Intentionally mispronouncing names of political opponents

Not at all. My remark wasn't directed at "typical GOP people" or all GOP people, it was directed at / replying to one particular poster going on and on about a certain black woman, with remarks that indicate disgust that is at least partly driven by melanin level.

Lots of people on media outlets are discussing the racist tinge of the "DEI hire" allegations by GOP politicians and how is is a code word for more derogatory terms that they cannot say. Also, Kamala Harris was in elected office well before DEI was even a thing.
You were totally out of line. Stop digging. Take the loss and do better. I won't clean up after you again.
You were totally out of line. Stop digging. Take the loss and do better. I won't clean up after you again.
Is the Washington Post "far left"? How about USA Today?

Google finds many other articles on the topic
A theme at the Republican convention: Mispronouncing Vice President Kamala (Comma-la) Harris’s name.

Mispronouncing ‘Kamala’: Accident or message?

I have heard it compared to a slave owner demanding to give his slave a new name as a sign of empowerment. I'm not sure I would go that far, but it certainly has a racist tinge to it in some cases.
Everything is racist.....

My goodness.
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I was simply removing the "code words" that many MAGA fans on here use, every time they talk about, for example...
Kamala Harris
Serena Williams
Stacey Abrams
Karine Jean-Pierre
Britney Griner
many others...

Their harshest criticism seems to focus specifically on successful black women. I wonder why?
Yo Mr. ObsessedWithMAGA, that stuff is only happening inside your head.

Your assertions of racism and misogyny are just political propaganda you mindlessly swallowed and mindlessly repeat.


A white guy and a black guy go fishing together. They are out on the lake in their boat when it starts to rain. Do you know why the black guy got wet?

According to the Democrat propagandists, because he was black.

And you fell for it.
Have you noticed how Trump, even after being corrected, always intentionally mispronounces the name of his presumptive opponent? Apparently, to show disrespect. Fox News regularly does the same thing.

People have explained this to him and others. It's pronounced "COM-a-la". It begins sounding like the punctuation mark, a comma. It’s not ka-MAH-la, or CAM-uh-la, or any other variation.

Just a pet peeve. It’s not hard to pronounce people’s names correctly, but it’s easy to intentionally get it wrong for some sort of power trip. His opponent should start calling Trump DOUGH-nuld, instead of DON-uld.

But, as they say, “they go low, we go high”.
So is “Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs” bad? Is that wrong? Because if anyone had told me that it was frowned upon………
Trump was asked yesterday about why he consistently pronounces Kamala Harris's name incorrectly. He replied that he doesn't care how her name is pronounced.
Yo Mr. ObsessedWithMAGA, that stuff is only happening inside your head.

Your assertions of racism and misogyny are just political propaganda you mindlessly swallowed and mindlessly repeat.


A white guy and a black guy go fishing together. They are out on the lake in their boat when it starts to rain. Do you know why the black guy got wet?

According to the Democrat propagandists, because he was black.

And you fell for it.
Okay, Mr. Smartypants, why DID he get wet?
  • Haha
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It's completely accurate, though.
1. a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

2. the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another

distilled version: racism is directed toward a group that you feel is inherently inferior to your own, a group that suffers from oppression and social, economic, and political disadvantages

Disliking a privileged group based on skin tone is NOT racism, but it can be racial bias.
Wow. You're not very good at understanding pretty simple definitions.
Trump is a 7 year old child. I am surprised he doesn't start each rally with "Hi, I'm Donald. Pull my finger".

It is has been said a newspaper should written as if the reader was in the fourth grade.

Why wouldn't the same hold true for pols when speaking to ordinary citizens?

Give Trump credit for seemingly understanding this.
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It is has been said a newspaper should written as if the reader was in the fourth grade.

Why wouldn't the same hold true for pols when speaking to ordinary citizens?

Give Trump credit for seemingly understanding this.
A LOT of truth to this.
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Yeah I sort of remember a derogatory mixed singles comment about Serena and a blonde girl at the US Open too
I'm going to link this again, because I had to check it to see if you were making it up. You were not:

But some of the other comments in that thread are shameful.
I'm going to link this again, because I had to check it to see if you were making it up. You were not:

But some of the other comments in that thread are shameful.
All the stuff I link to from him are his actual comments. I've never made anything up and attributed it to him. There's no need to. Lots of ugly comments in that thread and I believe every one of them has stopped posting with the exception of shooter. That mixed singles comment is more proof that he's a hypocrite and a bigot. He actually used his own comment as a reason he included Serena in his rant, but tried to pawn it off as if it was someone else who said it.
All the stuff I link to from him are his actual comments. I've never made anything up and attributed it to him. There's no need to. Lots of ugly comments in that thread and I believe every one of them has stopped posting with the exception of shooter. That mixed singles comment is more proof that he's a hypocrite and a bigot. He actually used his own comment as a reason he included Serena in his rant, but tried to pawn it off as if it was someone else who said it.
You gotta respect his hustle. He's been shown the receipts 3 different times in this thread alone of his hypocrisy and lies and just keeps on truckin.
You gotta respect his hustle. He's been shown the receipts 3 different times in this thread alone of his hypocrisy and lies and just keeps on truckin.
In his case, he just keeps on biking. He can't do trucks for psychological reasons. They're his nemesis.
the simple definition...
The first definition also requires racial prejudice COMBINED WITH a conviction of inherent superiority of your race. Among blacks who dislike all whites, it seldom seems to arise our of a sense of inherent superiority of blacks. It is rather born of animosity for a history of mistreatment of (ideally) an EQUAL.
The first definition also requires racial prejudice COMBINED WITH a conviction of inherent superiority of your race. Among blacks who dislike all whites, it seldom seems to arise our of a sense of inherent superiority of blacks. It is rather born of animosity for a history of mistreatment of (ideally) an EQUAL.
You make dumb blanket statements about whole groups of people. Its the kind of stupid that keeps hate alive.

How about stopping your unknowing assistance to racism?

Asking for a whole nation of friends.
I cannot stomach Trump but that is proof of nothing.
It's proof that he lied when he said he knew nothing about the plan, or who was behind it, when he himself called the mandate for leadership "a detailed plan for our movement "
Adoring someone who cheated on 3 out of 3 spouses, at least one of them while she was pregnant, and thinking of him as being God's gift to our country is indeed EXTREMELY insane.

I’m not sure how you college people greet one another, but I can only imagine it’s like two dogs. Must sniff each others buttholes.
Why do you all do that? Is the gratification assumed by the sniffer, or the sniffed? Who’s in the dominate role? Or is there a dominate role at all and both parties are just submissive to college professor rule. “1.1, if you get a nose in your butt hole, just lay there”.
I’m curious . Do y’all have wives just to fill a professor prerequisite ? Does the wife smack you on the nose when you stick it in another professors butthole?
What is it lacking? Looked pretty damning to me. Does he actually have to utter the words "Project 2025"?
It wouldn't prove anything in a court of law. I listened to it and it was never clear exactly what he was talking about. Of course, that's Trump's normal style of speaking.
It wouldn't prove anything in a court of law. I listened to it and it was never clear exactly what he was talking about. Of course, that's Trump's normal style of speaking.
So that's the standard when calling bullshit on Trump's claims? C'mon, man.
What is it lacking? Looked pretty damning to me. Does he actually have to utter the words "Project 2025"?
That clip is from April 2022. I think Project 2025 wasn't even mentioned until a year later?

So, no, that clip doesn't tie him to the end product.

There is no doubt some overlap between what the Heritage Foundation is recommending he do and what Trump probably wants to do. For example, it doesn't surprise me that if Trump wins again; he wants to clear out the bureaucrats who block his policies from being implemented. To say Trump will follow Project 2025 to a tee, and abdicate his own opinions to some think tank, though, is to evince ignorance of who DJT is.

Rather than fight over what Trump said at Heritage to butter them up, why not debate the actual policies that you have a problem with? The ones that will "end America" as that YouTube propagandist states at the end of that clip?

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