FBI Crime Report Ouy Today

Just a little more hoot. One of my closest friends is my daughter’s teacher. She’s got her master’s from a big ten school. Been teaching 25 years and makes $80k. That’s it. That’s a group we better be careful with too

MM66, there was a time when getting a degree in education and teaching was one of the few careers available to females.

Those days are long gone.
MM66, there was a time when getting a degree in education and teaching was one of the few careers available to females.

Those days are long gone.
My grandmother went to the university of Colorado back when that was hardly heard of and got her degree then her license and taught here. Her daughter, my aunt, was a special Ed teacher in the city. That is a no joke gig
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Appreciate your engagement on this. Every interaction a city has with a citizen is unique and presents different dangers and different opportunities. The movement that I've seen hasn't been to take money away from police and send social workers out to deal with potentially violent situations. I think part of the problem is that we've somehow misidentified that every interaction is a highly dangerous situation.

I fully appreciate the danger that police officers face every day, so please don't misconstrue this as minimizing the dangers that they face. The challenge is trying to figure out how to evaluate those interactions appropriately and as human individuals. It's not easy, but it's a challenge worth undertaking.
Yeah, it’s not about minimizing the danger officers face. I posed these issues to a prosecutor friend of mine back in 2020. He’s much more conservative than I am. I have the same inclinations you do.

He said the problem is, at the time of the incident, when it’s called in by whoever it is, the civilians aren’t reliable judges of the potential danger and since the call can be coming from anywhere, it’s not practical to train them. So that challenge might just be unsolvable. Sucks, but makes sense to me.
Oh man super hot when we were young.
Tell Pulp Fiction GIF
The problem is the summer of love attacks on cops from Harris and her band of lunatics gave rise to mass resignations and early retirements. Add in Soros DAs and forget it. You want to put your butt on the line for a soros da and a bail project?

It was a shitty job to begin with that not to be a dick but attracted bottom feeder applicants. If they don’t want to do it who will? We could raise their pay significantly and make the qualifications better and possibly get better cops in the process - but i don’t know

Squad politics that first year was a disaster on every front at every level of gov. But remember hoot that’s not Harris anymore. She’s a gun-toten fracker
Interesting that you have a problem with "summer of love" criticisms of cops, but have no problem calling them bottom feeder applicants.

I can't help thinking that it's not just "The Squad" that contributes to low morale in our police. 🤷‍♂️
Interesting that you have a problem with "summer of love" criticisms of cops, but have no problem calling them bottom feeder applicants.

I can't help thinking that it's not just "The Squad" that contributes to low morale in our police. 🤷‍♂️
unrelated. the attack on cops was predicated on a false narrative. it was shameful. qualifications to be a cop in many jurisdictions is a ged. it is indeed a bottom-feeder qualification. it could be elevated to match feds but would take money. cops were proud until the vapid squad politics played the race-baiting game and attacked them
unrelated. the attack on cops was predicated on a false narrative. it was shameful. qualifications to be a cop in many jurisdictions is a ged. it is indeed a bottom-feeder qualification. it could be elevated to match feds but would take money. cops were proud until the vapid squad politics played the race-baiting game and attacked them
I guess keep waxing poetic about police pride while telling them they are bottom-feeders if it makes you feel better. I'm not sure why cops would stop being proud because the squad said bad things about them, but you do you.