Iowa fan here. I come in peace.

Dec 22, 2004
I find it disgraceful that your AD would turn down a home game! A slap in the face to the fans, students and local business. A storied and great basketball program should not have to put up with that. Good luck for the future of one of the top 5 programs in the country. I look forward to our meetings next year!
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You would think an AD that is an alum would be a better steward of the program. We are in the NIT because of this lame coach. We have to worry about people showing up because the poor brand of basketball this lame coach has brought to SSAH. If the AD doesn't see the cause and effect and take steps to reverse it, he should be following Crean out the door.

IU is a sleeping giant waiting for the right coach and administration to allow it to wake up. The fans are in place. The facilities are there. We just need new life brought in and stop with the same practices that fail.

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