Intentionally mispronouncing names of political opponents

I was simply removing the "code words" that many MAGA fans on here use, every time they talk about, for example...
Kamala Harris
Serena Williams
Stacey Abrams
Karine Jean-Pierre
Britney Griner
many others...

Their harshest criticism seems to focus specifically on successful black women. I wonder why?
Is there a lot of Serena Williams talk on this board that I'm missing? KJP, Harris and Abrams entered the political arena of their own volition. They're big girls (especially Abrams) they don't need you White knighting for them.
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What a funny thread...It makes me laugh thinking back on all the people I've gone up against in whatever. The super competitive ones will stoop at anything. Christ, even Trumps grand daughter said if he's playing against her he'll try to get into her head. Then she reminds him she's a Trump too. Gamesmanship is part of the game. Libs and other p*ssies get so GD offended over the crap he says I love it. Grow a pair or gtfo.
As long as we're referencing what ohter members of Trump's family have to say about him...Wonder if ol' Uncle Don will sue for defamation?

Guess who the Mighty Cougars open with in football this year, Lefty!
I saw that and can't believe I haven't been talking ish this whole time. Have no idea if we'll be any good, but I won't be there, so I'm calling good guys over the cougs by 2 in OT.

Oh yeah, go to hell Trumper. And keep Serena's name out of your mouth.
I was simply removing the "code words" that many MAGA fans on here use, every time they talk about, for example...
Kamala Harris
Serena Williams
Stacey Abrams
Karine Jean-Pierre
Britney Griner
many others...

Their harshest criticism seems to focus specifically on successful black women. I wonder why?
I have been calling Biden a corrupt, brain addled, turnip for about 4 years now...probably longer if I went back and looked at last primary season. I don't think I have ever commented on Serena or Griner.

I think the issue here, Mr. Former Republican, is that you have those thoughts in your head and you think that is what typical GOP people think because that is how you thought. And now that you have had your epiphany (namely that the parties are switching a bit and the unwashed blue collar heathens you don't want to be associated with are starting to vote red) you must go over the top in parroting the things that a good Democrat should say. So here we are.

Harris isn't an "n-word" and she isn't a "bitch". She is a woman who has been promoted past her abilities. She is vapid. She goes off on word salad tangents to try and sound like a female Obama. She is none of that. She may be smart in some things, but her public persona is that of a moron. And so, just like I called out white boy Joe Biden for being an intellectual light weight, I will continue to call her out for same.
I saw that and can't believe I haven't been talking ish this whole time. Have no idea if we'll be any good, but I won't be there, so I'm calling good guys over the cougs by 2 in OT.

Oh yeah, go to hell Trumper. And keep Serena's name out of your mouth.
Cougars are coming off a 3 year run of 30=7 or something like that. Helluva run. The averaged 5 point alllowed on Defense last year.

They lost a bunch of guys from last year, so I think they're an unknown.

Cougars 49 Comets 8 (I'm giving them a safety).

Winner buys at the Thai place.
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Cougars are coming off a 3 year run of 30=7 or something like that. Helluva run. The averaged 5 point alllowed on Defense last year.

They lost a bunch of guys from last year, so I think they're an unknown.

Cougars 49 Comets 8 (I'm giving them a safety).

Winner buys at the Thai place.
I'll start saving spare change to cover the lunch bill.

50+ years of history tells me you're probably right. Hopefully we have enough upperclassmen on the team that we don't have 10 guys playing both ways, 2 of whom are freshmen.
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Have you noticed how Trump, even after being corrected, always intentionally mispronounces the name of his presumptive opponent? Apparently, to show disrespect. Fox News regularly does the same thing.

People have explained this to him and others. It's pronounced "COM-a-la". It begins sounding like the punctuation mark, a comma. It’s not ka-MAH-la, or CAM-uh-la, or any other variation.

Just a pet peeve. It’s not hard to pronounce people’s names correctly, but it’s easy to intentionally get it wrong for some sort of power trip. His opponent should start calling Trump DOUGH-nuld, instead of DON-uld.

But, as they say, “they go low, we go high”.
If you have a problem with Outdide Shitter just say so. ;)
I have been calling Biden a corrupt, brain addled, turnip for about 4 years now...probably longer if I went back and looked at last primary season. I don't think I have ever commented on Serena or Griner.

I think the issue here, Mr. Former Republican, is that you have those thoughts in your head and you think that is what typical GOP people think because that is how you thought. And now that you have had your epiphany (namely that the parties are switching a bit and the unwashed blue collar heathens you don't want to be associated with are starting to vote red) you must go over the top in parroting the things that a good Democrat should say. So here we are.

Harris isn't an "n-word" and she isn't a "bitch". She is a woman who has been promoted past her abilities. She is vapid. She goes off on word salad tangents to try and sound like a female Obama. She is none of that. She may be smart in some things, but her public persona is that of a moron. And so, just like I called out white boy Joe Biden for being an intellectual light weight, I will continue to call her out for same.
Spot On ;)
I think the issue here, Mr. Former Republican, is that you have those thoughts in your head and you think that is what typical GOP people think because that is how you thought.
Not at all. My remark wasn't directed at "typical GOP people" or all GOP people, it was directed at / replying to one particular poster going on and on about a certain black woman, with remarks that indicate disgust that is at least partly driven by melanin level.

Lots of people on media outlets are discussing the racist tinge of the "DEI hire" allegations by GOP politicians and how is is a code word for more derogatory terms that they cannot say. Also, Kamala Harris was in elected office well before DEI was even a thing.
I guess this must be an ultra triggered far left thing. Nobody else cares, I assure you.
It's been covered in dozens of media outlets, left, center, and likely even right. It's part of the overall campaign to demean her. The House speaker has already asked his people to tone down the "DEI hire" talk since he also thinks it's at least in part a racist dog whistle that isn't "playing well" for them among voters.
Not at all. My remark wasn't directed at "typical GOP people" or all GOP people, it was directed at / replying to one particular poster going on and on about a certain black woman, with remarks that indicate disgust that is at least partly driven by melanin level.

Lots of people on media outlets are discussing the racist tinge of the "DEI hire" allegations by GOP politicians and how is is a code word for more derogatory terms that they cannot say. Also, Kamala Harris was in elected office well before DEI was even a thing.
But she is a DEI hire. Biden quite clearly said he was limiting his pool of potential hires to Black women. That is DEI, definitionally. It is also racism, definitionally.

Do you dispute that?
. It is also racism, definitionally.

Do you dispute that?
It's definitely not racism, by the dictionary definition, which we have discussed ad nauseum.

Racism involves systematic disparagement of an entire race that on the whole has an underprivileged or disadvantaged status. You can say it's racial bias if you want. But favoring blacks over whites is not racism, since the white race does not have underprivileged or disadvantaged status.
Biden quite clearly said he was limiting his pool of potential hires to Black women.
You can split the pool 100 different ways and still have better VP choices to pick from than JD Vance. Have you seen the gaffes and awkward remarks from his appearances in the last few days? There's widespread gossip from inside the Trump camp that they have serious buyer's remorse over their VP pick. Dude's not CLOSE to being ready for the big stage.
It's definitely not racism, by the dictionary definition, which we have discussed ad nauseum.

Racism involves systematic disparagement of an entire race that on the whole has an underprivileged or disadvantaged status. You can say it's racial bias if you want. But favoring blacks over whites is not racism, since the white race does not have underprivileged or disadvantaged status.
Precisely. Unfortunately
It's definitely not racism, by the dictionary definition, which we have discussed ad nauseum.

Racism involves systematic disparagement of an entire race that on the whole has an underprivileged or disadvantaged status. You can say it's racial bias if you want. But favoring blacks over whites is not racism, since the white race does not have underprivileged or disadvantaged status.
bullshit. Racism does not have to be systemic. There are individual cases of racism. Which the selection of Harris was. Besides there is a stronger argument to be made that in 2024 America that the White race, especially White males does suffer an underprivileged or disadvantaged status. Asians as well.
You can split the pool 100 different ways and still have better VP choices to pick from than JD Vance. Have you seen the gaffes and awkward remarks from his appearances in the last few days? There's widespread gossip from inside the Trump camp that they have serious buyer's remorse over their VP pick. Dude's not CLOSE to being ready for the big stage.
Don’t change the subject race essentialist.
bullshit. Racism does not have to be systemic. There are individual cases of racism.
granted, my mistake, it doesn't have to be systemic
... the White race, especially White males does suffer an underprivileged or disadvantaged status.

Us poor white males. Disparaged unfairly at every turn! People sometimes even notice that the school shooters always look like us!
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It's been covered in dozens of media outlets, left, center, and likely even right. It's part of the overall campaign to demean her. The House speaker has already asked his people to tone down the "DEI hire" talk since he also thinks it's at least in part a racist dog whistle that isn't "playing well" for them among voters.
The media wants people to care. Not many people do. The ultra far left, triggered over everything, gang surely cares though.
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Not at all. My remark wasn't directed at "typical GOP people" or all GOP people, it was directed at / replying to one particular poster going on and on about a certain black woman, with remarks that indicate disgust that is at least partly driven by melanin level.

Lots of people on media outlets are discussing the racist tinge of the "DEI hire" allegations by GOP politicians and how is is a code word for more derogatory terms that they cannot say. Also, Kamala Harris was in elected office well before DEI was even a thing.
Yeah, you responded to me. I was the particular poster. I don't have any issue with Kamala's race or gender. I have an issue with her politics and my (supportable) belief that she is a moron. You took issue with me pointing out the FACT that she was sleeping with a married man who admits he placed her in government linked jobs because she was his girlfriend. He set her up for her first office and as a Democrat, she was basically a shoe in. Not because of her race, because she has a (D) after her name on the ballot.

You conflated that to anti-woman. That isn't anti-woman, my very much a woman wife wouldn't be fond of me taking a mistress either and tends to look unfavorable upon both men and women who step out on their marriage (which would include Trump's equally bad behavior.) What I won't stand by like a shrinking violet for is folks like you white knighting for a woman who behaved badly because you believe a valid criticism of an individual is somehow akin to attacking all women. I wasn't attacking women. I wasn't attacking blacks. I wasn't attacking black women. I was attacking Harris's morals and fitness for office in much the same way you (and others) have been questioning Trump's fitness for the past 8 years based on quite a bit of the same criteria.

I also did not call her a DEI hire. I said that her skin color and her gender were absolutely a factor in her being picked. Where would I get an idea like that? From racist right wing types? Nah:

So I said that she was on the list because the party she belongs to feels that her skin color and her gender were viewed as qualifications. You all (specifically you but also "Democrats" in general) can't play these stupid games and then get bent out of shape when we notice. You are mad that race and gender were a factor in her selection, be mad at the people who were pushing the narrative in the stories I linked (a sampling, there are more stories like that). People that would include the President himself. Be mad at him.
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It's definitely not racism, by the dictionary definition, which we have discussed ad nauseum.

Racism involves systematic disparagement of an entire race that on the whole has an underprivileged or disadvantaged status. You can say it's racial bias if you want. But favoring blacks over whites is not racism, since the white race does not have underprivileged or disadvantaged status.
What complete and utter bullshit.
But she is a DEI hire. Biden quite clearly said he was limiting his pool of potential hires to Black women. That is DEI, definitionally. It is also racism, definitionally.

Do you dispute that?
I dispute it.
But not for the reason you think.
I'm pretty sure you are confusing nominating Harris as VP with nominating Brown Jackson for the Supreme Court. That's the case where Biden announced he was limiting his pool to a black woman.

Carry on.
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I dispute it.
But not for the reason you think.
I'm pretty sure you are confusing nominating Harris as VP with nominating Brown Jackson for the Supreme Court. That's the case where Biden announced he was limiting his pool to a black woman.

Carry on.
I suppose if you want to pick nits that's true, but he did make it clear that it would be a woman and went on to name only black women as potential candidates. Sooo..... You're right if you want to suspend disbelief, I'm correct if you want to use logic.

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What complete and utter bullshit.
It's completely accurate, though.
1. a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

2. the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another

distilled version: racism is directed toward a group that you feel is inherently inferior to your own, a group that suffers from oppression and social, economic, and political disadvantages

Disliking a privileged group based on skin tone is NOT racism, but it can be racial bias.
It's completely accurate, though.

1. a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

2. the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another

distilled version: racism is directed toward a group that you feel is inherently inferior to your own, a group that suffers from oppression and social, economic, and political disadvantages
No, the definition has been changed over time because the people that think like you added on the "it has to be systemic" crap for political reasons. I guarantee if you go and pull a dictionary from 1992, that isn't the definition. Which is why this is at the bottom of the page you linked:

"These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'racism.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples."

The people currently using that definition are leftists and the sites that Webster is likely pulling from also lean that direction. The populace as a whole isn't in lockstep with academia on this.
Silly. When discussing what a word means RIGHT NOW, do we consider what the word means RIGHT NOW, or focus on some prior date for its meaning then?

100 years ago, "gay" just meant happy. But if you ask me what that word means, I would be silly to ignore the current usage.
Well, before she became a person who's name I would remember, there was only one Kamala I was aware of and that Kamala Harris predated her by about 14 years. He pronounced it ka-MAH-la so I won't be changing how I pronounce it any time soon.


Dude lost both his legs some years before his death.

Totally different name origin. In Indian culture, Kamala is a girls name only.

Kamala is a Sanskrit word meaning lotus. Kamala is used as a feminine given name in Indian culture. The name is predominantly used by Hindu families, as it is one of the names of the goddess Lakshmi, who appears from the centre of a lotus. The masculine counterpart Kamal, is a given name for Indian boys.

female: COM-uh-la
male: ka-MAL
Silly. When discussing what a word means RIGHT NOW, do we consider what the word means RIGHT NOW, or focus on some prior date for its meaning then?

100 years ago, "gay" just meant happy. But if you ask me what that word means, I would be silly to ignore the current usage.
No, we don't agree on what it means right now. There is a difference between meanings naturally changing over time and people like you forcing it on a host of the populace that doesn't agree. I would bet over 50% of the country doesn't agree with that change.
Have you noticed how Trump, even after being corrected, always intentionally mispronounces the name of his presumptive opponent? Apparently, to show disrespect. Fox News regularly does the same thing.

People have explained this to him and others. It's pronounced "COM-a-la". It begins sounding like the punctuation mark, a comma. It’s not ka-MAH-la, or CAM-uh-la, or any other variation.

Just a pet peeve. It’s not hard to pronounce people’s names correctly, but it’s easy to intentionally get it wrong for some sort of power trip. His opponent should start calling Trump DOUGH-nuld, instead of DON-uld.

But, as they say, “they go low, we go high”.
You sure it’s intentional? I always assumed it was because he’s a complete moron. Leader of the party that celebrates ignorance. It’s their highest virtue. And to his idiot voters, stuff like that is cool/funny.