Good Russian interference article . . .

They weren't secret.
Peegs asked me to moderate about 15 or 20 years ago when he owned the site. I said no because I was way too busy and I still had that months at sea thing happening here and there. However, if I was a moderator now, and I don't want to be, there are some posters I'd ban pretty much immediately. ;) I don't have the time for that now either. I've been playing a lot of golf in my retirement and I'm starting a swimming program soon as golf season is ending.
Peegs asked me to moderate about 15 or 20 years ago when he owned the site. I said no because I was way too busy and I still had that months at sea thing happening here and there. However, if I was a moderator now, and I don't want to be, there are some posters I'd ban pretty much immediately. ;) I don't have the time for that now either. I've been playing a lot of golf in my retirement and I'm starting a swimming program soon as golf season is ending.
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Peegs asked me to moderate about 15 or 20 years ago when he owned the site. I said no because I was way too busy and I still had that months at sea thing happening here and there. However, if I was a moderator now, and I don't want to be, there are some posters I'd ban pretty much immediately.

To ban or not is a relatively easy question. It's the less than banworthy stuff you have to deal with that's a headache.
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Well, it’s important in a democracy that the people who supported losing candidates recognize the winning candidates as legitimate leaders.

Ultimately, that was the biggest problem with Trump’s despicable behavior after the last election. And it was also bad that many people were led to believe that Russian meddling affected the outcome in 2016.

We shouldn’t want to continue this cycle.
I believe this is very important.

Our institutions--including our electoral process, vote counters, poll judges, etc.--are vitally important to the fabric of our government and society. That includes our judiciary.

Delegitimizing them is very, very dangerous. Worse case scenario, this is what leads to actual, real civil war/unrest. THAT is what Russia and China want to do via their meddling, much more than have one or the other candidate win. Each time a candidate does this ala Hillary in 2016 or Abrams in 2018 or Trump in 2020, it makes it easier for the next candidate to do so, eroding public confidence in those institutions. This shit needs to stop--the American voters need to punish those who engage in this behavior harshly.
It certainly has an impact on individual people. They’re sharing Russian generated fake news and some get millions of hits on platforms like X. One of the perpetrators is an American who moved to Moscow to avoid legal problems here. All the efforts aren’t anti-Harris stuff a lot is to generate more friction and discontent in the US and more anti-Ukraine sentiment. It’s where the two yachts for Zelenskyy stuff came from. Fake news that even made it to this board.
A friend of ours, a teaching physician at the nearest large university, was hanging out with us Friday night. She is very pro-gun control and calls herself a “moderate.”

Friday night she told us she feels hypocritical because she wants to buy a gun to protect herself in case Trump wins. She believes that he will enable Republicans to hunt her because she’s a Democrat.

This woman is barely 50 and is a teaching and practicing clinical physician.

Now you tell me about Russian propaganda.
I've been consistent since 2016 on these points:

1. We have no idea if Russian interference was substantial enough to change the outcome of any elections.
2. Even if it was, that doesn't make the results invalid. A legal voter's vote still counts, even if their choice was driven by susceptibility to foreign misinformation.

So let's stay away from this straw man. Having citizens targeted by foreign governments, and believing the disinformation that is sent there way, is a dangerous situation, regardless of any elections.
I hope you’ll be writing Schiff and Clinton to ensure they follow your ideas.
A friend of ours, a teaching physician at the nearest large university, was hanging out with us Friday night. She is very pro-gun control and calls herself a “moderate.”

Friday night she told us she feels hypocritical because she wants to buy a gun to protect herself in case Trump wins. She believes that he will enable Republicans to hunt her because she’s a Democrat.

This woman is barely 50 and is a teaching and practicing clinical physician.

Now you tell me about Russian propaganda.
Intelligent people can be very stupid. I see it every day.
A friend of ours, a teaching physician at the nearest large university, was hanging out with us Friday night. She is very pro-gun control and calls herself a “moderate.”

Friday night she told us she feels hypocritical because she wants to buy a gun to protect herself in case Trump wins. She believes that he will enable Republicans to hunt her because she’s a Democrat.

This woman is barely 50 and is a teaching and practicing clinical physician.

Now you tell me about Russian propaganda.
I wouldn’t want this dumbass to be my doctor. The only danger after this election is democrats burning down cities if Trump wins.
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