Cuomo “The case never should have been brought”

He did but his significant memory limitations coupled with being a cadaver made the prosecution pass. Discretion. Did you forget or are you lying again?
I live in the real world. I meant committed an actual crime with real evidence

Edit: Hey stoll, since laughing at posts is so wrong, would you mind addressing the laughing hyenas that are clueless about what evidence means? Thanks 😀
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I live in the real world. I meant committed an actual crime with real evidence
You live in fantasy land where you think jurors are jurists guilt occurs in civil cases and there are no branches of government. You’re the equivalent of a poorly educated middle schooler. But in many ways dumber bc it doesn’t stop you

Willfully retained classified docs and distributed same as a private citizen. His brain is mush so he’d be like charging you
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I live in the real world. I meant committed an actual crime with real evidence
Depending on how SCOTUS resolves the "immunity issue", it would be near impossible to charge any future POTUS with a criminal offense. Trump is claiming multiple acts that would normally be crimes are somehow "official acts".The same standard of conduct would be equally applicable to Biden or any potential future POTUS.

If they rule for Trump then they've basically given Biden the ability to pull a Trump and attempt to use his office to overthrow the results of the election,in the unlikely event Trump wins. If they rule against Trump and don't remand the case for further determination of what constitutes "official acts", then Trump goes to trial before the election...
Yeah for sure. But spirits seems like there are too many options. One of the things we liked about edibles was the limited licenses and comparative selection in dispensaries. Booze I don’t know how you’d stand out
Hot chicks.
Hot chicks.
I will tell you @TheOriginalHappyGoat is a little bitch cocksucker but if you had interest in food and beverage I would invest in him at the right time. He’s a nerd. Lawyer. More disciplined and smarter than the usual people you find in the industry. And has a wealth of experience in the field. That combo makes him a much safer bet for anyone interested in investing. He’d be a good one to back for all of that shit. I certainly would
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Right. Supposedly pinned an intern to the wall and sexually assaulted her. And given that we have one system of justice I'm confident Leticia James is drawing up serious charges as we speak. If Trump was charged with 34 felonies for a minor bookkeeping error this has to be huge. Can't wait to see King Andy in Rikers.
What about all of Trump’s sexual harassment charges? So far only one has gone to court. Although I’m not sure how many make it though, since he usually pays them off or has his goons threaten them.
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Stoll is better as a mod than unclemark. Mark literally leaves lefty posters alone who do nothing but sling insults. Zero contribution ever. Stoll should respond in kind more
You can’t be serious…. As in this case, Stoll uses it for people who insult him personally, even though he dishes it out constantly. As far as I know, UM takes insults all the time and hasn’t threatened to ban people for it. You call people in here in a cult all the time and so do I.
bet if cuomo had said the opposite, stoll would have ignored it.

Case was brought and Trump was found guilty. Apparently the prosecutors had a good case afterall.
No...the prosecutors had a shitty judge and a jury from a liberal state. If they wanted a legit trial,he would have stepped away from the case and it would have been moved out of Manhatten. They didn't care,and they know it will be overturned,but don't care because they just wanted to be able to say he's a convict for the election campaign. The bad part for has sparked huge fundraising for Trump. Estimates now have it at close to 300 million since the verdict. Lol..good job dumbasses. Most Americans see this for what it is,and have either moved to Trump(Black and Hispanics are now supporting Trump in record #'s) or doubled down on their already favorable opinion of him. The ones who don't see it,are the useful idiots the left craves to have as supporters.
You can’t be serious…. As in this case, Stoll uses it for people who insult him personally, even though he dishes it out constantly. As far as I know, UM takes insults all the time and hasn’t threatened to ban people for it. You call people in here in a cult all the time and so do I.
Mark is very biased based on political bent. He’s an awful mod. Doesn’t mean I don’t like him. I do
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It's the personal that gets to me. Call me stupid, I don't care. But stoll has been insulting my professional and personal lives for years, and I've never responded in kind because I knew I did, I wouldn't be able to shut it off, which is exactly what happened.
If I remember correctly, and I could be wrong, but I think stoll threw out the living in his mom’s basement insult before Goat went off. That seems pretty personal.
Calling someone stupid isn't getting personal?

Why? I guess it's not because YOU do it?
You. Can. Not. Be. Serious. It was all of yesterday that I pointed out you called three people in a row stupid.
He was charged with 34 cases of that, per the article I linked in the post you responded to. The article states that his falsification of business records is a felony. Maybe you know more than CBS News, I don't know.
See how the media does you ignorant people? It's not a felony. It's a misdemeanor. To make it a felony,they said it was to affect the election(makes it federal). In comparison...the FBI and CIA went to Facebook,Twitter,and Instagram in 2019 to tell them that if they here anything about Hunter Bidrns laptop,that it is Russian misinformation and must be censored. When will the heads of the FBI and CIA be charged? Wake up
No...the prosecutors had a shitty judge and a jury from a liberal state. If they wanted a legit trial,he would have stepped away from the case and it would have been moved out of Manhatten. They didn't care,and they know it will be overturned,but don't care because they just wanted to be able to say he's a convict for the election campaign. The bad part for has sparked huge fundraising for Trump. Estimates now have it at close to 300 million since the verdict. Lol..good job dumbasses. Most Americans see this for what it is,and have either moved to Trump(Black and Hispanics are now supporting Trump in record #'s) or doubled down on their already favorable opinion of him. The ones who don't see it,are the useful idiots the left craves to have as supporters.
Oh bless your little heart. See I won’t call you the s word. Anyone who has a favorable opinion of Trump, well stupid is too nice of a word. A serial liar, a rapist, a sexual abuser, an incompetent , ignorant bully. The one who nearly everyone who worked in his previous cabinet says is totally unfit to be in office. Useful idiots? Indeed. Trump would be nowhere were it not for his useful idiot cult.
See how the media does you ignorant people? It's not a felony. It's a misdemeanor. To make it a felony,they said it was to affect the election(makes it federal). In comparison...the FBI and CIA went to Facebook,Twitter,and Instagram in 2019 to tell them that if they hear anything about Hunter Bidrns laptop,that it is Russian misinformation and must be censored. When will the heads of the FBI and CIA be charged? Wake up
You should probably stay and get ridiculed on the basketball boards, instead of wading into the waters here. Lol
If I remember correctly, and I could be wrong, but I think stoll threw out the living in his mom’s basement insult before Goat went off. That seems pretty personal.
Doesn't matter. Mods are allowed to insult. He isn't the only one. The mods on this site have their fan boys and they protect them,while banning people who don't agree with their opinion. This isn't new.
Haha...just like a libby. Nothing to contradict fact..just empty threats from and empty mind.
Yep your mind is as empty on politics as it is on basketball. Maybe we can find a new board with your area of expertise?
No...the prosecutors had a shitty judge and a jury from a liberal state. If they wanted a legit trial,he would have stepped away from the case and it would have been moved out of Manhatten. They didn't care,and they know it will be overturned,but don't care because they just wanted to be able to say he's a convict for the election campaign. The bad part for has sparked huge fundraising for Trump. Estimates now have it at close to 300 million since the verdict. Lol..good job dumbasses. Most Americans see this for what it is,and have either moved to Trump(Black and Hispanics are now supporting Trump in record #'s) or doubled down on their already favorable opinion of him. The ones who don't see it,are the useful idiots the left craves to have as supporters.
There are posters here who will tell you they don’t believe the case should have been brought but they can’t bring themselves to admit why it was.
There will be a day this all comes around to bite democrats in the ass. There are going to be DAs in a deep red areas of the country do the same thing to democrats.

Since democrats are against presidential immunity can Texas go after Biden for murder after he leaves office since he allowed criminals to cross our borders and kill Americans?

Can DAs go after Biden for his botched surrender of Afghanistan? Americans lost their lives from his negligence.
No, there will be a day when Republicans rue getting into bed, giving up all their morals and their values to be conned by an idiotic criminal like Trump. The smart Republicans with ethics have been trying to tell them that for awhile, but they’ve been driven out of the party. Now the only ones left are those that shill for Trump, a man the politicians all know is deeply unfit and admit it behind his back. But he’s got his minions still shilling for him.
And you know the Afghanistan thing is stupid. Tell me what President Americans haven’t lost lives under?
And if Trump DOES get immunity, then Biden should just shoot him, right? Silliness….
  • Wow
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No, there will be a day when Republicans rue getting into bed, giving up all their morals and their values to be conned by an idiotic criminal like Trump. The smart Republicans with ethics have been trying to tell them that for awhile, but they’ve been driven out of the party. Now the only ones left are those that shill for Trump, a man the politicians all know is deeply unfit and admit it behind his back. But he’s got his minions still shilling for him.
And you know the Afghanistan thing is stupid. Tell me what President Americans haven’t lost lives under?
And if Trump DOES get immunity, then Biden should just shoot him, right? Silliness….
What’s moral? Choosing a bad person that makes things better for everyone or a “good” person who makes things worse?
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He threatens to block people when they insult him.
Threats. But doesn’t. Whereas mark deletes posts while ignoring posters who literally do nothing but come to post attacks. Never contribute. And those posts he ignores. There’s no comparing the two
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You can’t be serious…. As in this case, Stoll uses it for people who insult him personally, even though he dishes it out constantly. As far as I know, UM takes insults all the time and hasn’t threatened to ban people for it. You call people in here in a cult all the time and so do I.
I’ve never once bothered you about what you said to or about me. I am not taking Hickory lying about me. I can’t do anything about a Mod lying but I am not taking it from Hickory.

I’ve banned one person on here and I unbanned them within the hour.
I’ve never once bothered you about what you said to or about me. I am not taking Hickory lying about me. I can’t do anything about a Mod lying but I am not taking it from Hickory.

I’ve banned one person on here and I unbanned them within the hour.
Just as we need one thread for all things Trump, one thread for all things Biden, one thread for personal insults and fights (it’s soooo fetch), we also need one thread for moderator complaints, rules on banning, etc.

New York Times
Fox News
US News and World Report

All those articles say Trump was charged and convicted of felonies.

I don't expect you to read any of those, but they're all live links if you want to take a looksee. To be fair, I didn't check the QANON boards, Alex Jones or catturd's X feed.
Now you're changing your argument. Your claim that he committed felonies by bad bookkeeping is not true.

Read up on the original charges and how the jury was told they didn't even have to agree on what supposed associated crimes were felonies.

Then tell me what the jury decided on those charges, because no one else seems to be able to.
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There will be a day this all comes around to bite democrats in the ass. There are going to be DAs in a deep red areas of the country do the same thing to democrats.

Since democrats are against presidential immunity can Texas go after Biden for murder after he leaves office since he allowed criminals to cross our borders and kill Americans?

Can DAs go after Biden for his botched surrender of Afghanistan? Americans lost their lives from his negligence.
It's a nice dream that Republicans would actually do this, but we're fooling ourselves if we think it'll happen.

Republicans just don't play that game. If they won't impeach Biden for ignoring Supreme Court decisions, what makes anyone think they'd go after him once he's out of office? His own DoJ thinks he's too senile to prosecute.

An 80-something grandmother gets 24 months prison sentence for peacefully blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic. Meanwhile, in LA, one person is arrested from the group that violently blocked the entrance to a synagogue.

It's a sad situation.
No, there will be a day when Republicans rue getting into bed, giving up all their morals and their values to be conned by an idiotic criminal like Trump. The smart Republicans with ethics have been trying to tell them that for awhile, but they’ve been driven out of the party. Now the only ones left are those that shill for Trump, a man the politicians all know is deeply unfit and admit it behind his back. But he’s got his minions still shilling for him.
And you know the Afghanistan thing is stupid. Tell me what President Americans haven’t lost lives under?
And if Trump DOES get immunity, then Biden should just shoot him, right? Silliness….
The Afghanistan line of attack is NOT stupid.

Put aside the debate over if we should have even left in the first place and whether that calamitous withdrawal and subsequent vacuum was seen as an opportunity for malevolent actors around the world to make their move.

It wasn’t simply American soldiers losing their lives. It showed how truly uncaring and pigheaded Biden is and his polls haven’t recovered since. It was the turning point in the administration.

It also reflected a DoD that is either incompetent or too cowardly to slam the table and insist on a better exit plan. Those deaths were a direct result of Biden’s hellbent desire to fulfill a political promise. HE was going to be the one that got us out of Afghanistan when the two previous administrations had failed to do so. And he didn’t care what ramifications such an abrupt withdrawal would bring upon our service people and Afghan allies.

At least for myself, it was the moment I understood that he is truly evil. It was a far more shameful event than 1/6, even in the mind of the most warped progressive. America was embarrassed and cowardly on the world stage.
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He was charged with 34 cases of that, per the article I linked in the post you responded to. The article states that his falsification of business records is a felony. Maybe you know more than CBS News, I don't know.
It’s not what CBS NEWS KNOWS, it’s what they report. 87% of democrats know that cbs is reporting unprecedented and prejudicial court proceedings as normal, every day happenings and it is 100% election interference! Everything NY is doing is exactly what they are charging Trump for. It is intentionally to interfere with the election!! Zero question.
We USED to have an independent news industry. Now we are no better than Russia or china. But “you people” lap it up like a Kentucky leg hound on your 80 yr old aunt at a family reunion.