Bill Maher is spot on imo on all fronts here

Harris will win
The loony left is still loony
Trump is done Trumpism is not

Maher likes to poke fun at Trump's idiosyncrasies while at the same calling attention to the looney left.

So as once being a Gavin Newsome supporter (and probably still is) can we really take Maher seriously as someone other than a comedian trying to hold onto a fan base ?
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Maher likes to poke fun at Trump's idiosyncrasies while at the same calling attention to the looney left.

So as once being a Gavin Newsome supporter (and probably still is) can we really take Maher seriously as someone other than a comedian trying to hold onto a following ?
Don’t care about him. Only the message/opinion
@Aloha Hoosier i want you to read this brief take from Maher. As is becoming common he is spot on imo. As I’ve said for those expecting a return after trump loses it is not happening. This isn’t a cult. Sure he has crazy adherents like Dbm but Trumpism is much bigger than that and what he tapped into doesn’t comport with the beliefs of the old guard. The party has moved on.

I will add so too have the Dems. Lost in this election but a remarkable occurrence is the Dems losing both the cops and the teamsters. That’s a massive ideological change. I come from blue collar workers. They won’t vote Harris or for any progressive. And they despised the Cheney bush trickle down warmongering republicans. They voted Clinton but with progressives running will vote Trumpism in whatever candidate that is down the road.

The parties have changed
I think Trump created an opportunity...really for both parties, but especially for the GOP, to effectively break from 'same ole, same ole' politics and governance.

The problem I have is singularly with the man himself. The character issues most notably, but also his governing style, his long and storied history of really not giving a flying flip about anyone besides himself.

Our political system, and the climate it has produced, created conditions that were ripe for a disruptor to come in to power. Those conditions aren't gone, and won't be gone when Trump is out of the picture.

I hope both parties take inventory of why Trump became so powerful, take those reasons very seriously, and start choosing to nominate, run, prop up, support, and then govern with those things in mind. A more level headed, less narcissistic, more serious person leading either party, would be so huge right now.
I think Trump created an opportunity...really for both parties, but especially for the GOP, to effectively break from 'same ole, same ole' politics and governance.

The problem I have is singularly with the man himself. The character issues most notably, but also his governing style, his long and storied history of really not giving a flying flip about anyone besides himself.

Our political system, and the climate it has produced, created conditions that were ripe for a disruptor to come in to power. Those conditions aren't gone, and won't be gone when Trump is out of the picture.

I hope both parties take inventory of why Trump became so powerful, take those reasons very seriously, and start choosing to nominate, run, prop up, support, and then govern with those things in mind. A more level headed, less narcissistic, more serious person leading either party, would be so huge right now.
He will pass the torch to his son. The 2028 Presidential election will be Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump jr.

No way. If he loses this time all the republicans running scared will swear they never supported him and will end the fringe wung nonsense.

If he wins he’s going to try to pass it to his son without an election.
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I don’t think Maher understands Trumpism. It’s a word coined by the never-Trumpers as a pejorative. It has nothing to do with political philosophy or ideology. Trump is a product of strong GOP and conservative ideas, not the cause of them. Trumpism will be gone the moment Trump is gone. The ideas he champions existed before him and will endure after him.
Tea Party = Trumpism

Desantis most closely adheres to those ideas, and I expect he will be the next 'ism'.
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Depends if you can find a replacement though. Trump is a cultural phenomenon with regards to how teflon he has been. Can someone else tap into that level of personality that the populists can get behind?
They're all teflon. Biden was teflon, Harris is teflon. Trump is teflon.

Both stupid sides whitewash everything of 'their' favorite.

Dems just have a larger bully pulpit since the media has for decades been 80% their team. So currently Trump isn't teflon, but Harris is.
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The Cheney clan?

Donald Trump Losers GIF by GIPHY News
It is so weird since Trump's career has been spent trying to depress labor wages and not work with unions. Yet they love him.

Recall when he brought in foreign labor to build Trump Tower.

Like the Obamas claiming to be for the poor and middle class when they rarely leave their mansions, go shopping in Paris, and make gazillions for a single speech?

The difference is, Trump actually promotes policies that create job for the poor and middle class.
Silver lining, for me I think this COULD be the last POTUS election, for a while anyways, where we'll have as bad of choices as we do.

No matter who wins...the other side will have to take inventory of how it happened, and why they lost. January 2029, President Shapiro...or President Haley or even Desantis...both have a nice ring to them compared to what we're going to hear in January of 2025.
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Silver lining, for me I think this COULD be the last POTUS election, for a while anyways, where we'll have as bad of choices as we do.

No matter who wins...the other side will have to take inventory of how it happened, and why they lost. January 2029, President Shapiro...or President Haley or even Desantis...both have a nice ring to them compared to what we're going to hear in January of 2025.

If Trump loses Desantis is done. He’s probably done either way except as maybe part of the oligarchy.
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Bill, Obama, Hillary, Biden……

Same with Republicans. Ones I disagreed with but they were t nut cases

Trump is when all hell broke loose.

Before that it really wasn’t that much different who got elected.
The only hell that broke loose was from the Democrats and the media. The rest of the country went on as normal and thrived.

It's funny as hell you guys would burn the country down if Trump is elected, and then claim he's the one that made you do it. Insanity.
I disagree with that. The extremes on both sides have just gotten louder and social media has given them a pulpit to scream from. The majority of Republicans are not white nationalist religious backwater rednecks. The majority of Democrats are not BLM progressive communists. The problem is that both those extremes are getting the most press time.
This 100 times over.
The only hell that broke loose was from the Democrats and the media. The rest of the country went on as normal and thrived.

It's funny as hell you guys would burn the country down if Trump is elected, and then claim he's the one that made you do it. Insanity.

He will pass the torch to his son. The 2028 Presidential election will be Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump jr.

Why do I have the feeling the Trump family, unlike Donald John Trump, will be happier when politics is in their rearview mirrors?
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Cops endorsed Clinton and yes largely conservative but still mixed. Last time teamsters didn’t endorse a Dem was 96
I thought it was '88 - when Dukakis ran?

EDIT: I guess that's the last time they endorsed a Republican
Maher likes to poke fun at Trump's idiosyncrasies while at the same calling attention to the looney left.

So as once being a Gavin Newsome supporter (and probably still is) can we really take Maher seriously as someone other than a comedian trying to hold onto a fan base ?
Right on, Hoot!
I think Trump created an opportunity...really for both parties, but especially for the GOP, to effectively break from 'same ole, same ole' politics and governance.

The problem I have is singularly with the man himself. The character issues most notably, but also his governing style, his long and storied history of really not giving a flying flip about anyone besides himself.

Our political system, and the climate it has produced, created conditions that were ripe for a disruptor to come in to power. Those conditions aren't gone, and won't be gone when Trump is out of the picture.

I hope both parties take inventory of why Trump became so powerful, take those reasons very seriously, and start choosing to nominate, run, prop up, support, and then govern with those things in mind. A more level headed, less narcissistic, more serious person leading either party, would be so huge right now.
If you didn't see Trump on Gutfeld! last night, I would encourage you to find it - maybe it's on YouTube?

He's sitting among people who support him, yes, and it's not some hard hitting interview, but he answers questions thoughtfully and without a lot of bombast. He's in a comfortable setting and there's little of the word salads.

I know you can't get past Trump's personality, but I would be interested in your impression after watching him on that show.
If you didn't see Trump on Gutfeld! last night, I would encourage you to find it - maybe it's on YouTube?

He's sitting among people who support him, yes, and it's not some hard hitting interview, but he answers questions thoughtfully and without a lot of bombast. He's in a comfortable setting and there's little of the word salads.

I know you can't get past Trump's personality, but I would be interested in your impression after watching him on that show.
The debate and sending stupid posts like I hate Taylor swift - just a young woman who built an amazing career did him in. He won’t win. As much as I can’t stand progressives he doesn’t deserve to win.
But the more important point in my view that Maher is making isn’t that; it’s that the movement is led by trump but independent of trump and as long as the left maintains extreme positions it won’t die out when trump leaves
If that were try, why didn't the non-Trump candidates do better in the primary? Almost all (minus Christie) ran as either "I will do what Trump did" or "I will do MORE than Trump did". Yet they got almost no votes. DeSantes, a person many here wanted before Trump decided to enter, finished 30 points behind Trump in Iowa. In fact Trump had 51% of the vote, so if everyone who voted against him voted for the same candidate, he still would have won. And some of those anti-Trump votes were almost certainly Democrats or Independents.
Like the Obamas claiming to be for the poor and middle class when they rarely leave their mansions, go shopping in Paris, and make gazillions for a single speech?

The difference is, Trump actually promotes policies that create job for the poor and middle class.

The Obama family is probably better off now economically than before being in the White Office.

The Trumps may be worse off.

As to the nation's poor and middle class, who can say ?

We have recovered from the 2008 recession and the Covid setback.

As for me, really don't have a definite opinion how much credit or discredit to give either the policies of Obama or Trump for our recoveries.

Afterall, the economy does have a life of its own beyond the influence of government and the policies of a president.
Silver lining, for me I think this COULD be the last POTUS election, for a while anyways, where we'll have as bad of choices as we do.

No matter who wins...the other side will have to take inventory of how it happened, and why they lost. January 2029, President Shapiro...or President Haley or even Desantis...both have a nice ring to them compared to what we're going to hear in January of 2025.
How soon we forget. I can remember when Bush-Gore were the two worst choices ever. Then Bush-Kerry. Then Hillary-Trump. Then Biden-Trump. Hell, even Carter-Reagan were considered horrible choices at the time.

Every election is the 'most important in our country's history' and 'the two worst candidates ever'.
If that were try, why didn't the non-Trump candidates do better in the primary? Almost all (minus Christie) ran as either "I will do what Trump did" or "I will do MORE than Trump did". Yet they got almost no votes. DeSantes, a person many here wanted before Trump decided to enter, finished 30 points behind Trump in Iowa. In fact Trump had 51% of the vote, so if everyone who voted against him voted for the same candidate, he still would have won. And some of those anti-Trump votes were almost certainly Democrats or Independents.
Bc the founder was still at work son. Let him retire and more trumpers will emerge. There’s an agenda and platform he tapped
If you didn't see Trump on Gutfeld! last night, I would encourage you to find it - maybe it's on YouTube?

He's sitting among people who support him, yes, and it's not some hard hitting interview, but he answers questions thoughtfully and without a lot of bombast. He's in a comfortable setting and there's little of the word salads.

I know you can't get past Trump's personality, but I would be interested in your impression after watching him on that show.
I'll take a look, for sure. Don't want to assume what I'll be feeling before watching...but guessing it'll feel like hearing Harris talk about guns, or the economy as if she's a moderate Republican.

But there's still a very distinct possibility Trump will win I'll be rooting for a more thoughtful Trump!

One of them is going to win. We might as well get the best version of whoever wins!!
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How soon we forget. I can remember when Bush-Gore were the two worst choices ever. Then Bush-Kerry. Then Hillary-Trump. Then Biden-Trump. Hell, even Carter-Reagan were considered horrible choices at the time.

Every election is the 'most important in our country's history' and 'the two worst candidates ever'.
I'd take every single person you just listed (except Hillary), 100 times out of 100 over either of our current choices.
The Obama family is probably better off now economically than before being in the White Office.

The Trumps may be worse off.

As to the nation's poor and middle class, who can say ?

We have recovered from the 2008 recession and the Covid setback.

As for me, really don't have a definite opinion how much credit or discredit to give either the policies of Obama or Trump for our recoveries.

Afterall, the economy does have a life of its own beyond the influence of government and the policies of a president.
Whistling past the graveyard, Hoot. We will spend $1.2 TRILLION just on debt service this year. And it's doing nothing but going up.

Life is easy when you're living on credit cards and only paying the minimum. Until you can't pay the minimum.
I'd take every single person you just listed (except Hillary), 100 times out of 100 over either of our current choices.
Sure, and that was said about all the others, too.

This rhetoric goes on before every election.