How many times are the officials...


Dec 11, 2011
going to let OSU walk down the lane???

I've counted 4 different times now where they have driven the lane... and shuffled their feet trying to get the ball up on the glass.

Also.... flat hand slapping the backboard on shots. It happened once today... where you actually hear it on the TV. I guess that isn't considered goal tending anymore???
Officiating is just bad all the way around.

I dont think its an axe to grind against IU
If you don't, you shouldn't wear the stripes.
There's a difference between what you want to do and what you do. There's days I'd like to be elsewhere with some parts of my job, but as a professional you do things that you need to. Doesn't mean you're enjoying doing it.
There's a difference between what you want to do and what you do. There's days I'd like to be elsewhere with some parts of my job, but as a professional you do things that you need to. Doesn't mean you're enjoying doing it.
That's true but IMHO, if you don't enjoy refering ALL games you shouldn't be doing it. The refs should be professional. They are hired and are expected to, give their best in all games and not just the ones between the top teams. They should WANT to take the court for every game.

But if you feel different I can understand that. I just don't agree with it.
Ahhh, the days when we could complain about officiating. I miss those.

As things stand now though, complaining about officiating is akin to complaining about a loose cabinet when your house is on fire.

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