Chicago politics and events

Trump has never mentioned a revenge tour. You. Are. Lying.
Sorry, I misspoke. He pledges to seek RETRIBUTION, not revenge. A synonym for revenge.

Let's consult Websters, shall we?

ret·ri·bu·tion ˌre-trə-ˈbyü-shən
1. recompense, reward
2. the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment especially in the hereafter
3. something given or exacted in recompense, especially : PUNISHMENT

revenge (emphasis mine)

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ShotSpotter officially goes away this weekend. The Democratic Socialist city council passed an ordinance to keep it. Mayor Johnson will veto the ordinance.

I’m convinced this guy simply wants to see the city destroyed.

ShotSpotter officially goes away this weekend. The Democratic Socialist city council passed an ordinance to keep it. Mayor Johnson will veto the ordinance.

I’m convinced this guy simply wants to see the city destroyed.
This may be the one time I agree with you. Johnson is worthless.
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ShotSpotter officially goes away this weekend. The Democratic Socialist city council passed an ordinance to keep it. Mayor Johnson will veto the ordinance.

I’m convinced this guy simply wants to see the city destroyed.
Yes, veto a system the south and west side want to keep … He’ll get primaried …
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Were blacks racist in voting for him? Dems had an alternate primary choice, a white guy who wasn't a lunatic. They're paying a pretty heavy price for supporting one of their own. Quite a few have paid with their lives.
I do not agree with your premise but trump is white. How many black folks did he kill during Covid? I do not and will not support that traitor in chief. hat would have happened if they had caught Pence. The bigot only thinks of himself.
I do not agree with your premise but trump is white. How many black folks did he kill during Covid? I do not and will not support that traitor in chief. hat would have happened if they had caught Pence. The bigot only thinks of himself.
More people died in 2021 btw.
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I do not agree with your premise but trump is white. How many black folks did he kill during Covid? I do not and will not support that traitor in chief. hat would have happened if they had caught Pence. The bigot only thinks of himself.
dbm hoosier you may think its funny, but for black people it's very serious, he can not elected into the Whitehouse.
Were blacks racist in voting for him? Dems had an alternate primary choice, a white guy who wasn't a lunatic. They're paying a pretty heavy price for supporting one of their own. Quite a few have paid with their lives.

I do not agree with your premise but trump is white. How many black folks did he kill during Covid? I do not and will not support that traitor in chief. hat would have happened if they had caught Pence. The bigot only thinks of himself.

The question had nothing to do with Trump.

It was clear Johnson would be a train wreck. White libs probably voted for him out of white guilt or because he was so far left. Do you think most AAs voted for him out of racial identity (as most AAs are not as nutty as white libs)?
Meanwhile in Chicago-

These hurricanes are just killing people……wait….
Harris Administration Black Entrepreneur Loan Application
Request $20,000
Purpose: Create online retail store
How Will Funds be Used: Secure Storage Unit for Inventory; Website Development and Ongoing Maintenance
About Your Business: Mystery Box Sales. Direct to consumer sales of mystery boxes!!
yes because trump said it would go away, he said no one died, and that it was propaganda from the Democrats.
Remember when Covid killed black people in disproportionate numbers and people acted like there was some sort of nefarious force causing it to happen? Talking heads on the television theorizing “is it lack of access to healthcare? Is Covid racist?”

I wouldn’t worry about Project 2025 or Trump sending the military after you. Nothing wreaks havoc on the black community like flamin hot Cheetos, sprite and a sedentary lifestyle.
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Remember when Covid killed black people in disproportionate numbers and people acted like there was some sort of nefarious force causing it to happen? Talking heads on the television theorizing “is it lack of access to healthcare? Is Covid racist?”

I wouldn’t worry about Project 2025 or Trump sending the military after you. Nothing wreaks havoc on the black community like flamin hot Cheetos, sprite and a sedentary lifestyle.
Again you are the typical white gop., explaining away the words coming out of his own mouth. I guess 2025 was written for shits and giggles. You are white so of course , you're not afraid. but your the omen in your life, your daughters, your wife. The gop wants control over women's bodies. Read what's in it. You trust trump .I don't. if he loses there will be another Jan 6.
Again you are the typical white gop., explaining away the words coming out of his own mouth. I guess 2025 was written for shits and giggles. You are white so of course , you're not afraid. but your the omen in your life, your daughters, your wife. The gop wants control over women's bodies. Read what's in it. You trust trump .I don't. if he loses there will be another Jan 6.
There will be many more January 6’s. It’s the sixth day of the calendar year and we can’t go around throwing out days.

Did you know that January 6th is the day Joan of Arc was born and the day New Mexico joined the union?

It’s also the day Wheel of Fortune premiered, FDR gave his Four Freedoms speech and Nancy Kerrigan was attacked.

A day to be celebrated and remembered.
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There will be many more January 6’s. It’s the sixth day of the calendar year and we can’t go around throwing out days.

Did you know that January 6th is the day Joan of Arc was born and the day New Mexico joined the union?

It’s also the day Wheel of Fortune premiered, FDR gave his Four Freedoms speech and Nancy Kerrigan was attacked.

A day to be celebrated and remembered.
white supremacist
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Brandon Johnson is giving Chicago’s teachers’ union everything​

It may well cost him his political career​

Last year, when he was campaigning to be mayor of Chicago, Brandon Johnson, a former organiser for the Chicago Teachers Union, was asked how he would handle negotiating a contract with his former employers, especially when money is tight. He answered simply: “Who better to deliver bad news to friends than a friend?” The teachers’ union downplayed hopes of special favours. “Brandon is a remarkable person who has a lot of principles,” said Jesse Sharkey, a former head of the union.

Over a year later, Mr Johnson shows little interest in delivering bad news to the people who helped him become mayor. In fact, he is showing that there is no greater love than to lay down your political career for your friends. The mayor was elected in large part thanks to the heavy financial backing of the teachers’ union, and it expects to be repaid in contract negotiations this year. But the money to do so is lacking. Rather than admit that, Mr Johnson has tied himself into knots and offended almost every other constituency in the city, including his own progressive allies.
On October 7th he appointed a new school board, after all the original members resigned. Mr Johnson had wanted them to fire the head of the school district, Pedro Martinez, and they refused. Mr Martinez opposes the mayor’s plan to fill a looming deficit in the schools budget by taking on a $300m short-term loan. The resignations—and Mr Johnson’s hasty replacements—have thrown Chicago’s local government into chaos.

On paper Chicago’s schools are generously funded. Total spending by the school district works out at around $29,500 per pupil, compared with a national average of $19,000. Teachers in Chicago are also already rather well paid (the average salary is $93,000). But too much of the budget is spent repaying historical debt, and on pensions. And Chicago has too many schools. Over decades total enrolment has shrunk, especially in black neighbourhoods, and three-fifths of schools are underused.

One high school on the West Side of the city, Frederick Douglass Academy, has just 27 students, in a building meant for 900. Keeping it open costs the equivalent of $68,000 per pupil, roughly four times what is spent directly (after debt and other centralised costs) in the average school.

Closing schools in black neighbourhoods is unpopular. When Rahm Emanuel, a former mayor, did it a decade ago, it may have tanked his mayoral career. Under Mr Johnson, Mr Martinez has done the opposite, allowing more money to flow to struggling schools. But the covid-relief funds that have made this possible are now running out. The school district faces a budget deficit of $500m this year. Other school districts in America are making cuts: San Francisco recently announced it will close several schools. In Chicago that is apparently unthinkable. Instead teachers say they want 9% pay rises and every school to be staffed as though it is fully occupied.

A $300m loan will only mean a bigger hole next year. Even those formerly supportive of the mayor recognise the problem. “If you are maxing out your credit card at home, you can barely make payments, and somebody proposes you take out another high-interest loan, that isn’t solving your problem,” says Andre Vasquez, a progressive alderman. He is one of 41 out of 50 city-council members who signed a letter opposing the mayor.

Mr Johnson, who has the power to jam through the $300m loan, is defiant. Announcing the new board appointments, he compared “so-called fiscally responsible stewards” to supporters of slavery. He says he was elected to be transformative, not to “nibble around the edges”. But by 2027 his appointed school board will be replaced with a 21-member elected one. The mayor seems to want to give his pals a big raise, and let others work out how to pay for it. ■
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Driving in Chicago:

So yesterday, I was shuttling my kid and one of his teammates from one hockey game in Willowbrook to Fifth Third Arena. About 4 pm. On 290. Hell.

At Mannheim, there's always stoppage. And there is a big merge from those coming in from 88 and 294 and Mannheim. It always turns into a big parking lot with a guaranteed 10-15 minute delay. Without fail, since 2020, people start using the right shoulder as a high-speed passing lane which pisses me off to no end.

So we're stopped there. I'm in the far right lane, and it starts happening. We start to go, and the car in front of me speeds up, I follow, then they slam the breaks. I stop, too, but I also edge over to the right shoulder to ensure I'm not going to hit the dude's bumper. As a result, I now am a foot into the right shoulder and stuck. Some asshole trying to pass me on the shoulder starts honking. I just sit there. So he edges up right along side me, and its clear he has some crappy car--broken driver side mirror, broken rear driver side panel. But he's kinda stuck, and still pissed I haven't moved. And I'm pissed, too, and now not giving an inch.

I just stare over at his window, then he lowers it, and his head pops out and he's got on a military style balaclava (not a chunky knit one, more neoprene?) and he just glares at me. Black kid, maybe in his early 20s? I glare back. Then he raises his hand out the window and he has something in it. I'm thinking it's a gun. Fvck. And I've got two kids in the car.

But it's not. It's a tape measure. He waves it around as if he's going to throw it at my car, and I'm just staring him down, and I put up both hands like "WTF do you want?" He looks at my kid in the front seat, yells something (I think, couldn't see his mouth), and then rolls up his window and squeezes by me and races away at 50 or 60 MPH on the shoulder around all the stopped traffic.

I guess I need to start packing in the car, no? Should I get a 25' or 30' tape measure? Plastic or metal?
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Driving in Chicago:

So yesterday, I was shuttling my kid and one of his teammates from one hockey game in Willowbrook to Fifth Third Arena. About 4 pm. On 290. Hell.

At Mannheim, there's always stoppage. And there is a big merge from those coming in from 88 and 294 and Mannheim. It always turns into a big parking lot with a guaranteed 10-15 minute delay. Without fail, since 2020, people start using the right shoulder as a high-speed passing lane which pisses me off to no end.

So we're stopped there. I'm in the far right lane, and it starts happening. We start to go, and the car in front of me speeds up, I follow, then they slam the breaks. I stop, too, but I also edge over to the right shoulder to ensure I'm not going to hit the dude's bumper. As a result, I now am a foot into the right shoulder and stuck. Some asshole trying to pass me on the shoulder starts honking. I just sit there. So he edges up right along side me, and its clear he has some crappy car--broken driver side mirror, broken rear driver side panel. But he's kinda stuck, and still pissed I haven't moved. And I'm pissed, too, and now not giving an inch.

I just stare over at his window, then he lowers it, and his head pops out and he's got on a military style balaclava (not a chunky knit one, more neoprene?) and he just glares at me. Black kid, maybe in his early 20s? I glare back. Then he raises his hand out the window and he has something in it. I'm thinking it's a gun. Fvck. And I've got two kids in the car.

But it's not. It's a tape measure. He waves it around as if he's going to throw it at my car, and I'm just staring him down, and I put up both hands like "WTF do you want?" He looks at my kid in the front seat, yells something (I think, couldn't see his mouth), and then rolls up his window and squeezes by me and races away at 50 or 60 MPH on the shoulder around all the stopped traffic.

I guess I need to start packing in the car, no? Should I get a 25' or 30' tape measure? Plastic or metal?
You have no worries - Chicago has gun control, right?

Now, in Charlotte, that would have definitely got you shot. Everyone here thinks they're a NASCAR driver and muscle cares are still a thing.

But you couldn't pay me to live in Chicago, just for the traffic on the Dan Ryan. Screw that. And the more beat up the car, the worse the driver.
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You have no worries - Chicago has gun control, right?

Now, in Charlotte, that would have definitely got you shot. Everyone here thinks they're a NASCAR driver and muscle cares are still a thing.

But you couldn't pay me to live in Chicago, just for the traffic on the Dan Ryan. Screw that. And the more beat up the car, the worse the driver.
The gop has control of potus and both houses. What will they do about guns I know, invite the NRA to the Whitehouse.
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