Climate Change...


Hall of Famer
Oct 25, 2006
Weather you believe in global warming, or cooling, or whether you think it's man-made or not...there is clearly something weird going on. Weather patterns have become more volatile and extreme. It seems to be getting worse. This problem needs to be addressed before it becomes downright dangerous.
You're assuming

that we have some control over the climate. Like you, I do think there is something weird going on with the weather. I know it's changed since I was a kid. We very seldom get a nice gentle rain like we did when I was a kid. It's just about always more violent with lots of wind. The area I grew up in used to never have tornadoes but they've had several the last few years.
I wonder if we notice the violent storms more now....

because we are the property owners.
NPT, there is no assumption in that statement.

One of the things that effects climate is greenhouse gas concentration. We do have some control over greenhouse gas concentration. Therefore, we have some control over climate.

I remember personally seeing tornadoes on several occasions as a kid and I haven't seen one in over 30 years now. However, that's only personal experience but the facts are as you just stated them. The Typhoon/Hurricane frequency is something I have personally seen in my Navy career. They undoubtedly were less frequent during my last two sea tours than on my previous sea tours when deployed to the same oceans during the same months (typhoon season). Didn't really have any bad sea states on my last two ships during two six to seven month deployments, but I saw plenty of bad seas during deployments on my previous four ships. I can say I've seen more than enough. ;)

This post was edited on 2/19 12:38 PM by Aloha Hoosier
No, not exactly.

There is no long-term trend, up or down, in either tornadoes or ACE. The quiet storm season last year was just the result of annual and cyclical variation.

On my phone, which makes it hard for link-intensive posts, but for confirmation, see my link to Doug below (tornadoes) and COH's own link (ACE).
I wasn't clear.

What I meant to say is "exactly, there is no increase in frequency." I didn't mean to say that it was a definite downward trend, but that we all have different personal experinces. Mine would indicate that there is, but personal experience doesn't tell the whole picture. Climate change alarmists have been claiming that there would be and it has not happened.
You know, I've never seen someone actually predict more tornadoes.

I know all about the prediction in the increase in severe hurricanes, but for tornadoes, I've never heard that one. I did read a study that tried to explain why tornadoes were now more concentrated - the same number of tornadoes now happen across a fewer number of larger outbreaks - but that wasn't predictive, although obviously climate change was part of the discussion.

Be careful who you say "exactly" to.

"Extreme weather events" is the term used.

And they usually follow that up with hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, droughts, etc., etc. Yes, possibly most often it's about hurricanes/typhoons and they've insisted they've increased when they in fact have not increased.
Tornadoes just seems like an especially bad one.

Since almost all of them happen in such a relatively contained region.

I also don't see how we're going to have any firm answers on these questions for decades, anyway. There simply isn't enough data. When you're talking about data that shows the kind of random fluctuation weather does, ten years doesn't give you a trend. Ten years is a fluke.

Sure there's an assumption

You're assuming that it's 100% sure that the CO2 is the cause of the rising temperatures without taking into account that the temperature has gone up before. Your assuming that there's a direct connection between our greenhouse gas emissions and the rise in temperature. If you believe 100% that there's a direct correlation (on something you can be sure of) then you had better borrow some money and put in the stock market according to this.
It is not contested that greenhouse gas concentrations affect climate.

It's a proven fact. It doesn't mean they are the only thing that affect climate. They most certainly are not. But they are one thing, and they are one thing that we have at least some control over.


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