Harris vs. Trump 2024

Have copies of my hometown newspaper published in the 1890s. The copies came into my possession from the grandson of the publisher and editor.

This newspaper back in the time it was published had to be the only news source available to most of those living in my hometown.

The bias for a single party and the slamming of those in the other party was amazing. For example, an opponent of the editor's party was described as follows, "He is a licentious lizard whose slimy presence would disgust even a pole cat".

Can only conclude the hometowners were aware of the extreme bias of the publisher and may have both taken his bias with a grain of salt, or automatically voted for the victims of his bias.

Thinking those of us today who have identified certain media sources as biased, just like my 1890 hometowners, aren't swayed and/or go in an opposite direction.

Imagine Trumps”s Project 2025’s plans that only white-house approved media be allowed.
Have copies of my hometown newspaper published in the 1890s. The copies came into my possession from the grandson of the publisher and editor.

This newspaper back in the time it was published had to be the only news source available to most of those living in my hometown.

The bias for a single party and the slamming of those in the other party was amazing. For example, an opponent of the editor's party was described as follows, "He is a licentious lizard whose slimy presence would disgust even a pole cat".

Can only conclude the hometowners were aware of the extreme bias of the publisher and may have both taken his bias with a grain of salt, or automatically voted for the victims of his bias.

Thinking those of us today who have identified certain media sources as biased, just like my 1890 hometowners, aren't swayed and/or go in an opposite direction.
True. I just think when 25-30 headlines are negative day after day it becomes inculcated
Have copies of my hometown newspaper published in the 1890s. The copies came into my possession from the grandson of the publisher and editor.

This newspaper back in the time it was published had to be the only news source available to most of those living in my hometown.

The bias for a single party and the slamming of those in the other party was amazing. For example, an opponent of the editor's party was described as follows, "He is a licentious lizard whose slimy presence would disgust even a pole cat".

Can only conclude the hometowners were aware of the extreme bias of the publisher and may have both taken his bias with a grain of salt, or automatically voted for the victims of his bias.

Thinking those of us today who have identified certain media sources as biased, just like my 1890 hometowners, aren't swayed and/or go in an opposite direction.

I believe most newspapers of that era were extreme partisan prints, usually financially supported by the political party apparatus. Hyper sensationalism and 'yellow journalism' were the norm in hundreds (maybe thousands) of papers across the country.

It wasn't until the early 1900s that Hearst, Pulitzer, etc found they could be more profitable selling advertising and running independent papers, rather than running partisan papers.
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