Bill Maher is spot on imo on all fronts here

Sure, and that was said about all the others, too.

This rhetoric goes on before every election.
It does...but then along comes an obviously historically different situation. And I think we're in that with the Trump v Biden...and then Trump v Harris decision.
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Whistling past the graveyard, Hoot. We will spend $1.2 TRILLION just on debt service this year. And it's doing nothing but going up.

Life is easy when you're living on credit cards and only paying the minimum. Until you can't pay the minimum.

Our pols for sometime have spent too much and taxed too little. Whistling past the graveyard is a good description of this.

Been complaing about deficits for decades. Even voted for Perot in 1992 because he serious about the issue.

Do know this, the poor and middle class will be hit the hardest when the ghosts caused by the overwhelming debt burden leave the graveyard.
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Take Trump's personality of it and I bet they're more 'Trumpist' than you think.
That is the sad part as so many just don't like him and they hold that against it all. I'm not looking for a best friend in this election just someone who will lead the country. Harris is the only person I know that interviewed for a job 4 years ago was basically the second to last candidate if graded and now has the opportunity to be President. Four years ago zero Democrats' were on the Harris train and 3 1/2 years later and after doing absolutely nothing she is exactly what they want? lol Nothing like going from last to first without doing a thing, only in America.
That is the sad part as so many just don't like him and they hold that against it all. I'm not looking for a best friend in this election just someone who will lead the country. Harris is the only person I know that interviewed for a job 4 years ago was basically the second to last candidate if graded and now has the opportunity to be President. Four years ago zero Democrats' were on the Harris train and 3 1/2 years later and after doing absolutely nothing she is exactly what they want? lol Nothing like going from last to first without doing a thing, only in America.
Dems have a history of promoting their failures. Just look at Biden - laughed out of the Presidential race in the late 80s for plagiarism and overstating his academic achievements and then the same media and Party embrace him as VP (where he was a joke) and Prez (where he's even more of a failure).
What part of any of that is any different than any other Republican?
They are Conservative Democrats would be my label. More isolationist, more economically protectionist, less favorable to the corporate world and financial industry. That mixed with more socially conservative positions.

It is the 1980's John Cougar Mellencamp and Brice Springsteen blue collar worker types. Kind of a mixing of "America F yeah" with a healthy dose of "but the establishment is screwing me over". It isn't the same party it was in 2012.
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Well, yes, but he's a lot closer than any Democrat.

If you value the first 2 Amendments to the Constitution, what other choice do they have?
LOL, yeah. He's a real champion of the first 2 amendments.

They are Conservative Democrats would be my label. More isolationist, more economically protectionist, less favorable to the corporate world and financial industry. That mixed with more socially conservative positions.

It is the 1980's John Cougar Mellencamp and Brice Springsteen blue collar worker types. Kind of a mixing of "America F yeah" with a healthy dose of "but the establishment is screwing me over". It isn't the same party it was in 2012.
Yes. Well said
LOL, yeah. He's a real champion of the first 2 amendments.

#1 is a political ploy. As is noted, the SC already ruled you can burn the flag. No EO or legislation can change that. It's like Kamala saying she's going to bring back Roe v Wade. Just political rhetoric.

#2 he's talking about red flag laws, which are in effect in Indiana. The Constitution isn't a death pact - allowing crazies to keep guns is insane. Evidently these laws are Constitutional.

#3 you friends are probably in Cass County and I doubt they claim you since you're a Carmelite and hang out with fellow Carmelites like Bloom.
They are Conservative Democrats would be my label. More isolationist, more economically protectionist, less favorable to the corporate world and financial industry. That mixed with more socially conservative positions.

It is the 1980's John Cougar Mellencamp and Brice Springsteen blue collar worker types. Kind of a mixing of "America F yeah" with a healthy dose of "but the establishment is screwing me over". It isn't the same party it was in 2012.

You're talking about swing voters on the margins, the Obama/Trump voters?

These are typically social conservative, economic progressive swing voters. But you're talking maybe 10%. What about the other 80 or 90% that have voted for Republicans forever?
Cops endorsed Clinton and yes largely conservative but still mixed. Last time teamsters didn’t endorse a Dem was 96
F the teamsters. O'Brien is the biggest huckster, asshole in the world. UPS lost 10% in package volume YoY some months due to their threatened strike last year. Subsequently 20K UPS management employees have been laid off or forced into early retirement because of said drop in volume and their exorbitant contract. How's that for "protecting labor"?

No skin off the drivers ass, less packages to deliver, they can finish their deliveries by 2 PM and then head to the bar. Meanwhile they're torpedoing the company they purportedly work for. Autonomous vehicles can't get here soon enough.
F the teamsters. O'Brien is the biggest huckster, asshole in the world. UPS lost 10% in package volume YoY some months due to their threatened strike last year. Subsequently 20K UPS management employees have been laid off or forced into early retirement because of said drop in volume and their exorbitant contract. How's that for "protecting labor"?

No skin off the drivers ass, less packages to deliver, they can finish their deliveries by 2 PM and then head to the bar. Meanwhile they're torpedoing the company they purportedly work for. Autonomous vehicles can't get here soon enough.
would have loved to have been a bug on the wall during those executive team meetings when you were reading these people the riot act
You're talking about swing voters on the margins, the Obama/Trump voters?

These are typically social conservative, economic progressive swing voters. But you're talking maybe 10%. What about the other 80 or 90% that have voted for Republicans forever?
i don't think your math is remotely correct twenty. i think there has been considerably more movement than your stats
i don't think your math is remotely correct twenty. i think there has been considerably more movement than your stats

What are you basing that on? Very low % of people actually switch parties.

Here's a breakdown of the Republican coalition they Pew put together a couple years ago following the last election.

I don’t know about switching parties, but known republicans are endorsing Harris at at least 40 to 1 as the other.
What are you basing that on? Very low % of people actually switch parties.

Here's a breakdown of the Republican coalition they Pew put together a couple years ago following the last election.

The realignment of the working class

I'm not saying there isn't some realignment going on.... I've been saying that on here for years. But it's only on the margins... It's not like the whole country just picked up and switched jerseys.
I think it’s more than the margins. How substantial. I don’t know

These parties as crazy noted stand for materially different things than they did in 2012

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