Inflation - 40 Year High

No, my beef was with Trump trying to undo the results of the election. You equated what he did to what the Democrats did in previous years. I highlighted how they were different. Now you are not only changing the focus, but also misrepresenting what I actually said.

Learn to read, learn to make a coherent argument, learn to...just learn something. Anything.
Look who's changing goalposts now!
"But Trump" is all you're doing, except in your case it's "But the committee."

I understand procedure. But I'm not talking about the committee. I'm talking about what Trump did.
It must be Goat's turn in the leftwing barrel tonight.

Ever notice how they rotate the cast of characters?
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I've probably been giving you too much credit.
I think I share this. There is a level of blind stupidity that just can't be forgiven. His level is an existential threat to the country and it made obvious due to his veracity to blame things trying to protect his rights.
"We're gonna spite the noses right off of our faces, honey we are the big door prize".... In spite of ourselves.
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But without procedure we don't know what trump did.

All those who have testified are Republicans, most were Trump supporters, and many were part of his administration. They are all giving firsthand accounts of what they saw, heard, or participated in. What "procedure" would be necessary to find out what Trump did?
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All those who have testified are Republicans, most were Trump supporters, and many were part of his administration. They are all giving firsthand accounts of what they saw, heard, or participated in. What "procedure" would be necessary to find out what Trump did?
Cross for one. Other witnesses. Could all turn out the same in the end. But the composition of this committee coupled with no procedure is what it is: a tv show meant to get viewers
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You. Still.
Goat: The riots aren't the same because they weren't trying to overthrow the government
Me: They were because they threatened the President.
Goat: My point wasn't about the 1/6 rioting, it was about Trump!
Me: Trump was the one being threatened - he was the President.


You're a child.
All those who have testified are Republicans, most were Trump supporters, and many were part of his administration. They are all giving firsthand accounts of what they saw, heard, or participated in. What "procedure" would be necessary to find out what Trump did?
So all Republicans are to be believed as long as they back the narrative - is that what you're saying?

No, none would be lying to save their ass.
Goat: The riots aren't the same because they weren't trying to overthrow the government
Me: They were because they threatened the President.
Goat: My point wasn't about the 1/6 rioting, it was about Trump!
Me: Trump was the one being threatened - he was the President.


You're a child.
What riots? I was responding to you talking about Democrats contesting the election in 2000 and other years. It had nothing to do with riots. You brought up the riots, and then misrepresented what I said, just as you're doing now.

You're a waste of time. We're done.
You earlier were saying all Congressional investigations are just theater because they lack the rules of a court. Nixon never went to court.
If I said all I misspoke. I have no idea of the composition of ALL investigations, nor do I know the political milieu or motivations behind same. In this proceeding they are patent. Issue a referral and a trump prosecution then we'll know "more" of the truth. Until such time there's a credibility issue
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Yes that's all the price of gas bears on. Your car. Not the price of goods and services.... kids summer camps are even raising prices because of buses. Good grief. Stupid.
Pretty much paying what most of the developed world does. They survive and so will we.

Where is the heartburn of all the big funds, investors, and bankers buying up real estate? Poor young families can't even afford a house in many areas. Then these jack wagons turn around and raise rents across the area. Ain't capitalism grand?
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Pretty much paying what most of the developed world does. They survive and so will we.

Where is the heartburn of all the big funds, investors, and bankers buying up real estate? Poor young families can't even afford a house in many areas. Then these jack wagons turn around and raise rents across the area. Ain't capitalism grand?
The rest of the world argument is a cop out. We weren't making that argument 18 months ago. Elect better politicians. Problem solvers not ideologues
Pretty much paying what most of the developed world does. They survive and so will we.

Where is the heartburn of all the big funds, investors, and bankers buying up real estate? Poor young families can't even afford a house in many areas. Then these jack wagons turn around and raise rents across the area. Ain't capitalism grand?
Look! Over there! Whattabout!!!
Maybe we should implement a monarchy too…
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Just because you aren’t smart enough to understand how gas prices affect companies, people, cost of all goods, etc. doesnt make people whiny bitches, just makes you incapable of comprehending.
It isn't all due to gas prices. There are far more issues at play than just gas. And as far as raising interest rates, this will only impact demand for most goods and services. The supply side is much more complex.

The chickens are coming home to roost for decades of mismanagement. Like many of you, my 401k has taken a hit. Crap happens. Keep your head down and keep chugging. This is just a blip. We'd been on a hell of a run. This was bound to happen .
Pretty much paying what most of the developed world does. They survive and so will we.

Where is the heartburn of all the big funds, investors, and bankers buying up real estate? Poor young families can't even afford a house in many areas. Then these jack wagons turn around and raise rents across the area. Ain't capitalism grand?
Actually, we're paying less than most of the developed world.
It isn't all due to gas prices. There are far more issues at play than just gas. And as far as raising interest rates, this will only impact demand for most goods and services. The supply side is much more complex.

The chickens are coming home to roost for decades of mismanagement. Like many of you, my 401k has taken a hit. Crap happens. Keep your head down and keep chugging. This is just a blip. We'd been on a hell of a run. This was bound to happen .
Biden listened to the Squad and stayed every bill imaginable then gave out a ton of free cheese while attacking the oil industry. His actions have consequences
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The rest of the world argument is a cop out. We weren't making that argument 18 months ago. Elect better politicians. Problem solvers not ideologues
Agree with you there. But I won't hold my breath on better politicians. Just remember that unfunded tax cuts (pubs) and run away spending (libs) all contribute the same to our debt.
It must be Goat's turn in the leftwing barrel tonight.

Ever notice how they rotate the cast of characters?
I know, right! I came on to spend my usual 30 min, and this place, somehow, exploded with lunacy today. The first shift must be off taking an ice bath from the beating (self imposed) they've been taking. Now the JV (GOAT) team is flooding the airwaves.
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It isn't all due to gas prices. There are far more issues at play than just gas. And as far as raising interest rates, this will only impact demand for most goods and services. The supply side is much more complex.

The chickens are coming home to roost for decades of mismanagement. Like many of you, my 401k has taken a hit. Crap happens. Keep your head down and keep chugging. This is just a blip. We'd been on a hell of a run. This was bound to happen .
Never said it was all because of gas prices, but it absolutely affects more than filling up my tank at the pump. Keep deflecting…
I know, right! I came on to spend my usual 30 min, and this place, somehow, exploded with lunacy today. The first shift must be off taking an ice bath from the beating (self imposed) they've been taking. Now the JV (GOAT) team is flooding the airwaves.
Go find my post defending Roberts' opinion on religious school funding, and you can go back to fantasizing about me becoming a moderate.
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Biden listen to the Squad and stayed every bill imaginable then gave out a ton of free cheese while attacking the oil industry. His actions have consequences
The oil industry is loving this. Laughing all the way to the bank. How exactly did verbal attacks on the oil industry lead to this? You give way too much blame to one man. I am no Joe fan but I'd say we'd only be marginally better no matter who was in office.

The pandemic created a never before seen phenomenon. It's not like the US is the only county facing challenges. With run away debt resulting from both sides of the aisle and historically low interest rates, we were left with few options.

Wait until all these people start experiencing problems with their high price real estate bought without a home inspection. The pain is just beginning.
The oil industry is loving this. Laughing all the way to the bank. How exactly did verbal attacks on the oil industry lead to this? You give way too much blame to one man. I am no Joe fan but I'd say we'd only be marginally better no matter who was in office.

The pandemic created a never before seen phenomenon. It's not like the US is the only county facing challenges. With run away debt resulting from both sides of the aisle and historically low interest rates, we were left with few options.

Wait until all these people start experiencing problems with their high price real estate bought without a home inspection. The pain is just beginning.

Investments. Have you read the comments from CEOs at Chevron and other companies. Biden cut his nose off to spite his face
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Lazy thinking again. Not cause. A factor.
Not much of one. Like we discussed in the other thread, the current cost of crude accounts for about $3 per gallon of gas, all on its own. There's nothing Biden did to cut crude supplies in the short term, and there's nothing he could do to grow them in the short term, either. Except maybe making nice with OPEC, which he's about to try, or removing Russian sanctions, which I think we both agree isn't on the table at this point.
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Just because you aren’t smart enough to understand how gas prices affect companies, people, cost of all goods, etc. doesnt make people whiny bitches, just makes you incapable of comprehending.
I'm a double major in accounting and finance, a ChFC, and assist people on the side with savings and investing. I do understand all of this and I truly do care for the working man. But so many of you take such a simplistic view to all this inflation. You ignore the various forces at work.

Biden bad. All his fault. It is truly painful to read.
A Pulitzer Prize winning book. Opines as to how and why certain societies thrived or failed. USA is blessed with resources. Comparing us "to the world" is silly
In most cases, that would be true. We are certainly blessed. But the cost of petroleum products isn't one of those cases. Anything based on the price of a global commodity is, indeed, a global problem, and not a national one.
In most cases, that would be true. We are certainly blessed. But the cost of petroleum products isn't one of those cases. Anything based on the price of a global commodity is, indeed, a global problem, and not a national one.
Investments in increasing short term production here were passed on because the future return was uncertain given Biden's rhetoric is my understanding. And again gas is just one cost impacting Americans while congress produces tv shows
Investments in increasing short term production here were passed on because the future return was uncertain given Biden's rhetoric is my understanding. And again gas is just one cost impacting Americans while congress produces tv shows
Our production capacity is, what, 98% of its record level or something? We don't have the capability of producing enough extra to make a dent in crude prices, independent of Biden's rhetoric.

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Russia. These are the only three countries in the world with enough excess capacity to change the price of oil in any meaningful way.
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Investments in increasing short term production here were passed on because the future return was uncertain given Biden's rhetoric is my understanding. And again gas is just one cost impacting Americans while congress produces tv shows
Further, if you want to blame American politicians for our petroleum supply capacity limits, you gotta go back to the politicians who implemented the policies that have an effect right now. Those policies date back years. For example, some of the current refinery shutdowns are retrofits put into motion years ago to meet changing regulations regarding ethanol. Who do we blame for that? Biden hasn't been around long enough to be the cause. Was it Obama? Trump? Congress? Or just faceless EPA bureaucrats? I honestly don't know. But it's just another example of how these things don't change on a dime. The price of oil and petroleum products has a volatility that exists on a scale a magnitude shorter than government energy policy.
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Our production capacity is, what, 98% of its record level or something? We don't have the capability of producing enough extra to make a dent in crude prices, independent of Biden's rhetoric.

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Russia. These are the only three countries in the world with enough excess capacity to change the price of oil in any meaningful way.

It isn't just production that's causing issues. Distribution, refining, etc., all of which you can readily acknowledge have been targets by Democrats seeking to migrate away from fossil fuels.