Intentionally mispronouncing names of political opponents

No, we don't agree on what it means right now. There is a difference between meanings naturally changing over time and people like you forcing it on a host of the populace that doesn't agree. I would bet over 50% of the country doesn't agree with that change.
I have a hardcopy Webster's Collegiate dictionary from 1986 here in front of me and the first definition is as follows:

racism, 1986:
1. a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

vs. 2024:

1. a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

The change is the word "primary" in 1986 to "fundamental" in 2024.

No second definition is provided in my 1986 dictionary. Kind of a thinner version, but maybe that is evidence of word evolution or a need to add some nuance for clarity.

My 1986 dictionary traces the word origin to 1936
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You sure it’s intentional? I always assumed it was because he’s a complete moron. Leader of the party that celebrates ignorance. It’s their highest virtue. And to his idiot voters, stuff like that is cool/funny.
I recall Trump doing an interview in the 2020 campaign and mispronouncing her name. The interviewer corrected him. On CNN, I think. His response was basically "whatever". Maybe indeed it didn't sink in. But I'm sure his staff have reviewed the many media reports about it that have been coming out over 4 years

I think he should be called DOUGH-nuld until he bothers to correct himself.
Kate Mckinnon Hello GIF by Saturday Night Live

Live look at Shooter entering a thread.
Have you noticed how Trump, even after being corrected, always intentionally mispronounces the name of his presumptive opponent? Apparently, to show disrespect. Fox News regularly does the same thing.

People have explained this to him and others. It's pronounced "COM-a-la". It begins sounding like the punctuation mark, a comma. It’s not ka-MAH-la, or CAM-uh-la, or any other variation.

Just a pet peeve. It’s not hard to pronounce people’s names correctly, but it’s easy to intentionally get it wrong for some sort of power trip. His opponent should start calling Trump DOUGH-nuld, instead of DON-uld.

But, as they say, “they go low, we go high”.
Are you kidding? Really?

I’ve seen multiple sources from major media to vloggers to talk shows all pronounce her name differently. I’ve seen it pronounced all three ways. It’s not a typical name. When a name is unusual (not seen often) people are going to struggle with it.
It’s not a typical name. When a name is unusual (not seen often) people are going to struggle with it.
It's been 8 years since she entered the spotlight as a senator and explained to everyone, on the air, how to pronounce her name. Which is a super-common name in India and always pronounced the same way. I bet there are more Kamalas on Earth than there are Susans.

the video in this 2020 news segment is from 2016:

She's probably said this dozens of times: "My name is pronounced “comma-la, like the punctuation mark"
I'll start saving spare change to cover the lunch bill.

50+ years of history tells me you're probably right. Hopefully we have enough upperclassmen on the team that we don't have 10 guys playing both ways, 2 of whom are freshmen.
Carroll goes through those spells. They get a good coach, he builds them up, then leaves and they go back to being a doormat.

The coach they've got now is like the son-in-law of the coach who got us a state championship in '95 and runner up in '96. Their philosophies are all about weight training - serious weight training - and a Wing T type offense.

I don't think the coach knows how he'll be this year. He keeps saying they need to uphold the 'tradition', but doesn't really dwell on any aspect of their prospects. So, it might be a good game this year.

I think the game is like Aug. 23. It's too damn hot to play football in August.
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Carroll goes through those spells. They get a good coach, he builds them up, then leaves and they go back to being a doormat.

The coach they've got now is like the son-in-law of the coach who got us a state championship in '95 and runner up in '96. Their philosophies are all about weight training - serious weight training - and a Wing T type offense.

I don't think the coach knows how he'll be this year. He keeps saying they need to uphold the 'tradition', but doesn't really dwell on any aspect of their prospects. So, it might be a good game this year.

I think the game is like Aug. 23. It's too damn hot to play football in August.
My sister in law is a Pioneer grad. They had a good run earlier in 2000s and 2010s but seem to have fallen back to the norm too. We've never had a good run, just the occasional class that is good enough to elevate the program for a year or maybe 2, then it's back to the usual run of below .500. When your average class only has around 30 boys in it, it's tough to field a good football team.
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My sister in law is a Pioneer grad. They had a good run earlier in 2000s and 2010s but seem to have fallen back to the norm too. We've never had a good run, just the occasional class that is good enough to elevate the program for a year or maybe 2, then it's back to the usual run of below .500. When your average class only has around 30 boys in it, it's tough to field a good football team.
Yes, very cyclical. I find the best classes have dads who were pretty good FB players back in the day.

You don't really have a town close by, do you? I mean in the school district.
I have a hardcopy Webster's Collegiate dictionary from 1986 here in front of me and the first definition is as follows:

racism, 1986:
1. a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

vs. 2024:

1. a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

The change is the word "primary" in 1986 to "fundamental" in 2024.

No second definition is provided in my 1986 dictionary. Kind of a thinner version, but maybe that is evidence of word evolution or a need to add some nuance for clarity.

My 1986 dictionary traces the word origin to 1936
Good job. I take issue with nothing in the 1986 definition. I don't even have an issue with changing primary to fundamental. How did you define it though:

Racism involves systematic disparagement of an entire race that on the whole has an underprivileged or disadvantaged status. You can say it's racial bias if you want. But favoring blacks over whites is not racism, since the white race does not have underprivileged or disadvantaged status.

Notice what you added?
Yes, very cyclical. I find the best classes have dads who were pretty good FB players back in the day.

You don't really have a town close by, do you? I mean in the school district.
No. Biggest is a couple hundred population. My bus ride as a kid was an hour. 20 minutes when I got my license. Whole lot of nothing.
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Are you kidding? Really?

I’ve seen multiple sources from major media to vloggers to talk shows all pronounce her name differently. I’ve seen it pronounced all three ways. It’s not a typical name. When a name is unusual (not seen often) people are going to struggle with it.

The major media you are watching are idiots. Everyone knows how to pronounce it by now. Anyone doing it wrong is doing it on purpose, or out of a next level incompetence far beyond what most are capable of.
Woke brain rot
I’m sure if the Dems had a candidate who was as obnoxious as Trump, and Vivek Ramaswamy was the Republican candidate, the right would blow a gasket every time his name was butchered. The right though just nominates pronounceable WASP names.
I’m sure if the Dems had a candidate who was as obnoxious as Trump, and Vivek Ramaswamy was the Republican candidate, the right would blow a gasket every time his name was butchered. The right though just nominates pronounceable WASP names.
The left doesn't do that, though. The left asks "Is it VIV-ek or Viv-EK?" Because the left aren't assholes.
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It's been 8 years since she entered the spotlight as a senator and explained to everyone, on the air, how to pronounce her name. Which is a super-common name in India and always pronounced the same way. I bet there are more Kamalas on Earth than there are Susans.

the video in this 2020 news segment is from 2016:

She's probably said this dozens of times: "My name is pronounced “comma-la, like the punctuation mark"
lol….Kamala does not even make the list of top 100 female names in India. You pulled that from Zeke’s ass.
In the U.S., it’s the #12,720 most popular female name.
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Can you imagine all the crap that Kamala would take if she had 5 children by 3 different husbands, and had cheated on all 3? What an ogre she'd be!
It's been covered in dozens of media outlets, left, center, and likely even right. It's part of the overall campaign to demean her. The House speaker has already asked his people to tone down the "DEI hire" talk since he also thinks it's at least in part a racist dog whistle that isn't "playing well" for them among voters.
Shut up and cheer?
Okay but we’re not really talking about stepping on someone’s putting line at the country club. Just so you know @DANC was a sniper fluent in multiple languages with kills. Ranger has kills. Mas was a sarge. Anyway.

@snarlcakes pull that invite
HEY!!! I’ve killed several young beauty queens life goals… if you only ask them.
I’m like a marriage sniper. Shooting atomic rounds, from 5km within the kill zone.
And I still live….
Being toxic, with Brad Pitt charm is hard to maintain, after awhile!
You guys are always searching for things to be offended by…

Words hurt you,
Clothes hurt you,
Memes hurt you,
Jokes hurt you,
Half the time you probably don’t even know what hurt you,
But you’re super mad, trust we heard you.
Perpetually hurt labias! Bruised meat curtains . Abused Spam sheets.
Democrat leftist, hurt meat sockets.
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Didn’t you say something along the lines of you hesitate to wear a red hat these days because you’re afraid people will think it’s a MAGA hat?
During the summer before the 2020 election I wore a red IU hat to a neighborhood 4th of July cookout. Several guys wore MAGA hats and a few people remarked that from a distance they thought I was wearing a MAGA hat too. So for maybe a few months after I tended to wear my two tone Cream and Crimson IU hat more often than the nearly all red one.

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The world must be an incredibly scary place from the seat of your recumbent bike.

Only a feeble weakling gives a shit what someone thinks about a red hat on their head. Nut up and at least pretend to be a confident man once in a while.
During the summer before the 2020 election I wore a red IU hat to a neighborhood 4th of July cookout. Several guys wore MAGA hats and a few people remarked that from a distance they thought I was wearing a MAGA hat too. So for maybe a few months after I tended to wear my two tone Cream and Crimson IU hat more often than the nearly all red one.

You do realize how insane that sounds right?
You do realize how insane that sounds right?
Adoring someone who cheated on 3 out of 3 spouses, at least one of them while she was pregnant, and thinking of him as being God's gift to our country is indeed EXTREMELY insane.

During the summer before the 2020 election I wore a red IU hat to a neighborhood 4th of July cookout. Several guys wore MAGA hats and a few people remarked that from a distance they thought I was wearing a MAGA hat too. So for maybe a few months after I tended to wear my two tone Cream and Crimson IU hat more often than the nearly all red one.

Sooooo, it is something you said? I'm confused. Lmao.
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He's referencing you being a giant pussy with your IU hats, what does that have to do with Trump?

To shooter (and a few others here) he see's the orange man in his sleep. It permeates his being. It's marked his soul indelibly. He can't even enjoy a glass of orange juice without thinking of the orange man. Hell, he probably looks at your username and can't shake the sneaking suspicion that you are Trump sent here to taunt him
To shooter (and a few others here) he see's the orange man in his sleep. It permeates his being. It's marked his soul indelibly. He can't even enjoy a glass of orange juice without thinking of the orange man. Hell, he probably looks at your username and can't shake the sneaking suspicion that you are Trump sent here to taunt him
Lmao. Haven't thought about my username in a long time. My apologies to all those offended by it...
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