I am glad that I didn’t spend 250K to see the Titanic wreck site

It's sad, but one can't help but "appreciate" the poetic justice. That's hallowed* ground.

*edited for my stupidity.
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It’s the scourge of technology. Incredibly dangerous things become routine before disaster hits.
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but how many of us, if we had 250K just sitting around, wouldn't have taken the opportunity??
I'd rather get into one of these.

Doesn't it seem strange the sub doesn't have some sort of transponder to send pings out? Maybe the depth prevents that from working, but it would seem something would be present to help rescuers find the sub.

Is it too soon to start marketing the idea the sub was grabbed by aliens in a USO (Unidentified Submersible Object)?
Doesn't it seem strange the sub doesn't have some sort of transponder to send pings out? Maybe the depth prevents that from working, but it would seem something would be present to help rescuers find the sub.

Is it too soon to start marketing the idea the sub was grabbed by aliens in a USO (Unidentified Submersible Object)?
The Jesuits strike again.
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Doesn't it seem strange the sub doesn't have some sort of transponder to send pings out? Maybe the depth prevents that from working, but it would seem something would be present to help rescuers find the sub.

Is it too soon to start marketing the idea the sub was grabbed by aliens in a USO (Unidentified Submersible Object)?
Just looked it up, an airplane black box transponder works at an ocean depth of 20,000 feet and the Titanic is at 13,000 feet. Seems the technology does exist.
I so badly want to joke but i'm not sure I could ever fully comprehend the despair and mental anguish the last one to die will go through.
What in incredibly horrible way to go. Hope there's some sort of miracle here in the last few hours. This is one of those things that seems absurd that with today's technology, they couldn't be found and saved in a matter of hours.
Isn't the bigger problem the fact that they have absolutely no way to go down and attempt a rescue?

We have something that has pulled up an F35 from 12,000 feet or so. So in theory we can, but I'm not sure it is possible here, or likely.

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We have something that has pulled up an F35 from 12,000 feet or so. So in theory we can, but I'm not sure it is possible here, or likely.

Sure, but it seems unlikely they could get something on site in time. Thought I heard they had, at most, 4 days of oxygen. Unless the sub miraculously pops to the surface on its own, it does not seem very promising.
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Sure, but it seems unlikely they could get something on site in time. Thought I heard they had, at most, 4 days of oxygen. Unless the sub miraculously pops to the surface on its own, it does not seem very promising.
I agree. The only hope I would see is the proximity to the US Sub base at New London, CT. I would think they may have something that, at least in theory, works. But it really seems highly unlikely. No rescue close to this depth has ever been successful.
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but how many of us, if we had 250K just sitting around, wouldn't have taken the opportunity??
A little part of me wishes that Trump would have taken the opportunity. Just a little part, because any loss of life is tragic, even it it eliminates a dick. If he were on board, there would not have been room for many others, so maybe it would have been a net reduction in lives lost!
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In reading more, I guess the hope is that it is on the water. The craft has a large weight that can be manually dropped if there is a problem and then the craft pops up. But it would have no power and would just go where it goes. So if everything went according to plan, it is bobbing along somewhere.
Isn't the bigger problem the fact that they have absolutely no way to go down and attempt a rescue?
This was my first thought. I was like, if they find them, so what? What are they going to do about it? I saw some articles hinting at the problem by saying that the Coast Guard had two teams working, one on how to find them, and one on how to rescue them. The fact that they even have people working on how to rescue them tells you all you need to know.

If these folks are still alive right now, they are effectively dead already. Must be utter hell for them. Cramped in a pitch black coffin, probably smelling of all the various forms of human waste, trying to feel when the air starts getting thin. If ever there was a time to hand out cyanide pills, it's trips like this.
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This was my first thought. I was like, if they find them, so what? What are they going to do about it? I saw some articles hinting at the problem by saying that the Coast Guard had two teams working, one on how to find them, and one on how to rescue them. The fact that they even have people working on how to rescue them tells you all you need to know.

If these folks are still alive right now, they are effectively dead already. Must be utter hell for them. Cramped in a pitch black coffin, probably smelling of all the various forms of human waste, trying to feel when the air starts getting thin. If ever there was a time to hand out cyanide pills, it's trips like this.

Well, yeah. If they're on the bottom at 13,000 feet, there is no way they can be brought up. There are very few vessels that can get down there, and of those there are zero that are capable of raising them. Those folks are either dead (most likely) or as you say, soon to be dead.

How cold is it at 13,000 feet, anyway.
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This was my first thought. I was like, if they find them, so what? What are they going to do about it? I saw some articles hinting at the problem by saying that the Coast Guard had two teams working, one on how to find them, and one on how to rescue them. The fact that they even have people working on how to rescue them tells you all you need to know.

If these folks are still alive right now, they are effectively dead already. Must be utter hell for them. Cramped in a pitch black coffin, probably smelling of all the various forms of human waste, trying to feel when the air starts getting thin. If ever there was a time to hand out cyanide pills, it's trips like this.

Wild speculation on my part, they had an instantaneous catastrophic event. But maybe that would have made a loud enough sound that would have been picked up.