If only Putin had used the wrong pronouns . . .

CO. Hoosier

Hall of Famer
Aug 29, 2001
maybe the United States wouldn’t look so hapless, helpless and clueless.

Only a few years ago, Trump launched a couple of dozen cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase, with Russians present, because that base had been used to launch a poison gas attack on Syrian civilians. The gas was Russian gas and handled by Russians on Assad’s behalf. Trump reportedly told Putin that worse would happen if he retaliated.

Fast forward to 2021. Biden’s first orders as CIC focused on whiteness and so-called white supremacy, gender correctness, pronouns, less carbon emissions from the military, and looking for and purging the ranks of MAGA supporters. Along the way, Biden only watched from his basement as Putin ramped up for war, he delayed shipping needed weapons to Ukraine so as not to aggravate Putin prior to last summer’s phone call, and he cancelled a long-planned ballistic missile and nuclear readiness test so as not to start WWIII or something. Biden personally stood in the way of Poland’s transfer of jets, while he made a totally unneeded spectacle of that issue.

Biden has let Putin set the agenda. Putin has had his way with Biden the entire time Biden has been in office. Biden’s weakness in Afghanistan coupled with his exceedingly deferential conduct to Putin and Russia in the Iran negotiations, and refusal to confront Putin over Ukraine is causing millions of Ukrainians to suffer with no hope as the President of the United States obsesses over not aggravating the guy who is already bombing hospitals, civilian evacuation routes, and relief convoys.

What to do? First of all Mr. President, STFU! Those jets should be in Ukraine without any public comment. Provide SAM‘s of longer range than stingers. Speak softly and carry a big stick instead of speaking in banal platitudes with no stick.

Pronoun correctness and minimizing carbon emissions from tanks and ships does not prepare our civilian leadership for traditional international thugs.

End of rant.
maybe the United States wouldn’t look so hapless, helpless and clueless.

Only a few years ago, Trump launched a couple of dozen cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase, with Russians present, because that base had been used to launch a poison gas attack on Syrian civilians. The gas was Russian gas and handled by Russians on Assad’s behalf. Trump reportedly told Putin that worse would happen if he retaliated.

Fast forward to 2021. Biden’s first orders as CIC focused on whiteness and so-called white supremacy, gender correctness, pronouns, less carbon emissions from the military, and looking for and purging the ranks of MAGA supporters. Along the way, Biden only watched from his basement as Putin ramped up for war, he delayed shipping needed weapons to Ukraine so as not to aggravate Putin prior to last summer’s phone call, and he cancelled a long-planned ballistic missile and nuclear readiness test so as not to start WWIII or something. Biden personally stood in the way of Poland’s transfer of jets, while he made a totally unneeded spectacle of that issue.

Biden has let Putin set the agenda. Putin has had his way with Biden the entire time Biden has been in office. Biden’s weakness in Afghanistan coupled with his exceedingly deferential conduct to Putin and Russia in the Iran negotiations, and refusal to confront Putin over Ukraine is causing millions of Ukrainians to suffer with no hope as the President of the United States obsesses over not aggravating the guy who is already bombing hospitals, civilian evacuation routes, and relief convoys.

What to do? First of all Mr. President, STFU! Those jets should be in Ukraine without any public comment. Provide SAM‘s of longer range than stingers. Speak softly and carry a big stick instead of speaking in banal platitudes with no stick.

Pronoun correctness and minimizing carbon emissions from tanks and ships does not prepare our civilian leadership for traditional international thugs.

End of rant.
You nailed it. If only Putin had offended one of the over 100 new genders, the dems would have reacted. Putin looks at Biden and his administration and giggles.
maybe the United States wouldn’t look so hapless, helpless and clueless.

Only a few years ago, Trump launched a couple of dozen cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase, with Russians present, because that base had been used to launch a poison gas attack on Syrian civilians. The gas was Russian gas and handled by Russians on Assad’s behalf. Trump reportedly told Putin that worse would happen if he retaliated.

Fast forward to 2021. Biden’s first orders as CIC focused on whiteness and so-called white supremacy, gender correctness, pronouns, less carbon emissions from the military, and looking for and purging the ranks of MAGA supporters. Along the way, Biden only watched from his basement as Putin ramped up for war, he delayed shipping needed weapons to Ukraine so as not to aggravate Putin prior to last summer’s phone call, and he cancelled a long-planned ballistic missile and nuclear readiness test so as not to start WWIII or something. Biden personally stood in the way of Poland’s transfer of jets, while he made a totally unneeded spectacle of that issue.

Biden has let Putin set the agenda. Putin has had his way with Biden the entire time Biden has been in office. Biden’s weakness in Afghanistan coupled with his exceedingly deferential conduct to Putin and Russia in the Iran negotiations, and refusal to confront Putin over Ukraine is causing millions of Ukrainians to suffer with no hope as the President of the United States obsesses over not aggravating the guy who is already bombing hospitals, civilian evacuation routes, and relief convoys.

What to do? First of all Mr. President, STFU! Those jets should be in Ukraine without any public comment. Provide SAM‘s of longer range than stingers. Speak softly and carry a big stick instead of speaking in banal platitudes with no stick.

Pronoun correctness and minimizing carbon emissions from tanks and ships does not prepare our civilian leadership for traditional international thugs.

End of rant.

Everything going on over in Ukraine is Bidens fault.... eye roll.
Paul Ronzheimer an American journalist was killed by Russian forces and yet Biden has said nothing or done nothing. Not even any mean tweets.
The invasion by Russia of Ukraine it was just an act of love per Donald Trump. How can you guys not see through the fact that Trump is Putin's man is just sickening.
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The invasion by Russia of Ukraine it was just an act of love per Donald Trump. How can you guys not see through the fact that Trump is Putin's man is just sickening.
No, Biden is Putins bitch.
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maybe the United States wouldn’t look so hapless, helpless and clueless.

Only a few years ago, Trump launched a couple of dozen cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase, with Russians present, because that base had been used to launch a poison gas attack on Syrian civilians. The gas was Russian gas and handled by Russians on Assad’s behalf. Trump reportedly told Putin that worse would happen if he retaliated.

Fast forward to 2021. Biden’s first orders as CIC focused on whiteness and so-called white supremacy, gender correctness, pronouns, less carbon emissions from the military, and looking for and purging the ranks of MAGA supporters. Along the way, Biden only watched from his basement as Putin ramped up for war, he delayed shipping needed weapons to Ukraine so as not to aggravate Putin prior to last summer’s phone call, and he cancelled a long-planned ballistic missile and nuclear readiness test so as not to start WWIII or something. Biden personally stood in the way of Poland’s transfer of jets, while he made a totally unneeded spectacle of that issue.

Biden has let Putin set the agenda. Putin has had his way with Biden the entire time Biden has been in office. Biden’s weakness in Afghanistan coupled with his exceedingly deferential conduct to Putin and Russia in the Iran negotiations, and refusal to confront Putin over Ukraine is causing millions of Ukrainians to suffer with no hope as the President of the United States obsesses over not aggravating the guy who is already bombing hospitals, civilian evacuation routes, and relief convoys.

What to do? First of all Mr. President, STFU! Those jets should be in Ukraine without any public comment. Provide SAM‘s of longer range than stingers. Speak softly and carry a big stick instead of speaking in banal platitudes with no stick.

Pronoun correctness and minimizing carbon emissions from tanks and ships does not prepare our civilian leadership for traditional international thugs.

End of rant.
Go Earnest Hemingway and volunteer for the Ukraine legion.

We know there are red lights, Ukraine is FAR closer to Moscow than Syria. Actions that worked in Syria are not at all going to have the same result in Ukraine. Russia put nukes in eastern Europe, we did nothing. Russia put nukes in Cuba, we came close to WW3.
Uhhh huh.

Putin is so scared of the big bad Trump.

National security journalist Ed Luce said, “The reason Putin didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was president was because he was getting everything he wanted without firing a shot, or risking [losing] an oligarch. War is the last resort. Trump was a gift to Putin that kept on giving."

Specifically, Trump tried to get Russia back in the G-7, tried to undo all of the sanctions implemented by the Obama Administration for annexing Crimea, had Flynn tell the Russian Ambassador not to react to the sanctions Congress passed for meddling in the 2016 election because he’d get those undone, refused to meet with Zelenskyy at the WH (which was Zelenskyy’s effort to send a message to Putin of “the US and Ukraine are together”). Trump publicly said he believed Putin over his own intelligence community. Trump secretly and abruptly cut off all military aid to Ukraine. Trump tried to claim that the Russians didn’t invade Crimea and seize it. He later said that Crimea was part of Russia anyway because the residents spoke Russian. When he was caught stopping weapons to Ukraine and forced to resume, he placed conditions on it so none of the antitank weapons could be used in the fighting—they had to stay in Western Ukraine. Trump also said that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 Presidential election (it was Ukraine, not Russia you see!). Oh, and after the invasion, Trump praised Putin as a “genius” and said he was a “peace keeper.” Meanwhile, all during the Trump Administration, Putin launched multiple major cyber attacks on Ukraine to shut down their economy or government. He cut off natural gas in 2017. And he’s been fomenting the fighting in the Donbas.

And what exactly did Trump do during these actions by Russia? Trump let Putin do all of it with no penalties.
maybe the United States wouldn’t look so hapless, helpless and clueless.

Only a few years ago, Trump launched a couple of dozen cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase, with Russians present, because that base had been used to launch a poison gas attack on Syrian civilians. The gas was Russian gas and handled by Russians on Assad’s behalf. Trump reportedly told Putin that worse would happen if he retaliated.

Fast forward to 2021. Biden’s first orders as CIC focused on whiteness and so-called white supremacy, gender correctness, pronouns, less carbon emissions from the military, and looking for and purging the ranks of MAGA supporters. Along the way, Biden only watched from his basement as Putin ramped up for war, he delayed shipping needed weapons to Ukraine so as not to aggravate Putin prior to last summer’s phone call, and he cancelled a long-planned ballistic missile and nuclear readiness test so as not to start WWIII or something. Biden personally stood in the way of Poland’s transfer of jets, while he made a totally unneeded spectacle of that issue.

Biden has let Putin set the agenda. Putin has had his way with Biden the entire time Biden has been in office. Biden’s weakness in Afghanistan coupled with his exceedingly deferential conduct to Putin and Russia in the Iran negotiations, and refusal to confront Putin over Ukraine is causing millions of Ukrainians to suffer with no hope as the President of the United States obsesses over not aggravating the guy who is already bombing hospitals, civilian evacuation routes, and relief convoys.

What to do? First of all Mr. President, STFU! Those jets should be in Ukraine without any public comment. Provide SAM‘s of longer range than stingers. Speak softly and carry a big stick instead of speaking in banal platitudes with no stick.

Pronoun correctness and minimizing carbon emissions from tanks and ships does not prepare our civilian leadership for traditional international thugs.

End of rant.
I’m dying to pre-order your Manifesto of American Exceptionalism. I’m especially curious to read about Chapter 1, devoted to Trump.
National security journalist Ed Luce said, “The reason Putin didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was president was because he was getting everything he wanted without firing a shot, or risking [losing] an oligarch. War is the last resort. Trump was a gift to Putin that kept on giving."

Specifically, Trump tried to get Russia back in the G-7, tried to undo all of the sanctions implemented by the Obama Administration for annexing Crimea, had Flynn tell the Russian Ambassador not to react to the sanctions Congress passed for meddling in the 2016 election because he’d get those undone, refused to meet with Zelenskyy at the WH (which was Zelenskyy’s effort to send a message to Putin of “the US and Ukraine are together”). Trump publicly said he believed Putin over his own intelligence community. Trump secretly and abruptly cut off all military aid to Ukraine. Trump tried to claim that the Russians didn’t invade Crimea and seize it. He later said that Crimea was part of Russia anyway because the residents spoke Russian. When he was caught stopping weapons to Ukraine and forced to resume, he placed conditions on it so none of the antitank weapons could be used in the fighting—they had to stay in Western Ukraine. Trump also said that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 Presidential election (it was Ukraine, not Russia you see!). Oh, and after the invasion, Trump praised Putin as a “genius” and said he was a “peace keeper.” Meanwhile, all during the Trump Administration, Putin launched multiple major cyber attacks on Ukraine to shut down their economy or government. He cut off natural gas in 2017. And he’s been fomenting the fighting in the Donbas.

And what exactly did Trump do during these actions by Russia? Trump let Putin do all of it with no penalties.
Trump is not in office! Trump is not in office! Trump is not in office!
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When Trump said what Putin is doing in Ukraine is an act of love he was just to subtle for me. He was using G version of what he meant; whereas, if he put in a more PG form that Putin is doing to Ukraine what daddy did to mommy on Saturday night I would have understood him a lot better. He was just to nuanced for me to understand his true meaning and only those that can parse the difference understood what he was actually saying.
When Trump said what Putin is doing in Ukraine is an act of love he was just to subtle for me. He was using G version of what he meant; whereas, if he put in a more PG form that Putin is doing to Ukraine what daddy did to mommy on Saturday night I would have understood him a lot better. He was just to nuanced for me to understand his true meaning and only those that can parse the difference understood what he was actually saying.

Ukraine has paid a huge price for their NATO aspirations. See the June 2021 NATO Summit Communique and the September 2021 Joint Statement on the US-Ukraine Strategic Partnership. The US and Ukraine wrote a check they could not cash. As a result Ukraine is being cut up, many thousands are dead, the world order is being redefined, and we are at risk of nuclear war.

Biden's asinine bragging and inherent weakness have Fed things up big-time. You are as blind as a bat to all of this. You are a moron.
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National security journalist Ed Luce said, “The reason Putin didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was president was because he was getting everything he wanted without firing a shot, or risking [losing] an oligarch. War is the last resort. Trump was a gift to Putin that kept on giving."

Specifically, Trump tried to get Russia back in the G-7, tried to undo all of the sanctions implemented by the Obama Administration for annexing Crimea, had Flynn tell the Russian Ambassador not to react to the sanctions Congress passed for meddling in the 2016 election because he’d get those undone, refused to meet with Zelenskyy at the WH (which was Zelenskyy’s effort to send a message to Putin of “the US and Ukraine are together”). Trump publicly said he believed Putin over his own intelligence community. Trump secretly and abruptly cut off all military aid to Ukraine. Trump tried to claim that the Russians didn’t invade Crimea and seize it. He later said that Crimea was part of Russia anyway because the residents spoke Russian. When he was caught stopping weapons to Ukraine and forced to resume, he placed conditions on it so none of the antitank weapons could be used in the fighting—they had to stay in Western Ukraine. Trump also said that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 Presidential election (it was Ukraine, not Russia you see!). Oh, and after the invasion, Trump praised Putin as a “genius” and said he was a “peace keeper.” Meanwhile, all during the Trump Administration, Putin launched multiple major cyber attacks on Ukraine to shut down their economy or government. He cut off natural gas in 2017. And he’s been fomenting the fighting in the Donbas.

And what exactly did Trump do during these actions by Russia? Trump let Putin do all of it with no penalties.
Excellent post. I'd add that two of Trump's biggest allies - - Fvcker Carlson and Mike Pompeo - - enabled Putin's invasion and war crimes with their pro-Putin propaganda that was recently featured prominently in Russian state media.
National security journalist Ed Luce said, “The reason Putin didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was president was because he was getting everything he wanted without firing a shot, or risking [losing] an oligarch. War is the last resort. Trump was a gift to Putin that kept on giving."

Specifically, Trump tried to get Russia back in the G-7, tried to undo all of the sanctions implemented by the Obama Administration for annexing Crimea, had Flynn tell the Russian Ambassador not to react to the sanctions Congress passed for meddling in the 2016 election because he’d get those undone, refused to meet with Zelenskyy at the WH (which was Zelenskyy’s effort to send a message to Putin of “the US and Ukraine are together”). Trump publicly said he believed Putin over his own intelligence community. Trump secretly and abruptly cut off all military aid to Ukraine. Trump tried to claim that the Russians didn’t invade Crimea and seize it. He later said that Crimea was part of Russia anyway because the residents spoke Russian. When he was caught stopping weapons to Ukraine and forced to resume, he placed conditions on it so none of the antitank weapons could be used in the fighting—they had to stay in Western Ukraine. Trump also said that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 Presidential election (it was Ukraine, not Russia you see!). Oh, and after the invasion, Trump praised Putin as a “genius” and said he was a “peace keeper.” Meanwhile, all during the Trump Administration, Putin launched multiple major cyber attacks on Ukraine to shut down their economy or government. He cut off natural gas in 2017. And he’s been fomenting the fighting in the Donbas.

And what exactly did Trump do during these actions by Russia? Trump let Putin do all of it with no penalties.
That was a great cut and paste. Wheres the links to back it up?
If Trump were so confident with Putin and everybody else, how come he has absolutely no sense of humor?

Excellent post. I'd add that two of Trump's biggest allies - - Fvcker Carlson and Mike Pompeo - - enabled Putin's invasion and war crimes with their pro-Putin propaganda that was recently featured prominently in Russian state media.
Putin has outlawed pretty much every form of press over there (including social media) but yet prominently features Cuckold Carlson (and Tulsi).

That's interesting isn't it?
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Go Earnest Hemingway and volunteer for the Ukraine legion.

We know there are red lights, Ukraine is FAR closer to Moscow than Syria. Actions that worked in Syria are not at all going to have the same result in Ukraine. Russia put nukes in eastern Europe, we did nothing. Russia put nukes in Cuba, we came close to WW3.
National security journalist Ed Luce said, “The reason Putin didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was president was because he was getting everything he wanted without firing a shot, or risking [losing] an oligarch. War is the last resort. Trump was a gift to Putin that kept on giving."

Specifically, Trump tried to get Russia back in the G-7, tried to undo all of the sanctions implemented by the Obama Administration for annexing Crimea, had Flynn tell the Russian Ambassador not to react to the sanctions Congress passed for meddling in the 2016 election because he’d get those undone, refused to meet with Zelenskyy at the WH (which was Zelenskyy’s effort to send a message to Putin of “the US and Ukraine are together”). Trump publicly said he believed Putin over his own intelligence community. Trump secretly and abruptly cut off all military aid to Ukraine. Trump tried to claim that the Russians didn’t invade Crimea and seize it. He later said that Crimea was part of Russia anyway because the residents spoke Russian. When he was caught stopping weapons to Ukraine and forced to resume, he placed conditions on it so none of the antitank weapons could be used in the fighting—they had to stay in Western Ukraine. Trump also said that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 Presidential election (it was Ukraine, not Russia you see!). Oh, and after the invasion, Trump praised Putin as a “genius” and said he was a “peace keeper.” Meanwhile, all during the Trump Administration, Putin launched multiple major cyber attacks on Ukraine to shut down their economy or government. He cut off natural gas in 2017. And he’s been fomenting the fighting in the Donbas.

And what exactly did Trump do during these actions by Russia? Trump let Putin do all of it with no penalties.
Excellent post. I'd add that two of Trump's biggest allies - - Fvcker Carlson and Mike Pompeo - - enabled Putin's invasion and war crimes with their pro-Putin propaganda that was recently featured prominently in Russian state media.
By trying to get him into G8? Promising him what he most wants?
All we see here are Trump-bashing posts that have been going on for years. Nothing new and all in the nature of confirmation.

Nobody knows what Trump would have done with Putin and Ukraine, because Putin not only didn't invade Ukraine on Trump's watch, he also didn't build up an invasion force along the border or threaten that in Trump's watch. If Putin thought he had Trump in his pocket, you'd think Putin would have taken advantage of Trump. He didn't. Maybe Putin remembered the Trump cruise missiles up his ass in Syria.

Now Biden. During the campaign, Biden told all of us "Putin doesn't want me in the White House!" He bragged that he went "toe to toe" with Putin while he also talked about beating Trump up behind the barn. After the inauguration, Biden announced to the world and to Putin that "America is Back!"

So, what does all this Biden bluster mean? The first thing it meant was that Biden went tits-up in Afghanistan. Putin watched. Putin amassed an invasion force along the Ukrainian border. Biden sat in his basement. Biden then halted arms shipments to Ukraine, albeit temporarily. Putin invaded. Biden then renounced our agreement to defend Ukraine and removed all strategic ambiguity by saying there will never be American troops in Ukraine. Putin bombed civilian targets. Ukraine asked for jets. Biden made a spectacle out of denying jets, that weren't even ours to start with. Biden gratuitously took away all our leverage. Putin now has free reign. Biden keeps his tits-up posture.

Would Trump have behaved similarly? I doubt it.
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Excellent post. I'd add that two of Trump's biggest allies - - Fvcker Carlson and Mike Pompeo - - enabled Putin's invasion and war crimes with their pro-Putin propaganda that was recently featured prominently in Russian state media.
Did you see what security cost to Guard Pompeo?
All we see here are Trump-bashing posts that have been going on for years. Nothing new and all in the nature of confirmation.

Nobody knows what Trump would have done with Putin and Ukraine, because Putin not only didn't invade Ukraine on Trump's watch, he also didn't build up an invasion force along the border or threaten that in Trump's watch. If Putin thought he had Trump in his pocket, you'd think Putin would have taken advantage of Trump. He didn't. Maybe Putin remembered the Trump cruise missiles up his ass in Syria.

Now Biden. During the campaign, Biden told all of us "Putin doesn't want me in the White House!" He bragged that he went "toe to toe" with Putin while he also talked about beating Trump up behind the barn. After the inauguration, Biden announced to the world and to Putin that "America is Back!"

So, what does all this Biden bluster mean? The first thing in meant was that Biden went tits-up in Afghanistan. Putin watched. Putin amassed an invasion force along the Ukrainian border. Biden sat in his basement. Biden then halted arms shipments to Ukraine, albeit temporarily. Putin invaded. Biden then renounced our agreement to defend Ukraine and removed all strategic ambiguity by saying there will never be American troops in Ukraine. Putin bombed civilian targets. Ukraine asked for jets. Biden made a spectacle out of denying jets, that weren't even ours to start with. Biden gratuitously took away all our leverage. Putin now has free reign. Biden keeps his tits-up posture.

Would Trump have behaved similarly? I doubt it.
You're possibly the biggest partisan hack here. It's really tough to take anything you say seriously.
maybe the United States wouldn’t look so hapless, helpless and clueless.

Only a few years ago, Trump launched a couple of dozen cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase, with Russians present, because that base had been used to launch a poison gas attack on Syrian civilians. The gas was Russian gas and handled by Russians on Assad’s behalf. Trump reportedly told Putin that worse would happen if he retaliated.

Fast forward to 2021. Biden’s first orders as CIC focused on whiteness and so-called white supremacy, gender correctness, pronouns, less carbon emissions from the military, and looking for and purging the ranks of MAGA supporters. Along the way, Biden only watched from his basement as Putin ramped up for war, he delayed shipping needed weapons to Ukraine so as not to aggravate Putin prior to last summer’s phone call, and he cancelled a long-planned ballistic missile and nuclear readiness test so as not to start WWIII or something. Biden personally stood in the way of Poland’s transfer of jets, while he made a totally unneeded spectacle of that issue.

Biden has let Putin set the agenda. Putin has had his way with Biden the entire time Biden has been in office. Biden’s weakness in Afghanistan coupled with his exceedingly deferential conduct to Putin and Russia in the Iran negotiations, and refusal to confront Putin over Ukraine is causing millions of Ukrainians to suffer with no hope as the President of the United States obsesses over not aggravating the guy who is already bombing hospitals, civilian evacuation routes, and relief convoys.

What to do? First of all Mr. President, STFU! Those jets should be in Ukraine without any public comment. Provide SAM‘s of longer range than stingers. Speak softly and carry a big stick instead of speaking in banal platitudes with no stick.

Pronoun correctness and minimizing carbon emissions from tanks and ships does not prepare our civilian leadership for traditional international thugs.

End of rant.
'Only a few years ago, Trump launched a couple of dozen cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase, with Russians present, because that base had been used to launch a poison gas attack on Syrian civilians. The gas was Russian gas and handled by Russians on Assad’s behalf. Trump reportedly told Putin that worse would happen if he retaliated', yeah sure he did. Love the embellishments also. You should totally work for right wing propaganda sites. There's a ton of money to be made.

We notified all Russian forces before we did it (and we killed what, 9 civilians including children). Not quite the strong message as you try to paint.

Going after a terrorist dictator like Al-Assad isn't in the same universe as firing a warning shot at Putin.

Add to the fact that Trump, out of nowhere pulled out and backstabbed our Kurdish allies in Syria just a year his authoritarian BFF's exactly what they wanted.

Better luck next time trying to change the narrative to Trump good and strong vs Putin, Biden bad and weak but doesn't hunt.
'Only a few years ago, Trump launched a couple of dozen cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase, with Russians present, because that base had been used to launch a poison gas attack on Syrian civilians. The gas was Russian gas and handled by Russians on Assad’s behalf. Trump reportedly told Putin that worse would happen if he retaliated', yeah sure he did. Love the embellishments also. You should totally work for right wing propaganda sites. There's a ton of money to be made.

We notified all Russian forces before we did it (and we killed what, 9 civilians including children). Not quite the strong message as you try to paint.

Going after a terrorist dictator like Al-Assad isn't in the same universe as firing a warning shot at Putin.

Add to the fact that Trump, out of nowhere pulled out and backstabbed our Kurdish allies in Syria just a year his authoritarian BFF's exactly what they wanted.

Better luck next time trying to change the narrative to Trump good and strong vs Putin, Biden bad and weak but doesn't hunt.
The gas attacks stopped.
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Ukraine has paid a huge price for their NATO aspirations. See the June 2021 NATO Summit Communique and the September 2021 Joint Statement on the US-Ukraine Strategic Partnership. The US and Ukraine wrote a check they could not cash. As a result Ukraine is being cut up, many thousands are dead, the world order is being redefined, and we are at risk of nuclear war.

Biden's asinine bragging and inherent weakness have Fed things up big-time. You are as blind as a bat to all of this. You are a moron.
In other words give Putin what he wants. Eating too many mushrooms again?
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Ukraine has paid a huge price for their NATO aspirations. See the June 2021 NATO Summit Communique and the September 2021 Joint Statement on the US-Ukraine Strategic Partnership. The US and Ukraine wrote a check they could not cash. As a result Ukraine is being cut up, many thousands are dead, the world order is being redefined, and we are at risk of nuclear war.

Biden's asinine bragging and inherent weakness have Fed things up big-time. You are as blind as a bat to all of this. You are a moron.

So Ukraine was suppose to bow down to everything Putin wanted from the start?

Is that honestly what you are implying?
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pathetic. I know I’m not the biggest partisan hack when people like you post about me instead of posting about what I say.
I've posted plenty about what you've said, in several threads. But ultimately it's a waste of time because your hyper-partisanship is what drives your every comment.

Finally, I know I'm spot-on when your "likes" are from Crayfish and Hoopsier, and I'm sure Lucy and indianawtf are just moments away. That's a helluva cheering section.
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I've posted plenty about what you've said, in several threads. But ultimately it's a waste of time because your hyper-partisanship is what drives your every comment.

Finally, I know I'm spot-on when your "likes" are from Crayfish and Hoopsier, and I'm sure Lucy and indianawtf are just moments away. That's a helluva cheering section.
Trump is not in office! Trump is not in office! Trump is not in office!

if you're so annoyed about us pointing our your double standard then stop having a double standard. You guys defended Trump for being Putin's lackey but want to whine about anything you think Biden has done wrong even if it is totally fabricated.

So yes, we have every reason to point out the hypocrisy coming from your side. Maybe you should have the same standards for every President and look past whether or not there is a R or D next to the name.
I've posted plenty about what you've said, in several threads. But ultimately it's a waste of time because your hyper-partisanship is what drives your every comment.

Finally, I know I'm spot-on when your "likes" are from Crayfish and Hoopsier, and I'm sure Lucy and indianawtf are just moments away. That's a helluva cheering section.
Now we are posting about “likes”? I guess you and I have different targets for being “spot on”.

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