Bill Maher is spot on imo on all fronts here

Harris will win
The loony left is still loony
Trump is done Trumpism is not
@Aloha Hoosier i want you to read this brief take from Maher. As is becoming common he is spot on imo. As I’ve said for those expecting a return after trump loses it is not happening. This isn’t a cult. Sure he has crazy adherents like Dbm but Trumpism is much bigger than that and what he tapped into doesn’t comport with the beliefs of the old guard. The party has moved on.

I will add so too have the Dems. Lost in this election but a remarkable occurrence is the Dems losing both the cops and the teamsters. That’s a massive ideological change. I come from blue collar workers. They won’t vote Harris or for any progressive. And they despised the Cheney bush trickle down warmongering republicans. They voted Clinton but with progressives running will vote Trumpism in whatever candidate that is down the road.

The parties have changed
@Aloha Hoosier i want you to read this brief take from Maher. As is becoming common he is spot on imo. As I’ve said for those expecting a return after trump loses it is not happening. This isn’t a cult. Sure he has crazy adherents like Dbm but Trumpism is much bigger than that and what he tapped into doesn’t comport with the beliefs of the old guard. The party has moved on.

I will add so too have the Dems. Lost in this election but a remarkable occurrence is the Dems losing both the cops and the teamsters. That’s a massive ideological change. I come from blue collar workers. They won’t vote Harris or for any progressive. And they despised the Cheney bush trickle down warmongering republicans. They voted Clinton but with progressives running will vote Trumpism in whatever candidate that is down the road.

The parties have changed
We’ll see what happens. I don’t want Trump in the White House, even as a guest. It’s that simple for me.
The old duopoloy of Dems and Republican warheads are now the Democratic Party. They worked together for years to oppress other candidates. If Trump were replaced by RFK Jr. as the candidate the purging of the evil Party of Hate could be quicker. Their main source of votes is because of the mass Propaganda pushing the hate of Trump.

Meanwhile the Dems have programmed the appointed (not elected) Airhead Puppet for president to push for attacking Freedom of Speech as she (can I use that word?) promises to go after social media outlets and their view of misinformation with their BS propaganda. I guess they know best about duping American with misinformation. Younger people are moving away from MSM and more toward streaming. As time goes on their duped listening audience will be shrinking.

No matter who wins this could be the start of the revolution. Go Tulsi!!!! Go RFK!!!!


Harris will win
The loony left is still loony
Trump is done Trumpism is not

I don’t think Maher understands Trumpism. It’s a word coined by the never-Trumpers as a pejorative. It has nothing to do with political philosophy or ideology. Trump is a product of strong GOP and conservative ideas, not the cause of them. Trumpism will be gone the moment Trump is gone. The ideas he champions existed before him and will endure after him.
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The future is Bitcoin MAGA. The people's money.
White Christian nationalism.
WTF is Trumpism?
Maher defines it as fear of the insanity of the far left re gender, race and free speech. Extreme progressive bs.

I think it is in part that. Traditional values. Family. Etc. But imo it is also what maga tapped into. Support for cops not defunding. Gas not EVs - auto workers etc. manufacturing not coding. That blue collar nailpounder who sends his kids to catholic schools and had always been a Dem but doesn’t give a shit about tranny rights and has kids who are now priced out of the American dream

Illusory in part. They don’t fit old repubs or new Dems
Maher defines it as fear of the insanity of the far left re gender, race and free speech. Extreme progressive bs.

I think it is in part that. Traditional values. Family. Etc. But imo it is also what maga tapped into. Support for cops not defunding. Gas not EVs - auto workers etc. manufacturing not coding. That blue collar nailpounder who sends his kids to catholic schools and had always been a Dem but doesn’t give a shit about tranny rights and has kids who are now priced out of the American dream

Illusory in part. They don’t fit old repubs or new Dems

What part of any of that is any different than any other Republican?
What part of any of that is any different than any other Republican?
When he campaigned in 2016 it was predicated on the common man. Jobs. He talked about manufacturing when the elites from both parties weren’t to that degree. Joe bag of donuts felt left behind. Broader obviously his stance on trade, national defense, hell immigration. What was bush’s take on the border. Family values don’t stop there or something. Trump’s take is kick em in the ass out. Rapists drug addicts etc is his rhetoric. I’d also argue that the influence of religion- evangelicals, moral majority - has lost power

It’s closer to traditional republicans than progressives but it’s not the Cheney party. The perception has always been republicans are rich old white guys and Dems the working man
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When he campaigned in 2016 it was predicated on the common man. Jobs. He talked about manufacturing when the elites from both parties weren’t to that degree. Joe bag of donuts felt left behind. Broader obviously his stance on trade, national defense, hell immigration. What was bush’s take on the border. Family values don’t stop there or something. Trump’s take is kick em in the ass out. Rapists drug addicts etc is his rhetoric. I’d also argue that the influence of religion- evangelicals, moral majority - has lost power

It’s closer to traditional republicans than progressives but it’s not the Cheney party. The perception has always been republicans are rich old white guys and Dems the working man

Sure I agree that the party has turned more populist since Trump. but those trends have been around a long time and those voters you are talking about were mostly already voting Republican. Who could forget Joe the Plumber?
Sure I agree that the party has turned more populist since Trump. but those trends have been around a long time and those voters you are talking about were mostly already voting Republican. Who could forget Joe the Plumber?
That I disagree. I think many of those voters were voting Dem. The reason the cops now aren’t. Teamsters now aren’t. Hell my nailpounder family. I think there has been a fundamental change in voting and parties. A realignment.
That I disagree. I think many of those voters were voting Dem. The reason the cops now aren’t. Teamsters now aren’t. Hell my nailpounder family. I think there has been a fundamental change in voting and parties. A realignment.

It is so weird since Trump's career has been spent trying to depress labor wages and not work with unions. Yet they love him.

Recall when he brought in foreign labor to build Trump Tower.

So both parties need to head to the trash heap of history. Time for a common sense middle ground party that doesn’t need an American Idol as its figurehead.
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It is so weird since Trump's career has been spent trying to depress labor wages and not work with unions. Yet they love him.

Recall when he brought in foreign labor to build Trump Tower.

For sure. Not to mention he’s a spoon fed rich old white collar dude
It is so weird since Trump's career has been spent trying to depress labor wages and not work with unions. Yet they love him.

Recall when he brought in foreign labor to build Trump Tower.

How he has convinced the common man that hes all for them is one of the great mysteries of all time
So both parties need to head to the trash heap of history. Time for a common sense middle ground party that doesn’t need an American Idol as its figurehead.
Well I think that’s it. I’m a man of the people. Amongst them everyday. Engaging. Selling. Bartering. You know that doc. The left now is the party of clueless lefty academics removed from reality, woke social workers, celebs, and minorities. The right is blue collar dudes, religious whackos, and rednecks.

Where do the alohas go. Where do moderate Dems go.
The democrats didn’t start going further left until you nuts dragged Trump into this.
I disagree with that. The extremes on both sides have just gotten louder and social media has given them a pulpit to scream from. The majority of Republicans are not white nationalist religious backwater rednecks. The majority of Democrats are not BLM progressive communists. The problem is that both those extremes are getting the most press time.
The democrats didn’t start going further left until you nuts dragged Trump into this.
I disagree with that. The extremes on both sides have just gotten louder and social media has given them a pulpit to scream from. The majority of Republicans are not white nationalist religious backwater rednecks. The majority of Democrats are not BLM progressive communists. The problem is that both those extremes are getting the most press time.
Spot on. Fing squeaky clean answer
I disagree with that. The extremes on both sides have just gotten louder and social media has given them a pulpit to scream from. The majority of Republicans are not white nationalist religious backwater rednecks. The majority of Democrats are not BLM progressive communists. The problem is that both those extremes are getting the most press time.

Bill, Obama, Hillary, Biden……

Same with Republicans. Ones I disagreed with but they were t nut cases

Trump is when all hell broke loose.

Before that it really wasn’t that much different who got elected.
That I disagree. I think many of those voters were voting Dem. The reason the cops now aren’t. Teamsters now aren’t. Hell my nailpounder family. I think there has been a fundamental change in voting and parties. A realignment.

I believe the realignment argument is very overblown.

Law enforcement has always been a conservative voting block.


In 2004 Bush won 40% of union households.
In 2020 Trump won 40% of union households

I don't see it.
I believe the realignment argument is very overblown.

Law enforcement has always been a conservative voting block.


In 2004 Bush won 40% of union households.
In 2020 Trump won 40% of union households

I don't see it.
Cops endorsed Clinton and yes largely conservative but still mixed. Last time teamsters didn’t endorse a Dem was 96
But the more important point in my view that Maher is making isn’t that; it’s that the movement is led by trump but independent of trump and as long as the left maintains extreme positions it won’t die out when trump leaves
Depends if you can find a replacement though. Trump is a cultural phenomenon with regards to how teflon he has been. Can someone else tap into that level of personality that the populists can get behind?
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Maher defines it as fear of the insanity of the far left re gender, race and free speech. Extreme progressive bs.

I think it is in part that. Traditional values. Family. Etc. But imo it is also what maga tapped into. Support for cops not defunding. Gas not EVs - auto workers etc. manufacturing not coding. That blue collar nailpounder who sends his kids to catholic schools and had always been a Dem but doesn’t give a shit about tranny rights and has kids who are now priced out of the American dream

Illusory in part. They don’t fit old repubs or new Dems
My honest opinion, all joking aside, Bitcoin is the future of the party. It will be a collection of actual small government types, libertarians, and the middle class. A lot of MAGA is in that group. The RINOs, endless wars, and crony capitalist grifter types will break off to the Democrats.
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My honest opinion, all joking aside, Bitcoin is the future of the party. It will be a collection of actual small government types, libertarians, and the middle class. A lot of MAGA is in that group. The RINOs, endless wars, and crony capitalists grifter types will break off to the Democrats.

I hope you aren’t a financial planner or money manager.
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My honest opinion, all joking aside, Bitcoin is the future of the party. It will be a collection of actual small government types, libertarians, and the middle class. A lot of MAGA is in that group. The RINOs, endless wars, and crony capitalists grifter types will break off to the Democrats.
Let me make it very simple. Once we figure out how to spend bitcoin we will be UNSTOPPABLE!!!!!!!! LFG!!!!!
Bill, Obama, Hillary, Biden……

Same with Republicans. Ones I disagreed with but they were t nut cases

Trump is when all hell broke loose.

Before that it really wasn’t that much different who got elected.
While I absolutely agree that Trump has taken it to the next level, it's been building for a while.
It used to be mostly media / talk-radio that was openly making fun of our leaders:
Bill Clinton being a horn-dog.
George W. and his mispronouncing of "nucular".
Obama has the audacity to wear a tan suit!!
The biggest difference to me is that most of the reps in Congress were generally keeping their heads down and trying to get work done.

Now it's open season where everybody has to get their soundbite in (and the media eggs them on with loaded questions) so that they can prove to their social media legions that they are doing their jobs so they wont be primaried in 2 years.
Since this type of Republican had only been around since 2016 except in rural Montana and isolated places in the Deep South, aren’t you guys the real RINOs?
I disagree with that. The extremes on both sides have just gotten louder and social media has given them a pulpit to scream from. The majority of Republicans are not white nationalist religious backwater rednecks. The majority of Democrats are not BLM progressive communists. The problem is that both those extremes are getting the most press time.
This is 100% accurate. The majority of my family that vote Democratic align themselves with zero part of the current Democratic party they just are too stubborn to vote Red. The Republican side of my family are not Trumpsters(or whatever Dem's call them) they just have fiscal soundness to them and are not crazy about all the social safety nets put in place supported by taxpayers money.

I do believe that the most extreme left are my daughters' generation (they are 24 and 25). I've told them for years their generation will be the ruin of the United States. Funny they argued with me all through college, and now that they are supporting households of their own they suddenly think I might not be to far off base with my opinion.