He's back.

I'm guessing you're at least 60. Maybe more, based on your cultural references, manner of speech ("that's neat") etc. You're like something out of an old sitcom.

I remember when you tried to present yourself as a millennial. That was classic. Everyone saw through that shit and your other autobiographical fictions. But I understand it's very important that you impress your "friends" here, as this place is the extent of your social life.
Maybe you have dementia old timer. How can you get everything so wrong. And your politics change over night? That doesn’t make sense. Are you in a home? Is your work the grounds?
Again I agree with all that. But it’s getting impossible for me to watch the media just campaign hard for an incompetent because she’s not orange. The hooks the democrats have into this country are disgusting and I don’t know what to do about it other than vote Red all over the down ballot.

We're naturally ingrained to short term thinking, mainly driven by media. The next election is sooo consequential, etc...

The next election doesn't mean much. We're in a very transitional period right now. What will drive American politics over the next 40 years is the opinions of people that are 25-45 years old right now. And there are a lot of them and they don't view the world like Trump does.

You cannot ruin your brand. It's like a CEO trying to goose next year's profits by simultaneously driving the long term prospects into the ditch. Trump's base is very old and naturally shrinking. The party doesn't need this long term stench. It can reset with a new generation of candidates and a fresh outlook 4 years from now
I’m guessing you’re sixty plus. Don’t play sports. Don’t lift. Old kids that have moved out. Just work and go home. No friends bc you have no personality. And already with that old man paranoia. End of democracy. Everything is a scary threat. Project 25. All that crazy paranoia old men get.

I have an ex that is 32 and 42. I’m wayyyyyy younger than your old ass. As for speech I’m better read than you.

And the millennial was teasing. But you don’t get humor. It’s why you are so widely disliked
Don't project here, dude. You're the old man. You met Thomas Eagleton in the '70s. You're fooling no one.

I picture you at around 5'7, 200+ pounds. You don't put your phone down long enough to ever work out.

You "have an ex that is 32 and 42." That makes no sense, which is par for the course with you.

Did you mean you have two exes, one 32 and the other 42? So you robbed the cradle? Who gives a shit? I bet they're hotter than shit too, right? The problem, dude, is that they're exes. They left you. People don't usually brag about exes, but you're an odd duck so it's not surprising.
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Don't project here, dude. You're the old man. You met Thomas Eagleton in the '70s. You're fooling no one.

I picture you at around 5'7, 200+ pounds. You don't put your phone down long enough to ever work out.

You "have an ex that is 32 and 42." That makes no sense, which is par for the course with you.

Did you mean you have two exes, one 32 and the other 42? So you robbed the cradle? Who gives a shit? I bet they're hotter than shit too, right? The problem, dude, is that they're exes. People don't usually brag about exes, but you're an odd duck so it's not surprising.
The 70s met eagleton lmao. I graduated college in the mid 90s 🤣. He was working well into the 2000s. No one is bragging. It was in reference to age. You have zero reading comp skills. My guess is you are in your 70s. You have that old man paranoia. And I guess senility. Or you’re just really dumb. But yes I like to socialize. You on the other hand are just like a storm cloud wherever you go. Zero personality. Never joke around. Just a miserable fck. My guess is if you get hit by a truck in the morning not too many folks will be bothered. Your personality and way is just that bad. You really really suck old man. Die already.
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Don't project here, dude. You're the old man. You met Thomas Eagleton in the '70s. You're fooling no one.

I picture you at around 5'7, 200+ pounds. You don't put your phone down long enough to ever work out.

You "have an ex that is 32 and 42." That makes no sense, which is par for the course with you.

Did you mean you have two exes, one 32 and the other 42? So you robbed the cradle? Who gives a shit? I bet they're hotter than shit too, right? The problem, dude, is that they're exes. They left you. People don't usually brag about exes, but you're an odd duck so it's not surprising.
You better get to bed old man. You’re up so late. You know your boss is going to have your ass if you’re late old man. Old dumb bowl lol
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The 70s met eagleton lmao. I graduated college in the mid 90s 🤣. He was working well into the 2000s. My guess is you are in your 70s. You have that old man paranoia. And I guess senility. Or you’re just really dumb. But yes I like to socialize. You on the other hand are just like a storm cloud wherever you go. Zero personality. Never joke around. Just a miserable fck. My guess is if you get hit by a truck in the morning not too many folks will be bothered. Your personality and way is just that bad. You really really suck old man. Die already.
Keep projecting, geezer. You're good at that.

You live a solitary existence and clearly have no friends except the anonymous people you interact with here. How fvcked up is that?

I couldn't give a shit what anonymous people think of me or whether anyone here likes me or not. The people in my actual life are all that matters. For you, though, having WC "friends" is your raison d'etre. Your entire identity is tied up with this place. It's one of the weirdest fvcking things I've ever seen.
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Keep projecting, geezer. You're good at that.

You live a solitary existence and clearly have no friends except the anonymous people you interact with here. How fvcked up is that?

I couldn't give a shit what anonymous people think of me or whether anyone here likes me or not. The people in my actual life are all that matters. For you, though, having WC "friends" is your raison d'etre. Your entire identity is tied up with this place. It's one of the weirdest fvcking things I've ever seen.
Old mannnnnn. Go to bed. And trust me. No one believes you. We see your personality on display each and everyday here. There’s a reason there are so many posters joke around and have fun as a distraction. They are social funny people in real life. It transcends.

You want us to believe you’re some funny lighthearted smart person in real life? Clever? Witty? Stop. You’re a miserable fck everywhere you go. That’s patent. No one wants to be around you bowl. You’re a loser in life
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Old mannnnnn. Go to bed. And trust me. No one believes you. We see your personality on display each and everyday here. There’s a reason there are so many posters joke around and have fun as a distraction. They are social funny people in real life. It transcends.

You want us to believe you’re some funny lighthearted smart person in real life? Clever? Witty? Stop. You’re a miserable fck everywhere you go. That’s patent. No one wants to be around you bowl. You’re a loser in life
No, my man. You don't seem to understand that I couldn't care less what you (or your "friends" here) think or what you believe - - about me or anyone or anything else. This, the Water Cooler, is your sorry existence. I suspect you had some kind of a career at one time, but you're a has-been and still desperately trying to cling to whatever gave you status and/or enjoyment in the past. Now you're a zero. And nutso. And I'm being kind.

But keep living in your make-believe world, where you're young, virile and successful. I'm sure it's an amazing place filled with imagination, fantasy and wonder.
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No, my man. You don't seem to understand that I couldn't care less what you (or your "friends" here) think or what you believe - - about me or anyone or anything else. This, the Water Cooler, is your sorry existence. I suspect you had some kind of a career at one time, but you're a has-been and still desperately trying to cling to whatever gave you status and/or enjoyment in the past. Now you're a zero. And nutso. And I'm being kind.

But keep living in your make-believe world, where you're young, virile and successful. I'm sure it's an amazing place filled with imagination, fantasy and wonder.
no you just don't fit in anywhere in life. that's why you work a shitty job somewhere. who the hell would want to go into business with you, promote you, do anything with you. your personality sucks and you're just a piece of shit no one likes. just an unlikable old man with a paranoia who never did much in life. that's why you think everyone is lying. because you can't fathom people actually start businesses, live somewhere other than a little town, play sports, but then again when you're as dumb as you are i'm sure you tapped out pretty early. your take on the county was extremely telling. you have a very small existence bowl. you're a basic bitch. the limitations of having zero personality. now you're just an old man with a shitty personality who never did anything
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no you just don't fit in anywhere in life. that's why you work a shitty job somewhere. who the hell would want to go into business with you, promote you, do anything with you. your personality sucks and you're just a piece of shit no one likes. just an unlikable old man with a paranoia who never did much in life. that's why you think everyone is lying. because you can't fathom people actually start businesses, live somewhere other than a little town, but then again when you're as dumb as you are i'm sure you tapped out pretty early. your take on the county was pretty telling. you have a very small existence bowl. the limitations of having zero personality. now you're just an old man with a shitty personality who never did anything
You're so angry all the time, dude. Your rants here are infamous. Is that what torpedoes your relationships? Or is it your constant repetition of the same few themes, reflecting a limited intellect, impaired cognitive functioning, or both?
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You're so angry all the time, dude. Your rants here are infamous. Is that what torpedoes your relationships? Or is it your constant repetition of the same few themes, reflecting a limited intellect, impaired cognitive functioning, or both?
bwahahaha i joke around here all the time with countless posters. you? no one. shit you can't even get along with brad. one of the nicest guys one the board. he stopped responding to your dumbass. you. have. no. personality. but that's okay if you offer other things. insight. knowledge. but you don't. you're dumb on top of it 145.

crime data. all wrong.
bloodbath. countless posters telling you that you can't read.
county law careers. beyond stupid and reflecting such a parochial little world understanding. sad.

you're just a basic bitch that's fun to slap around. and now you're a hardcore progressive. bowl you're a clown. just a fcking clown.
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bwahahaha i joke around here all the time with countless posters. you? no one. shit you can't even get along with brad. one of the nicest guys one the board. he stopped responding to your dumbass. you. have. no. personality. but that's okay if you offer other things. insight. knowledge. but you don't. you're dumb on top of it 145.

crime data. all wrong.
bloodbath. countless posters telling you that you can't read.
county law careers. beyond stupid and reflecting such a parochial little world understanding. sad.

you're just a basic bitch that's fun to slap around. and now you're a hardcore progressive. bowl you're a clown. just a fcking clown.

I only want to know the current price of crab legs.... Can a guy get a fkn update?
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bwahahaha i joke around here all the time with countless posters. you? no one. shit you can't even get along with brad. one of the nicest guys one the board. he stopped responding to your dumbass. you. have. no. personality. but that's okay if you offer other things. insight. knowledge. but you don't. you're dumb on top of it 145.

crime data. all wrong.
bloodbath. countless posters telling you that you can't read.
county law careers. beyond stupid and reflecting such a parochial little world understanding. sad.

you're just a basic bitch that's fun to slap around. and now you're a hardcore progressive. bowl you're a clown. just a fcking clown.
“Head case” and “healthy relationships” don’t go together, dude. Talk to someone. I’m trying to help.
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ha yeah. actually there's a group of 8 us going and 3 already live down there. one in miami, one in boca, one in boynton. flying in thur to fort lauderdale dinner las olas then tootsies. golf friday. then saturday going to see our one buddy's kid play with inter miami, which is the main reason we're going. of course now messi is injured. typical.
ha yeah. actually there's a group of 8 us going and 3 already live down there. one in miami, one in boca, one in boynton. flying in thur to fort lauderdale dinner las olas then tootsies. golf friday. then saturday going to see our one buddy's kid play with inter miami, which is the main reason we're going. of course now messi is injured. typical.

Nice. I'm sure it'll be slightly hotter than the devil's taint...

My brother lives in Coral Gables but don't get down there much anymore. And if I do not in the summer
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Nice. I'm sure it'll be slightly hotter than the devil's taint...

My brother lives in Coral Gables but don't get down there much anymore. And if I do not in the summer
oh no shit. wow. i have not been to coral gables in a long time. my old college roommate lives in boca so that's kind of our home base. one other lives in plantation, the other boynton, and then one in miami who drives up so our going out is typically either fort lauderdale or delray.
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Nice. I'm sure it'll be slightly hotter than the devil's taint...

My brother lives in Coral Gables but don't get down there much anymore. And if I do not in the summer
out of the 8 guys going 6 are in education. won't be st regis and stone crabs
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Friend groups get a little different as ages go by. I have one group where I'm probably the rich guy and one totally different group where I'm definitely the poor guy.
they really do. last summer my friend group from home went to boulder (buddy moved there) and to a concert at red rocks. my edibles buddy booked an incredible house in boulder (never saw a bill for it), would just drop a card to cover dinner etc. there were around 8 of us then too. this trip they'll be separate checks. calculators trying to figure out what everyone owes. public golf. public beach not the breakers etc.
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they really do. last summer my friend group from home went to boulder (buddy moved there) and to a concert at red rocks. my edibles buddy booked an incredible house in boulder (never saw a bill for it), would just drop a card to cover dinner etc. there were around 8 of us then too. this trip they'll be separate checks. calculators trying to figure out what everyone owes. public golf. public beach not the breakers etc.

Yep. I love them all.

Some we just hang out when we can, maybe a low rent golf trip and a timeshare level condo that's like $1k/wk.

The other group they are paying for private planes, have no issue picking up multi grand tabs, etc... I kid when we tee off playing $5 Nassau games..... That I'm the only one that doesn't make 7 figures a year. And we're playing $5.

And when you lose $25 better go down to your locker and get that last $5. Either way.
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Yep. I love them all.

Some we just hang out when we can, maybe a low rent golf trip and a timeshare level condo that's like $1k/wk.

The other group they are paying for private planes, have no issue picking up multi grand tabs, etc... I kid when we tee off playing $5 Nassau games..... That I'm the only one that doesn't make 7 figures a year. And we're playing $5.

And when you lose $25 better go down to your locker and get that last $5
I have four friend groups. One is about a dozen of us (soccer college). That’s this group next weekend. One about 10 of us. Another about a dozen (soccer home). And then one has six of us. We have done everything from whitewater rafting the Colorado to pebble beach to skiing to the Everglades. Not once has there been a private plane, mention of a private plane, or a retrospective I wonder if we could have gotten a private plane.

That’s robust finance shit. Of say 40 friends literally one is a robust finance guy. One. Thunderbird mba. Worked in Kuala Lumpur and all over. He’s the main unhappy investor in our edibles scheme. But even he has sat for hours on end waiting for our delayed southwest flight with a dip in
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I have four friend groups. One is about a dozen of us (soccer college). That’s this group next weekend. One about 10 of us. Another about a dozen (soccer home). And then one has six of us. We have done everything from whitewater rafting the Colorado to pebble beach to skiing to the Everglades. Not once has there been a private plane, mention of a private plane, or a retrospective I wonder if we could have gotten a private plane.

That’s robust finance shit. Of say 40 friends literally one is a robust finance guy. One. Thunderbird mba. Worked in Kuala Lumpur and all over. He’s the main unhappy investor in our edibles scheme. But even he has sat for hours on end waiting for our delayed southwest flight with a dip in

It's kind of ridiculous. I'm a humble Indiana kid with a nice career but not private plane shit. Just friends via golf and country club which turned into crazy opportunities to meet and become friends with people way above my station in life. But just trying to be a decent normal person can get you places you didn't necessarily expect you'd be.
It's kind of ridiculous. I'm a humble Indiana kid with a nice career but not private plane shit. Just friends via golf and country club which turned into crazy opportunities to meet and become friends with people way above my station in life. But just trying to be a decent normal person can get you places you didn't necessarily expect you'd be.
What do they do? Hedge fund shit?
It's kind of ridiculous. I'm a humble Indiana kid with a nice career but not private plane shit. Just friends via golf and country club which turned into crazy opportunities to meet and become friends with people way above my station in life. But just trying to be a decent normal person can get you places you didn't necessarily expect you'd be.
I've heard of this "flying commercial" you guys talk about. What's it like? 🤣

There is a lot of selection bias in play. People that hang out at country clubs all the time isn't a great representation of reality. Which I have to continually remind my wife of because your frame of reference can get whack.

My kids are so lost in their spoildom I'm not sure they'll ever recover to a life that doesn't include just announcing their last name when they went want a candy bar.
There is a lot of selection bias in play. People that hang out at country clubs all the time isn't a great representation of reality. Which I have to continually remind my wife of because your frame of reference can get whack.

My kids are so lost in their spoildom I'm not sure they'll ever recover to a life that doesn't include just announcing their last name when they went want a candy bar.
Every time that happens, instead of candy, give them broccoli. It will fix itself in no time.
There is a lot of selection bias in play. People that hang out at country clubs all the time isn't a great representation of reality. Which I have to continually remind my wife of because your frame of reference can get whack.

My kids are so lost in their spoildom I'm not sure they'll ever recover to a life that doesn't include just announcing their last name when they went want a candy bar.
At my son’s graduation from IU I broke out in a cold sweat. I had spoiled him rotten his entire life. The thought crossed my mind he might live at home and never go to work.

Much to my delight he has a great job and two substantial promotions at age 29. He manages over a dozen people in his department. Last Friday as we were driving to the Country Club, he participated in a conference call. I overheard him talking a couple times. I was so proud. After the round of golf two of my buddies that hadn’t met him told me that he was a fine young man.

Moral to the story is you can spoil your kids but if you raise them right they will turn out okay.
What Trump "ground game" are you talking about? The RNC has no ground game planned. Once Trump took over the RNC they cancelled all of the plans they had for staffers in battleground states. Trump is trying to outsource it to other groups. A very risky and untested method.
Have hundreds of thousands of volunteers in all swing states. And look at the voter registration across the swing states. PA was Dem +700k on election day 2020. It's now down to around Dem +350k.

Have hundreds of thousands of volunteers in all swing states. And look at the voter registration across the swing states. PA was Dem +700k on election day 2020. It's now down to around Dem +350k.

Dbm. You are a man with your ear to the ground. Is it true that the strategy this election has been to farm out the ground game to groups likes TPUSA and let the RNC focus on litigation of election laws in battleground states?

Tia for your response.
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Spot on.

Late July and August have been a nightmare for the Trump campaign. The NYT had a good piece over the weekend captioned "Inside the Worst Three Weeks in Trump's 2024 Campaign" and it paints a troubling picture for The Con.

Meanwhile, his opposition is kicking ass, reversing Biden's losses and now leading in the "Blue Wall" of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Nobody, including Trump and MAGA, saw this (i.e. a party immediately and completely unified) coming with money, volunteers and enthusiasm raining down like manna from heaven. I don't know how the old fool recaptures the momentum barring a calamitous (i.e. a Biden-esque) debate performance by Harris on Sep 10, and I don't see that happening. The difference in age, demeanor, enthusiasm, preparation and clarity of thought will be striking.
Don’t forget the huge inappropriate boost Harris gets from the media!
Don’t forget the huge inappropriate boost Harris gets from the media!
I get what you are saying and maybe my perspective is messed up living in rural Midwest. Everywhere I drive, it seems like the only news at the top and bottom of every hour is from Townhall Radio. It is always heavily conservative biased.

For a lot of people, that is the only news they listen to on an average day with the radio on at work. Combine Townhall and the powerhouse of Fox News, Trump is getting plenty of support.