Inflation - 40 Year High

As long we are placing blame on something that has very little to do with Biden, we might as well give him credit for stuff he had little to do with as well.

Thank you Biden for keeping the shelves stocked with items. Something Trump couldn't accomplish
As long we are placing blame on something that has very little to do with Biden, we might as well give him credit for stuff he had little to do with as well.

Thank you Biden for keeping the shelves stocked with items. Something Trump couldn't accomplish
Blinkard. As much as 3 percent on Biden's lap. So he contributed to it AND hasn't done much to resolve it. Apparently his plan is to make it worse with more spending. This is your chance to show you are more than a partisan dolt. Acknowledge he's awful and change is needed
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As long we are placing blame on something that has very little to do with Biden, we might as well give him credit for stuff he had little to do with as well.

Thank you Biden for keeping the shelves stocked with items. Something Trump couldn't accomplish
I thought I saw Joe stocking shelves at my local store, he rides his bike to work and seems to be right in his element with that job.
Oh sorry - I mixed you up with TD.

Yeah, smelter jobs suck. I knew a guy who worked at the GM plant in Illinois that made engines blocks. Touch job and dangerous, too.
Worked in the Chrysler foundry in Indy after my freshman year...they cast engine blocks...night shift...loading coke into the cupolas....
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Lots of guys still here from day 1. One is on year 49. Lots of guys retire after 35 - 40. years. Most that stay have moved to the less intensive areas. Most workers get the mechanical ailments. 62-70 ages. That guy that’s on year 49 is drawing full social security and still works 50-60 hrs a week. 🤣
There was a lady where I worked that had been there 61 years when she retired. What's amazing is that one of the formulas for calculating what she would get at retirement was # years of service times 1.2% so so at 60 years she would have gotten over 70% of her salary to just stay home.
There was a lady where I worked that had been there 61 years when she retired. What's amazing is that one of the formulas for calculating what she would get at retirement was # years of service times 1.2% so so at 60 years she would have gotten over 70% of her salary to just stay home.
I would argue that after 61 years of dutiful service she deserves it.
There was a lady where I worked that had been there 61 years when she retired. What's amazing is that one of the formulas for calculating what she would get at retirement was # years of service times 1.2% so so at 60 years she would have gotten over 70% of her salary to just stay home.
Pensions are a game changer. I’ll make enough off mine to not touch my investments. Plus they are raising the distribution age to 75. My wife is ten years younger so that will get her to the end.
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As long we are placing blame on something that has very little to do with Biden, we might as well give him credit for stuff he had little to do with as well.

Thank you Biden for keeping the shelves stocked with items. Something Trump couldn't accomplish
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Things are getting expensive! I sold $1500 in stock to bankroll Vegas last week. It was Boeing stock so the money was probably safer on the Blackjack table anyway.

Who else is hurting?
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China is gearing up for a fight and we are not ready.

Damn, that is concerning. But I beg to differ that the Navy is not ready. Look at this:

China's ambitions toward Taiwan are a matter that is getting scant attention on this board and nationally with the media, but it has the potential to be disastrous and potentially catastrophic. If China invades and we sail our Navy into the Taiwan straits it's not going to be pretty. Planes and missiles against warships in China's back yard? I don't like those odds. Or do we just let it happen with nothing but sanctions and blustering from the Imbecile in Chief? Either way, when that invasion is commenced (this year?) and concluded we will be in the midst of a 'new world order' our Western Globalists had not anticipated. They always assumed the US & the EU would remain in charge. Unfortunately, we got distracted by pronouns and raised a couple of generations of incels.

Or, if we are routed in the Taiwan Straits, do we run away with our tails between our legs, do we 'escalate to deescalate' by launching a few tactical nukes?

What are the odds that Joe has a plan or, if he does, that he can remember it? Is Kamala ready to step in and wage nuclear war if Joe has the big one and keels over when the first missile is launched?

You know if we have nuclear war, Hickory and Mark will survive. They always do. And as they crawl out of the bunker after five years underground their first words will be "but Trump..."
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Damn, that is concerning. But I beg to differ that the Navy is not ready. Look at this:

China's ambitions toward Taiwan are a matter that is getting scant attention on this board and nationally with the media, but it has the potential to be disastrous and potentially catastrophic. If China invades and we sail our Navy into the Taiwan straits it's not going to be pretty. Planes and missiles against warships in China's back yard? I don't like those odds. Or do we just let it happen with nothing but sanctions and blustering from the Imbecile in Chief? Either way, when that invasion is commenced (this year?) and concluded we will be in the midst of a 'new world order' our Western Globalists had not anticipated. They always assumed the US & the EU would remain in charge. Unfortunately, we got distracted by pronouns and raised a couple of generations of incels.

Or, if we are routed in the Taiwan Straits, do we run away with our tails between our legs, do we 'escalate to deescalate' by launching a few tactical nukes?

What are the odds that Joe has a plan or, if he does, that he can remember it? Is Kamala ready to step in and wage nuclear war if Joe has the big one and keels over when the first missile is launched?

You know if we have nuclear war, Hickory and Mark will survive. They always do. And as they crawl out of the bunker after five years underground their first words will be "but Trump..."
…but trump and the utopia of Scandinavia.
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Damn, that is concerning. But I beg to differ that the Navy is not ready. Look at this:

China's ambitions toward Taiwan are a matter that is getting scant attention on this board and nationally with the media, but it has the potential to be disastrous and potentially catastrophic. If China invades and we sail our Navy into the Taiwan straits it's not going to be pretty. Planes and missiles against warships in China's back yard? I don't like those odds. Or do we just let it happen with nothing but sanctions and blustering from the Imbecile in Chief? Either way, when that invasion is commenced (this year?) and concluded we will be in the midst of a 'new world order' our Western Globalists had not anticipated. They always assumed the US & the EU would remain in charge. Unfortunately, we got distracted by pronouns and raised a couple of generations of incels.

Or, if we are routed in the Taiwan Straits, do we run away with our tails between our legs, do we 'escalate to deescalate' by launching a few tactical nukes?

What are the odds that Joe has a plan or, if he does, that he can remember it? Is Kamala ready to step in and wage nuclear war if Joe has the big one and keels over when the first missile is launched?

You know if we have nuclear war, Hickory and Mark will survive. They always do. And as they crawl out of the bunker after five years underground their first words will be "but Trump..."

For anyone wondering, that video was for real---the first 10 minutes or so of the following video describe how/why that video was made, and also describe what else these maniacs are doing to all branches of the AFs. They have to be stopped and sent to the dust bin of history with all deliberate speed.
As long we are placing blame on something that has very little to do with Biden, we might as well give him credit for stuff he had little to do with as well.

Thank you Biden for keeping the shelves stocked with items. Something Trump couldn't accom


But in Mexico.


Just doing the GOP thing and only carrying about myself. I have no issues with getting anything I need.

I'll do the same as the conservatives that are against govt assistance and govt programs that help those in need. Who cares...I'm good and got mine. So yup, thank you Biden. ;)
Just doing the GOP thing and only carrying about myself. I have no issues with getting anything I need.

I'll do the same as the conservatives that are against govt assistance and govt programs that help those in need. Who cares...I'm good and got mine. So yup, thank you Biden. ;)
It was nice that the picture in the post you responded to was so descriptive of your eventual response.
Just doing the GOP thing and only carrying about myself. I have no issues with getting anything I need.

I'll do the same as the conservatives that are against govt assistance and govt programs that help those in need. Who cares...I'm good and got mine. So yup, thank you Biden. ;)
Biden has made life a lot more expensive for poor people. Nice signature blinkard wink tho
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Just doing the GOP thing and only carrying about myself. I have no issues with getting anything I need.

I'll do the same as the conservatives that are against govt assistance and govt programs that help those in need. Who cares...I'm good and got mine. So yup, thank you Biden. ;)
You seriously comparing those two scenarios? Good grief Hickory. A world/national crisis shouldn’t be politically motivated. I don’t care who is in office. Biden has taken his sweet time addressing it. Just shows government can’t really be counted on. It’s not enough that both isles are standing with clinched fists and folded arms. If you/we thought Trump was scary this administration is a downright horror fest. You can’t be this obtuse. Harris/Biden is just truly awful.
Just doing the GOP thing and only carrying about myself. I have no issues with getting anything I need.

I'll do the same as the conservatives that are against govt assistance and govt programs that help those in need. Who cares...I'm good and got mine. So yup, thank you Biden. ;)
Lol. Do you really believe government assistance programs help those in need? Democrat education and social policies produce millions of people who can’t read well, can’t do simple math, can’t hold a job, are on drugs, live in tents, or nowadays can’t afford to drive to work if they have a job. Democrat answers are more food stamps, more subsidized housing, gas tax holidays, electric cars that run on sunshine, and pronoun .authoritarianism. What a country!
You seriously comparing those two scenarios? Good grief Hickory. A world/national crisis shouldn’t be politically motivated. I don’t care who is in office. Biden has taken his sweet time addressing it. Just shows government can’t really be counted on. It’s not enough that both isles are standing with clinched fists and folded arms. If you/we thought Trump was scary this administration is a downright horror fest. You can’t be this obtuse. Harris/Biden is just truly awful.
It’s one thing to be bad at your job, you’ll just get fired, but Trump was hell bent on destroying the Constitution and tearing this country’s democratic system apart. Biden and Harris will get there’s in 2024 if warranted and four years of bad leadership can be withstood, so don’t be so dramatic.
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It’s one thing to be bad at your job, you’ll just get fired, but Trump was hell bent on destroying the Constitution and tearing this country’s democratic system apart. Biden and Harris will get there’s in 2024 if warranted and four years of bad leadership can be withstood, so don’t be so dramatic.
Yes sir Dad.
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It’s one thing to be bad at your job, you’ll just get fired, but Trump was hell bent on destroying the Constitution and tearing this country’s democratic system apart. Biden and Harris will get there’s in 2024 if warranted and four years of bad leadership can be withstood, so don’t be so dramatic.
Absurd take. Their ineptitude is making Americans suffer daily. An elitist stupid take.
Damn, that is concerning. But I beg to differ that the Navy is not ready. Look at this:

China's ambitions toward Taiwan are a matter that is getting scant attention on this board and nationally with the media, but it has the potential to be disastrous and potentially catastrophic. If China invades and we sail our Navy into the Taiwan straits it's not going to be pretty. Planes and missiles against warships in China's back yard? I don't like those odds. Or do we just let it happen with nothing but sanctions and blustering from the Imbecile in Chief? Either way, when that invasion is commenced (this year?) and concluded we will be in the midst of a 'new world order' our Western Globalists had not anticipated. They always assumed the US & the EU would remain in charge. Unfortunately, we got distracted by pronouns and raised a couple of generations of incels.

Or, if we are routed in the Taiwan Straits, do we run away with our tails between our legs, do we 'escalate to deescalate' by launching a few tactical nukes?

What are the odds that Joe has a plan or, if he does, that he can remember it? Is Kamala ready to step in and wage nuclear war if Joe has the big one and keels over when the first missile is launched?

You know if we have nuclear war, Hickory and Mark will survive. They always do. And as they crawl out of the bunker after five years underground their first words will be "but Trump..."
Don't mention that to Aloha.....
Absurd take. Their ineptitude is making Americans suffer daily. An elitist stupid take.
When people complained about the damage Trump was doing to the country during his term, my answer was always the same: "Then vote for someone else in 2020. America already has a solution for bad presidents: Election Day." If you think Biden is also damaging the country, then I offer the same advice: vote for someone else in 2024.

But the damage Trump tried to do after the election is something else entirely. It's not even comparable to mere ineptitude. There's nothing absurd about recognizing this sad fact.
When people complained about the damage Trump was doing to the country during his term, my answer was always the same: "Then vote for someone else in 2020. America already has a solution for bad presidents: Election Day." If you think Biden is also damaging the country, then I offer the same advice: vote for someone else in 2024.

But the damage Trump tried to do after the election is something else entirely. It's not even comparable to mere ineptitude. There's nothing absurd about recognizing this sad fact.
It's 100 percent absurd comparing politicians being pissed about an election and parents wanting to know how they are going to afford groceries. It's liberal elitist bullshit. An election where the cheater didn't win. Trump isn't in office. Democracy.... It's tone deaf liberal bs. They should air prime time specials on how they are working to prevent people who are suffering in this economy. Local radio stations here are doing gas giveaways. They get it more than DC. DC is lost
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It's 100 percent absurd comparing politicians being pissed about an election and parents wanting to know how they are going to afford groceries. It's liberal elitist bullshit. An election where the cheater didn't win. Trump isn't in office. It's tone deaf liberal bs.
Trump's not in office because the conspirators failed. That doesn't take away from the outrageous danger such a conspiracy presents to our democracy.

What's 100 percent absurd is referring to this conspiracy as "politicians being pissed about an election."
Trump's not in office because the conspirators failed. That doesn't take away from the outrageous danger such a conspiracy presents to our democracy.

What's 100 percent absurd is referring to this conspiracy as "politicians being pissed about an election."
Coulda. Almost. But for. Woulda. Didn't....

Of course that's what it is: politicians who hate trump. Well that and the distraction from the ineptitude of this admin which is why it's a primetime special.

Have your hearing. Make referrals. But devote primetime to what steps are being taken to ameliorate the suffering of every day people. DC is lost
Coulda. Almost. But for. Woulda. Didn't....

Of course that's what it is: politicians who hate trump. Well that and the distraction from the ineptitude of this admin which is why it's a primetime special.

Have your hearing. Make referrals. But devote primetime to what steps are being taken to ameliorate the suffering of every day people. DC is lost
It's like Benghazi!!

Hillary was the defacto next in line. Republicans aren't stupid. So they attacked her.

Trump stepped on his own di*k with the post election nonsense. And sure, he's probably DOA at this point. But guess what, Dems still gotta get elected. And Trump being the leader of the Republican party sure as hell plays right into their hands. No, there's still a lot of this left all the way up to election day.

And the Dems have a moral leg to stand on. Trump, the gift that keeps on giving.
It's like Benghazi!!

Hillary was the defacto next in line. Republicans aren't stupid. So they attacked her.

Trump stepped on his own di*k with the post election nonsense. And sure, he's probably DOA at this point. But guess what, Dems still gotta get elected. And Trump being the leader of the Republican party sure as hell plays right into their hands. No, there's still a lot of this left all the way up to election day.

And the Dems have a moral leg to stand on. Trump, the gift that keeps on giving.
That's exactly right. It's politics. Winning elections. That's it. And honestly I don't see things improving. The repub senators running are horrific. Dr Oz. Greitens. Herschel Walker. Wtf. We are in trouble
Coulda. Almost. But for. Woulda. Didn't....

Of course that's what it is: politicians who hate trump. Well that and the distraction from the ineptitude of this admin which is why it's a primetime special.

Have your hearing. Make referrals. But devote primetime to what steps are being taken to ameliorate the suffering of every day people. DC is lost
Your desire to downplay the political theater is fine. I think it's wrong-minded, but whatever, reasonable people can disagree on the importance of the hearings. But for you to dismiss Harry's recognition of the gravity of Trump's conspiracy as "absurd" is ridiculous.
Your desire to downplay the political theater is fine. I think it's wrong-minded, but whatever, reasonable people can disagree on the importance of the hearings. But for you to dismiss Harry's recognition of the gravity of Trump's conspiracy as "absurd" is ridiculous.
Mischaracterizes my take. What was absurd is comparing Trump's behavior to the suffering that follows four years of bad leadership. In my view that comparison is absurd. One is something bad that could have happened the other is something bad that IS happening day after day and year after year
Your party has been hijacked by complete whack jobs but .. "Biden, AOC, Pelosi" .. right?
The difference has been influence. The MTG's of the world aren't influencing policy. AOC Biden and others are. Their policies and rhetoric have led to more crime and inflation. You are a horrible student as I've taught you this over and over yet it doesn't register. Should I incorporate it into a song?

If senators like walker and others get elected that dynamic may change
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Mischaracterizes my take. What was absurd is comparing Trump's behavior to the suffering that follows four years of bad leadership. In my view that comparison is absurd. One is something bad that could have happened the other is something bad that IS happening day after day and year after year
I think your take maybe misunderstood his take, although I'll let Harry speak to that himself. But I think the important distinction isn't whether or not it actually happened. It's the severity of the consequences that someone is attempting. As Harry put it, if you're bad at your job, you can be fired. Trump got fired. Biden, if he tries to run again, could very well be fired.

But after the 2020 election, Trump tried to undo his firing, and essentially make himself unfireable (sp.?). I agree with you that this can't really be compared to everyday economic suffering of regular Americans, but that's not because it's less important, which is what you continue to seem to be saying (and I apologize if I am indeed mischaracterizing that). It's because they are two entirely different, incomparable things. Apples and oranges. Bad presidents cause harm, and then lose elections for their troubles. Dictators ignore the results of elections. The complaints against Trump's conspiracy and the complaints against Biden's incompetence exist in two entirely different realms of political discussion.