Carroll wins. Millions in damages.

@cosmickid , Trump confused EJC with Marla, not Ivana.
Wow. So Trump was confused. Not a surprise at this point.

And, Trump is even (sort of) younger than Biden and still confused. He must be failing fast.

Are Republicans ever going to admit that Trump is too old to be President (no matter what they say about Biden)?

Do Republicans ever admit that Trump is too old to be President (no matter how well he cheats at golf)?
I’d imagine there’s a Law and Order for every crime on the books. It’s been running for about 50 years…
But an episode that the victims name was Carrol Gene and the accused was Daren Frump???
I mean, I can see some similarities here .
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You mean that's where Trump got the idea?? Wow.
Or Trump bragged about it to someone else and they turned it into a law and order episode..

Which came first? The episode (assuming it even exists) or the assault?
You guys are (shockingly enough) playing with semantics. What Carroll said was that it was either late 1995 or ealy 1996, likely some point between Nov and Feb. If I was presented with a list of random events that happened in my life between Nov 2023 and Feb 2024 I'd be hard pressed to list them in order or to differentiate whether each specific event occurred in 2023 or 2024. Much less what month.

I can't even remember what month I had my heart attack, although I know it was in the spring of 1994. At any rate her friend who she confided in after the attack (Lisa Birnbach) testified that EJC called her and recounted the incident in 1996...Trump even misidentified a picture of Carroll as his wife Ivana in a sworn deposition (btw Ivana once accused him of rape/battery as well)...

What I'm interested in is how you guys think EJC and two of her friends (lisa Birnbach and Carol Martin) cooked up this plot in 1996 to "slander" Donald Trump by accusing him of rape 23 yrs later? Did they know he'd be famous and POTUS?

All 3 were basically as well known in NYC as Trump, Birnbach and Martin were media celebrities and Carroll was married to an ABC anchor. They had no reason to try and frame playboy Trump for rape. But even if they did and that was their plan, why didn't they go to the police? Why would Carroll swear the other two to secrecy and keep it all hidden if it was part of a plot they hatched more than 20 yrs ago?

Was it a coincidence that EJC looked so much like Ivana that Trump confused the two when looking at a photo that he was in with both of them? In your heart of hearts do you really believe that the guy who screwed around on his pregnant wife wasn't capable of raping someone? You think the self-admitted pussy grabber didn't apply that to at least some of the women that have accused him of doing exactly that?

Who do you think Trump was talking about when he bragged about doing that in the video? You think he just made that shit up, just like you apparently believe he never screwed Stormy Daniels and paid her to keep quiet about it?

Trump brags matter of factly about repeatedly committing non-consensual sexual assault. Then when multiple people (20+) come forward to accuse him of exactly that you guys apparently believe that he was lying when he claimed to have engaged in it repeatedly? Do you think he was just spouting nonsense from his imagination?

If you (truthfully) boast about multiple, non-consensual "conquests" then those people have to exist.
Otherwise you're just lying...

And since you guys claim Trump never lies...
Supposedly it was the most traumatic event of her life. And she can't remember the year?

Sure, that seem believable.....
Supposedly it was the most traumatic event of her life. And she can't remember the year?

Sure, that seem believable.....
Serious question. When you log onto the Cooler, are you always thinking "Gee, who should I pick a fight with now?" You're 75 going on 13.
If she has a couple of friends confirm that she told them it happened, you’ll believe her though, right?
Roseanne has been wack a doodle for a long time. But you are your normal self, for making fun of rape. I expect it from you. She asked for it, right?
Roseanne has been wack a doodle for a long time. But you are your normal self, for making fun of rape. I expect it from you. She asked for it, right?
I see you won’t answer. So Roseanne is whack a doodle but E Jean isn’t? 🤣🤣🤣. It’s you I’m making fun of, silly, not rape.😉