I would never vote for Paul or anyone else who thinks he is so perfect, so right and so important that he irritates the crap out of his neighbor over a pile of brush to the point that his neighbor gets pissed and whips his 5'6" little punk arrogant ass. That's not the kind of officeholder the country needs, especially right now,
Think about it -- how many of us personally know of any dispute between neighbors that escalated to the point of an assault by one neighbor against the other? Disputes like that involving a public figure are virtually unheard of. Hard to think Paul did all he could to deescalate the situation, even though his neighbor was in the wrong to resort to violence.
In addition, Paul's insolent treatment of some witnesses at his committee hearings we all saw on TV confirm that he is not really a brilliant leader. It's closer to the truth to say he's just a privileged little rich boy from a wealthy family.