Can Republicans


Will they be able to mostly get away with it is the question
do like Schumer and threaten this judge? Can wackos protest in front of his home like Biden’s Justice Department allowed with Supreme Court Justices?
Haha. You mean like Trump constantly does? Like that?
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Republicans are in a tough spot. Democrats are clearly willing to play dirtier than us, and we’re now faced with taking the high road and never winning another election, or getting down in the mud and accelerating the destruction of the Republic.

These people will illegaly import millions of voters over the southern border and their future children. They’ll use the justice system to target political opponents, they’ll lock people in their homes and change election laws through extra constitutional means.

All to win an election and maintain power. All to try and bring about a permanent Democratic majority.

How do you fight people this evil and craven? If someone had an answer I’m all ears.
Republicans are in a tough spot. Democrats are clearly willing to play dirtier than us, and we’re now faced with taking the high road and never winning another election, or getting down in the mud and accelerating the destruction of the Republic.

These people will illegaly import millions of voters over the southern border and their future children. They’ll use the justice system to target political opponents, they’ll lock people in their homes and change election laws through extra constitutional means.

All to win an election and maintain power. All to try and bring about a permanent Democratic majority.

How do you fight people this evil and craven? If someone had an answer I’m all ears.
IDK...maybe don't run Trump?
Republicans are in a tough spot. Democrats are clearly willing to play dirtier than us, and we’re now faced with taking the high road and never winning another election, or getting down in the mud and accelerating the destruction of the Republic.

These people will illegaly import millions of voters over the southern border and their future children. They’ll use the justice system to target political opponents, they’ll lock people in their homes and change election laws through extra constitutional means.

All to win an election and maintain power. All to try and bring about a permanent Democratic majority.

How do you fight people this evil and craven? If someone had an answer I’m all ears.
I got your answer. Buy Bitcoin.
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Can Republicans grow a pair and just say, "Hey, Don, you're a cancer to our party and the country, and we have decided that you just need to go away for good"?
If they just did that, the presidency would be theirs for the foreseeable future.
Does this mean we’re back in 2028?
What do the Democrats extra-Democratic tactics have to do with who they’re running against?
If we had nominated someone like Rubio or Christie or anyone other than Trump in 2016 none of this crazy stuff would have happened. You're fooling yourself if you don't think Trump brought nearly all of this on himself.
If we had nominated someone like Rubio or Christie or anyone other than Trump none of this crazy stuff would have happened. You're fooling yourself if you don't think Trump brought nearly all of this on himself.
Is importing millions of illegals in the hope that they and their children will be Democratic voters a reaction to Trump?

Harry Reid blowing up the filibuster?

Open your eyes Aloha. It’s a straight power game to them. They could care less about norms or laws.
Is importing millions of illegals in the hope that they and their children will be Democratic voters a reaction to Trump?

Harry Reid blowing up the filibuster?

Open your eyes Aloha. It’s a straight power game to them. They could care less about norms or laws.
The next move is SCOTUS expansion. They’re already laying the groundwork with their targeting of Alito and Thomas over bullshit. Trying to destroy its legitimacy.
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The next move is SCOTUS expansion. They’re already laying the groundwork with their targeting of Alito and Thomas over bullshit. Trying to destroy its legitimacy.
So Asleezo flies his flag upside down, the pussy blames it on his wife and neighbors and then we find out the liar also flew the appeal to heaven flag at his beach house (thousands of mile away from those awful neighbors). What's the excuse for that one? He got caught lying.

Thomas took bribes from a conservative donor for decades and didn't report them.

The only people destroying the Supreme court's legitimacy are those 2 partisan shits. The Supreme Court justices are supposed to be nonpartisan. Those 2 have failed that miserably
If we had nominated someone like Rubio or Christie or anyone other than Trump in 2016 none of this crazy stuff would have happened. You're fooling yourself if you don't think Trump brought nearly all of this on himself.
Nah, I don't accept that at all. This is the "she shouldn't have worn that dress" approach. In 2016, when Obama's DOJ was lying to FISA courts to spy on the campaign of his political opponents, Trump had done nothing wrong but have the gall to run for office. Like him or not, if he was so big a threat that we had to throw out the rules just this one time because of him, then we weren't half the country we thought we were to begin with.

This whole thing is as much about the response to Trump as it is with Trump himself. And the response from the "norms" people has been to say that the "norms" are disposable at their whim because they get to say so. That won't fly for long. That kind of thing never does. The Republicans can run whomever the hell they want and the Democrats can too. If you lose, you get a chance in 4 years to try again. If you win, you hope to perform well enough to get another 4. I completely reject the idea that to avoid "punishment", the people or a particular party have to do what "they" expect them to do. Nothing more un-American than that.
Nah, I don't accept that at all. This is the "she shouldn't have worn that dress" approach. In 2016, when Obama's DOJ was lying to FISA courts to spy on the campaign of his political opponents, Trump had done nothing wrong but have the gall to run for office. Like him or not, if he was so big a threat that we had to throw out the rules just this one time because of him, then we weren't half the country we thought we were to begin with.

This whole thing is as much about the response to Trump as it is with Trump himself. And the response from the "norms" people has been to say that the "norms" are disposable at their whim because they get to say so. That won't fly for long. That kind of thing never does. The Republicans can run whomever the hell they want and the Democrats can too. If you lose, you get a chance in 4 years to try again. If you win, you hope to perform well enough to get another 4. I completely reject the idea that to avoid "punishment", the people or a particular party have to do what "they" expect them to do. Nothing more un-American than that.
I 100 percent believe what I wrote about running and electing another Republican, and also that Trump brought most of this on himself.
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So Asleezo flies his flag upside down, the pussy blames it on his wife and neighbors and then we find out the liar also flew the appeal to heaven flag at his beach house (thousands of mile away from those awful neighbors). What's the excuse for that one? He got caught lying.

Thomas took bribes from a conservative donor for decades and didn't report them.

The only people destroying the Supreme court's legitimacy are those 2 partisan shits. The Supreme Court justices are supposed to be nonpartisan. Those 2 have failed that miserably
Going after him for the "Appeal to Heaven" flag is bull shit. I too collect and fly historical flags under the US flag on my flag pole. Today I'm flying "DONT GIVE UP THE SHIP" flag and I have several other historical flags I cycle through. I had zero idea that the "Appeal to Heaven" flag is associated with MAGAs. It would have been in the rotation if I had one and I would have flown it. We've had the argument before and I don't allow groups I dislike claim our historic symbols. I've seen US flags at MAGA rallies, do we stop flying it? Of course not.

Also, bribes require something in return. What did he rich friend get?
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Going after him for the "Appeal to Heaven" flag is bull shit. I too collect and fly historical flags under the US flag on my flag pole. Today I'm flying "DONT GIVE UP THE SHIP" flag and I have several other historical flags I cycle through. I had zero idea that the "Appeal to Heaven" flag is associated with MAGAs. It would have been in the rotation if I had one and I would have flown it. We've had the argument before and I don't allow groups I dislike claim our historic symbols. I've seen US flags at MAGA rallies, do we stop flying it? Of course not.
So the upside down flag and appeal to heaven were just amazing coincidences?

I am not that gullible
Going after him for the "Appeal to Heaven" flag is bull shit. I too collect and fly historical flags under the US flag on my flag pole. Today I'm flying "DONT GIVE UP THE SHIP" flag and I have several other historical flags I cycle through. I had zero idea that the "Appeal to Heaven" flag is associated with MAGAs. It would have been in the rotation if I had one and I would have flown it. We've had the argument before and I don't allow groups I dislike claim our historic symbols. I've seen US flags at MAGA rallies, do we stop flying it? Of course not.

Also, bribes require something in return. What did he rich friend get?
Whack job progressives bizzare attribution of flags that have literally been around since the beginning of the Republic (Gadsden, Appeal to Heaven, etc.) as some form of racism, or nativism or whatever is really strange.

But I know the reason they do it. They hate our history as such they hate those flags.
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The flag I'm flying today:


Anyone telling me this is racist or MAGA would likely get a kick in the arse from me.

Same with this one:


I have several more and the same goes for every one of them. I think I might go ahead and buy the "Appeal to Heaven" flag too.
I 100 percent believe what I wrote about running and electing another Republican, and also that Trump brought most of this on himself.
That's fine, I just don't agree.

However, I guess if I deem the next Democrat as an existential threat to whatever, that anything done to bring them down is within bounds. They brought it on themselves. Can you see how problematic that thinking gets when taken to its logical conclusion?
Lol. The odds of both being completely random coincidences are incredibly low especially given the timing
You have to believe that they were flying the "Appeal to Heaven" flag in support of MAGA and there is no evidence of that at all.
That's fine, I just don't agree.

However, I guess if I deem the next Democrat as an existential threat to whatever, that anything done to bring them down is within bounds. They brought it on themselves. Can you see how problematic that thinking gets when taken to its logical conclusion?
I don't believe that has happened with Trump at all with the federal cases, but I know many on here disagree. This NY case was brought for political reasons though.
The guy is enough of a cancer. There's no need to make stuff up.
Uh you do understand why the judge had to put a gag order on him? Remember the election workers in Georgia who had their lives threatened due to Trump’s lies. You’re right, there is no need to make up stuff. It’s why I don’t.
Republicans are in a tough spot. Democrats are clearly willing to play dirtier than us, and we’re now faced with taking the high road and never winning another election, or getting down in the mud and accelerating the destruction of the Republic.

These people will illegaly import millions of voters over the southern border and their future children. They’ll use the justice system to target political opponents, they’ll lock people in their homes and change election laws through extra constitutional means.

All to win an election and maintain power. All to try and bring about a permanent Democratic majority.

How do you fight people this evil and craven? If someone had an answer I’m all ears.
This new persona of yours is interesting, I’ll give you that.
You have to believe that they were flying the "Appeal to Heaven" flag in support of MAGA and there is no evidence of that at all.
So they flew their flag upside down and the appeal to heaven flag but had no clue both had connections to Jan 6?

Their spat with the neighbor apparently started with the neighbors anti Trump sign. Actual non-partisans wouldn't be going apeshit and spitting at their neighbors car over that.

And i don't buy for a second that they flew the US flag upside down because of their neighbor.
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The next move is SCOTUS expansion. They’re already laying the groundwork with their targeting of Alito and Thomas over bullshit. Trying to destroy its legitimacy.
Over bullshit? You guys whine over a judge’s daughter and yet their spouses are actively working to overturn an election. ( Thomas not Alito). They are not supposed to be political. The expansion has nothing to do with that anyone. It has to do with Mitch not allowing a vote. Your old persona knew that. The new one is a lot stupider.
I don't believe that has happened with Trump, but I know many on here disagree.
So from my POV, here is the issue that started everything. Trump was deemed "unfit" by, for lack of a better term, "the establishment", in 2016. The political campaign of the person he was running against paid for false information about him and then passed that on as "intelligence" to the administration being run by the same party. The information was deemed to basically be BS but it kept getting passed through to the point where we effectively had the state security apparatus spying on a political opponent's campaign. That isn't normal. This was all done before Trump had even set foot in office. All he did to bring that on himself was to A)criticize the sitting President (strenuously) and B)have the gall to run for election and win the nomination. That's it.

I frankly believe that everything devolved from there. They treated him wrong and his personality caused him to lash out and maybe some of that was "bringing it on himself" but I really think that this was a symbiotic relationship where the hate that his opponent's have for him and his ego have caused a spiral. I feel the over the top reaction to Trump has been more deleterious to our Republic than anything he has done. The norms that have been thrown away in order to get the "threat" have been far worse than the actual threat itself. And those reactions demand a response. Make no mistake, there will be a response and I think a bunch of people who would have been more of a restraint on Trump Round 2 will feel that reaping the whirlwind is deserved now. That spiral continues until and unless cooler heads prevail.

If I were a Democrat with any type of gray activity occurring around me, I would be extremely nervous about the November election. The genie is out of the bottle.
So they flew their flag upside down and the appeal to heaven flag but had no clue both had connections to Jan 6?

I have ocean view property to sell in Indiana lol
I got $1,000 that says you didn't even know what the Appeal to Heaven flag looked like, let alone it's connections to MAGA, before someone told you what to think.

I couldn't even tell you what that flag looks like right now and I am pretty right wing.
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So they flew their flag upside down and the appeal to heaven flag but had no clue both had connections to Jan 6?

I have ocean view property to sell in Indiana lol
Can you read minds? Alito claims his wife flew the flag upside down in response to hostile neighbors. Unless you can read minds and he is actually lying, you don't know that it had anything to do with MAGA. Period.

The other flag is a historical flag and Alito says his wife flies historical flags. This is what I do too.

Just because you want to link them to MAGA doesn't mean they're linked to MAGA. You'd never even get a case like that to court. You have a very strong tendency to assume the worst about Republicans. This is because you're a hyper-partisan.
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That's fine, I just don't agree.

However, I guess if I deem the next Democrat as an existential threat to whatever, that anything done to bring them down is within bounds. They brought it on themselves. Can you see how problematic that thinking gets when taken to its logical conclusion?
You are in denial about what was already known about Trump and his tactics . Norms did indeed go out the window when your party ran and then elected Trump. And then refused to get rid of him during two impeachments.
Whack job progressives bizzare attribution of flags that have literally been around since the beginning of the Republic (Gadsden, Appeal to Heaven, etc.) as some form of racism, or Natisim or whatever is really strange.

But I know the reason they do it. They hate our history as such they hate those flags.
dumb ......
You are in denial about what was already known about Trump and his tactics . Norms did indeed go out the window when your party ran and then elected Trump. And then refused to get rid of him during two impeachments.
All I hear is that the "rules" are arbitrary and that they can be jettisoned whenever we can convince enough people it is in their interest to do so.

So there are no "norms", there is only power. There are no rules, might makes right. I think it is beyond the pale that Joe and his son made money off political power derived from "We the people". I believe his tactics of using the justice department against his political enemies are beyond the pale. So should my party get the power, I fully expect them to be dealt with. Statutes of limitations can be moved to accommodate and charges can be created out of whole cloth. Why? Because I have labeled my enemies as "special cases" and we all know "special cases" mean that rules and norms need not apply. All that matters is power. Welcome to the Chiquita States.

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