Israel under attack from Hamas

It appears Qatar has said they will not release the $6 billion to Iran. If true, and if Iran was in fact using other money counting on this, great. They have put themselves in a hole.

The administration was warned that Iran could fuel terrorism with that release of funds. It took beheading babies for them to reverse course.
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I don't know, you could probably get several thousand across the country to turn out for any issue. Hold a day of rallies to nuke China, several thousand would show up. Heck, hold rallies to release smallpox and several thousand would show up. It doesn't surprise.

Some of the Palestinian supporters are as crazy as you think, some are genuinely concerned about friends and family. If I was here from Gaza studying and my family was there, I would go to a rally to show support for them. I get a certain percentage are more than that, just saying that several thousand number includes both.

If you let people have the freedom to make their own choice, a percentage will make the absolute worst choice.

Now, direct calls for violence worry me, so yes, any calls condoning or endorsing the attack on Israel to me is outside the free speech question. Bur also some of the comments here not differentiating killing Gaza civilians and children from Hamas worry me too. But any calls to destroy Israel should run afoul of hate speech code of conduct.

By all means, capture, kill, maim everyone involved or planned or endorsed, or even knew and didn't try to stop it. But be as surgical as possible knowing it will not ever be 100% precise.

But America has a large population and a small percentage of a large number still means a decent number hold disgusting views.
Those who support Palestinian rights have a point. But Hamas is the worst thing to happen to Gaza The people in the streets now are hurting their cause.
Those who support Palestinian rights have a point. But Hamas is the worst thing to happen to Gaza The people in the streets now are hurting their cause.

I agree. I think the Palestinian people need relief. But sadly Hamas makes that very hard to do. And showing support for Hamas really damages the brand entirely. The proof is Egypt's reaction to letting Palestinians in. We can't blame Egypt's refusal on Israel, there is a problem.

But I am convinced many in Gaza are like people everywhere, wanting to lead lives of quiet desperation. I'd love to help them be able to do that. I haven't been supportive of Israel expanding their territory. But I certainly agree Israel has a right to exist. How can we separate ordinary Palestinians from Hamas and make it possible for Israel to give them more autonomy and more land? That's the impossible question.
The cycle of despair and violence is continuously recharged…which provides Hamas with fertile recruiting grounds for their terror campaigns

Exactly, despair and violence go hand in hand. I don't know how to break the cycle, but by God we need people trying.

40 years ago or so, if Gandhi appeared to the Palestinians and led them, this would have been ended and they would have won a lot of concessions. But they haven't been so blessed.

Some of us have a perception almost everyone in Gaza wants death to Israel. Certainly, some do. But I suspect for many it is a peer pressure thing. If on camera in Gaza, one knows to say that or Hamas will pay a visit. Maybe if Israel can weaken Hamas enough, just maybe, we can get something else to grow.
Exactly, despair and violence go hand in hand. I don't know how to break the cycle, but by God we need people trying.

40 years ago or so, if Gandhi appeared to the Palestinians and led them, this would have been ended and they would have won a lot of concessions. But they haven't been so blessed.

Some of us have a perception almost everyone in Gaza wants death to Israel. Certainly, some do. But I suspect for many it is a peer pressure thing. If on camera in Gaza, one knows to say that or Hamas will pay a visit. Maybe if Israel can weaken Hamas enough, just maybe, we can get something else to grow.
I have zero hope for the youth there. We need to recognize that a few acts of good will won’t change the dynamics. We have to use common sense.
But I suspect for many it is a peer pressure thing. If on camera in Gaza, one knows to say that or Hamas will pay a visit.
I think there's a lot of credence in what you say here. That fear of reprisal is also probably a big factor in the teaching of school children to hate. Hamas is the elected government, not just a bunch of crazies running around trying to inflict their will on the unsuspecting.
You're hopelessly lost. But I'm sure Trump would be thrilled to know that you lap up all of his self-serving propaganda.

I think there's a lot of credence in what you say here. That fear of reprisal is also probably a big factor in the teaching of school children to hate. Hamas is the elected government, not just a bunch of crazies running around trying to inflict their will on the unsuspecting.
It’s naive and dangerous to assume that the mentality there will change
I have zero hope for the youth there. We need to recognize that a few acts of good will won’t change the dynamics. We have to use common sense.
I don't want to misconstrue what you are saying, but what do you mean by common sense? Are you basically saying ignore the innocent as they likely can't be saved long term anyway.

This is a real shitty scenario all around with no great outcomes.
I don't want to misconstrue what you are saying, but what do you mean by common sense? Are you basically saying ignore the innocent as they likely can't be saved long term anyway.

This is a real shitty scenario all around with no great outcomes.
See post above
Hamas is the elected government, not just a bunch of crazies running around trying to inflict their will on the unsuspecting.

Correct. In 2006 they won 46% of the vote to Fatah's 44%. Then Hamas militarily finished off Fatah. So it isn't as if there were huge numbers voting Hamas. There was hope in the exit polls:

An exit poll conducted by Near East Consulting on 15 February 2006 on voters participating in the 2006 PA elections revealed the following responses to major concerns:​
Support for a Peace Agreement with Israel: 79.5% in support; 15.5% in opposition​
Should Hamas change its policies regarding Israel: Yes – 75.2%; No – 24.8%​
Under Hamas corruption will decrease: Yes – 78.1%; No – 21.9%​
Under Hamas internal security will improve: Yes – 67.8%; No – 32.2%​
Hamas government priorities: 1) Combatting corruption; 2) Ending security chaos; 3) Solving poverty/unemployment​
Support for Hamas' impact on the national interest: Positive – 66.7&; Negative - 28.5%​
Support for a national unity government?: Yes – 81.4%; no – 18.6%​
Rejection of Fatah's decision not to join a national unity government: Yes – 72.5%; No – 27.5%​
Satisfaction with election results: 64.2% satisfied; 35.8% dissatisfied[36]
The big thing that jumps out to me, the corruption and security. Those are two things that really drive the right movement here. I'm not comparing our right to Hamas. I am saying if Fatah was perceived as corrupt, that helps explain their failing in the election just as perceived corruption drives a lot of votes here. Same for security concerns.

But at least in 2006, 79.5% wanted a peace agreement with Israel, and 75.2% wanted Hamas to change their "death to Israel" policy. That should show that there is a chance, maybe not a huge chance, that weakened Hamas could lead to something better.
Ah yes, like this?

Women’s Rights activists canceled. Terrorist activists okayed.
One can dream.
Donald Trump GIF by thisismrmalik

Because Donald Trump would have flew over there himself and stopped it from happening with has laser eyes and super speed. It's a's a flying hippo....nope, it's super Trump.
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We don’t celebrate it or need holidays or it jammed in our faces. It’s nothing to celebrate or be proud of. Just like in my mind there’s nothing wrong with it. Just be and do what you want. Furry. Gay. Straight. Tranny. If you’re an adult do what you want. But I don’t need any of it in my face watching hockey or anything else. The left pushes shit so much all you get is reflux
At least you didn't overreact.

How exactly is it jammed in your face?
At least you didn't overreact.

How exactly is it jammed in your face?

That's the part I don't get. No one is jamming it anyone's face. It's part of the political propaganda machine that talks about it but that's hardly the fault of the those groups of people.

There are a lot of hallmark holidays that I don't celebrate or pay attention to. So if there is a Gay Pride Day or Month in that list, it hardly effects me one way or another. I might have to walk past more rows of cards in the store to get to the birthday cards but need the exercise anyway.
Haven't noticed that almost all the extreme and ridiculous protesting on campuses, of not just this issue but every other one that I mentioned is mostly young women?
I guess I’ll have to pay more attention to that. Seems like the guys were leaders of some of the movements a few years ago, but there really weren’t that many protests then.
Stand next to a lesbians every morning. They don't push the sh!t, they don't have pride flags up during pride (MONTH???) whatever, they keep it to themselves. I've helped them plenty with stuff they need and its their decision. Now the neighborhood over there is a couple that have flags throughout the lawn and other crap it looks like an eyesore in a nice neighborhood. I'm sure the neighbors their are not down with that. I'm not flying my straight flag...WTF
Super. That's their right. I grew up in the same apartment building with lesbians. There were four of us children in the building, two were the children of one of the lesbians. Tight knit building. They didn't flaunt their sexuality, let alone push it. It was the 80's. She was fighting tooth and nail to keep custody or her children -- her bitter ex-husband who couldn't deal with the fact he married a lesbian and felt disgraced due to his religion. Even though his daughters have a good relationship with him now, he was a real POS when they were kids all over his pride.

I don't know any homosexuals who flaunt their sexuality beyond who they flirt with in social settings, nor do the two transgendered friends in my life.

WTF cares about flags? As you walk by or drive by mind your own business. They aren't "pushing the sh!t". They're expressing their support.
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At least you didn't overreact.

How exactly is it jammed in your face?

That's the part I don't get. No one is jamming it anyone's face. It's part of the political propaganda machine that talks about it but that's hardly the fault of the those groups of people.

There are a lot of hallmark holidays that I don't celebrate or pay attention to. So if there is a Gay Pride Day or Month in that list, it hardly effects me one way or another. I might have to walk past more rows of cards in the store to get to the birthday cards but need the exercise anyway.


The abrupt shift came after several NHL players made headlines last season for refusing to wear Pride Night themed jerseys, citing religious or other reasons.
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That's the part I don't get. No one is jamming it anyone's face. It's part of the political propaganda machine that talks about it but that's hardly the fault of the those groups of people.

There are a lot of hallmark holidays that I don't celebrate or pay attention to. So if there is a Gay Pride Day or Month in that list, it hardly effects me one way or another. I might have to walk past more rows of cards in the store to get to the birthday cards but need the exercise anyway.
Correct. Just people living their lives. That it upsets people says more about the upset people than it does about them.
Oh maybe you missed Donnie’s earlier statements and Israel’s response, so I’ll fill you in. First he pronounced Hamas like the dip. Then he criticized Israel and Netanyahu and praised Hezbollah. Israel minister response to your hero: “Shameful that a man like that, a former US President, abets propaganda. We don’t have to bother with him or the nonsense he spouts. “
Sounds like they really miss him, right?
OH NO!!! Not a theme day at a baseball stadium!!!


Did they give out bobble vagina lesbians?
What about bobble penis males, so the kids can have sword fights in the stands?

Did they force you to wear the shirt, or were able to wear what you want? Otherwise, that's not exactly shoving it in your face.

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