Chicago politics and events

Driving in Chicago:

So yesterday, I was shuttling my kid and one of his teammates from one hockey game in Willowbrook to Fifth Third Arena. About 4 pm. On 290. Hell.

At Mannheim, there's always stoppage. And there is a big merge from those coming in from 88 and 294 and Mannheim. It always turns into a big parking lot with a guaranteed 10-15 minute delay. Without fail, since 2020, people start using the right shoulder as a high-speed passing lane which pisses me off to no end.

So we're stopped there. I'm in the far right lane, and it starts happening. We start to go, and the car in front of me speeds up, I follow, then they slam the breaks. I stop, too, but I also edge over to the right shoulder to ensure I'm not going to hit the dude's bumper. As a result, I now am a foot into the right shoulder and stuck. Some asshole trying to pass me on the shoulder starts honking. I just sit there. So he edges up right along side me, and its clear he has some crappy car--broken driver side mirror, broken rear driver side panel. But he's kinda stuck, and still pissed I haven't moved. And I'm pissed, too, and now not giving an inch.

I just stare over at his window, then he lowers it, and his head pops out and he's got on a military style balaclava (not a chunky knit one, more neoprene?) and he just glares at me. Black kid, maybe in his early 20s? I glare back. Then he raises his hand out the window and he has something in it. I'm thinking it's a gun. Fvck. And I've got two kids in the car.

But it's not. It's a tape measure. He waves it around as if he's going to throw it at my car, and I'm just staring him down, and I put up both hands like "WTF do you want?" He looks at my kid in the front seat, yells something (I think, couldn't see his mouth), and then rolls up his window and squeezes by me and races away at 50 or 60 MPH on the shoulder around all the stopped traffic.

I guess I need to start packing in the car, no? Should I get a 25' or 30' tape measure? Plastic or metal?
Never incite. Too many crazies. Buddy’s daughter was out in Chicago last night. Heard gunshots by her. Scared the piss out of her. Frightening
The gop has control of potus and both houses. What will they do about guns I know, invite the NRA to the Whitehouse.
That's a great idea. The NRA is all about education and training and responsibility of firearms.

Calling in experts is what the President should be doing, don't you think?

Or maybe you'd rather he bring in a few bangers and get their advice?
That's a great idea. The NRA is all about education and training and responsibility of firearms.

Calling in experts is what the President should be doing, don't you think?

Or maybe you'd rather he bring in a few bangers and get their advice?
Bangers are why I don’t want brad getting a gun. He’ll just get killed. Guys like ranger mas etc were literally trained to kill. From close range. Guys like you were trained to be a killer who kills killers. Kind of stuff we’re never supposed to know happens. Dream teamers like hooky were literally raised in gun clubs. Then there’s guys like me. People you don’t want to fck with. People who are just dead inside from heartbreak

The above. It ain’t brad
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Never incite. Too many crazies. Buddy’s daughter was out in Chicago last night. Heard gunshots by her. Scared the piss out of her. Frightening
I have a bad habit of laying on my horn if some jackass is driving like a maniac or stupid.

It's dangerous around here.
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That's a great idea. The NRA is all about education and training and responsibility of firearms.

Calling in experts is what the President should be doing, don't you think?

Or maybe you'd rather he bring in a few bangers and get their advice?
no, they will bring in more guns like they normally do.
I have a bad habit of laying on my horn if some jackass is driving like a maniac or stupid.

It's dangerous around here.
The reality is that a portion of our population is sub human. They’re basically animals. Folks progressives like soros want bail projects for. Defund. Lock em up. Throw away the key. They aren’t really people anymore. Just vile animals. Enough is enough. Close the border. Deport all illegals. Anyone shoots a gun at another throw away the key. No they had a hard life. Slavery happened. Too bad. Become a human then get human rights. I hope trump and musk bring in a new order that infiltrates local communities. Enough is enough. White. Black. 80 or 12. Throw away the key.

The reality is that a portion of our population is sub human. They’re basically animals. Folks progressives like soros want bail projects for. Defund. Lock em up. Throw away the key. They aren’t really people anymore. Just vile animals. Enough is enough. Close the border. Deport all illegals. Anyone shoots a gun at another throw away the key. No they had a hard life. Slavery happened. Too bad. Become a human then get human rights. I hope trump and musk bring in a new order that infiltrates local communities. Enough is enough. White. Black. 80 or 12. Throw away the key.

What a jack-ass you are! slavery is too bad. Do you consider your racist ass a human being? Who hanged, raped, and mutilated black folk, and it is just ok. Who would deny equal rights and opportunities for people who do not look like you?
What a jack-ass you are! slavery is too bad. Do you consider your racist ass a human being? Who hanged, raped, and mutilated black folk, and it is just ok. Who would deny equal rights and opportunities for people who do not look like you?
lol What did he say that you disagree with?
He died. Played for the affton Americans and cbc high school. Stl Blues doing a moment of silence
Yep, we played that organization at our tournament in St. Louis. But my son is 14U.


And this will get a lot of deserved press. But let's all remember: black-on-black crime in inner city areas leads to the death of innocent children so often now, that it might get reported for a while locally, but no one really cares that much.

I have no idea how to alter that apathy--but I know one way isn't to sweep it under the rug, ignore it, or have rich, white liberals minimize it by saying "oh, violence isn't that big of a deal here; it's localized in the ghetto, and our rich areas are perfectly safe."
Yep, we played that organization at our tournament in St. Louis. But my son is 14U.


And this will get a lot of deserved press. But let's all remember: black-on-black crime in inner city areas leads to the death of innocent children so often now, that it might get reported for a while locally, but no one really cares that much.

I have no idea how to alter that apathy--but I know one way isn't to sweep it under the rug, ignore it, or have rich, white liberals minimize it by saying "oh, violence isn't that big of a deal here; it's localized in the ghetto, and our rich areas are perfectly safe."

What do you propose as potential solutions that will realistically change the culture of violence and hate?
What do you propose as potential solutions that will realistically change the culture of violence and hate?
I think you need to change the culture, which will then change individual behavior. @crazed_hoosier2

But it won't happen right away. I think Bill Cosby, Thomas Sowell, Glenn Lowry, Obama were right about this. I think black culture has to shame the men (and women) who allow absentee fatherhood to happen, for example, and not make excuses for them, not laud them as heroes when something happens to them. Rap about bad dads being deadbeats, etc. instead of glorifying violence, misogyny, being an absentee dad, etc. Mothers and fathers need to drill it into their kids' brains that this isn't OK, and then if they do it as adults or older teenagers, harangue them until they follow through on their responsibilities. Ditto for the senseless violence, owning a gun even, focus on academics, etc.
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I think you need to change the culture, which will then change individual behavior. @crazed_hoosier2

But it won't happen right away. I think Bill Cosby, Thomas Sowell, Glenn Lowry, Obama were right about this. I think black culture has to shame the men (and women) who allow absentee fatherhood to happen, for example, and not make excuses for them, not laud them as heroes when something happens to them. Rap about bad dads being deadbeats, etc. instead of glorifying violence, misogyny, being an absentee dad, etc. Mothers and fathers need to drill it into their kids' brains that this isn't OK, and then if they do it as adults or older teenagers, harangue them until they follow through on their responsibilities. Ditto for the senseless violence, owning a gun even, focus on academics, etc.
I think you need to change the culture, which will then change individual behavior. @crazed_hoosier2

But it won't happen right away. I think Bill Cosby, Thomas Sowell, Glenn Lowry, Obama were right about this. I think black culture has to shame the men (and women) who allow absentee fatherhood to happen, for example, and not make excuses for them, not laud them as heroes when something happens to them. Rap about bad dads being deadbeats, etc. instead of glorifying violence, misogyny, being an absentee dad, etc. Mothers and fathers need to drill it into their kids' brains that this isn't OK, and then if they do it as adults or older teenagers, harangue them until they follow through on their responsibilities. Ditto for the senseless violence, owning a gun even, focus on academics, etc.

Start with chastising having children out of wedlock.


Simultaneously helps the poverty and crime problem. Until the culture stops encouraging or accepting it, not sure how things change.
I think you need to change the culture, which will then change individual behavior. @crazed_hoosier2

But it won't happen right away. I think Bill Cosby, Thomas Sowell, Glenn Lowry, Obama were right about this. I think black culture has to shame the men (and women) who allow absentee fatherhood to happen, for example, and not make excuses for them, not laud them as heroes when something happens to them. Rap about bad dads being deadbeats, etc. instead of glorifying violence, misogyny, being an absentee dad, etc. Mothers and fathers need to drill it into their kids' brains that this isn't OK, and then if they do it as adults or older teenagers, harangue them until they follow through on their responsibilities. Ditto for the senseless violence, owning a gun even, focus on academics, etc.
Blues came out in these shirts and hung his affton Americans jersey on the bench
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@BradStevens no report on Mr Johnson’s secret lair?

His constituents voted for this kind of behavior, it’s their way of life in Chicago.