Inflation - 40 Year High

No, but I remember federal buildings being set on fire during the Summer of Love and Trump having to be taken to an underground bunker because of violence in DC.

Funny I haven't heard much about that from the self-righteous.

Anyone involved in those crimes should face charges. This guy did, even though he seemed like a hero in Indy it is good they caught him and sentenced him.

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I agree with most of your takes, but for months now I think you way underplay what almost happened under Trump.

Recessions and tough times come and go. I feel for how many people are struggling at the moment, but we'll get through this. But Trump came so close to doing the unthinkable. He has also created the blueprint for the next person. And finally, he seemingly has 30 percent of the population as well as the majority of his fellow Republicans willing to turn a blind eye to his actions. Do not take our Democracy for granted.
There are a bunch of libs on this board I like and you are one of them. This committee is republicans with a personal vendetta and a group from calif with zero rules to counter their story. Everything that comes out of it should be taken with a grain of salt. Recognizing as much I have no problem investigating anyone culpable. I have no problem charging anyone culpable. I'm all for it. The issue is important. Not primetime important compared to what everyday Americans are facing. That's political
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There are a bunch of libs on this board I like and you are one of them. This committee is republicans with a personal vendetta and a group from calif with zero rules to counter their story. Everything that comes out of it should be taken with a grain of salt. Recognizing as much I have no problem investigating anyone culpable. I have no problem charging anyone culpable. I'm all for it. The issue is important. Not primetime important compared to what everyday Americans are facing. That's political
But it feels like when any of us bring up the very real important issue of Jan 6, you dismiss it as political theater because of the committee. When the committee is the topic, complain about the committee, but when Trump is the topic, don't deflect back to the committee, I guess is what I'm suggesting.
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But it feels like when any of us bring up the very real important issue of Jan 6, you dismiss it as political theater because of the committee. When the committee is the topic, complain about the committee, but when Trump is the topic, don't deflect back to the committee, I guess is what I'm suggesting.
McM is pissed at all the mindshare the committee is getting, which reflects poorly on Trump. He'd much rather everyone be bitching about gasoline prices and inflation and Pete, which reflects poorly on Biden. The thing is, we've shown right here in the Cooler that it's possible to do both. To excess. Constantly and continuously. Until all we do is repeat ourselves and sling insults at each other. God I love this place.
McM is pissed at all the mindshare the committee is getting, which reflects poorly on Trump. He'd much rather everyone be bitching about gasoline prices and inflation and Pete, which reflects poorly on Biden. The thing is, we've shown right here in the Cooler that it's possible to do both. To excess. Constantly and continuously. Until all we do is repeat ourselves and sling insults at each other. God I love this place.
If only we had a real mod to whip us into shape.
McM is pissed at all the mindshare the committee is getting, which reflects poorly on Trump. He'd much rather everyone be bitching about gasoline prices and inflation and Pete, which reflects poorly on Biden. The thing is, we've shown right here in the Cooler that it's possible to do both. To excess. Constantly and continuously. Until all we do is repeat ourselves and sling insults at each other. God I love this place.
So, we don’t need a Mod. You should get that resume to the Vatican. Ignore the requIrement it be in Latin.
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McM is pissed at all the mindshare the committee is getting, which reflects poorly on Trump. He'd much rather everyone be bitching about gasoline prices and inflation and Pete, which reflects poorly on Biden. The thing is, we've shown right here in the Cooler that it's possible to do both. To excess. Constantly and continuously. Until all we do is repeat ourselves and sling insults at each other. God I love this place.
You aren't very bright
But it feels like when any of us bring up the very real important issue of Jan 6, you dismiss it as political theater because of the committee. When the committee is the topic, complain about the committee, but when Trump is the topic, don't deflect back to the committee, I guess is what I'm suggesting.
I don't believe in the committee
I don't put much credence in their procedure. Remember procedure? Procedure is everything. All else is a distant second.
I don't doubt anything Trump is accused of by anyone. I suspect he would do ANYTHING to stay in power.
This is an issue that is far down the list of problems Americans face when they wake up in the morning.
Media and academics love this topic. They aren't in touch with 99.9 percent of America
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McM is pissed at all the mindshare the committee is getting, which reflects poorly on Trump. He'd much rather everyone be bitching about gasoline prices and inflation and Pete, which reflects poorly on Biden. The thing is, we've shown right here in the Cooler that it's possible to do both. To excess. Constantly and continuously. Until all we do is repeat ourselves and sling insults at each other. God I love this place.
I did wince a little when MCM called me a liberal in his response to me. 😁 Especially when I voted Republican so often.

I'm actually laughing at all the guys on this board whining about gas prices. Seems like they need to drive less, get a better paying job, or consider a second job. You know, pull themselves up by their boot straps. I see idiots near me in line at our local FS waiting 15-20 minutes to save 10 cents a gallon. Yet I'll better very few of them clip coupons. Gas prices turn people into whiny little bi!ches.
I don't believe in the committee
I don't put much credence in their procedure. Remember procedure? Procedure is everything. All else is a distant second.
I don't doubt anything Trump is accused of by anyone. I suspect he would do ANYTHING to stay in power.
This is an issue that is far down the list of problems Americans face when they wake up in the morning.
Media and academics love this topic. They aren't in touch with 99.9 percent of America
Yes, you've made it very clear you don't believe in the committee. What I'm saying is, when people are making actual complaints about Trump, don't simply interrupt the discussion with, "But the committee sucks!"
I did wince a little when MCM called me a liberal in his response to me. 😁 Especially when I voted Republican so often.

I'm actually laughing at all the guys on this board whining about gas prices. Seems like they need to drive less, get a better paying job, or consider a second job. You know, pull themselves up by their boot straps. I see idiots near me in line at our local FS waiting 15-20 minutes to save 10 cents a gallon. Yet I'll better very few of them clip coupons. Gas prices turn people into whiny little bi!ches.
Stupid post. Gas prices impact most of the goods and services you pay for as well as the bottom line of many businesses
I'm actually laughing at all the guys on this board whining about gas prices. Seems like they need to drive less, get a better paying job, or consider a second job. You know, pull themselves up by their boot straps. I see idiots near me in line at our local FS waiting 15-20 minutes to save 10 cents a gallon. Yet I'll better very few of them clip coupons. Gas prices turn people into whiny little bi!ches.

And most of them are driving bigass SUVs, F150s, and dually RAM diesels, amirite?
Yes, you've made it very clear you don't believe in the committee. What I'm saying is, when people are making actual complaints about Trump, don't simply interrupt the discussion with, "But the committee sucks!"
The committee are producers making a tv show that they hope will appeal to viewers and influence midterms. Pretty simple.

If Trump gets charged then we'll see what's really up when we have ....procedure....
I did wince a little when MCM called me a liberal in his response to me. 😁 Especially when I voted Republican so often.

I'm actually laughing at all the guys on this board whining about gas prices. Seems like they need to drive less, get a better paying job, or consider a second job. You know, pull themselves up by their boot straps. I see idiots near me in line at our local FS waiting 15-20 minutes to save 10 cents a gallon. Yet I'll better very few of them clip coupons. Gas prices turn people into whiny little bi!ches.
I'm laughing at dumb asses (@UncleMark , correct spelling) like you that voted for a potato with legs that falls of his bicycle.
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I can't even parse how stupid this response is, because it's impossible to figure out what the hell you are trying to say.
That is because you lack Cerebral Cohesion ability. It's obvious that you should (maybe do actually) have whiskers, becuase you can't connect past the end of your nose.
And funny thing is, if a thousand BLM members I know your take would be very different. Along with many others in this board. How you can't see the BLM riots and Jan 6 are both wrong.

The only difference is the flame for the BLM protests and riots were not lit by the President of the United States.
How did he light them? By telling his supporters to go peacefully to the Capitol?

Oh, the horror!
McM is pissed at all the mindshare the committee is getting, which reflects poorly on Trump. He'd much rather everyone be bitching about gasoline prices and inflation and Pete, which reflects poorly on Biden. The thing is, we've shown right here in the Cooler that it's possible to do both. To excess. Constantly and continuously. Until all we do is repeat ourselves and sling insults at each other. God I love this place.
Yes, McM is such a Trump supporter. Even I'm embarrassed by his blind loyalty to him.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Sure, burning DC and threatening the President is not treason at all. Totally different.

Keep supporting that double standard.
How stupid are you, really? I responded to the subject you brought up, and then you changed the subject, and now you're accusing me of a double standard? How does this even scan?
Anyone involved in those crimes should face charges. This guy did, even though he seemed like a hero in Indy it is good they caught him and sentenced him.

Sure, some are facing charges. Are they on the news 24X7? Is Harris charged with encouraging insurrection because she funded a bail program for the rioters?
How stupid are you, really? I responded to the subject you brought up, and then you changed the subject, and now you're accusing me of a double standard? How does this even scan?
I'm changing no subject. Your beef is with the 1/6 riots, which you claim are trying to overthrow the government (guffaw!).

Yet we have rioters in DC who were violent enough for the SS to move Trump to a bunker, and they're just a bunch of crazy kids out for a night on the town.

You're too blind to see it. Or maybe you're too stupid - I've probably been giving you too much credit.
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Negative. What's Pavlovian is the conditioned but trump default. It loses the plot with me. It's lazy. Trump can rot in prison for all I care. And if you don't understand the import of procedure you should sue your law school
"But Trump" is all you're doing, except in your case it's "But the committee."

I understand procedure. But I'm not talking about the committee. I'm talking about what Trump did.
I'm changing no subject. Your beef is with the 1/6 riots, which you claim are trying to overthrow the government (guffaw!).

Yet we have rioters in DC who were violent enough for the SS to move Trump to a bunker, and they're just a bunch of crazy kids out for a night on the town.

You're too blind to see it. Or maybe you're too stupid - I've probably been giving you too much credit.
No, my beef was with Trump trying to undo the results of the election. You equated what he did to what the Democrats did in previous years. I highlighted how they were different. Now you are not only changing the focus, but also misrepresenting what I actually said.

Learn to read, learn to make a coherent argument, learn to...just learn something. Anything.
I did wince a little when MCM called me a liberal in his response to me. 😁 Especially when I voted Republican so often.

I'm actually laughing at all the guys on this board whining about gas prices. Seems like they need to drive less, get a better paying job, or consider a second job. You know, pull themselves up by their boot straps. I see idiots near me in line at our local FS waiting 15-20 minutes to save 10 cents a gallon. Yet I'll better very few of them clip coupons. Gas prices turn people into whiny little bi!ches.
Just because you aren’t smart enough to understand how gas prices affect companies, people, cost of all goods, etc. doesnt make people whiny bitches, just makes you incapable of comprehending.
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