Can we land Romeo?

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Let's try this one more time, ok.

I never said Calipari knew - or didn't know - about what Camby got. In fact, I think I was quite explicit in saying coaches can't know what their players are doing 100% of the time, no matter if we're talking Coach K, John Calipari, Archie Miller . . . doesn't matter.

I also made it clear that I have no problem with a kid going pro. None. EVEN IF they're only in school one year.

There are several ways a kid can go pro. A kid can go overseas in Europe for a year, for example. And college isn't for everyone. BUT (listen closely now) if a kid is going to choose to go the college route to get to the pros, then they should be buying into the student portion of a student-athlete and doing the things necessary to prepare themselves to actually BE a student.

If you don't understand that, I'm not sure what else I can tell you.
But you've explicitly laid both the UMass and Memphis situations at Cal's feet, even though the NCAA didn't find him responsible and didn't issue anything approaching a show cause order (and they looked plenty). It's easy to accuse, but why shouldn't proof (any proof) be part of the equation?
But you've explicitly laid both the UMass and Memphis situations at Cal's feet,

I did?

Please show us where I've explicitly laid the UMASS situation at Calipari's feet? I believe I've been more than clear that any coach - including Cal - can't know 100% exactly what his players are doing / getting.

Academics? Tell me how a coach wouldn't know? And if you don't understand that, then you truly don't understand the recruiting process.
Uh. I don't know.

Is there ANY other "realistic job" besides athletics where a "student-athlete" can go to "college" one year and by that become "qualified" to go "work" somewhere, anywhere?

Athletics is absolutely NOT "job training as all college classes are". Period. Athletics is different.

I know college athletics has been tainted with professionalism since the days of Knute Rockne. But today we're dealing with a 20-something culture that doesn't seem to think it's important to read, let alone go to class. If college athletics was supported by the normal education budget from taxes and out of state tuition, it simply wouldn't exist like today.

Don't insult us by saying athletics is just another job or that "tennis, ... baseball, soccer, track and field, etc..." is part of the conversation about basketball and football players.
There plenty of people who either don't go to college or drop out and become successful. Many times the only thing holding people back are regulations and company requirements. Btw all of those sports are absolutely in the conversation unless you want to be biased against only certain sports for some reason.
No - it still is.

A kid wants to go pro - got no problem with that. But if they're going to use the college route as a means to get there, then they need to embrace the student portion of it.

They have other options (such as playing in Europe for a year). Coming to college for a year under the guise of being a student-athlete is BS.
Aren't you only assuming they are not? Most of the kids and universities follow the rules and finish their class work to keep their APR rate where it needs to be. The only one I recall not doing this was UCONN and they got punished. Everyone seems to use their narrative of "they aren't going to class" with no evidence or proof. Personally I would like them to stay for two years but is that just going to have the Internet fans complaining about two and through. I would bet this would be the new agenda to attach them. Cal actually has two systems in place to encourage their class work completion but had one kid choose to ignore it.
I did?

Please show us where I've explicitly laid the UMASS situation at Calipari's feet? I believe I've been more than clear that any coach - including Cal - can't know 100% exactly what his players are doing / getting.

Academics? Tell me how a coach wouldn't know? And if you don't understand that, then you truly don't understand the recruiting process.
Further, you've essentially said that Cal was responsible for the Bledsoe and Rose admissions to UK and UM and chosen to not address that there are actual departments who make those decisions. And all of this without any proof. Then, you turn around and absolve Eddie of any wrongdoing or responsibility at UMass. Seems like a double standard.
Further, you've essentially said that Cal was responsible for the Bledsoe and Rose admissions to UK and UM and chosen to not address that there are actual departments who make those decisions. And all of this without any proof. Then, you turn around and absolve Eddie of any wrongdoing or responsibility at UMass. Seems like a double standard.
Again, I did?

Please show us all where I explicitly made those statements.
If you guys aren't willing to adapt to today's college basketball landscape, that's not my problem, it's yours. The top talent in the sport are not 3-4 year players that get 4.0's and their degree. That is 'old school' nowadays.

Archie....I don't have much of a read on him yet, but what are you going to do/how are you going to feel if he goes the route of his brother @AZ? They are one of the programs that routinely recruit OAD's.... who's to say that Archie won't do that at IU?
It is funny that Villanova has a s many championships as you guys since Cal has been there doing it with 4 year players. UW went to 2 straight final fours and beating you guys in one with 4 year players. I take IU building there programs like those two over UK any day of the week.
Again, I did?

Please show us all where I explicitly made those statements.
I said you've essentially said that, which means you've stated your opinion, absent any proof or evidence. But you've also unquestionably laid both the UMass and UM situations at Cal's feet, and it seems insincere to suggest that you aren't. That's fine, but it also means that it has little credibility or believability, especially when you use the same standard to absolve others. It seems like a double standard for a reason. Nice chatting with you.
I said you've essentially said that, which means you've stated your opinion, absent any proof or evidence. But you've also unquestionably laid both the UMass and UM situations at Cal's feet, and it seems insincere to suggest that you aren't. That's fine, but it also means that it has little credibility or believability, especially when you use the same standard to absolve others. It seems like a double standard for a reason. Nice chatting with you.
Well, then, "essentially" show us all where I have said what you say I've said.

Btw - you said I explicitly laid the UMASS situation at Calipari's feet. Please show where I did just that.
Well, then, "essentially" show us all where I have said what you say I've said.

Btw - you said I explicitly laid the UMASS situation at Calipari's feet. Please show where I did just that.
Please review the previous 11.5 pages for ample evidence of just that, replete with your endless assertions of what Cal should've known and what Cal should've done, in both scenarios. Denying that seems equally insincere.
Please review the previous 11.5 pages for ample evidence of just that, replete with your endless assertions of what Cal should've known and what Cal should've done, in both scenarios. Denying that seems equally insincere.
Translation: He didn't say it, and I know I can't back up what I said he said.
Translation: He didn't say it, and I know I can't back up what I said he said.
Actual translation: You've been saying it for 11.5 pages but you have absolutely nothing to back up your position. Moreover, you apply a double standard to Cal and give Eddie a free pass. Like I said, if you could prove anything, you wouldn't have argued for 11.5 pages and gotten nowhere. That's why it's so hypocritical.
Actual translation: You've been saying it for 11.5 pages but you have absolutely nothing to back up your position. Moreover, you apply a double standard to Cal and give Eddie a free pass. Like I said, if you could prove anything, you wouldn't have argued for 11.5 pages and gotten nowhere. That's why it's so hypocritical.
Only hypocrite is you.

You said I explicitly laid the UMASS situation at Calipari's feet. But you can't show us where I said or did this. Why is why you don't have credibility with most on this board.
Only hypocrite is you.

You said I explicitly laid the UMASS situation at Calipari's feet. But you can't show us where I said or did this. Why is why you don't have credibility with most on this board.
Then what point have you been attempting to make for 12 pages? You have been laying both of those situations at Cal's feet, even as we both know you have absolutely no proof whatsoever to back up your claims. Again, what's been your point in this thread if not to assign blame to Cal for UMass and Memphis? And why wouldn't you try to gain some credibility instead of reinforcing the hypocrisy you've consistently displayed, especially after laughably giving Eddie a pass at UMass simply because he told you he didn't see a lifestyle change?
Then what point have you been attempting to make for 12 pages? You have been laying both of those situations at Cal's feet, even as we both know you have absolutely no proof whatsoever to back up your claims. Again, what's been your point in this thread if not to assign blame to Cal for UMass and Memphis? And why wouldn't you try to gain some credibility instead of reinforcing the hypocrisy you've consistently displayed, especially after laughably giving Eddie a pass at UMass simply because he told you he didn't see a lifestyle change?
Again, where did I explicitly lay the UMASS situation at Calipari's feet?

You said that. Now IF that was actually the case, it would be easy for you to show - just click the Permalink on the post on which what you say exists.

Let's see how credible - or not - you really are. You said it did it, show show us where.
Again, where did I explicitly lay the UMASS situation at Calipari's feet?

You said that. Now IF that was actually the case, it would be easy for you to show - just click the Permalink on the post on which what you say exists.

Let's see how credible - or not - you really are. You said it did it, show show us where.
So, for 12 pages you've been making the argument that Cal is to blame for the transgressions at UMass and Memphis but, because you're unable to offer any proof whatsoever, you're afraid to actually come out and say it? Talk about a complete lack of credibility, especially after your hypocritical defense of Eddie.
So, for 12 pages you've been making the argument that Cal is to blame for the transgressions at UMass and Memphis but, because you're unable to offer any proof whatsoever, you're afraid to actually come out and say it? Talk about a complete lack of credibility, especially after your hypocritical defense of Eddie.
Didn't think you would - which, without any evidence I explicitly said such things, is not surprising.
Am I assuming neither Rose nor Bledsoe had the academic background to be able to function as a college student?
Bledsoe doesn't have the academic background to speak in complete sentences. Have you heard the guy speak? I'm sure none of the people in the multi-million dollar dorm that only has to be 50% non-athletes are there because they are great students willing to help out....and I'm sure all these athletes go to actual classes rather than ones the professor (or TA) never even actually sees them. Also, Ftr, athletes only required to take 18 credit hours a year and 6 per term. That means they can take 2 online classes 2nd semester (if they know they are going pro or not) and with online classes, they don't even have to do the work themselves. Do you, honestly, not think this is common place? They can, easily, get 6 credit hours in the summer, and do that both semesters. For players who can't even speak in complete sentences, are you naive enough to think this doesn't happen? I'm far from saying all players (or even all UK or all sure fire one and dones do it) do it, but you can't tell me those 50% non-athletes living in a luxury dorm aren't hand picked for certain reasons (and probably all that aren't children of very wealthy people are on scholorships). I'm not accusing UK of being the only ones that do this at all, but.... You can tell the schools who care about academics, for real, by the ones who graduate students in 3 years (cause those are the ones taking classes towards degrees and taking full class loads even in the summer).....but you can't, honestly, tell me Calipari doesn't and didn't know any of the bs that was going on for his 3 vacated final 4's anymore than you can convince me Roy had no idea what was going on at UNC (which goes beyond academic fraud, though that may have been the worst part of it)....
Didn't think you would - which, without any evidence I explicitly said such things, is not surprising.
Nor did I believe for a second that you'd answer the fundamental question of what you were trying to argue for 12 pages. As you continue to equivocate with impugnity, everyone else will continue t understand why you lack credibility, which is hardly surprising given your hypocrisy on this subject. Of course, you're welcome to actually tell us what the point of your ongoing rant was, but we both know you won't.
Here are two instances where I've clarified my position.

Still waiting for you to show us where I explicitly laid the UMASS Situation at the feet of Calipari.


Huh? I think I've made myself fairly clear here.

I don't begrudge a kid for going pro. I'd love to have OG back, but fully understand him taking off for the NBA.

But OG didn't come to IU strictly as a stop gap to get to the NBA. IU doesn't operate like that, and I will be very surprised (and dismayed) if CAM would attempt to bring in a kid just to get them to the NBA as Calipari does.

John McEnroe went to Stanford for one year to become a professional tennis player?

Uh . . . . NO. Think you need to read this:

From the article:

"Harry Cicma (HC): What did you enjoy the most about your college experience at Stanford? What did you learn?
John McEnroe (JM): For me it was a number of things. I got to enjoy the college experience, and I lived away from my parents for the first time in my life. I also got to play in a team environment - which I really enjoyed doing.
I came into college as the No. 22 ranked male player in the world, which was very unusual for college. So I entered my freshman year with a target on my back and some pressure on me, but it was the type of pressure I needed to deal with when I turned professional. It actually helped me because I sort of saw what it would be like if a great majority of the crowd was against me - which was something I somehow managed to do in the pros too often. As a pro, I had people rooting against me for reasons which were often my own fault.

HC: Looking back, do you think going to college was the right choice for you?
JM: I loved the college experience, and I often tell people that it was one of the best - if not the best - decision I've ever made in order to help my professional career. I could've turned pro at No. 20 in the world - as there were great endorsements - and I feel that I would've done well in the pros anyway. But going to college allowed me to go out and do what I wanted to accomplish, and I wanted to win the NCAAs.

And Tiger? Wasn't a 1-and-done:

From the article:

"In a world where prodigious sports talents tend to forgo higher education altogether for the pros, Tiger Woods chose to continue playing amateur golf at Stanford University as an economics major".

Now, let me make sure I understand you correctly. You're telling us that Tiger was a 1-and-done (actually, two) as an economics major AT STANFORD to prepare him to play professional golf? And that his situation (or McEnroe's) equates to those of Rose and Bledsoe? Do econ majors at Stanford take Algebra 3 BEFORE Algebra 2 and ace it (some of the kids from there likely could have pulled if off, actually :) )? None of them would have been admitted with a transcript like Bledsoe's or ACT / SAT scores like Rose.

Let's try this one more time, ok.

I never said Calipari knew - or didn't know - about what Camby got. In fact, I think I was quite explicit in saying coaches can't know what their players are doing 100% of the time, no matter if we're talking Coach K, John Calipari, Archie Miller . . . doesn't matter.

I also made it clear that I have no problem with a kid going pro. None. EVEN IF they're only in school one year.

There are several ways a kid can go pro. A kid can go overseas in Europe for a year, for example. And college isn't for everyone. BUT (listen closely now) if a kid is going to choose to go the college route to get to the pros, then they should be buying into the student portion of a student-athlete and doing the things necessary to prepare themselves to actually BE a student.

If you don't understand that, I'm not sure what else I can tell you.
Here are two instances where I've clarified my position.

Still waiting for you to show us where I explicitly laid the UMASS Situation at the feet of Calipari.

Clear as mud, unsurprisingly. I see your multiple caveats, but there's no evidence of what your point in all this actually was, if not to lay all of this at Cal's feet. It's why you continue to dodge the simple question I asked, further damaging your credibility while deepening your hypocrisy. You went on and on and on for pages and pages. Why are you afraid to take a stand and say what your actual point was in all of that?
Clear as mud, unsurprisingly. I see your multiple caveats, but there's no evidence of what your point in all this actually was, if not to lay all of this at Cal's feet. It's why you continue to dodge the simple question I asked, further damaging your credibility while deepening your hypocrisy. You went on and on and on for pages and pages. Why are you afraid to take a stand and say what your actual point was in all of that?

What I have stated - continually - has referred to academics. Here are two more examples you've ignored.

The review of Bledsoe's transcript isn't the responsibility of the University of Kentucky admissions office? Really?

Eric Bledsoe's final grade changes for his transcript took place on April 28, 2009.

He took an official visit to UK the following weekend (May 1st) and committed to the Wildcats on May 6th. So at the time of his commitment, there was NO CLEARING by the NCAA. None.

When Bledsoe made the OV on the weekend of May 1st, the UK admissions office would have been given a copy of his transcript. Even without the controversy of the changed grades (which would come later on), you're trying to tell us that NO ONE in the admissions office wouldn't have noticed Bledsoe had a 1.75 GPA at Hayes, but somehow moved his GPA to 3.0 for his year at Parker (which he had to do to qualify - since his ACT score required him to have an overall GPA of 2.5 to be eligible)? And that the admissions people there at UK wouldn't think there was something fishy about a kid WHO HAVE NEVER had a math grade BETTER THAN a C, but could somehow take Algebra 3 BEORE Algebra 2 and manage to ace it? (Not coincidentally, Bledsoe needed to have an A in that class to qualify)

Forget what the NCAA cleared / didn't clear. What are Kentucky's standards? They will have a transcript given to them and - even with the obvious questions Bledsoe's had - accept it (and him) without question?

Of course. As you said - "It's not their problem" - just as long as you can have plausible deniability, right?

IU got hammered for the phone calls by Sampson (which are legal now), but you know why they got hammered?

The issue with the impermissible calls was discovered by a student intern in the compliance dept. IU could have covered it up and not said anything - just like UK took in Bledsoe and his transcript without question.

But they didn't - even though they had hired Sampson (which was a BAD move), they held him - and themselves - accountable.

UK hold themselves accountable? Maybe they will one day - when hell freezes over . . .

As I have stated before, UK would have received an official transcript from Bledsoe at the time of his OV. They made the conscious decision to admit him as a student after reviewing said transcript, which brings into question not only their academic standards but also how much Calipari truly values the educational portion of college basketball - particularly considering the issues surrounding Rose.

But, I get it - you can't keep up. And you'll try to hide your inability to comprehend behind 2-3 paragraphs of jibberish. (Btw - still waiting for the evidence I explicitly laid the UMASS situation at the feet of Calipari)
What I have stated - continually - has referred to academics. Here are two more examples you've ignored.

As I have stated before, UK would have received an official transcript from Bledsoe at the time of his OV. They made the conscious decision to admit him as a student after reviewing said transcript, which brings into question not only their academic standards but also how much Calipari truly values the educational portion of college basketball - particularly considering the issues surrounding Rose.

But, I get it - you can't keep up. And you'll try to hide your inability to comprehend behind 2-3 paragraphs of jibberish. (Btw - still waiting for the evidence I explicitly laid the UMASS situation at the feet of Calipari)
I keep up just fine, just unsure why you're unwilling to be truthful about your true point here, after 12 long pages of ranting, and after so weakly absolving Eddie. It's hypocritical, even if you're incapable of comprehending that.
Don't waste your time. You won the arguement a long time ago.
Just as you've lost it many times by making claims about being an alum and season ticket holder, as well as proclaiming AH didn't have empty seats and that Miller and Cal aren't pals. Still living in your head. Lol.
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Still waiting for the evidence I explicitly laid the UMASS situation at the feet of Calipari
Read the 12 page thread you heavily contributed to. You explicitly laid UMass, UM and UK at Cal's feet. That you can't prove any of it is another story and the reason why you have no credibility. Why keep denying the obvious and then unconvincingly swerving to claim it was really all about academics?
Read the 12 page thread you heavily contributed to. You explicitly laid UMass, UM and UK at Cal's feet. That you can't prove any of it is another story and the reason why you have no credibility. Why keep denying the obvious and then unconvincingly swerving to claim it was really all about academics?

still waiting for the evidence I explicitly laid the UMASS situation at the feet of Calipari
And I'm still waiting for you to tell me it was your 12 page rant was really about. Quite telling that you refuse to do so.

That moment when you know that the guy knows how to read, knows he is wrong, but charges ahead like a bull after a red cape because he will never admit it.

And this inane thread will continue to grow and grow while having nothing to do with the initial reason it was started for. Tas has been more than clear about his point frederica, he does not hold Cal 100% accountable for the Camby situation because a coach cannot know what is going on at all times w.r.t. who players are talking to. He does hold UK, Memphis, and Cal accountable for the academic issues because they involve a player actually having to turn things into the school...documentation which makes claims of "I did not know" laughable.

Continue being an ass who cannot admit being wrong though.
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That moment when you know that the guy knows how to read, knows he is wrong, but charges ahead like a bull after a red cape because he will never admit it.

And this inane thread will continue to grow and grow while having nothing to do with the initial reason it was started for. Tas has been more than clear about his point frederica, he does not hold Cal 100% accountable for the Camby situation because a coach cannot know what is going on at all times w.r.t. who players are talking to. He does hold UK, Memphis, and Cal accountable for the academic issues because they involve a player actually having to turn things into the school...documentation which makes claims of "I did not know" laughable.

Continue being an ass who cannot admit being wrong though.
Spot on

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That moment when you know that the guy knows how to read, knows he is wrong, but charges ahead like a bull after a red cape because he will never admit it.

And this inane thread will continue to grow and grow while having nothing to do with the initial reason it was started for. Tas has been more than clear about his point frederica, he does not hold Cal 100% accountable for the Camby situation because a coach cannot know what is going on at all times w.r.t. who players are talking to. He does hold UK, Memphis, and Cal accountable for the academic issues because they involve a player actually having to turn things into the school...documentation which makes claims of "I did not know" laughable.

Continue being an ass who cannot admit being wrong though.
Just ignore it because this is OrdFans ammo all the time.
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"BUT (listen closely now) if a kid is going to choose to go the college route to get to the pros, then they should be buying into the student portion of a student-athlete and doing the things necessary to prepare themselves to actually BE a student."

....and that's been the case at UK in the Cal era....with Daniel Orton being the lone exception. I gave you the year by year APR scores and you simply ignored them to stick to your narrative. They couldn't have attained those APR scores without being 'prepared to actually BE a student'.
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