DeSantis stock goes up

What DeSantis did WAS a legitimate policy statement and action and decision.

By sending immigrants to claimed "sanctuaries" for immigrants, he GRAPHICALLY pointed out the "unfairness" of expecting 4 states to shoulder the burden of broken, politicized federal immigration policy - especially illegal immigration - while liars in government elsewhere criticize these states without helping, and while virtue signaling and falsely claiming they would serve and protect illegal immigrants FROM HIM and all other Deplorables.
Yeah, I see why you had to add "statement" into that reply...because you can't actually make a policy argument for what DeSantis did. All you can argue for is a pwn the libs political statement throwing in as many shallow buzzwords that you can find. Work in Antifa and CRT and you could hit Republican bingo! :rolleyes:

Apparently my conservative brethren here are just admitting that there is no executive governing ability down at the Florida Governor's mansion. You didn't need this cruel political stunt to know that.
Yeah, I see why you had to add "statement" into that reply...because you can't actually make a policy argument for what DeSantis did. All you can argue for is a pwn the libs political statement throwing in as many shallow buzzwords that you can find. Work in Antifa and CRT and you could hit Republican bingo! :rolleyes:

Apparently my conservative brethren here are just admitting that there is no executive governing ability down at the Florida Governor's mansion. You didn't need this cruel political stunt to know that.
If somebody wants to send me a Bill Hicks or George Carlin comedy bit, I'll probably laugh at that. However, if a privileged politician does the equivalent of pretending to give a homeless person a sandwich, snatches it away, laughs in his face, and then holds a press conference about it, probably not going to laugh at that and will just be disgusted since I'm a decent human being.
Then why couldn't he corral enough immigrants in Florida to fill the plane? My guess is his state's employers (eg, agriculture) needed those who were there. You should add Desantis to your list of government liars.
Because the GOP claim that bunches of "illegals" are being flown to FL and elsewhere is a lie, promulgated by politicians promoting it to people stupid or desperate enough to believe it. DeSantis likely assumed Abbott would set him up with some Central Americans who likely skew left, and not upset the Cubans and Venezuelans in Florida.

Notice Rubio is hiding on this, reluctant to come out supporting or opposing it... Meanwhile this brand new NYT Siena poll of Hispanics shows that they still agree more with Dems on immigration, and stunts like this could end up unintentionally destroying some of the goodwill the GOP is working hard to generate...

If somebody wants to send me a Bill Hicks or George Carlin comedy bit, I'll probably laugh at that. However, if a privileged politician does the equivalent of pretending to give a homeless person a sandwich, snatches it away, laughs in his face, and then holds a press conference about it, probably not going to laugh at that and will just be disgusted since I'm a decent human being.
To expand on that scenario, the onlookers with empathy take up a collection and treat the homeless guy with dignity and get him somewhere that can help him, and the politician looks even more like a complete asshole.
And yet, some in the crowd cheer even more loudly. To do differently would be admitting they, too, are assholes.
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To expand on that scenario, the onlookers with empathy take up a collection and treat the homeless guy with dignity and get him somewhere that can help him, and the politician looks even more like a complete asshole.
And yet, some in the crowd cheer even more loudly.
One would hope that people on any side of the immigration issue would agree that people should be treated like human beings. Admittedly, I have a hair trigger for bullies and people that treat the less fortunate poorly: I just can't suffer that. DeSantis also claims to be a Christian, probably for political purposes: he certainly did not behave like a Christian during this stunt.
One would hope that people on any side of the immigration issue would agree that people should be treated like human beings. Admittedly, I have a hair trigger for bullies and people that treat the less fortunate poorly: I just can't suffer that. DeSantis also claims to be a Christian, probably for political purposes: he certainly did not behave like a Christian during this stunt.
I thought you were an atheist?
Why is The Call of The Wild banned? Seems ridiculous.
It’s ridiculous that most of these books are banned. I’ve read the majority and my guess is they’d go through a 400 page book and find a passage they didn’t like in order to justify banning
Per the migrants lawyer, it's been accused that they were all purposely given nonsensical addresses and told to use because it would immediately flag them and cause them to be deported.

Even low life piece of shits say that's a hateful, low life piece of shit thing to do.

I know MAGA republicans hate immigrants but wow, you guys REALLY hate immigrants even more than you hate being called racist. 😉
DHS put random addresses on their paperwork?
DHS put random addresses on their paperwork?

Reports are that DHS had them use the closest homeless shelter to the immigration office they were supposed to report to. Zeke linked it and I followed up with a focus on that particular detail.
Most of the books banned are ridiculous.
Not that I have read all on the list but the ones I have there might be a smidgen of a reason*: Harry Potter = sorcery etc. What could be the reason for banning C of the W?

*Not necessarily a good/valid reason.

Edit for spelling. Thanks Buck.
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Reports are that DHS had them use the closest homeless shelter to the immigration office they were supposed to report to. Zeke linked it and I followed up with a focus on that particular detail.
That is happening not just to migrants that flew to Martha’s Vinyard. Look at Tommy’s post from last night. He’s not the only one that posted its
Reports are that DHS had them use the closest homeless shelter to the immigration office they were supposed to report to. Zeke linked it and I followed up with a focus on that particular detail.
After the immigrants got off of the plane, I hear that DeSantis lined all of the immigrants up, gave each one an "atomic" wedgie, yelled "psyche, haha, you poor brown folk!" and got in his limo and peeled out, leaving the immigrants in a cloud of dust.
After the immigrants got off of the plane, I hear that DeSantis lined all of the immigrants up, gave each one an "atomic" wedgie, yelled "psyche, haha, you poor brown folk!" and got in his limo and peeled out, leaving the immigrants in a cloud of dust.
Damn, you really are a funny guy.
Not that I have read all on the list but the ones I have there might be a smidgen of a reason*: Harry Potter = scorcery etc. What could be the reason for banning C of the W?

*Not necessarily a good/valid reason.
A good friend of mine, who is very conservative, was telling me that he didn't let his kids read Potter, due to the "sorcery".
I reminded him that we were both huge LOTR nerds. "Hello...Gandalf the Wizard".
He chuckled in defeat.
Damn, you really are a funny guy.
Funny how?
A good friend of mine, who is very conservative, was telling me that he didn't let his kids read Potter, due to the "sorcery".
I reminded him that we were both huge LOTR nerds. "Hello...Gandalf the Wizard".
He chuckled in defeat.
Thanks for the spell check.
After the immigrants got off of the plane, I hear that DeSantis lined all of the immigrants up, gave each one an "atomic" wedgie, yelled "psyche, haha, you poor brown folk!" and got in his limo and peeled out, leaving the immigrants in a cloud of dust.
A lot of people outraged have no understanding of what is actually happening or who is responsible.
After the immigrants got off of the plane, I hear that DeSantis lined all of the immigrants up, gave each one an "atomic" wedgie, yelled "psyche, haha, you poor brown folk!" and got in his limo and peeled out, leaving the immigrants in a cloud of dust.
I heard afterwards a couple of the immigrants got the “pool boy” treatment by some lonely Karens with fake boobs and faces that never move.
sexy swimming pool GIF by ROMEO
There is a right way and a wrong way to address complicated issues, and people should always be treated like human beings. There are immigration laws and a process, and they have always been around, whether Trump or Biden is the President. People like Trump and DeSantis like to pretend that they can "solve" every immigration issue, but they can't and they are just playing politics. Unfortunately, DeSantis is playing politics with human beings, which is repugnant and didn't solve anything.

I'm sure DeSantis would not like his Italian immigrant ancestors to be treated the way he has treated the people he shipped like cargo.
Did DeSantis's ancestors come through Ellis Island/ through proper designed procedures, or did they work to find an unmanned boarded to Texas and try to sneak in, KNOWING that it was illegal? I have zero doubt that you know the true answer to this. The only acceptable answer is, 1) they did it per proper procedures or 2) they are illegal cheats.
Being an asshole to and using the less fortunate is never a good look. It is incredibly selfish and displays poor character to do anything you want to in order to make a "statement." I don't pretend to buy homeless people lunch or give them money and then tell them to go get a job.
Oh the new better woke way of saying Racsist, without saying Racist. How many illegals do you have staying with you? How many homeless American veterans have you taken in? Do you actually have skin in the game, or a message board megaphone?