Cuomo “The case never should have been brought”

Are you embarrassed to find out a woman has been kicking your butt?
Uhh...I used fact(that has still not been disputed) and then she stopped commenting. Libby mentality at
My apology was in the event that I misgendered someone. Not because of the facts I pointed out. Comprehension goes a long way. Work on it.
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Felony curious? I do have a question. Isn't it all Trump's money? If it is technically illegal to pay through certain channels I get it. He was paying this woman off so she would not cause problems. Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones didn't he? What channel did he use?
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Trump orchestrated a $130,000 hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels, a woman he continues to insist he never had sex with, so that she wouldn't talk about their fvck session in the days leading up to the 2016 election. Michael Cohen paid Daniels through a shell company before being reimbursed by Trump who falsely logged the reimbursements as legal expenses. Cohen pled guilty to violating federal campaign finance laws in connection with the payment. Trump was implicated in the same federal indictment and identified as "Individual 1." He was, of course, later indicted and convicted on 34 felony counts.

Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000 to settle a civil lawsuit stemming from a "crude advance" Jones claimed Clinton made. The payment was public, legal and filed in court.

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