Harris vs. Trump 2024

Have copies of my hometown newspaper published in the 1890s. The copies came into my possession from the grandson of the publisher and editor.

This newspaper back in the time it was published had to be the only news source available to most of those living in my hometown.

The bias for a single party and the slamming of those in the other party was amazing. For example, an opponent of the editor's party was described as follows, "He is a licentious lizard whose slimy presence would disgust even a pole cat".

Can only conclude the hometowners were aware of the extreme bias of the publisher and may have both taken his bias with a grain of salt, or automatically voted for the victims of his bias.

Thinking those of us today who have identified certain media sources as biased, just like my 1890 hometowners, aren't swayed and/or go in an opposite direction.

Imagine Trumps”s Project 2025’s plans that only white-house approved media be allowed.
Have copies of my hometown newspaper published in the 1890s. The copies came into my possession from the grandson of the publisher and editor.

This newspaper back in the time it was published had to be the only news source available to most of those living in my hometown.

The bias for a single party and the slamming of those in the other party was amazing. For example, an opponent of the editor's party was described as follows, "He is a licentious lizard whose slimy presence would disgust even a pole cat".

Can only conclude the hometowners were aware of the extreme bias of the publisher and may have both taken his bias with a grain of salt, or automatically voted for the victims of his bias.

Thinking those of us today who have identified certain media sources as biased, just like my 1890 hometowners, aren't swayed and/or go in an opposite direction.
True. I just think when 25-30 headlines are negative day after day it becomes inculcated
Have copies of my hometown newspaper published in the 1890s. The copies came into my possession from the grandson of the publisher and editor.

This newspaper back in the time it was published had to be the only news source available to most of those living in my hometown.

The bias for a single party and the slamming of those in the other party was amazing. For example, an opponent of the editor's party was described as follows, "He is a licentious lizard whose slimy presence would disgust even a pole cat".

Can only conclude the hometowners were aware of the extreme bias of the publisher and may have both taken his bias with a grain of salt, or automatically voted for the victims of his bias.

Thinking those of us today who have identified certain media sources as biased, just like my 1890 hometowners, aren't swayed and/or go in an opposite direction.

I believe most newspapers of that era were extreme partisan prints, usually financially supported by the political party apparatus. Hyper sensationalism and 'yellow journalism' were the norm in hundreds (maybe thousands) of papers across the country.

It wasn't until the early 1900s that Hearst, Pulitzer, etc found they could be more profitable selling advertising and running independent papers, rather than running partisan papers.
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@Spartans9312 Lastest NYT polls, that always drastically understate Trump support, are looking good.

And here's the latest from Lefty Emerson who again always understates Trump support by a few. Race is starting to break for DJT.

Do NYT/Sienna polls always underestimate Trump? Certainly haven't been doing that thru out 2024. In fact NYT/Sienna has been a bit of an outlier, primarily since Harris replaced Biden and especially post debate...Here is an analysis of recent polling post debate from Forbes, a bastion of radical leftism if I've ever seen one...

Here is a very good analysis of the NYT polls you posted. This guy does a very good job of pointing out issues with various polls and among the problems with NYT is small sample size (700-800) or so, substantial MOE (above 4.5 points) and very key when it comes to missing out on older AA voters in the South the fact that 97% of the interviews were conducted via cell phone...

Meanwhile you ignored both the most recent CBS and especially NBC polls which demonstrated huge momentum for Harris.The most significant aspect of the NBC poll is that they had not polled since Biden exited the race. In July, NBC showed Trump in the lead, having a significant edge on hot button issues like the economy, immigration and mental fitness and Harris's overall favorability at 18+ points underwater...

The new NBC poll demonstrates how the race has changed.Harris now with a 5point lead, huge increases among youth,Black and Hispanic voters for Harris compared to Biden, and increased popularity which now shows her 48-45 above water. That is the largest shift in popularity for a politician from one NBC poll to the next since Bush made a huge gain afyer 9-11.

In fact of Trump,Vance,Biden,Harris and Walz only Harris and Walz were above water on popularity. Vance is the deepest underwater of the 5 included in the survey, and Trump stands out at 53% negative, 8 points above Harris's unfavorable number. I do think Welker missed the key component at the end where the issues were listed. She characterized Trump as leading on certain issues, but the real point is the inroads Harris has made and how a 9 pt lead on the economy now is nowhere near as decisive as the 22 point lead Trump had in July over Biden...

The more people get to know Harris the more they like her. The CBS poll shows that voters who feel like the overall economy is improving overwhelmingly back Harris, somewhere around 80%. And I wouldn't sleep on Harris being more viewed as an agent of change or having a 20 point lead when it comes to mental fitness. The thing I saw at the Biden debate that made me cringe was Biden's inability to prosecute the case vs Trump and call out Trump's lies, which were obvious.

Harris was able to completely turn the tables and basically make Trump the out of date feeble old man. The Dems have such a financial advantage as the campaign closes, that they will be able to coninue to prosecute that case. Esp in the swing states.

I do wonder if prior to attacking Hatian immigrants Trump stopped and considered FL. He won FL by 300,000 votes in 2020 but in South FL alone there are over 800,000 people of Hatian descent. Up until now they have mainly voted GOP. but Trump and Vance could change all that...
CNN poll. Absolutely brutal for Harris as she has to win the popular vote by at least 3 and probably 3.5-4 to have a chance.

The CNN poll from October 1, 2020 was Biden +16. 😬😬😬 Easy money on Poly market folks.

This Republican's decision has already been made. Trump is still safe in Ohio.

I'm not doing this "you're not a Republican" thing any longer. I know I'm a Republican. Carry on. I won't respond to that again.
You are a Republican but can still do the right thing and vote for VP Harris.
Trump is such a coward. Either double down or denounce Robinson. That’s the advantage of having an uneducated constituency. They don’t want information.
We have 13000 murderers roaming our streets thanks to Harris and most of you will still vote for her. And you call us dumb. Unbelievable.


And Atlas, the most accurate pollster in 2020 has him up by 3.4.

Calling Atlas "accurate" means you have a pretty fundamental misunderstanding of what the word "accuracy" means...

Here is a deep dive into the Atlas Intel "poll". My guess is that most of this will come as a complete revelation to you. For example I bet you don't know that Atlas is a Brazillian firm, that they "poll" all over the world (Turkey,Japan,Laos etc...) and that this poll you're touting is completely online. Even more damning, I bet you don't know that Atlas's methodology consists of running ads and then choosing their "random sample" from the people who reply to their ad.

There is no screeing for actual voters or even Americans as all it takes to reply and possibly be chosen is to have an email address. That means anyone in any part of the world can pretend to be an American,simply thru use of a VPN. And as Dave points out in this video, some of the crosstabs and their total misconception of how to apply MOE are just plain ridiculous...

Interesting that this outlier poll which Dave characterizes as the worst he's ever seen falls in line with the other notorious outlier- Rasmussen... What was Ras saying in 2022?

Calling Atlas "accurate" means you have a pretty fundamental misunderstanding of what the word "accuracy" means...

Here is a deep dive into the Atlas Intel "poll". My guess is that most of this will come as a complete revelation to you. For example I bet you don't know that Atlas is a Brazillian firm, that they "poll" all over the world (Turkey,Japan,Laos etc...) and that this poll you're touting is completely online. Even more damning, I bet you don't know that Atlas's methodology consists of running ads and then choosing their "random sample" from the people who reply to their ad.

There is no screeing for actual voters or even Americans as all it takes to reply and possibly be chosen is to have an email address. That means anyone in any part of the world can pretend to be an American,simply thru use of a VPN. And as Dave points out in this video, some of the crosstabs and their total misconception of how to apply MOE are just plain ridiculous...

Interesting that this outlier poll which Dave characterizes as the worst he's ever seen falls in line with the other notorious outlier- Rasmussen... What was Ras saying in 2022?

538 has them rated highly.

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