Inflation - 40 Year High

26 years in for me Mark and I feel old as shit!

When people discuss raising the Social Security age, this is something we must consider. Physical workers cannot be expected to continue on until 70. Office workers, sure. The guys lifting a carrying for a living? nope.
I'm sure UPS has a solid pension. But I get your point
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I support this statement.

There is a better way but any solution begins with recognizing this truth.

China is gearing up for a fight and we are not ready.

China is gearing up for a fight and we are not ready.

Given the threat of biological warfare do you think we were prepared for Covid ?

Then there is space warfare which China seems to be taking seriously.

The one which scares me most is cyber warfare.
Per JOC: "27,963 rail containers at the Port of Los Angeles as of Friday, 14,681 of which were long-dwell containers on terminal for nine or more days. That's up from 23,318 rail containers on May 13th, 8,585 of which were long-dwell boxes".

Count the inventory carrying cost
Ports have been an ignored problem for a long time. We haven't modernized and we can't keep port drivers as pay and working conditions suck compared to other jobs.

But we have had a lot of problems with our ports going back. This isn't new to Biden, it goes back through at least Trump and Obama. It just didn't become a problem until we asked ports to run close to 100%

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It's actually free markets at work. Hands off I say!
What, are you a communist now? The government should protect us from the market?

congrats, at least some people get this.

this is what the far right has been working for non stop for forty plus yrs.

this is unregulated free markets at work, as only regulation can ever keep inflation and monopolization down, and keep supply chains open.

corps and Kochs have invested hundreds of billions over decades to get the US to this situation.

to deprive Koch, gas and oil companies, meat packing oligopolists, big pharma/big healthcare/big insurance, big telecom/media, and all the other monopoly/duopoly/oligopoly controlled industries driving inflation, of all the mega profits that runaway inflation brings, would be nothing but pure Communism at work.

curbing runaway non cost based inflation and all the mega profits it brings, which can only be done by regulation, is nothing more than a blatant transfer of wealth from the monopolistic industries, to the consumer.

sick of hearing all the Pubs voters who have voted their whole life for this, and the Pub and Dem politicians who have served their whole careers for this, whine and cry and complain about the current inflation, when it's exactly what they have voted and worked their whole lives for.

nothing but a bunch of dead beat Communists and socialists trying to redistribute wealth away from the wealthy, and turn the US into the USSR and Venezuela.

and for any of the Communist crybabies who don't like $5 gas totally unsupported by oil prices, or oil prices totally unsupported by the cost of production or supply, or the price of meats and other groceries, or the cost of healthcare or cable, none of which are supported or driven by production costs or supply, moreso by monopolized pricing, all products of runaway unregulated free market capitalism at work like a fine tuned watch, just stop the whining and complaining about just what you've advocated and worked for your entire life.

this is what those BOOTSTRAPS are for, idiots.

just pull then up and quit the crying, you lazy Communists who obviously hate free market capitalism.

Power consumption and crop progress.

China's food, water, and energy infrastructure are under incredible simultaneous stress with little relief in sight.
Well that is not good for the orange man bad crowd. Bowlmania your crew better get moving go get him cuffed and thrown in prison for life or 2024 could be a big problem for you. But after you get Trump thrown in prison you would need to find a way to charge and arrest Desantis as well so some rino neocon could run. You guys better get a move on.

FYI Election 2024 Update

-Over 61% of Americans say Biden should *not* run for reelection; 28% want him to run for reelection.

-He can't walk or even stand without toppling over, but "run"? Fuhgeddaboudit! ...I digress.

-If Biden does "run", here are some recent numbers from May that were buried by the MSM:

Trump 50%
Biden 36%

-Per a Heartland/Rasmussen Poll (May 2022). This is pretty consistent with all other polling showing Trump winning the popular vote in a rematch.

-Note: Trump never led in a national vote poll in either 2016 or 2020.

Well that is not good for the orange man bad crowd. Bowlmania your crew better get moving go get him cuffed and thrown in prison for life or 2024 could be a big problem for you. But after you get Trump thrown in prison you would need to find a way to charge and arrest Desantis as well so some rino neocon could run. You guys better get a move on.

FYI Election 2024 Update

-Over 61% of Americans say Biden should *not* run for reelection; 28% want him to run for reelection.

-He can't walk or even stand without toppling over, but "run"? Fuhgeddaboudit! ...I digress.

-If Biden does "run", here are some recent numbers from May that were buried by the MSM:

Trump 50%
Biden 36%

-Per a Heartland/Rasmussen Poll (May 2022). This is pretty consistent with all other polling showing Trump winning the popular vote in a rematch.

-Note: Trump never led in a national vote poll in either 2016 or 2020.

It’s funny how they keep saying what an awful President he was, he’s so unpopular no one likes him, everything is his fault, etc. Yet they’re completely determined to keep him off the ballot in 2024. And they’re so dumb that they can’t see the contradiction.
There’s only one person to blame for the Biden mess! He has caused it all, James Clyburn. What an embarrassment.
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It’s funny how they keep saying what an awful President he was, he’s so unpopular no one likes him, everything is his fault, etc. Yet they’re completely determined to keep him off the ballot in 2024. And they’re so dumb that they can’t see the contradiction.
Nah. Trump's actions were wrong. The GOP should get behind DeSantis and just be done with Trump. As for the Dems their roster is awful. Biden forget it. Harris forget it. Dumb as hell. Warren batty and way too far left. Bernie. Too far left and too old. Stay at home Pete. Lol. Joke. Newsom? Nah Calif in this environ is a nonstarter. They've got nothin. DeSantis would crush all of them. If I was running their show I'd look to the celebrity ranks. As unseemly as it is to me a celeb would likely beat any of the Dems listed. McConaughey or someone like him. Worked with Trump
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They've got nothin. DeSantis would crush all of them. If I was running their show I'd look to the celebrity ranks. As unseemly as it is to me a celeb would likely beat any of the Dems listed. McConaughey or someone like him. Worked with Trump

I've not seen her mentioned, but Whitmer intrigues me.
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I've not seen her mentioned, but Whitmer intrigues me.
Wasn't she a lockdown nut. She had other loony shit to disqualify her with the rest. She'd end up kidnapped before the election.

Need someone to appeal to the masses. You watch. Some celeb will step up. That's my prediction. Or maybe Michelle Obama
Wasn't she a lockdown nut. She had other loony shit to disqualify her with the rest. She'd end up kidnapped before the election.

No, she was sane with her Covid policy. Not much different than DeWine or Holcomb. What impressed me was how she stood her ground against the militia crazies and the nutters in the legislature. More recently, her AG and SecState have fought off the Trumpistas from both outside and inside the state.
Wasn't she a lockdown nut. She had other loony shit to disqualify her with the rest. She'd end up kidnapped before the election.

Need someone to appeal to the masses. You watch. Some celeb will step up. That's my prediction. Or maybe Michelle Obama
She was the nut who locked down the whole state while at the same time her husband had special permission to go fishing all over the state. She was also photograped in bars and restaurants without a mask while requiring everyone else to wear one. I believe she also went on vacation to Florida in direct violation of her own rules.
She was the nut who locked down the whole state while at the same time her husband had special permission to go fishing all over the state. She was also photograped in bars and restaurants without a mask while requiring everyone else to wear one. I believe she also went on vacation to Florida in direct violation of her own rules.
Yeah I remember her as a lockdown nut. The legislature was going to try to limit her authority if I remember correctly. Hard pass
Yeah I remember her as a lockdown nut. The legislature was going to try to limit her authority. Hard pass
Of course right after she saw her dismal poll numbers last fall she basically turned into Desantis on all things Covid.
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No, she was sane with her Covid policy. Not much different than DeWine or Holcomb. What impressed me was how she stood her ground against the militia crazies and the nutters in the legislature. More recently, her AG and SecState have fought off the Trumpistas from both outside and inside the state.
Did it impress you when her husband broke the Covid rules while everyone else had to follow them?