Can Republicans

What makes you think I am "outraged"? I think it is overblown and is no reason for recusal. I am more uncomfortable with Thomas's vacation junkets, if quid pro quo is established (and so far, it hasn't been).

I do, however, like to point out when facts are being ignored.
I ignored no facts.
He’s probably right. Neither of us is a fan of MAGA, but they’re here and we should understand how that happened. I know for sure that many are former blue collar Democrats who weren’t happy with your party. Others were Republicans unhappy with my party. They are all now more MAGA then Republican or Democrat, but that can’t last and the parties need to figure out how to get them back in the fold by addressing their concerns and eliminating the Trump craziness at the same time.
Spot on
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Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.
Nine of this impacts my sleep whatsoever. Ignoring that Trump pulled a whole bunch of blue collar workers that used to be purple 20 years ago and blue for Clinton 30 years ago is just denying reality.

Choosing who you pander to or campaign towards as a political party is a choice. When you choose not to campaign towards one group and instead choose another, that is a choice you made. Everything that happens in this country has some degree of shared responsibility.
I ignored no facts.
You ignored the clear connection of the neighborly dispute with pro vs anti MAGA sentiment. That was 100% what it was about and you directly said that you would have to be a mind reader to know that. You don't. The neighbors were interviewed by many media outlets.

But the justice was not involved and his wife is entitled to her opinions, so I tend to agree that this is a bunch of nothing.
You ignored the clear connection of the neighborly dispute with pro vs anti MAGA sentiment. That was 100% what it was about and you directly said that you would have to be a mind reader to know that. You don't. The neighbors were interviewed by many media outlets.

But the justice was not involved and his wife is entitled to her opinions, so I tend to agree that this is a bunch of nothing.
It was all on the neighbors’ side per reporting I read. I directly said you’d have to be a mind reader to know Mrs Alito flew the flag upside down in support of MAGA or the pine tree flag at the beach house in support of MAGA. I ordered that flag and will put it in the rotation. I’ll hunt down and kick the ass if anyone here that calls me MAGA for it. I have a particular set of skills . . . 😁
He’s probably right. Neither of us is a fan of MAGA, but they’re here and we should understand how that happened. I know for sure that many are former blue collar Democrats who weren’t happy with your party. Others were Republicans unhappy with my party. They are all now more MAGA then Republican or Democrat, but that can’t last and the parties need to figure out how to get them back in the fold by addressing their concerns and eliminating the Trump craziness at the same time.
That’s never going to happen.
You don’t even understand the geopolitical landscape historically or currently with that view.

Weak sauce
Okay…whatever, professor. I would counter the same applies to you, we’ll post back and forth a while, never coming to consensus or changing each other’s mind, and it will be a big waste of time for nothing. And all the while, you’ll be wrong.
No thanks.
This new persona of yours is interesting, I’ll give you that.
Care to refute any of the things he listed? They are all facts, Dems, while in power, have done each of these. You can try to debate the motives, or someone with intelligence can, but that they’ve been done is indisputable.
Republicans are in a tough spot. Democrats are clearly willing to play dirtier than us, and we’re now faced with taking the high road and never winning another election, or getting down in the mud and accelerating the destruction of the Republic.

These people will illegaly import millions of voters over the southern border and their future children. They’ll use the justice system to target political opponents, they’ll lock people in their homes and change election laws through extra constitutional means.

All to win an election and maintain power. All to try and bring about a permanent Democratic majority.

How do you fight people this evil and craven? If someone had an answer I’m all ears.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Okay…whatever, professor. I would counter the same applies to you, we’ll post back and forth a while, never coming to consensus or changing each other’s mind, and it will be a big waste of time for nothing. And all the while, you’ll be wrong.
No thanks.

Did you just 8 mile him?

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