America since they are not pushing wars in the region. NATO is looking like an Emperialistic organization.

A lot of what Ron Paul has said over the last 40 or so years has proven out. We need more nuts. They are good for health. His podcast shows are the best. One topic recently discussed are the dangers of govt. regulations and price controls that Dems want.? When the current regime adds price controls to their agenda, I hope to get a good ticket for the line to get toilet paper because shelves will be empty. I certainly don't want to use the paper that the Democrat propaganda BS is printed on even if that is all their message may be good for. I have those papers reserved to get the firepit started.
Supporting Ukraine against Russia's war against them is in the interest of our allies and the US.
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How does not funding wars make one isolationist. Is China isolationist for making friends in south America since they are not pushing wars in the region. NATO is looking like an Emperialistic organization.

A lot of what Ron Paul has said over the last 40 or so years has proven out. We need more nuts. They are good for health. His podcast shows are the best. One topic recently discussed are the dangers of govt. regulations and price controls that Dems want.? When the current regime adds price controls to their agenda, I hope to get a good ticket for the line to get toilet paper because shelves will be empty. I certainly don't want to use the paper that the Democrat propaganda BS is printed on even if that is all their message may be good for. I have those papers reserved to get the firepit started.
Here's the thing - whether we like it or not, what happens in the world affects us. Despite Washington's warnings, we've made foreign alliances and agreements since the founding of the country.

The world is connected today more than it's ever been. A strike in a foreign country or a war that shuts down a shipping lane affects us directly now.

While we can't control the whole world, we have to be involved because, if we're not, events will overtake us. We ignored/tolerated mid-east terrorism until it came to our shores.

No one likes it, but we don't want a WWII-type disaster, so we put out fires and block despots out of necessity - not the rest of the world's.
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