Democratic IT Report on Aswan Primed For Drop

In wingnut lore: This guy is Pakistani and he accessed a buttload of data from congressmen when he wasn’t supposed to. He went to ground when the gubmint found out and DWS is sweeping it all under the rug because she was up to shenanigans. Now he’s copping a plea (never mind that many criminal cases end up in pleas that aren’t done to bust someone up the chain but rather to speed up the process) and this must mean that he’s feeding the feds DWS or maybe Hillary! on a platter.
Wow. That's...really, really stupid.
Let's unpack this a bit.

First, Aswan is a dam in Egypt. The name of the accused couple as listed in the article you linked is "Awan".

Second . . . whaaaaaat? What evidence is about to be dropped? Against whom would the evidence be used? What charges would the evidence support?

So far as I can tell the article you linked says that Awan is ready to strike a plea deal on bank fraud charges . . . to the best of my cursory reading of the article there are no espionage charges to be plead to, at least not yet, by Awan or anyone else. And there's no suggestion in the facts provided in the article that any Democratic congress members are anything but victims of Awan . . . .

As best I can tell the article is making a small hill out of a mole's tunnel, and you're trying like heck to make more out of it than that.

When you've got something concrete, please feel free to return and report it. Until then, I have to polish my work shoes . . . .

There is a little more than talk of the possible plea deal.

“Alleged theft of congressional equipment, massive data breaches of Congress members’ emails, likely espionage and more are all wrapped up in this case that involves data from 40 or more Democratic members of Congress.”

Just another vast right wing conspiracy amplified by Fox. Got it!
There is a little more than talk of the possible plea deal.

“Alleged theft of congressional equipment, massive data breaches of Congress members’ emails, likely espionage and more are all wrapped up in this case that involves data from 40 or more Democratic members of Congress.”

Just another vast right wing conspiracy amplified by Fox. Got it!

Nobody disputes the possibility that Awan may have engaged in espionage. I'm perfectly happy for the government to investigate that and, if the facts warrant it, bring charges.

But that's not what Hack is saying is the real story . . . he's saying that 40 Democratic representatives in congress were in on the espionage . . . or something like that. And Fox is making that theory at least an innuendo in its articles. So you're right, the story that Hack is making up is a right wing conspiracy intentionally amplified by Fox.

I like the odds of my admittedly tinfoil hat (i.e., not supported by the current factual record) conspiracy theory that Trump is a compromised puppet/agent of Russia being factual far more than Hack's theory.
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Pls read the article. It says that 40 Dems could have been hacked. No need to add fake news to the story. I’m not putting odds on anything. This Gov is so corrupt that anyone taking sides is just demonstrating their own bias. We should all be demanding public campaign financing to get the money out of politics and take our country back....
Pls read the article. It says that 40 Dems could have been hacked. No need to add fake news to the story. I’m not putting odds on anything. This Gov is so corrupt that anyone taking sides is just demonstrating their own bias. We should all be demanding public campaign financing to get the money out of politics and take our country back....

Finally something we agree on. Citizens United was a horrible decision, and it’s implications continue to reverberate.
We should all be demanding public campaign financing to get the money out of politics and take our country back....
See, it is possible for Coolerites on opposites sides of the political spectrum to agree on the same good ideas.
I think it should be possible to require at least from the broadcast media (through their FCC licenses) that they provide a certain amount of media time at no cost to the campaigns, and limit the amount they can sell over and above that. But I'm probably crazy, what with money being speech and corporations being people and all that.