Thanks. I knew I didn't want to farm. My oldest brother did, though. Until college I had never been more than 100 miles from home. To permit a one day vacation, we would do the morning milking, hit the road by 8AM, have my uncle and cousins do the evening milking and the next morning's milking, then we'd roll in by 5PM the next day for the evening milking. A 33 hour vacation, max. Usually to visit a relative. Wherever we could get to in 2-3 hours. Danville Illinois where a relative lived seemed like an exotic destination.
Pigs are a lot less work except when farrowing. Stink 10x worse though.
When I was 16 in the summer of '78 my buddies and I took care of the farms for 2 weeks and my parents went to Washington DC for their first real vacation since their Niagra Falls honeymoon in 1947.