How do you deal with Islam?

They leave their shithole countries, come here for a better life, then chant "Death to America".
You chant that shit you go back. Right now. No court. No freedom of speech arguments. No nuthin'. Not one Muslim country wants the Palestinians, how did the USA win this lottery?

F@ck 'em.

You know and I know that the terror attacks are coming.
lol You're sounding more conservative every day!

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

At approximately 11:58 today an incident occurred outside Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel. None of the individuals were related or connected or involved with the Synagogue in any way. We have been working closely with the Philadelphia police department, the FBI, the Federation Security team and the Secure Community Network. We have been assured that this incident was not in any way related to antisemitism but was rather an individual, known to police, who was experiencing a mental health crisis. There was an earlier linked incident several blocks away which the police are also investigating.
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Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

At approximately 11:58 today an incident occurred outside Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel. None of the individuals were related or connected or involved with the Synagogue in any way. We have been working closely with the Philadelphia police department, the FBI, the Federation Security team and the Secure Community Network. We have been assured that this incident was not in any way related to antisemitism but was rather an individual, known to police, who was experiencing a mental health crisis. There was an earlier linked incident several blocks away which the police are also investigating.

Robbing gone bad
Seen like five posts, including different angles and videos, but no reporting. Where else would it be from?

To your point, I’d expect to have read about it.
That's what I'm saying. Too often people post videos on Twitter that are one thing and claim they are another. Usually they are old videos claimed to be new. If this happened, is expect it to be reported.
Anything in a two piece?
How dare you objectify a mechanical engineer from MIT! One who clearly and bravely takes a stand for what is right! Have you no shame??!!

Best I could do:

By the way, her mom is Jewish, her father an Afghan Muslim. That’s cool.
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What is it with Ivy League schools. This cancel of in person classes and yesterday Yale was blocking jewish students access to campus.

Nah, that's all fake internet shit, according to Goat.
Being wrong is the best way to learn new things. Perhaps you should try recognizing you're wrong on this one and learn something.
And when have you announced you were wrong that all this is just "one twitter" poster?

What am I wrong about on 'this one'?