Can Republicans

Can you read minds? Alito claims his wife flew the flag upside down in response to hostile neighbors. Unless you can read minds and he is actually lying, you don't know that it had anything to do with MAGA. Period.

The other flag is a historical flag and Alito says his wife flies historical flags. This is what I do too.

Just because you want to link them to MAGA doesn't mean they're linked to MAGA. You'd never even get a case like that to court. You have a very strong tendency to assume the worst about Republicans. This is because you're a hyper-partisan.
How many historical flags are there?

You want to guess the chances of picking the same one as the insurrectionists?

Look at alito's voting record in the Supreme Court. He is about as partisan as they come.

The flag wasn't a coincidence no matter how much he wants to pretend.

If one of the liberal justices flew a flag associated with antifa, then think they would get a pass for claiming they didn't know?
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I got $1,000 that says you didn't even know what the Appeal to Heaven flag looked like, let alone it's connections to MAGA, before someone told you what to think.

I couldn't even tell you what that flag looks like right now and I am pretty right wing.
I also bet he didn't know what it looked like until he was essentially told by his hyper-partisan sources to be outraged that the Alitos flew it. I do know what it looks like and now that I think about it, I've not seen it flown by any MAGAs near me. They seem to prefer "TRUMP 2024" and "**** JOE BIDEN" flags. I detest the second one, but it's what I see flown locally.
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How many historical flags are there?

You want to guess the chances of picking the same one as the insurrectionists?

Look at alito's voting record in the Supreme Court. He is about as partisan as they come.

The flag wasn't a coincidence no matter how much he wants to pretend.

If one of the liberal justices flew a flag associated with antifa, then think they would get a pass for claiming they didn't know?
So hyperpartisans have the ability to read minds. I didn't know that. You can stop posting about this now. I don't think you're worthy of a conversation about it.
I also bet he didn't know what it looked like until he was essentially told by his hyper-partisan sources to be outraged that the Alitos flew it. I do know what it looks like and now that I think about it, I've not seen it flown by any MAGAs near me. They seem to prefer "TRUMP 2024" and "**** JOE BIDEN" flags. I detest the second one, but it's what I see flown locally.
I have never heard of nor can say I have ever even seen that flag. I will have to go look it up to see if I even recognize it.

ETA: I went and looked it up.

I have never seen that flag before in my life and I am a history major who is pretty well read on those things. I would challenge anyone to pull up a meeting of MAGA people or any J6 footage and show me that flag being flown.
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I have never heard of nor can say I have ever even seen that flag. I will have to go look it up to see if I even recognize it.
Here you go:

From the article:

From 1964 to 2024, the flag was flown outside San Francisco City Hall as part of a collection of historic American flags.[16] It is also displayed at Faneuil Hall in Boston, in the Museum of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts.[17]

It was also carried at Black Lives Matter protests. Alito must be a BLM supporter.
All I hear is that the "rules" are arbitrary and that they can be jettisoned whenever we can convince enough people it is in their interest to do so.

So there are no "norms", there is only power. There are no rules, might makes right. I think it is beyond the pale that Joe and his son made money off political power derived from "We the people". I believe his tactics of using the justice department against his political enemies are beyond the pale. So should my party get the power, I fully expect them to be dealt with. Statutes of limitations can be moved to accommodate and charges can be created out of whole cloth. Why? Because I have labeled my enemies as "special cases" and we all know "special cases" mean that rules and norms need not apply. All that matters is power. Welcome to the Chiquita States.
Do you honestly not think the FBI and others had serious concerns about Trump’s interactions with Saudis and Russians from decades ago? Let alone with him suddenly in a place of power? Do you wonder why Kushner could not get security clearance for months? There is no proof Biden did what you charged him with. There is no proof Biden has used the DOJ. There is plenty of proof of Trump’s bad acts, which he is now, finally, being held accountable. After decades of bad behavior.
Here you go:

From the article:

From 1964 to 2024, the flag was flown outside San Francisco City Hall as part of a collection of historic American flags.[16] It is also displayed at Faneuil Hall in Boston, in the Museum of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts.[17]
Yeah I just did the Wikipedia search myself. Today is the first time I have ever laid eyes on that flag. Looks to be more of a Revolutionary War Naval flag so maybe you came across it as part of naval history.
Yeah I just did the Wikipedia search myself. Today is the first time I have ever laid eyes on that flag. Looks to be more of a Revolutionary War Naval flag so maybe you came across it as part of naval history.
Yes, it was connected to the first Navy. Now I have to buy one.
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I have never heard of nor can say I have ever even seen that flag. I will have to go look it up to see if I even recognize it.

ETA: I went and looked it up.

I have never seen that flag before in my life and I am a history major who is pretty well read on those things. I would challenge anyone to pull up a meeting of MAGA people or any J6 footage and show me that flag being flown.
Do you honestly not think the FBI and others had serious concerns about Trump’s interactions with Saudis and Russians from decades ago? Let alone with him suddenly in a place of power? Do you wonder why Kushner could not get security clearance for months? There is no proof Biden did what you charged him with. There is no proof Biden has used the DOJ. There is plenty of proof of Trump’s bad acts, which he is now, finally, being held accountable. After decades of bad behavior.
It's fine Zeke, I am just saying to keep that energy if/when Trump gets a second term and he stocks the DOJ and FBI with his people and little things about Democrats start coming out. $17 million in taxpayer dollars was spent as hushmoney for people Congressman were banging. Nancy Pelosi consistently performs orders of magnitude better than the market with her investments. Probably things we need to look into because they have the appearance of being fishy. Also, may need to revisit Hillary's bleach bit activities. Another prosecutor may decide that needs looked at. And if the statute has run, no biggie, just need a state to pass a law to change that statute of limitations up. And no worry about a state prosecuting for federal crimes, that shit flew out the door yesterday too.

I accept the new rules, I just don't want to hear any crying about norms and rules from 2025 to 2029 if Trump gets reelected....
How many historical flags are there?

You want to guess the chances of picking the same one as the insurrectionists?

Look at alito's voting record in the Supreme Court. He is about as partisan as they come.

The flag wasn't a coincidence no matter how much he wants to pretend.

If one of the liberal justices flew a flag associated with antifa, then think they would get a pass for claiming they didn't know?
Flags that we flew prior to a rifle marksmanship training class in August of 2011.

People fly historical flags. I fly a Bedford from the start of IU's basketball season until they're done. You're hung up on some dumb stuff.
do like Schumer and threaten this judge? Can wackos protest in front of his home like Biden’s Justice Department allowed with Supreme Court Justices?
Why? We don’t resolve our issues the way Demorat scum does. If you think this farce of a conviction is going to stand you’re sadly mistaken. This is a political stunt to try and win an election because Demorat scum can’t win on their policies. It’s the same thing they did back in 2020 when they used the racist bullshit. This is how sorry Dems are and how pathetic stupid as people have become to where you can convict a person for crimes when there are no crimes. The Dems and sorry ass judges like Merchan the moron can make their own rules when it comes to law.
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If we had nominated someone like Rubio or Christie or anyone other than Trump in 2016 none of this crazy stuff would have happened. You're fooling yourself if you don't think Trump brought nearly all of this on himself.
If the Dems nominated someone other than a progressive we wouldn’t have half the problems the country faces today.
Flags that we flew prior to a rifle marksmanship training class in August of 2011.

People fly historical flags. I fly a Bedford from the start of IU's basketball season until they're done. You're hung up on some dumb stuff.
What is this picture? Rifle practice? Damn that’s the real deal. Where’s @Joe_Hoopsier ? He get crayed?
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Can Republicans grow a pair and just say, "Hey, Don, you're a cancer to our party and the country, and we have decided that you just need to go away for good"?
If they just did that, the presidency would be theirs for the foreseeable future.
Really! How about the Dems stop being afraid of one man and run an election based on policies? The truth is if they ran on policies a Dem wouldn’t be in office ever again. Their policies only benefit the wealthy and too many stupid people in this country hasn’t figured that out yet.
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What is this picture? Rifle practice?
A 2 day training class to teach people the basics of rifle marksmanship. 95% of the people show up with a cheap rimfire rifle that they can't shoot to save themselves, and they're taught the history of April 19, 1775, as the historical backdrop for the US being born from a nation of riflemen. The course itself is a bastardized version of the marksmanship training from WW2 taught by volunteers. I'm no longer involved and haven't taught or attended a class in over 10 years, but the guy who sponsored the class at the Cloverdale Conservation Club had this collection of flags that he'd fly as part of the event. That's the only location I was ever at that had them. I always thought they added something to the class.
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Yes, it was connected to the first Navy. Now I have to buy one.
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Really! How about the Dems stop being afraid of one man and run an election based on policies? The truth is if they ran on policies a Dem wouldn’t be in office ever again. Their policies only benefit the wealthy and too many stupid people in this country hasn’t figured that out yet.
Oh, and I was responding about Republicans. Pay attention.
A 2 day training class to teach people the basics of rifle marksmanship. 95% of the people show up with a cheap rimfire rifle that they can't shoot to save themselves, and they're taught the history of April 19, 1775, as the historical backdrop for the US being born from a nation of riflemen. The course itself is a bastardized version of the marksmanship training from WW2 taught by volunteers. I'm no longer involved and haven't taught or attended a class in over 10 years, but the guy who sponsored the class at the Cloverdale Conservation Club had this collection of flags that he'd fly as part of the event. That's the only location I was ever at that had them. I always thought they added something to the class.
High Five Go Team GIF by CNBC Prime
not a student of marksmanship. a teacher. big time
Not at all. Anyone who wants to learn and is willing to humble themselves to do so could effectively shoot a rifle at the end of the class. We had 10 year old kids who could shoot better than me by the end of a class. They had no bad habits to 'unlearn' and an eagerness to learn the correct techniques. The worst students were cops or former military who "already knew everything there was to know about rifles". Most of the time, they didn't come back for day 2 because they were embarrassed. The holes in the paper targets don't lie.
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Uh you do understand why the judge had to put a gag order on him? Remember the election workers in Georgia who had their lives threatened due to Trump’s lies. You’re right, there is no need to make up stuff. It’s why I don’t.
I must have missed where Trump said to a judge something similar to "You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price" and "You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." and led to a bunch of crazies showing up outside their home. Got a link to that?
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Zeke can’t see that she created Trump, just like Barry didn’t understand that he birthed the Tea Party
True believers are the reason we're at this point.

People make bad decisions, so let's elect people to make decisions for people. My people are better than your people when making decisions for you.
Dumbest take ever.
I thought the GOP was the party of personal responsibility. I guess Donny just scares you guys too much.
The GOP did create Trump. Populists gain power when the ruling class is seen as being distant and/or doing "nothing" to address problems. The GOP has been all talk and no do for a long time. So when someone different came along, people latched on.

However, the Democrats did create Trump too. Quite a bit of his support is found among blue collar whites in areas that used to be more "purple" because the Democrats have gone really far down the racial grievance aisle. Viewing everything through the oppressor/oppressed lens left a huge opening for a guy like Trump to come along and say, "They don't give a **** about you. They will hand illegals crossing the border free food and housing while foreclosing your home..." (a bit of hyperbole there but:

Power hates a vacuum. In Democracies, that vacuum tends to be filled by populists when the normal choices are viewed to be either doing nothing or harming.
Alito claims his wife flew the flag upside down in response to hostile neighbors. Unless you can read minds and he is actually lying, you don't know that it had anything to do with MAGA. Period.
He indeed says the wife flew the flag upside down in response to an angry disagreement with neighbors.

But... the nature of that dispute has been confirmed by interviewing many of their neighbors. The disagreement was about the neighbors thinking Trump is an awful human being and that his supporters are a stain on our country. The hard feelings were completely centered around the MAGA vs. anti-MAGA divide. So it is silly to say that we have no idea that it had anything to do with MAGA.
He indeed says the wife flew the flag upside down in response to an angry disagreement with neighbors.

But... the nature of that dispute has been confirmed by interviewing many of their neighbors. The disagreement was about the neighbors thinking Trump is an awful human being and that his supporters are a stain on our country. The hard feelings were completely centered around the MAGA vs. anti-MAGA divide. So it is silly to say that we have no idea that it had anything to do with MAGA.
Yes, the reporting confirms some of the neighbors were hostile assholes toward the Alitos. They associated the Alitos with MAGA, the Alitos didn’t proclaim any allegiance to MAGAs. Justice Alito isn’t stupid and that would be stupid.

You guys are outraged because the moonbat wing of the Democrats convinced you to be outraged. Excuse me while I order my pine tree flag. Oh, does that mean I’m MAGA?
The GOP did create Trump. Populists gain power when the ruling class is seen as being distant and/or doing "nothing" to address problems. The GOP has been all talk and no do for a long time. So when someone different came along, people latched on.

However, the Democrats did create Trump too. Quite a bit of his support is found among blue collar whites in areas that used to be more "purple" because the Democrats have gone really far down the racial grievance aisle. Viewing everything through the oppressor/oppressed lens left a huge opening for a guy like Trump to come along and say, "They don't give a **** about you. They will hand illegals crossing the border free food and housing while foreclosing your home..." (a bit of hyperbole there but:

Power hates a vacuum. In Democracies, that vacuum tends to be filled by populists when the normal choices are viewed to be either doing nothing or harming.
Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.
You guys are outraged because the moonbat wing of the Democrats convinced you to be outraged.
What makes you think I am "outraged"? I think it is overblown and is no reason for recusal. I am more uncomfortable with Thomas's vacation junkets, if quid pro quo is established (and so far, it hasn't been).

I do, however, like to point out when facts are being ignored.
Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.
He’s probably right. Neither of us is a fan of MAGA, but they’re here and we should understand how that happened. I know for sure that many are former blue collar Democrats who weren’t happy with your party. Others were Republicans unhappy with my party. They are all now more MAGA then Republican or Democrat, but that can’t last and the parties need to figure out how to get them back in the fold by addressing their concerns and eliminating the Trump craziness at the same time.
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