How much is your free expression worth?

For the recently fired president of Levis, freedom of expression is worth more than one million dollars. She poignantly describes all of what is wrong with our views on free expression. Government, companies, institutions , sports, high tech, education and more are all in lockstep with Levis. No society can ever succeed or survive with suppressed speech and ideas.


Does this story count as "free expression"?

The Golden straitjacket is about economics.

This thread is not about that no matter how much you return to the notion that Levis made an economic decision. Levi’s is in lockstep with a broad swath of institutions who don’t need to worry about sales and the good ol’ bottom line. Sey carefully pointed out that Levi’s departed from its own traditions for the sense of security social conformity brings.

Of course it was an economic decision. How on earth was it not?

I do not ascribe to boycotts, if chicken were edible I would have no problem going to Chick-fil-A. But more and more people are using their dollars to support their politics. We see it all over America today. All over the world, it isn't just an American issue.

She said she was told there was external pressure. Who do you think was applying that pressure, and how. Of course it was economic, that is what corporations respond to.
I do not ascribe to boycotts, if chicken were edible I would have no problem going to Chick-fil-A

If these republican led voter law proposals were just about pictured IDs then yes, you can rhetorically ask why someone is against providing a pictured ID.

But it's not. It's a weak manipulative tactic.
I can honestly say then educate me on it. Because I am not sure what “strings are attached” to it. I live in a state where no proof of ID is required to vote. Not sure what you are referring to that’s being manipulated, but it’s really simple. Pass a bill that says you must be a citizen of this country and have a valid Id to vote. How hard is that?
Of course it was economic, that is what corporations respond to
That’s yesterdays news. Woke capitalism is not about increasing the bottom line, it’s about force feeding a point of view. The list of other states California boycotts is a long one. MLB, the NFL, and some of our largest F 500’s announced or threatened boycotts for similar reasons. Now corporations and institutions are boycotting people. This is all intended to stifle speech and open debate.
We’ve had this discussion. And I’ve done a 180. Chik Fil-A is trash. Good service though.

First it sounds like Marv doesn’t even eat chicken. But how is CFA trash? You can’t benchmark it against St Elmos
First it sounds like Marv doesn’t even eat chicken. But how is CFA trash? You can’t benchmark it against St Elmos
I've had certain gastrointestinal issues that only happen after Chik-Fil-A.....I can go into detail if needed.

Plus, their fries are now, to me, the food equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. But, it's food. Which, like music, is subjective.
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Not really. Usually it's just me saying "why did I get talked into Chik Fil A again".

I have literally now ceased any consumption. My wife and daughter will stop and pick shit up and, at this point, I'm pretty sure they're trolling me.
Drive slowly. Let loose with your GI issue in the car. That should stop all future trolling, and you can say "I told you so".
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I do not disagree, but haven't we long decided corps can fire people for just about any reason?

Going back to the woman that flipped off Trump, she was fired. I don't condone giving the president the bird, but it is clearly protected speech. But her employer also has the right to employ whomever they want. How do those competing rights get settled? I have no problem siding with the living, breathing, human. But that hasn't been generally accepted by conservatives over the years.

The book I read on randomness said corporate executives flat out have fewer rights than other Americans. A corporate officer in a bar fight will get fired, almost no other employee would be fired.

If we want to change at will employment it is fine to me but I suspect that is not going to have much support. But it is probably another area where Europe is more modern than the US.

So you were perfectly ok with what happened with Colin Kaepernick, at least the narrative that the NFL , and specifically the owners, denied CK of the opportunity to continue playing in the NFL, because of his actions and words.
Success matters.

Kaepernick was done as a player.

He knew it.

The NFL GMs knew it.

End of story.
Full circle. The school board recall shows that Levis was on the wrong side of Sey’s issue, assuming Levis intended to support the majority of the public and customers. If its intent was to support the woke message regardless of how widely it’s held, It’s wrong side of the issue is vindicated. I suspect Levis wants to be Woke as it separates itself from us Rubes.
The way you have posted made me wonder since you seem to be arguing that this chick's freedom of speech was violated by it's 'now woke' company.

Which means all you have are feelings and you're simply trying to alarm your fellow conservatives as an example of the evil cancel culture (which again, has existed since the beginning of time).
The entire point is that a highly accomplished and effective woman, instrumental in the growth and profitability of a Corp with global reach, was forced out of that organization by wokemunism.

She checked every box!
1. Woman
2. Mother of 2
3. Divorced
4. Remarried
5. Inter-racial marriage (2 mixed kids)
6. Social Activist

None of that really matters to wokemunists.

ANY sign of independence or critical thought brings instant retribution.

Stay between the lines.

The lines are your friend.

Your only friend.
For the recently fired president of Levis, freedom of expression is worth more than one million dollars. She poignantly describes all of what is wrong with our views on free expression. Government, companies, institutions , sports, high tech, education and more are all in lockstep with Levis. No society can ever succeed or survive with suppressed speech and ideas.


Many Liberal (classical) essayists have moved their content into the Substack platform. Glenn Greenwald was censored and forced out at The Intercept, which he co-founded, and can be found on Substack.
I believe Taibbi has content there.
I've had certain gastrointestinal issues that only happen after Chik-Fil-A.....I can go into detail if needed.

Plus, their fries are now, to me, the food equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. But, it's food. Which, like music, is subjective.

Agree on the fries being weak, but let's not pretend CFA is Taco Bell.
I just looked them up. They come from Sears. Seem pretty legit.
If you never wore the Toughskins with the reinforced knees as a kid, we can't be friends anymore.

Here is a current review of the modern ones:

7 visitors found this helpful

Not as good as the old Tough Skin Jeans

These are not like the original Tough Skin jeans. Those jeans had knee patches on the inside of the jeans and were a lot thicker material. These jeans are thinner too
searscom Sat, Jan 16, 2021 via bv
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If you never wore the Toughskins with the reinforced knees as a kid, we can't be friends anymore.

Here is a current review of the modern ones:

7 visitors found this helpful

Not as good as the old Tough Skin Jeans

These are not like the original Tough Skin jeans. Those jeans had knee patches on the inside of the jeans and were a lot thicker material. These jeans are thinner too
searscom Sat, Jan 16, 2021 via bv
All I know is that once whoever made jeans flexible should be knighted/canonized/exalted
If you never wore the Toughskins with the reinforced knees as a kid, we can't be friends anymore.

Here is a current review of the modern ones:

7 visitors found this helpful

Not as good as the old Tough Skin Jeans

These are not like the original Tough Skin jeans. Those jeans had knee patches on the inside of the jeans and were a lot thicker material. These jeans are thinner too
searscom Sat, Jan 16, 2021 via bv
Yeah that's the real deal. Looks like Bass Pro Shop sells something called RedHead jeans. $19.99. Pretty legit looking too
I have no interest in defending Levi except that I have been told corps can fire anyone for any reason. If the Corp feels someone's views are bad for their image, they can do it. I have no problem changing that law, that isn't the law in Europe.

I suggested it is competing rights, Does Levi have a right to hire/fire for any reason? Do you disagree with that? I wish they would not, but as the law is, is this not their right?
Again, beside the point.
I probably do as I tend to be overly pragmatic and too linear when I'm problem solving (I'm the type of person who typically first says 'no, that's not possible with how the rules are set' but then after some time to reflect can figure out how to make it work within the rules of my own head.

It's why I have always scored an I-internal instead of an E-external in those Myers Briggs personality tests these corporations always made me take which keeps me out of the most common quadrant, to the shock of everyone I work with because I'm fairly outgoing).

So yeah, I'll admit I might be stuck in my linear thought but I don't think I'm alone when I say that you have a brand on this forum, that's typically of a right wing hack who's purpose is to point out how horrible the libs are.

Anyway, I appreciate the discussion. It has been entertaining and that's a good thing.

Way too much information.
My problem with chicken is personal. I ate chicken when I was young, up until 10. That is when my mom died. All of our friends made food for us after her death, and pretty much everyone made fried chicken. The refrigerator was packed with chicken. Even now when I try chicken, the taste doesn't bother me. But something about the texture or who knows what drives me completely crazy. I can't stand it. My cheap psychoanalysis is that I associate chicken with her death which is why this long story. But who knows, maybe it is something else. But I do know when I was very young I ate chicken, and I stopped about that time.

Beef>pork>turkey>spanish inquisition>chicken.