What if your portion was invested and what your employer paid was put into a pot for those who are currently unable to work for whatever reason? To me that would be the setup. You have 6.2% put into a TSP account that grows over your lifetime and your employer's 6.2% goes into the pot for social safety net insurance for those who couldn't work. And on your death, your account is part of your assets that you could pass out in your will.
That’s getting close to what I advocate, but there should be employee matching for the mandatory contribution into TSP. There needs to be a safety net for some. Why not have a separate TSP account that the fed invests in to use for that? Maybe a 1 percent contribution from all who work.
Sure, have at it. Make it happen.
I'm not trying to claim that Social Security is great and above criticism or anything like that. I just get sick and tired of people characterizing it as an investment program -- which it is not and never has been -- and then trying to compare it to other investment programs. That's flat dishonest.
All it is or ever has been is a generational transfer of wealth, one that many people count on to provide a significant portion of their retirement income.