Cuomo “The case never should have been brought”

You really want a forum that's just Brad and hoot talking back and forth

That is a load of crap. Just because you don't agree with my opinion doesn't make it dishonest.

Thanks for showing that you can't refrain from posting without hurling insults, which is why I wouldn't bother engaging with you.
I will try to tactfully explain the issue that most people have with you. You tend to be a drive by poster who could be replaced with the most simplistic of AI programming. Most of your responses are either a nonresponsive laughing emoji or are just boilerplate hyperpartisan bumper sticker retorts. That makes you annoying, but worse than that, it makes you boring on this forum. And more than anything else, I think that is the issue.

There are posters whose opinions and attitudes I am not a fan of that I can at least begrudgingly respect because they will intelligently attempt to defend their positions. (And by intelligently I mean explain their argument and defend their logic, even if I don't agree.) I can't recall a time you have ever really done that. Which is impressive, you have been around here for awhile.

So to sum up, you may be a smart and witty person, but the way you post makes you come off as a boring dullard. You can be an asshole around here but you can't be a combination of boring, predictably lazy, stupid posts.
I will try to tactfully explain the issue that most people have with you. You tend to be a drive by poster who could be replaced with the most simplistic of AI programming. Most of your responses are either a nonresponsive laughing emoji or are just boilerplate hyperpartisan bumper sticker retorts. That makes you annoying, but worse than that, it makes you boring on this forum. And more than anything else, I think that is the issue.

There are posters whose opinions and attitudes I am not a fan of that I can at least begrudgingly respect because they will intelligently attempt to defend their positions. (And by intelligently I mean explain their argument and defend their logic, even if I don't agree.) I can't recall a time you have ever really done that. Which is impressive, you have been around here for awhile.

So to sum up, you may be a smart and witty person, but the way you post makes you come off as a boring dullard. You can be an asshole around here but you can't be a combination of boring, predictably lazy, stupid posts.
This will certainly be responded to with a laughing emoji.
If I remember correctly, and I could be wrong, but I think stoll threw out the living in his mom’s basement insult before Goat went off. That seems pretty personal.
I thought it was Mom's breezeway, if I remember correctly, and I could be wrong....
I will try to tactfully explain the issue that most people have with you. You tend to be a drive by poster who could be replaced with the most simplistic of AI programming. Most of your responses are either a nonresponsive laughing emoji or are just boilerplate hyperpartisan bumper sticker retorts. That makes you annoying, but worse than that, it makes you boring on this forum. And more than anything else, I think that is the issue.

There are posters whose opinions and attitudes I am not a fan of that I can at least begrudgingly respect because they will intelligently attempt to defend their positions. (And by intelligently I mean explain their argument and defend their logic, even if I don't agree.) I can't recall a time you have ever really done that. Which is impressive, you have been around here for awhile.

So to sum up, you may be a smart and witty person, but the way you post makes you come off as a boring dullard. You can be an asshole around here but you can't be a combination of boring, predictably lazy, stupid posts.
Perfectly stated
I'm not going to be able to do much modding today. This thread tells me you guys are perfectly capable of having a serious, thoughtful discussion without my help. Enjoy.
what you lookng up old posts you tool. you take a break. i'll do whatever i want. i like keeping you under my shoe bloodbath lol. or better yet why dont you post more about god you flake. i love how @mushroomgod_1 called out your fake ass. did you ever respond to that bwahahahaha
I have no idea what you're talking about but, in any event, I couldn't care less about that poster's opinion. And it's hilarious - - and pathetic - - that you frequently feel compelled to bring in other posters/tag them when you're unable to stand on your own two feet.

With respect to what you're responding to, I simply quoted you verbatim from a couple of weeks ago and agreed with what you stated. I don't know why that triggered you.

I'm going to quote you again. You posted last night, in #186, that you "don't care about this thread." Yet here you are, frantically posting at a rate that, once again, exceeds everyone else. I guess in your strange world, your obsession with a message board that, at the end of the day, doesn't mean shit - - - and always insisting on the last word - - means you won. Congratulations.
Am I allowed to answer?

I think trump is the closest a politician has ever come in my lifetime to being a cult leader given his behavior of you are either with me or you're the enemy/rino. the excessive amount of devotion shown by his followers is very cult-like. They can't fathom admitting anything he has done is wrong.
You are so full of shit. I don't know one Trump supporter who doesn't recognize Trump's personal failings.

The problem you have is, he's a Republican.

So many Democrats share the same moral failings as Trump, but that's their 'personal lives' to you.

Trump supporters don't like the DC swamp and recognize Trump is the only candidate who will at least attempt to clean up the nepotism and incompetency that is rampant in DC. His policies are common sense and successful.

If that's a cult, count me in!
I will try to tactfully explain the issue that most people have with you. You tend to be a drive by poster who could be replaced with the most simplistic of AI programming. Most of your responses are either a nonresponsive laughing emoji or are just boilerplate hyperpartisan bumper sticker retorts. That makes you annoying, but worse than that, it makes you boring on this forum. And more than anything else, I think that is the issue.

There are posters whose opinions and attitudes I am not a fan of that I can at least begrudgingly respect because they will intelligently attempt to defend their positions. (And by intelligently I mean explain their argument and defend their logic, even if I don't agree.) I can't recall a time you have ever really done that. Which is impressive, you have been around here for awhile.

So to sum up, you may be a smart and witty person, but the way you post makes you come off as a boring dullard. You can be an asshole around here but you can't be a combination of boring, predictably lazy, stupid posts.
@Bowlmania above is the issue I had summed up by crazy. Not a me problem.
I have no idea what you're talking about but, in any event, I couldn't care less about that poster's opinion. And it's hilarious - - and pathetic - - that you frequently feel compelled to bring in other posters/tag them when you're unable to stand on your own two feet.

With respect to what you're responding to, I simply quoted you verbatim from a couple of weeks ago and agreed with what you stated. I don't know why that triggered you.

I'm going to quote you again. You posted last night, in #186, that you "don't care about this thread." Yet here you are, frantically posting at a rate that, once again, exceeds everyone else. I guess in your strange world, your obsession with a message board that, at the end of the day, doesn't mean shit - - - and always insisting on the last word - - means you won. Congratulations.
I always win
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I have no idea who he's responding to and, unlike you, I don't have time now to go back and look. That description could apply to several posters here.
Hickory duh. Don’t pretend. Or are you always disingenuous? It describes one poster everyone gets
Trump is the only candidate who will at least attempt to clean up the nepotism and incompetency that is rampant in DC.
That's a good one!

Like he did such a great job at that the first time around. Lol. All the competent people he hired he ultimately fired or they quit. And nepotism? Don't make me laugh. How about his son-in-law, ak/a The Two Billion Dollar Saudi Man? Too funny.
Most, if not all, posters would describe themselves as not being cult-like, hyper-partisan or any other term that would make them look extreme. But if asked posters to describe those on the flip side of the political divide, most would get labeled as extreme.

All we see is what you post on here and generally it is always in defense of Trump. You don't seem willing to even consider that he did something wrong and that it must be everyone else out to get him.

You may not as far down the Trump rabbit hole as others but from my perspective you don't seem that far off.
I certainly consider the many things Trump has done wrong. I defend him on here because the democrats have gone batshit crazy going after him. All at the same time ignoring our demented crooked President.
It makes it more fun. FUN. A word I doubt anyone has ever used in your company until now. Maybe Funsucker but that’s it
There you go again. You said two weeks ago this place wasn't fun anymore. You need a diversion from your Water Cooler Life. It's turning your brain into mushy peas.
There you go again. You said two weeks ago this place wasn't fun anymore. You need a diversion from your Water Cooler Life. It's turning your brain into mushy peas.
No I make it fun with certain posters. You can’t have fun. Your contribution is trump is a threat to democracy nonstop. You must be a hoot to be around. Just a drip of a person
Oh yeah. Half the town or more is down. Most of our customers are down.
I heard 3 or 4 days but that’s probably the pessimistic view. Until they get tree crews to get everything off the lines they won’t be able to do a proper assessment
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How do you know he was 100% guilty? When and how did he direct the accountant to post the expense to Legal? If he directed the accountant to post to Legal why wasn’t he called?
If Trump was guilty he was guilty of a misdemeanor. They did a lot of gymnastics to find him guilty of a felony. I am voting for the felon. I feel good about it so I am gellin for a felon.
If Trump was guilty he was guilty of a misdemeanor. They did a lot of gymnastics to find him guilty of a felony. I am voting for the felon. I feel good about it so I am gellin for a felon.
Why do you think he made the payment, when he did?

The timing itself is extremely curious, nicht wahr?
Why do you think he made the payment, when he did?

The timing itself is extremely curious, nicht wahr?
Making a hush $ payment is not new, or illegal. Hundreds of politicians have done the same around election time throughout history. Just like the whole impeachment crap. Biden is on record saying he told Ukraine they weren't getting the billion dollars if they didn't fire the prosecutor investigating Hunter,before he left the country(in 6 hours( and then goes on to brag about how they did it too. Double standard. Different laws for dems than Republicans. DOJ is a joke. FBI is a joke. CIA is a joke. And it's obvious. Alan Dershowitz,a Trump hater,and lifelong democrat,who also happens to be one the best the lawyers in the country for the past 40 years,said this is all a sham to get Trump,and that none of it makes legal sense,and that there's no way it doesn't get overturned on appeal. Also said Biden is obviously going after his political rival because he fears he will lose. His words...not mine.
Why do you think he made the payment, when he did?

The timing itself is extremely curious, nicht wahr?
Felony curious? I do have a question. Isn't it all Trump's money? If it is technically illegal to pay through certain channels I get it. He was paying this woman off so she would not cause problems. Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones didn't he? What channel did he use?

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