He's back!


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2016
After resting and self-tanning for several days, Trump held a rally in Doral yesterday. His 75-minute talk featured profuse sweating, slurred speech, incomplete sentences, freeing the Jan 6 "hostages," and rambling (again) about Hannibal Lecter. Some other "highlights":

  • "A waitress came over, beautiful waitress. And I never like talking about physical. She's beautiful inside. Because you never talk about a person's look. Ever. You never mention it. The other day I got very angry. Some man called Chris Christie fat. And I said, "Sir." And then he said he was a pig. I said, "Sir! Chris Christie is not a fat pig!" Please remember he is not a fat pig. Please take it back." (Meanwhile, Trump was wearing a sport coat in stifling heat and humidity, no doubt in an effort to hide his big gut and fat ass).
  • "Mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing and hosp-lee. And we will never again allow mothers to watch their child hopelessly dying in their arms screaming, What can I do. What can I do. Help me God, what can I do? We are a nation whose once revered airports are a dirty, crowded mess." (Quite a pivot there. With respect to our once-"revered" (??) airports, they're definitely crowded this summer but not dirty. In any event, how would he know?)
  • "All these people have water spots! Why don't I have one?!" (No idea).
  • "We don't eat bacon anymore."
  • "Yes, and yes, and quickly, says President Trump." (No clue).
  • "We have nuclear subs and 5 warships in Cuba." (He had just been talking about Russia so presumably he meant to say "Russia" instead of "We." Or did he?)
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So....I see the marching orders for the left and media surrogates have been issued by the DNC. Rally behind Biden, act as if his precipitous decline in mental fitness and ability to think on his feet was a one off or a mirage, and accuse the other guy of being what your guy is.

That's....straight from the long established DNC playbook I suppose.

Trump is a vulgar human being, and a bull in the china shop politician, but he's a known commodity and I was fine with most of his policy goals from his fist term. I cannot abide most of Biden's agenda, and inarguably he is incapable, leaving us wondering who really is the CiC.
After resting and self-tanning for several days, Trump held a rally in Doral yesterday. His 75-minute talk featured profuse sweating, slurred speech, incomplete sentences, freeing the Jan 6 "hostages," and rambling (again) about Hannibal Lecter. Some other "highlights":

  • "A waitress came over, beautiful waitress. And I never like talking about physical. She's beautiful inside. Because you never talk about a person's look. Ever. You never mention it. The other day I got very angry. Some man called Chris Christie fat. And I said, "Sir." And then he said he was a pig. I said, "Sir! Chris Christie is not a fat pig!" Please remember he is not a fat pig. Please take it back." (Meanwhile, Trump was wearing a sport coat in stifling heat and humidity, no doubt in an effort to hide his big gut and fat ass).
  • "Mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing and hosp-lee. And we will never again allow mothers to watch their child hopelessly dying in their arms screaming, What can I do. What can I do. Help me God, what can I do? We are a nation whose once revered airports are a dirty, crowded mess." (Quite a pivot there. With respect to our once-"revered" (??) airports, they're definitely crowded this summer but not dirty. In any event, how would he know?)
  • "All these people have water spots! Why don't I have one?!" (No idea).
  • "We don't eat bacon anymore."
  • "Yes, and yes, and quickly, says President Trump." (No clue).
  • "We have nuclear subs and 5 warships in Cuba." (He had just been talking about Russia so presumably he meant to say "Russia" instead of "We." Or did he?)
^^^^The more he talks, the less likable he becomes.

Same with Trump.
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So....I see the marching orders for the left and media surrogates have been issued by the DNC. Rally behind Biden, act as if his precipitous decline in mental fitness and ability to think on his feet was a one off or a mirage, and accuse the other guy of being what your guy is.
LOL, "media surrogates"

Tune in to even 5 min on CNN or MSNBC for the wall-to-wall coverage of Biden's decline in mental faculties and the need to replace him right now. It's like 90-10 for him to quit. Even James Carville wants him out.

Publicly, Senators and House Dems do generally support him. The media says, though, that off-the-record there is little support even among those same Senators and House Dems
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I had a hunch this would trigger the usual suspects.

I'm just quoting your beloved guy.

Even if you like his policies (?), you've got to admit, if you're being at all honest with yourselves, that he's a buffoon and not wrapped too tight. Just embrace it and laugh a little.
I had a hunch this would trigger the usual suspects.

I'm just quoting your beloved guy.

Even if you like his policies (?), you've got to admit, if you're being at all honest with yourselves, that he's a buffoon and not wrapped too tight. Just embrace it and laugh a little.
Dude you need help...Seriously it consumes you. Beloved guy? He's just a guy trying to make a difference with all the madness that dem policies have created in this country. He stated clearly several times during the debate that he would rather be off in the sunset enjoying retirement, and always said he would only run if he had to. He's already had a term and did some good stuff. If anything give him a shot at making peace again. Biden screwed that to hell and back and has zero foreign anything regarding his time in office except quid pro quo. You are unhinged with hate, go read your last 10-20 posts and take a break or seek assistance.
Dude you need help...Seriously it consumes you. Beloved guy? He's just a guy trying to make a difference with all the madness that dem policies have created in this country. He stated clearly several times during the debate that he would rather be off in the sunset enjoying retirement, and always said he would only run if he had to. He's already had a term and did some good stuff. If anything give him a shot at making peace again. Biden screwed that to hell and back and has zero foreign anything regarding his time in office except quid pro quo. You are unhinged with hate, go read your last 10-20 posts and take a break or seek assistance.
Lol. He'd "rather be off in the sunset enjoying retirement?" You actually believe that shit? You're right about one thing, though. He is, in a very real sense, running because he has to. He's a mob boss and is desperately trying to stay out of jail.

The only one exhibiting rage and hate in this thread is you. Lighten up and get a life.
LOL, "media surrogates"

Tune in to even 5 min on CNN or MSNBC for the wall-to-wall coverage of Biden's decline in mental faculties and the need to replace him right now. It's like 90-10 for him to quit. Even James Carville wants him out.

Publicly, Senators and House Dems do generally support him. The media says, though, that off-the-record there is little support even among those same Senators and House Dems
Yeah, the whole argument that there's a media coverup has gone out the window. They may have been cautious to judge him before the debate, but sine most MSM outlets I've seen have been quick to point out how Biden's support is dwindling. I've seen the Parkinson's doc report several times in the last few days and how the WH has played it down. People forget that the MSM exist to make money and Biden "not fit to run" is big business for both conservatives and liberals.
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LOL, "media surrogates"

Tune in to even 5 min on CNN or MSNBC for the wall-to-wall coverage of Biden's decline in mental faculties and the need to replace him right now. It's like 90-10 for him to quit. Even James Carville wants him out.

Publicly, Senators and House Dems do generally support him. The media says, though, that off-the-record there is little support even among those same Senators and House Dems

I am not surprised that this is your take, and I could be wrong, but IMHO this is political theater...let's see in a week.

The DNC and the sitting Democrats in congress are supporting him. He is refusing to step aside. If he remains steadfast in that regard, the media (and yes, while they are still media and the rush to be first with and/or be part of the compelling story trumps all things, they are indeed DNC surrogates) will fall in line soon enough. Much like in 2020 they will hide him, obfuscate and shill for is their wont.
After resting and self-tanning for several days, Trump held a rally in Doral yesterday. His 75-minute talk featured profuse sweating, slurred speech, incomplete sentences, freeing the Jan 6 "hostages," and rambling (again) about Hannibal Lecter. Some other "highlights":

  • "A waitress came over, beautiful waitress. And I never like talking about physical. She's beautiful inside. Because you never talk about a person's look. Ever. You never mention it. The other day I got very angry. Some man called Chris Christie fat. And I said, "Sir." And then he said he was a pig. I said, "Sir! Chris Christie is not a fat pig!" Please remember he is not a fat pig. Please take it back." (Meanwhile, Trump was wearing a sport coat in stifling heat and humidity, no doubt in an effort to hide his big gut and fat ass).
  • "Mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing and hosp-lee. And we will never again allow mothers to watch their child hopelessly dying in their arms screaming, What can I do. What can I do. Help me God, what can I do? We are a nation whose once revered airports are a dirty, crowded mess." (Quite a pivot there. With respect to our once-"revered" (??) airports, they're definitely crowded this summer but not dirty. In any event, how would he know?)
  • "All these people have water spots! Why don't I have one?!" (No idea).
  • "We don't eat bacon anymore."
  • "Yes, and yes, and quickly, says President Trump." (No clue).
  • "We have nuclear subs and 5 warships in Cuba." (He had just been talking about Russia so presumably he meant to say "Russia" instead of "We." Or did he?)

You are going to lose Bowl. Get over it.
Lol. He'd "rather be off in the sunset enjoying retirement?" You actually believe that shit? You're right about one thing, though. He is, in a very real sense, running because he has to. He's a mob boss and is desperately trying to stay out of jail.

The only one exhibiting rage and hate in this thread is you. Lighten up and get a life.
“Mob boss”.

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You are going to lose Bowl. Get over it.
I've been saying for a couple of weeks now that the Dems are fully capable of completely fvcking this up. If Biden's the candidate, then yes, Trump will be elected and I'll join the "Fvck Joe Biden" chants. Almost anyone else, though, has an excellent shot of defeating The Con.
The DNC and the sitting Democrats in congress are supporting him.
The DNC and the sitting Democrats in congress are supporting him, IN PUBLIC, but behind closed doors they're apparently singing a very different tune.
He is refusing to step aside.
the media... are indeed DNC surrogates
We''ll see. They hate Trump, for sure (and for good reason). They now seem to view Biden as completely incapable. If the media were picking a Dem nominee I think Biden's support would be <10%. They are already calling him too stubborn and fixated on a "legacy".

That's not to say that many of them might not come around to prefer a completely incapable POTUS to Trump, a felon hellbent on a revenge tour.
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I think Switzerland, Australia, and now Canada have medically assisted programs to help you come to TERMS with your illness. You should look into it. SMH
I don't expect an intelligent response from you, but I'm hoping for a miracle.

If Biden's fvck-ups in public appearances are fair game, why are the batshit-crazy ramblings of the Republican nominee for President of the United States off limits?
I don't expect an intelligent response from you, but I'm hoping for a miracle.

If Biden's fvck-ups in public appearances are fair game, why are the batshit-crazy ramblings of the Republican nominee for President of the United States off limits?
It wouldn't matter what I responded. Your brain is so slanted, a rah rah dem reply would be the only miracle you could accept. Your party has driven this thing off a cliff. It's gonna take more than a miracle to get it back. </>
It wouldn't matter what I responded. Your brain is so slanted, a rah rah dem reply would be the only miracle you could accept. Your party has driven this thing off a cliff. It's gonna take more than a miracle to get it back. </>
Bowl was absolutely CONVINCED that Joe was actually more lucid than Trump until the debate.
I had a hunch this would trigger the usual suspects.

I'm just quoting your beloved guy.

Even if you like his policies (?), you've got to admit, if you're being at all honest with yourselves, that he's a buffoon and not wrapped too tight. Just embrace it and laugh a little.
Damn I wish you were married to my wife. Then we could both understand true misery.
If nothing changes its going to be Trump beating biden. Trump says outlandish things, biden speaks unintelligible gibberish. Neither likely make their own policy decisions.

They are both known commodities. Life is too short with too many fun and interesting things to do. Why waste time with any of it?
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Bowl was absolutely CONVINCED that Joe was actually more lucid than Trump until the debate.
Don't get me started...Day 1 of Biden making decisions (executive orders) was damning evidence we were gonna end up here. Uggghhh. With dems anywhere near anything this country is screwed. Why couldn't we take heed in 1890 when Grigsby warned us and pass laws against these types of radical political parties with no morals and ethics.

I remember posts where people asked are we there yet. Were f*cking here...

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If nothing changes its going to be Trump beating biden. Trump says outlandish things, biden speaks unintelligible gibberish. Neither likely make their own policy decisions.

They are both known commodities. Life is too short with too many fun and interesting things to do. Why waste time with any of it?
In other words?

If Biden's fvck-ups in public appearances are fair game, why are the batshit-crazy ramblings of the Republican nominee for President of the United States off limits?
Not off limits, but America is bored with his now normalized behavior and won't click on those articles or watch those reports as much as they will Biden is old. Trump is a whack job is basically a 10 year old rerun, while Biden is old is in its first season.
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Bowl was absolutely CONVINCED that Joe was actually more lucid than Trump until the debate.
Lol. You're so utterly full of shit. MAGA was flooding pro-Trump media before the debate, worried that Biden was going to do well. Trump himself called Biden a "worthy debater" a few days before.

You guys were worried Biden might do well and were repeating the MAGA talking points here. Biden was going to be "jacked up" on adderall, some other drug (prescription or otherwise), Red Bull, etc.

Here's a key difference between you and me (aside from the obvious difference that I'm able to critically think). Biden fvcked up and embarrassed himself. He's in an obvious decline. I can acknowledge that. I've been all over him since the debate, arguing that he needs to step aside and if he doesn't he's a selfish bastard. Trump fvcks up all the time in so many ways I've lost track, he's certifiably insane, yet you guys refuse to call him out, are unwavering in your support, and put party above country. Pathetic.

So, since I got a swing and a miss from DDE, I'll ask you the same question. If Biden's fvck-ups in public appearances are fair game (and they should be), why are the batshit-crazy ramblings of the Republican nominee for President of the United States off limits?
I’m gonna get great joy outta watching you lib idiots cry yourself to sleep every night the next for 4 years because Trump is YOUR president.
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Not off limits, but America is bored with his now normalized behavior and won't click on those articles or watch those reports as much as they will Biden is old. Trump is a whack job is basically a 10 year old rerun, while Biden is old is in it's first season.
No, they believe it's off limits. The minute there's a critical post of Trump they reflexively regurgitate "TDS!," as if the guy's retired and out of politics. He's the nominee for president. Everything is - - and should be - - under a microscope, but Trumpers can't deal with the negative commentary about their idol. It's the most fvcked up thing I've ever seen in politics. Well, that and the fact that this twice-impeached felon who tried to overturn an election he lost is actually a serious contender.
No, they believe it's off limits. The minute there's a critical post of Trump they reflexively regurgitate "TDS!," as if the guy's retired and out of politics. He's the nominee for president. Everything is - - and should be - - under a microscope, but Trumpers can't deal with the negative commentary about their idol. It's the most fvcked up thing I've ever seen in politics. Well, that and the fact that this twice-impeached felon who tried to overturn an election he lost is actually a serious contender.
I am not surprised that this is your take, and I could be wrong, but IMHO this is political theater...let's see in a week.

The DNC and the sitting Democrats in congress are supporting him. He is refusing to step aside. If he remains steadfast in that regard, the media (and yes, while they are still media and the rush to be first with and/or be part of the compelling story trumps all things, they are indeed DNC surrogates) will fall in line soon enough. Much like in 2020 they will hide him, obfuscate and shill for is their wont.
They will not get this Genie back in the bottle. They can’t. I’m betting on Biden announcing he will not accept the nomination.
Lol. You're so utterly full of shit. MAGA was flooding pro-Trump media before the debate, worried that Biden was going to do well. Trump himself called Biden a "worthy debater" a few days before.

You guys were worried Biden might do well and were repeating the MAGA talking points here. Biden was going to be "jacked up" on adderall, some other drug (prescription or otherwise), Red Bull, etc.
I repeated MAGA talking points? Link? I don’t recall making any predictions about the debate.
Here's a key difference between you and me (aside from the obvious difference that I'm able to critically think). Biden fvcked up and embarrassed himself. He's in an obvious decline. I can acknowledge that. I've been all over him since the debate, arguing that he needs to step aside and if he doesn't he's a selfish bastard. Trump fvcks up all the time in so many ways I've lost track, he's certifiably insane, yet you guys refuse to call him out, are unwavering in your support, and put party above country. Pathetic.
Thing is, there’s been MOUNTAINS of evidence of Joes decline which you and your “team” dismissed as right wing conspiracy theories. If I cared enough, I’d go back and find the receipts.
So, since I got a swing and a miss from DDE, I'll ask you the same question. If Biden's fvck-ups in public appearances are fair game (and they should be), why are the batshit-crazy ramblings of the Republican nominee for President of the United States off limits?
They’re not. I said as much in this thread. I think Trumps a nut.

He’s also objectively more fit to be president than Joe.
They will not get this Genie back in the bottle. They can’t. I’m betting on Biden announcing he will not accept the nomination.
NAh, they will ride this out. With the help of a few, selective, Pube crossover votes, they'll MARA (Make America Romney Again).
NAh, they will ride this out. With the help of a few, selective, Pube crossover votes, they'll MARA (Make America Romney Again).
I really don't think so. Schumer wants him to step down from the nomination now. It's a matter of when now.
So....I see the marching orders for the left and media surrogates have been issued by the DNC. Rally behind Biden, act as if his precipitous decline in mental fitness and ability to think on his feet was a one off or a mirage, and accuse the other guy of being what your guy is.

That's....straight from the long established DNC playbook I suppose.

Trump is a vulgar human being, and a bull in the china shop politician, but he's a known commodity and I was fine with most of his policy goals from his fist term. I cannot abide most of Biden's agenda, and inarguably he is incapable, leaving us wondering who really is the CiC.
They’re both drooling imbeciles
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