Democrats are stupid

They hypocritically have said it’s basically a nothing burger. They’ve hypocritically been unconcerned with mishandling classified information. HRC met the gross negligence standard in the law but Trump was deliberate, it many times more information and he refused to properly secure it it return it. It’s far more egregious but people hypocritically defend him for it.

I’d undoubtedly still be in Ft Leavenworth prison if I’d done what Trump has done while I was active duty.

Strange that those people rail about elites getting away with things the rest of us cannot. You know, unless their elite does it. Trump is by any imaginable definition an elite.

In 2016, I couldn't vote Hillary in the primary. Too much baggage, so I voted and donated to Bernie even though it is quite clear I don't like populism at all.

Trump supporters have more options than Hillary supporters had. Liberals hate Viv and Desantis, they can have 95% of the fun of having Trump. Let's face it, that is why they want Trump.

If faced with Trump or Biden, I get why they would vote Trump. I wouldn't, but Biden has baggage too. But we don't have to be on that track, they have options now. Their love of schadenfreude is guiding us to the impending disaster.
I would take wade off the case. Too high profile to not separate that distraction.

As for documents case, it is definitely valid against Trump when he refused to return them. HRC/Pence/Biden was bad but they complied with returning stuff and/or worked with authorities. Trump would have gotten the same benefit had he just returned them.
I’m not so sure of that aloha. I wouldn’t at all be surprised to see him get off
I read the indictment and I think it’s a slam dunk, but I could be wrong. The defense gets to make a case, but Trump’s public defense of himself certainly won’t win in trial. The trial should be very interesting.
Strange that those people rail about elites getting away with things the rest of us cannot. You know, unless their elite does it. Trump is by any imaginable definition an elite.

In 2016, I couldn't vote Hillary in the primary. Too much baggage, so I voted and donated to Bernie even though it is quite clear I don't like populism at all.

Trump supporters have more options than Hillary supporters had. Liberals hate Viv and Desantis, they can have 95% of the fun of having Trump. Let's face it, that is why they want Trump.

If faced with Trump or Biden, I get why they would vote Trump. I wouldn't, but Biden has baggage too. But we don't have to be on that track, they have options now. Their love of schadenfreude is guiding us to the impending disaster.
How much of biden's baggage is manufactured by republicans?

Worst case scenario is he really does have dementia and someone behind the scenes is really in charge. I would take whoever is behind door #1 though over Trump any day of the week.
How much of biden's baggage is manufactured by republicans?

Worst case scenario is he really does have dementia and someone behind the scenes is really in charge. I would take whoever is behind door #1 though over Trump any day of the week.
There is no doubt that Biden is slipping due to aging. It happens. I don’t think he’s incompetent due to that - yet. I have serious doubts that he’ll get through a second term. It reminds me of FDR’s last run. The insiders didn’t think he’d make it four more years and when Truman was chosen as his running mate they, and he, anticipated that Truman would end up being President.
How much of biden's baggage is manufactured by republicans?

Worst case scenario is he really does have dementia and someone behind the scenes is really in charge. I would take whoever is behind door #1 though over Trump any day of the week.

Biden may/may not have dementia but his mental acuity is down and that progression will not stop. The thing they are not honest about, the exact same thing is true of Trump. One can find interviews of Trump from the 80s, he could use complete and intelligent sentences. He cannot today.

And Biden did have documents in his home.

But the Hunter crap is manufactured. The Hunter stuff is crap because there is no proof. A comparison, Trump's daughter goes to China and comes back with deals worth millions. A couple weeks later Trump reaches a deal to help a giant Chinese corp. I to this day never say Trump is guilty. But if one clearly sees Biden is guilty how does one clearly not see Trump as guilty?
I read the indictment and I think it’s a slam dunk, but I could be wrong. The defense gets to make a case, but Trump’s public defense of himself certainly won’t win in trial. The trial should be very interesting.
You have to remember there’s a human element to this stuff aloha. You can have your pleadings and arguments all buttoned up and ready to go but not realize sitting next to each other, listening, not believing, is Dbm and IGW.
Dbm: you buyin this stuff?
IGW: about as much as the condo collapse down the street was “an accident”
You have to remember there’s a human element to this stuff aloha. You can have your pleadings and arguments all buttoned up and ready to go but not realize sitting next to each other, listening, not believing, is Dbm and IGW.
Dbm: you buyin this stuff?
IGW: about as much as the condo collapse down the street was “an accident”
I do not disagree.

You got a like for capitalization too.
Biden may/may not have dementia but his mental acuity is down and that progression will not stop. The thing they are not honest about, the exact same thing is true of Trump. One can find interviews of Trump from the 80s, he could use complete and intelligent sentences. He cannot today.

And Biden did have documents in his home.

But the Hunter crap is manufactured. The Hunter stuff is crap because there is no proof. A comparison, Trump's daughter goes to China and comes back with deals worth millions. A couple weeks later Trump reaches a deal to help a giant Chinese corp. I to this day never say Trump is guilty. But if one clearly sees Biden is guilty how does one clearly not see Trump as guilty?
Yea, both are declining mentally from old age
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There is no doubt that Biden is slipping due to aging. It happens. I don’t think he’s incompetent due to that - yet. I have serious doubts that he’ll get through a second term. It reminds me of FDR’s last run. The insiders didn’t think he’d make it four more years and when Truman was chosen as his running mate they, and he, anticipated that Truman would end up being President.

The issue this time is that, at the moment, I don't see a Harry Truman in the queue. If he wants people to feel good about casting their vote for him he needs to rethink that #2 slot.
Biden may/may not have dementia but his mental acuity is down and that progression will not stop. The thing they are not honest about, the exact same thing is true of Trump. One can find interviews of Trump from the 80s, he could use complete and intelligent sentences. He cannot today.

And Biden did have documents in his home.

But the Hunter crap is manufactured. The Hunter stuff is crap because there is no proof. A comparison, Trump's daughter goes to China and comes back with deals worth millions. A couple weeks later Trump reaches a deal to help a giant Chinese corp. I to this day never say Trump is guilty. But if one clearly sees Biden is guilty how does one clearly not see Trump as guilty?
No doubt that Trump is slipping due to age too. On top of that he’s getting even more narcissistic and paranoid.
The issue this time is that, at the moment, I don't see a Harry Truman in the queue. If he wants people to feel good about casting their vote for him he needs to rethink that #2 slot.
Yes he does. I think he should withdraw before the convention and the convention can replace him the old fashioned way. He could replace Harris too, and I think he should. FDR had a different running mate every time. Why not replace her?
I’m not so sure of that aloha. I wouldn’t at all be surprised to see him get off
There is a threshold and dispositive question about whether the PRA give the ex-president sole authority about what is or isn’t personal material.
That’s why I believe dc is where he’s ****ed
The defense gets a say in jury selection. There are a lot of Republicans in the area too. A lot of military Republicans are there ( though most won’t officially be residents) and retired military (who will be residents). He has lost a ton of military support so there is that too.
The defense gets a say in jury selection. There are a lot of Republicans in the area too. A lot of military Republicans are there ( though most won’t officially be residents) and retired military (who will be residents). He has lost a ton of military support so there is that too.
I get that but trust me tons of rednecks who want to stick it to the man. It’s not a coincidence it’s a hot bed for personal injury, mass torts, flsa etc
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Trump is going to lose the document case yugely. ;) I think it’s the biggest slam dunk of all his cases. It’s the one I actually care most about.

I read the indictment and I think it’s a slam dunk, but I could be wrong. The defense gets to make a case, but Trump’s public defense of himself certainly won’t win in trial. The trial should be very interesting.

I'm convinced that Eileen Cannon is going to allow Trump to make frivolous filings and to divert and delay until election day and beyond. If anyone is counting on one of these cases effecting the outcome of the election, they'd better not be looking to this one.
Yes he does. I think he should withdraw before the convention and the convention can replace him the old fashioned way. He could replace Harris too, and I think he should. FDR had a different running mate every time. Why not replace her?

Why not replace her? Optics. Now possibly they can convice her to drop out "on her own" with the promise of a role in the administration that she could claim to find "more fulfilling," but unceremoniously dump her? No way.

I agree with the notion of Biden stepping down just before the convention. I don't think we're going too far out on a limb there though. I see this suggested quite often. It a resonable scenario, and IMO the smart move. As a nod to the post title, it probably won't happen.

By the way, Democrats are indeed stupid. Only eclipsed in their stupidity by Republicans.
The defense gets a say in jury selection. There are a lot of Republicans in the area too. A lot of military Republicans are there ( though most won’t officially be residents) and retired military (who will be residents). He has lost a ton of military support so there is that too.
Aloha if I was a military guy I’d have no use for trump either. At all. I get it
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Yeah, I know, I know. Terrible optics, questionable ethics, but I don't see how it directly affects the case.
lol. You clown. You just made the case that every Trump voter, everywhere makes in voting for him.

Your moral and ethical high ground is a figment of your imagination.
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Aloha if I was a military guy I’d have no use for trump either. At all. I get it
No doubt he’s burned a lot of bridges with the military, especially senior officers and senior enlisted. He’s destroyed a ton of Republican votes. I hope that’s not permanent. He’s done the same with a lot of traditionally Republican dominated civilian workforce in the DoD and law enforcement agencies as well (FBI, Homeland Security, Coast Guard, etc.). All that deep state nonsense and Trump’s disrespect of them has had an effect.
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They hypocritically have said it’s basically a nothing burger. They’ve hypocritically been unconcerned with mishandling classified information. HRC met the gross negligence standard in the law but Trump was deliberate, it involved many times more information and he refused to properly secure it it return it. It’s far more egregious but people hypocritically defend him for it.

I’d undoubtedly still be in Ft Leavenworth prison if I’d done what Trump has done while I was active duty.
I don't think having a double standard between your party and another meets the definition of hypocritical. I think to be hypocritical, you have to be personally acting in a way different than what you preach. So Trump was certainly a hypocrite for arguing Hilary should be locked up for her classified doc handling, while then doing the same thing.
The defense gets a say in jury selection. There are a lot of Republicans in the area too. A lot of military Republicans are there ( though most won’t officially be residents) and retired military (who will be residents). He has lost a ton of military support so there is that too.
What are your thoughts on military recruitment challenges? What do you attribute it to?
I don't think having a double standard between your party and another meets the definition of hypocritical. I think to be hypocritical, you have to be personally acting in a way different than what you preach. So Trump was certainly a hypocrite for arguing Hilary should be locked up for her classified doc handling, while then doing the same thing.
You get a love emoji for the next level pedantry.
Biden may/may not have dementia but his mental acuity is down and that progression will not stop. The thing they are not honest about, the exact same thing is true of Trump. One can find interviews of Trump from the 80s, he could use complete and intelligent sentences. He cannot today.

And Biden did have documents in his home.

But the Hunter crap is manufactured. The Hunter stuff is crap because there is no proof. A comparison, Trump's daughter goes to China and comes back with deals worth millions. A couple weeks later Trump reaches a deal to help a giant Chinese corp. I to this day never say Trump is guilty. But if one clearly sees Biden is guilty how does one clearly not see Trump as guilty?
Excellent post.

You don't have to go back to the '80s with Trump. You can find clips from 10-15 years ago where he's articulate and comes across as likable, stable and sane. In the '90s the guy was at times downright charming. Now, he's a miserable, angry, disoriented old man. He has days when he's in Iowa and thinks he's in South Dakota, he's unable to distinguish between Erdogan and Orban, believes he defeated Obama for the presidency in 2016, thinks there were airports during the Revolutionary War, and worries that Biden is going to lead us into World War II. Tell me again who's senile?

But there's a bigger issue and there's evidence of it here in this thread. Look at the thread title, started by a liberal/progressive. Look at other posts here from anti-Trump people including me who are calling out one of the Trump prosecutors for misconduct. You will never see anything like that from the Trump-obsessed Trump worshipers in the Trump cult. As you pointed out, they're convinced Biden is guilty of something despite the absence of compelling proof of anything, but the well-crafted and detailed indictments against Trump are, to them, simply part and parcel of a meritless, political hit job, orchestrated by senile Old Joe and his two-tiered justice system. They will never call Trump or his enablers out for anything (except "mean tweets" or some cliche like he's a dick but my president doesn't need to be a choir boy), but rather will deflect, defend, excuse or attempt to explain away every bad thing he does.
You get a love emoji for the next level pedantry.
Take A Bow Thank You GIF by WWE
Bowl. That is a load of horseshit. And you’re slurping up the horseshit like it’s your favorite food.

If this is generational and economic you would have seen a steady drop off. Instead it has dropped off a cliff.

Because the men that do most of the fighting and dying in this country don’t want to be lectured to about “White rage”.

The thing Aloha won’t and can’t mention is that the vast majority of the front line soldiers, seamen, airmen and marines support Trump.

It’s the pampered and out of touch officer class that think they somehow know better that have qualms with him.
What are your thoughts on military recruitment challenges? What do you attribute it to?
Several issues. An increasing number of recruits can’t meet physical, educational or drug use standards. Competition with an improving public sector economy is a factor. Young people attitudes about discipline is a factor - it’s not as appealing to enter an occupation where discipline is a way of life. I’d say the fact that there is zero tolerance for drug use, including pot, is a pretty big factor when recreational pot use is being approved in more states. I’d also guess that some parents of the traditional patriotic base of people are telling their kids not to join. A couple of the hard core Trumpsters here have said this.
Bowl. That is a load of horseshit. And you’re slurping up the horseshit like it’s your favorite food.

If this is generational and economic you would have seen a steady drop off. Instead it has dropped off a cliff.

Because the men that do most of the fighting and dying in this country don’t want to be lectured to about “White rage”.

The thing Aloha won’t and can’t mention is that the vast majority of the front line soldiers, seamen, airmen and marines support Trump.

It’s the pampered and out of touch officer class that think they somehow know better that have qualms with him.
Your experience with the frontline military consists of what? You’re totally full of shit.
Bowl. That is a load of horseshit. And you’re slurping up the horseshit like it’s your favorite food.

If this is generational and economic you would have seen a steady drop off. Instead it has dropped off a cliff.

Because the men that do most of the fighting and dying in this country don’t want to be lectured to about “White rage”.

The thing Aloha won’t and can’t mention is that the vast majority of the front line soldiers, seamen, airmen and marines support Trump.

It’s the pampered and out of touch officer class that think they somehow know better that have qualms with him.
I'm quoting the military men who are in charge of recruitment. What have you got, ace?

There is a threshold and dispositive question about whether the PRA give the ex-president sole authority about what is or isn’t personal material.
That's irrelevant. The ex-president doesn't have the authority to declassify information, so it would still be illegal to hold the records, personal or no. And even if you could put together some kind of bad argument for him holding the records, it would still be illegal for him to share them or even leave them stacked irresponsibly on a stage in a dining hall.
Bowl. That is a load of horseshit. And you’re slurping up the horseshit like it’s your favorite food.

If this is generational and economic you would have seen a steady drop off. Instead it has dropped off a cliff.

Because the men that do most of the fighting and dying in this country don’t want to be lectured to about “White rage”.

The thing Aloha won’t and can’t mention is that the vast majority of the front line soldiers, seamen, airmen and marines support Trump.

It’s the pampered and out of touch officer class that think they somehow know better that have qualms with him.
And it’s why they’ll continue to have issues with military recruitment. Iraq and Afghanistan didn’t help either.
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And it’s why they’ll continue to have issues with military recruitment. Iraq and Afghanistan didn’t help either.
A whole bunch of the military comes from generational families. When people like Aloha and Mark Milley spit in the face of our fighting men and women and their families, it ****ing disgusts me.
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A whole bunch of the military comes from generational families. When people like Aloha and Mark Milley spit in the face of our fighting men and women and their families, it ****ing disgusts me.
The idea that I spit in the face of our “fighting men and women” is dumber than dumb. I lived among them on six ships. I keep in touch with at least a hundred on Facebook. I’ve been to reunions when I’m the only former officer. What’s your military experience? I asked once. My guess is no experience and your opinion disgusts me regardless.
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A whole bunch of the military comes from generational families. When people like Aloha and Mark Milley spit in the face of our fighting men and women and their families, it ****ing disgusts me.
I don’t take it personal. It’s just a trade off for getting into bed with the LGBTQ, DEI, and we hate white people crowd. You can cuddle up with them, but you’re going to alienate a portion of the population who would have signed up. One positive, the military needs to be cut anyway.
The lyrics don't directly apply but the title of the song ("Dirty Work") sure does. In any event it's a good listen.

I actually prefer this version of Steely Dan (with David Palmer on vocals) to some of the more "popular" later offerings. This debut album is full of Classic gems like Kings, Dirty Work, Brooklyn etc...

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