Democrat Men

I'm willing to give her a several week grace period. It was just a month ago she learned that she'd be the nominee. Most get several months to prepare for the position and aren't thrown into service just three months from the election. After the convention she'll need to start talking to the press.
She shouldn’t start talking to the press outside of scripted controlled events. And keep them few and far between. The more she talks the lower her chances of winning. She needs to shake hands and kiss babies.
She shouldn’t start talking to the press outside of scripted controlled events. And keep them few and far between. The more she talks the lower her chances of winning. She needs to shake hands and kiss babies.
She’ll start with some “friendly” interviews. I think I heard this morning that she’s doing one next week with Gail King of CBS Mornings.
Eh...I was making a point of how I thought Trump came to political prominence. Him being and idiot and being followed by morons is sort of baked into the equation, as far as I'm concerned. Sorry if that hurt people's feelings.
I guess if they cover their faces and burn flags while waiting to take over their trust funds, then they’re not morons?
You change the Dems picks to Tom Hanks, Jay Z and Eva Longoria.... I know who I'm choosing.
Are all those people at the convention? Regardless, still the wrong choice. What the hell do you think you’re going to do hanging out with Eva Longoria? Creep her out? Get beat up by her husband?
he has so much shit through so many various arrangements who knows. he owns the course in miami but international in west palm he doesn't own the land. the county did. he leased it. so who the hell knows considering how much stuff he has amassed
I absolutely agree with the "who knows" part.

Plus (1) the different valuations of his property that came up in the NY case (who cares whether one or the other is more reliable; they were from his people and were definitely different) and (2) DJT Jr. is now shilling for a gold investment company.

Those two things do not signify that Trump has found the perpetual motion machine of wealth. As you say, "who knows?"'s just propaganda and you're easily influenced. I'll bet you she doesn't win more electoral votes.
Uh, from the English you used in response to her English she used, you are betting she does not get more electoral votes than Biden.

You are a brave man person not afraid to lose a bet.
He's got not only my vote for being several hundred times more competent than Commiela (and more importantly: certain to bring a far more competent administration along with him) but now, thanks to you Mac, he has my "sympathy vote" as well... The poor guy has obviously never accomplished anything....😉

The reality is, to me at least, that Trump
is often a moronic sounding asshole, who literally in spite of his personality, has consistently been able to somehow attract very intelligent people to work for him both outside and inside of government... I'm counting on him to be able to do that again...

Kamalas future administration: a disaster waiting to happen, that will more than likely double down on every error Ol'Joes team made and possibly get us into WW3 thru shear incompetence...

The Democrats appeasing Iran at every turn is pretty much all you need to know about their approach to foreign policy...
"Ol'Joe" dropped out. Haven't you heard about it?
You know the answer to why that is...and you openly support the person that's the central cause of what we're seeing.

Its beyond frustrating that a candidate as flawed as Harris is, is so impressive. But in comparison to the alternative, actually alternatives if you include Biden, she kinda is to a lot of people.
There is a thing called a primary(democrats skip them so they can screw their supporters out of voting) where people vote for a candidate,to be the nominee for their party. Trump killed everyone in that race. The people voted for the republican nominee(Trump)...who voted for Harris as the nominee?
Trump made one comment questioning her true ethnicity. I’ve seen photos of her family and if she calls herself black, I’m Mr Pink with my finger on the stink.

Trump’s made thousands of comments regarding the economy, the outrageous price increases resulting from 12 of the last 16 years under liberal leadership. It’s the media you hear constantly harping on the one comment. Do you really think your preposterous claim is “the big issue of the month”? Maybe it is over at MSNBC, merely as fodder for the blind lemmings, the low information voters. Over here in my camp, she’ll always be eggplant to us.
Please enlighten everyone:

If Trump is so laser-focused on the economy, then how do all those racial attacks on Harris come out of his his team's keyboards?

He says Harris is not "black" but then says a photo of Harris reminds him of his wife Melania.

Is that trickle-down economics or trickle-down racism? Trickle-down lust maybe?
The reality is that Kamala would not be the Democratic candidate if:
(A) she wasn't already part of the Biden/Harris ticket therefore allowing her to legally continue to access the Biden campaign war chest $$$$$$$$$$, and
(B) the media hadn't assured the DNC at some level that they'd not only polish her up and front for her, but become complicit in helping hide her flaws from the general public as a whole...

The woman is a babbling moron whose only known accomplishment was maneuvering thru California politics by using any means necessary...

In my opinion, anyone who wants to trust the Leadership of the nation to Kamala in these trying times is either a fool, or..., somewhere deep down, at some level, actually hates themselves and the rest of the country as a whole...
So, get serious.

Is Harris ahead of Trump right now or not?
Each generation comes more diluted in color than the previous one. It’s hard not to notice all the mixed racial colors in commercials. What was once considered taboo, dating one of different race (see 1967’s “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?”) is now considered hip as a show of compassion within the “family of Man”.
Agree. Thats why DEI and identity politics is insignificant when compared to the benefits of a challenging education. Minorities cannot fully participate so long as so many lack math, reading, and language proficiency.
I'm willing to give her a several week grace period. It was just a month ago she learned that she'd be the nominee. Most get several months to prepare for the position and aren't thrown into service just three months from the election. After the convention she'll need to start talking to the press.
Geez, she’s had 3 1/2 years of needing to be ready to assume the top position at any minute’s notice, should the “Big Dog” go down unexpectedly. Perhaps she’s ill prepared now because of her incompetent, incoherent mentor.
She shouldn’t start talking to the press outside of scripted controlled events. And keep them few and far between. The more she talks the lower her chances of winning. She needs to shake hands and kiss babies.
Big deal. All those things are also true of Trump.

Do you seriously think Trump could effectively debate, say, William F. Buckley or Stephen Hawking or Alfred E. Neumann. (What, me President?). Rosanne Rosannadana, maybe?

It's OK to support your favorite, but for God's sake, don't act like Trump is going to cure cancer or balance his checkbook or whatever.
Please enlighten everyone:

If Trump is so laser-focused on the economy, then how do all those racial attacks on Harris come out of his his team's keyboards?

He says Harris is not "black" but then says a photo of Harris reminds him of his wife Melania.

Is that trickle-down economics or trickle-down racism? Trickle-down lust maybe?
You’ve obviously been following a different news source. Your’s only highlights “racial” attacks and his other blunt putdowns. They’re too biased to reveal his detailed plan to “Make America Great Again!”
Big deal. All those things are also true of Trump.

Do you seriously think Trump could effectively debate, say, William F. Buckley or Stephen Hawking or Alfred E. Neumann. (What, me President?). Rosanne Rosannadana, maybe?

It's OK to support your favorite, but for God's sake, don't act like Trump is going to cure cancer or balance his checkbook or whatever.
He’s not a radical progressive. That’s the difference. Both liars.
You’ve obviously been following a different news source. Your’s only highlights “racial” attacks and his other blunt putdowns. They’re too biased to reveal his detailed plan to “Make America Great Again!”
That's just an attack on me. Who gives a shit?

You obviously don't have a clue how to explain Trump's behavior. No wonder his supporters are leaving him.
Big deal. All those things are also true of Trump.

Do you seriously think Trump could effectively debate, say, William F. Buckley or Stephen Hawking or Alfred E. Neumann. (What, me President?). Rosanne Rosannadana, maybe?

It's OK to support your favorite, but for God's sake, don't act like Trump is going to cure cancer or balance his checkbook or whatever.
Trump’s been talking for 9 years. It’s not true for Trump.
Please enlighten everyone:

If Trump is so laser-focused on the economy, then how do all those racial attacks on Harris come out of his his team's keyboards?

He says Harris is not "black" but then says a photo of Harris reminds him of his wife Melania.

Is that trickle-down economics or trickle-down racism? Trickle-down lust maybe?
Racial attacks?...are you serious? He's attacking her by pointing out that she changes races based on convenience? I don't see how that is not can you be this race...but only until you need the vote more from another race?....You are a true dem...emotional and illogical
Racial attacks?...are you serious? He's attacking her by pointing out that she changes races based on convenience? I don't see how that is not can you be this race...but only until you need the vote more from another race?....You are a true dem...emotional and illogical
Blah blah blah.

You just admitted you are accusing her of changing races while at the same time denying that you guys are making racial attacks. How does a person "change races" as you yourself claim ??

Do you not know what words mean?? (I think you do know. You're just denying you guys are making racial attacks for the obvious reason.)
That's just an attack on me. Who gives a shit?

You obviously don't have a clue how to explain Trump's behavior. No wonder his supporters are leaving him.
So how do you explain Joe’s behavior at the debate? Just a week prior, Pelosi and others were telling us he’s sharp as a tack. How do you explain Harris’ behavior, the uncontrollable laughter at inappropriate times, the word salad shenanigans making even her most ardent supporters go, “Huh? What was that I just heard”?

Trump supports are leaving him? Really? Not in my neck of the woods. Not in my tribe of hardworking Americans. Haven’t they told you over there…since your attempted assassination setup went haywire, Independents, who previously wouldn’t lend him an ear, are as attentive as if EF Hutton himself was doing the talking.
Blah blah blah.

You just admitted you are accusing her of changing races while at the same time denying that you guys are making racial attacks. How does a person "change races" as you yourself claim ??

Do you not know what words mean?? (I think you do know. You're just denying you guys are making racial attacks for the obvious reason.)
You have a very strange way of trying to assign things to people and only hearing what you want to hear. You’re at once very odd and not very bright.

He pinned you. And your stretch to racism is gross. But it is you.
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Agree. Thats why DEI and identity politics is insignificant when compared to the benefits of a challenging education. Minorities cannot fully participate so long as so many lack math, reading, and language proficiency.
DEI is the dumbing down of Americans. It started in the early 90’s with education’s No Child Gets Left Behind. My daughter was complaining way back in grade school how the teacher was spending so much class time trying to help this one student, the same one all to time. Meanwhile the kids of the movers and shakers, the PTO leaders, their kids got special, accelerated classes led by special teachers in specially equipped classrooms. Those kids were gifted in more ways than one.
Ok. I guess one thing she learned from her VP experience is that she isn’t competent enough to meet the press in an unscripted open-ended manner.

CoH, so the media (including the press) suddenly is no longer prone to support liberalism, socialism, progressiveism, etc.

On the other, she might just put herself in jepoardy by not being scripted and being herself ala Trump.

Think you might be saying the latter to which I agree.
It really is just age. She presents the alternative to Trump voters crave, but she's not already half in a coffin.

Any other opponent, she'd be getting smoked right now. There's nothing inspirational about her.
Ageism and anti-Trump sentiment is carrying her at present. If she holds up in debate and doesn’t “word salad” I think the Trumpers will need to take to the streets. Should be a fun November!
Ageism and anti-Trump sentiment is carrying her at present. If she holds up in debate and doesn’t “word salad” I think the Trumpers will need to take to the streets. Should be a fun November!

IH, what do think about Clinton's convention speech when he admitted he was no longer at the top of game and reminded us he is only a year older than Trump.

Having said that, do admit we all age differently and at different ages.
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Blah blah blah.

You just admitted you are accusing her of changing races while at the same time denying that you guys are making racial attacks. How does a person "change races" as you yourself claim ??

Do you not know what words mean?? (I think you do know. You're just denying you guys are making racial attacks for the obvious reason.)
I'm not accusing her. There's proof. She claimed to be east Asian,in the past,but has changed that claim to being black,in the past 6-8 years. Go look. It's not an accusation. Pointing out the truth,does not make it an "attack"...jfc triggered libby
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