Trump is now willing to play the game. Bodes very well for 2024.
I wonder why that is...... could it be the old 'conservatives' turned out to not be that effective? Could it be that, despite their thoughtful analysis, the country continued to turn into a socialist liberal swamp?fCPAC was once a serious conservative event for conservative and thoughtful Republicans. Now it’s an event dominated by Trumpsters and has become a joke.
Among the woke Officer class maybe.Trump has lost much of the formerly solidly Republican military vote. He’s a disaster for the GOP.
It's not close to being the dominant Republican view. There's a lot of talk, mostly for political purposes, but look at the Congressional votes.If you don't think we should be supporting Ukraine in their fight against Russia, you're no better than the Democrats that voted against forcing Iraq out of Kuwait in 1990. The Democrats were wrong and so are you. If your view becomes the dominant view of Republicans, then I'll no longer be a Republican. Isolationism was wrong for the US prior to WWII and it's wrong for the US now.
I linked the poll. He’s caused a loss of Republican support across the board. You can’t expect people used to discipline and respect to be cool with an undisciplined and disrespectful Commander In Chief.Among the woke Officer class maybe.
Trumpsters are hypocrites.
Undisciplined? How do you get to where he is by being undisciplined?I linked the poll. He’s caused a loss of Republican support across the board. You can’t expect people used to discipline and respect to be cool with an undisciplined and disrespectful Commander In Chief.
So the answer for that is to become lunatics that disregard facts?I wonder why that is...... could it be the old 'conservatives' turned out to not be that effective? Could it be that, despite their thoughtful analysis, the country continued to turn into a socialist liberal swamp?f
Sitting around, gazing at your navel, is nice for academics. Committed conservatives are looking for someone who can defend those principles in the real world and yes, drain the swamp.
No, they're just not suckers.Trumpsters are hypocrites.
What facts?So the answer for that is to become lunatics that disregard facts?
Did Pete give birth and I miss it? A benefit his position was entitled to use? Do you really think in any other job with that kind of responsibility and pay he would have gotten that benefit in whatever the time frame which wasn't on the job long ? If Pete werent gay he would never be in that position to begin with since you bring that up. He has his husband or wife or whatever to take care of his adopted children and money to pay for care avg people can't. His only qualification for even getting the job is being gay.Slither off? Nope, I just don't feel the need to continue with you dimwitted hypocrites.
You can pretend all you want that yabbuts are an issue for you but when you ignore conservative poster's yabbuts, it is just your partisan blinders showing.
You see it as yabbuts, I see it as pointing out your double standard. Hard to do that without a so called yabbut.
If Pete was republican or maybe even if he was just straight, then you likely wouldn't be having a little hissy fit over him using a benefit his position was entitled to use. And I bet his position was entitled to use that under more than just the current administration.
Revel in your hypocrisy all you want. Kind of ridiculous to be so pissy when other posters point out your shit
You must be high. He’s an undisciplined disrespectful ass.Undisciplined? How do you get to where he is by being undisciplined?
When has he been disrespectful to the military? At CPAC he praised the military endlessly.
He doesn't get along with Miley, who ran his own hotline to the Chinese, but so what? Turns out Trump was right about him after our humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Are you proud of that?
You didn't answer the question - were you proud of our withdrawal from Afghanistan.You must be high. He’s an undisciplined disrespectful ass.
He didn’t get along with Mattis either, and he was beloved by the rank and file. He treated his military leadership like shit. That kind of stuff doesn’t fly all the way down.
Trump has been, and is, a disaster for the GOP.
And PS - military pay got its biggest pay increase in a decade under Trump.You must be high. He’s an undisciplined disrespectful ass.
He didn’t get along with Mattis either, and he was beloved by the rank and file. He treated his military leadership like shit. That kind of stuff doesn’t fly all the way down.
Trump has been, and is, a disaster for the GOP.
The troops love him. Absolutely love him. Maybe not the warmongering brass at the top but the troops absolutely do.You must be high. He’s an undisciplined disrespectful ass.
He didn’t get along with Mattis either, and he was beloved by the rank and file. He treated his military leadership like shit. That kind of stuff doesn’t fly all the way down.
Trump has been, and is, a disaster for the GOP.
Of course not. Biden AND Trump disregarded military advice on how to exit Afghanistan. Trump screwed up with his negotiations with the Taliban, the mass release of Taliban prisoners and setting a date for withdrawal. Biden screwed up by announcing the new withdrawal date and then disregarding military advice on how to execute it. It was all a cluster f-ck.You didn't answer the question - were you proud of our withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Mattis and Wiley have shown no respect for Trump as President. Big deal - Macarthur didn't respect Truman and got fired. Disagreements between the President and military happen all the time.
Get off your high horse.
Bull shit. Some do. Most don’t. You do know I still work with and deal with military personnel on a regular basis, don’t you?The troops love him. Absolutely love him. Maybe not the warmongering brass at the top but the troops absolutely do.
My instinct is that all these lawsuits against trump are just bullshit. None of this takes this long. And he’s not going to jail even if GA does go forward. It won’t stop him from running.You must be high. He’s an undisciplined disrespectful ass.
He didn’t get along with Mattis either, and he was beloved by the rank and file. He treated his military leadership like shit. That kind of stuff doesn’t fly all the way down.
Trump has been, and is, a disaster for the GOP.
You didn't answer the question - were you proud of our withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Mattis and Wiley have shown no respect for Trump as President. Big deal - Macarthur didn't respect Truman and got fired. Disagreements between the President and military happen all the time.
Get off your high horse.
You two are great at denying reality. Reality is that the reliable Republican military votes of the past are far less reliable now and it’s 100 percent due to Trump and Trumpism.And PS - military pay got its biggest pay increase in a decade under Trump.
Trump signs bill giving military members largest pay increase in a decade
President Donald Trump signed off Friday on nearly $1.4 trillion in spending, including a measure that will give members of the military their largest pay increase in 10
How did Trump screw it up? No US military personnel were killed in 18 months while Trump was negotiating. What 'military advice' did he disregard?Of course not. Biden AND Trump disregarded military advice on how to exit Afghanistan. Trump screwed up with his negotiations with the Taliban, the mass release of Taliban prisoners and setting a date for withdrawal. Biden screwed up by announcing the new withdrawal date and then disregarding military advice on how to execute it. It was all a cluster f-ck.
No comment on how he 'disrespected' the military by increasing their pay more than Obama did?You two are great at denying reality. Reality is that the reliable Republican military votes of the past are far less reliable now and it’s 100 percent due to Trump and Trumpism.
You don’t have a clue about what Trump would have done. The fact is he disregarded military advice regularly. You’re talking about a guy that told his top military advisors that he wanted to leave NATO. The guy was a very irrational and dangerous CinC.How did Trump screw it up? No US military personnel were killed in 18 months while Trump was negotiating. What 'military advice' did he disregard?
Trump would not have withdrawn all maintenance support for the Afghanistan military and wouldn't have bugged out of Baghram AFB.
That withdrawal disaster is all on the guy you voted for.
You keep saying that but provide no examples.You don’t have a clue about what Trump would have done. The fact is he disregarded military advice regularly. You’re talking about a guy that told his top military advisors that he wanted to leave NATO. The guy was a very irrational and dangerous CinC.
Democrats and Republicans have been trying to show the military how much they love them by passing pay increases that outpace inflation for almost 40 years now. That eliminated the pay gap. A 3% increase wasn’t earth shattering. Yay.No comment on how he 'disrespected' the military by increasing their pay more than Obama did?
He did in fact say he wanted to leave NATO and that he would wait until reelection to do it. I know this because I heard it from a 3 star who heard Trump say it. Trump has sh•t for brains.You keep saying that but provide no examples.
He didn't say he wanted to leave NATO. He inquired about it because we were carrying the lion's share of the load and wanted Europe to pay more for its own defense to stave off Russia - and guess what happened.
Forgot to add that his push to have NATO countries to increase their defense spending to at least 2% of GDP was a good thing. It wasn’t 100% successful, but there was some success there.He did in fact say he wanted to leave NATO and that he would wait until reelection to do it. I know this because I heard it from a 3 star who heard Trump say it. Trump has sh•t for brains.
He did in fact say he wanted to leave NATO and that he would wait until reelection to do it. I know this because I heard it from a 3 star who heard Trump say it. Trump has sh•t for brains.
Germany is probably the strongest European economy in NATO, yet its defense minister made the stunning admission that Germany cannot defend itself. What does that do for Article V‘s mutual defense commitment?He did in fact say he wanted to leave NATO and that he would wait until reelection to do it. I know this because I heard it from a 3 star who heard Trump say it. Trump has sh•t for brains.
They like talking about hunter and Ukraine and how that could compromise Biden but seem to not care about Trump and Saudi Arabia sponsoring his golf tournamentsi question Trump's motives and who was pulling his strings on this more than sht for brains.
the dude flat can't be trusted, and that's over and above his pathological liar status.
The question is better the other way around.“When we marvel or roll our eyes at Trump supporters, we are asking the wrong question. Instead of asking how can they believe this nonsense, better to ask, What do they get out of Trumpism that makes them so willing to suppress reasoned thought?”
All while China is doing this.Germany is probably the strongest European economy in NATO, yet its defense minister made the stunning admission that Germany cannot defend itself. What does that do for Article V‘s mutual defense commitment?
We are being taken advantage of by our so-called allies. NATO, has become a platform for collaborative decision- making and European social group-think. It is no longer a serious military treaty. I think Trump is right. Either the Europeans get serious and treat it like a military pact or we walk.
Europe isn't going to help with that either. They are barely bothered to defend their own backyard, as long as Chinese commerce roles in, they will be more than happy to turn a blind eye to the goings-on in the Pacific.All while China is doing this.
China to increase defense spending by 7.2%
China's defense budget grew by 7.1% last year to 1.45 trillion yuan, faster than the 6.8% increase in 2021, according to official
If China ever attacked us, they’d be at war with all of NATO because of our treaty alliance. They’d also be at war with Australia and Japan due to our treaties with them. This is why alliances are a good thing.All while China is doing this.
China to increase defense spending by 7.2%
China's defense budget grew by 7.1% last year to 1.45 trillion yuan, faster than the 6.8% increase in 2021, according to official
And Joe pushed Russia right into the arms of China.If China ever attacked us, they’d be at war with all of NATO because of our treaty alliance. They’d also be at war with Australia and Japan due to our treaties with them. This is why alliances are a good thing.
No he didn’t. Besides, you are on Russia’s side in their war against Ukraine so why wouldn’t that be good with you? You, along with Iran and North Korea. You must be proud.And Joe pushed Russia right into the arms of China.
That’s the theory, and it serves a useful purpose of deterrence. But when our partners can’t respond because of choices they made in the decades prior to the call of duty, what then?If China ever attacked us, they’d be at war with all of NATO because of our treaty alliance. They’d also be at war with Australia and Japan due to our treaties with them. This is why alliances are a good thing.
Conversing with that guy is worse than you're just wrong every single time so have no choice to slither off. because you go with your poor instincts and empty, hickory head. You have know knowledge of anything. Just triggered feelings. Then slither off when wrong. Never learning anything. you can't be an iu grad. you certainly have no relevant education. just what you cull from your idiotic "news" sites. if i'm wrong share your education. let's hear it. you're a moron hickory. your claims otherwise are belied by your moronic posts. You truly are Grover
NATO countries all have different military strengths. They’d certainly be a help in a war against China,That’s the theory, and it serves a useful purpose of deterrence. But when our partners can’t respond because of choices they made in the decades prior to the call of duty, what then?