Biden Speech Tonight

Trump isn't running but a lot of gop politicians are seeking and getting his endorsements. Don't pretend like he has just slicked back into the hole he came from because that is far from the truth.

When you have people sitting at drop boxes with their guns and people canvassing houses asking personal questions about their voting history and whereabouts of family, then yes democracy is at stake. Voter intimidation/suppression is not ok
Do you remember the Black Panthers at voting places?
It was a little tiresome when he kept repeating that very few Republicans are hard core MAGA, and far fewer still are committed to violence.
Tiresome my ass. It was pathetic for a president to even suggest that the opposing political party is committed to violence. That sick lying senile bastard is ruining the political landscape with his repeated prime time speeches to the nation with his MEGA MAGA horseshit.

You can find violence anywhere and actual violence has become out of control and the norm for many people in many places. The victims are the underprivileged and people of color— the youngsters in particular. The Democrats give us crickets about that. Democracy is threatened, but not by violence. Biden and many of the democrats from congress to the states to local municipalities are wrecking everything.
Well it's believed that our fentanyl problem is coming through our ports and not through the southern border from evil southern immigrants....
That’s old news and out of date. . It’s now coming across the border. Some smuggled through entry points but now the cartels have are more efficient system knowing our border is wide open.
Is this all democrats have? This junk isn’t getting the votes the democrats need.

What’s his alternative? Talk about inflation? Gas prices? Afghanistan? Baby formula shortages? Crime? Talking about his record and issues hurts Democrats. They only thing they have going for them is “Trump is bad” so he’s trying to change the subject back to that.
What's your fentanyl solution?
Ha, you act like there is a “solution”. The first thing we must do is take the problem seriously. There is a lot of money, power and influence involved at many levels around the world.

State sponsors of terrorism are using it to attack US and Western Europe. It’s a very high level diplomatic issue.

International terror groups use it th fund operations. It’s an economic problem.

Locals use it to accumulate wealth and accumulate power. It’s a corruption problem.

The stuff needs to be transported, it’s an interdiction problem.

It comes in illegally. It’s a border problem

Users are hooked, it’s a mental health and local criminal problem.

And George Floyd. A pathetic individual ruined by the stuff. And our dumbass Democrats name a law after him for all the wrong reasons. The purveyors have us by the short ones and we don’t even know it.
Member when Barr gave a totally biased presentation of the Mueller report? Or….a few other things….
That Barr criticism was media BS then and it is still BS.
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What’s his alternative? Talk about inflation? Gas prices? Afghanistan? Baby formula shortages? Crime? Talking about his record and issues hurts Democrats. They only thing they have going for them is “Trump is bad” so he’s trying to change the subject back to that.
I agree and the sad part about it is many democrats hang their voting hats on that very thing "I'm voting Blue because I don't like Trump" pure stupidity. Louisville has been ran by Democrats for decades, ride through the west side or south side of the city and it is still engulfed with crime, poverty and absolutely zero new business or new housing yet they continue down the same Democratic path just hoping it will change. lol

They closed a Walmart in the South/Western part of Louisville because of the rapid theft, this is Walmart who factors in probably 10-15% for theft a year and they couldn't absorb in that store how bad it was.
Is this all democrats have? This junk isn’t getting the votes the democrats need.

Darn I guess I missed it. Did he yell and scream about half the country being extremists and the only way to save democracy is to vote for democrats!
So how about a moment of honesty. Do you really think independents and moderate democrats really want to keep hearing this?

Hell weaponizing the FBI and DOJ to go after political enemies is a threat to democracy.
It shows complete desperation and flat out anger. If they have not figured it out yet voters care about inflation , crime and the economy. Bidens bully tactics simply are not going to work. All it really does is fire up the far left wing of his base. He knows deep down they are losing both chambers next Tuesday.
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I have no issue with that Biden said in his speech....I generally agree with it.

But the best antidote to whatever you want to label the last 6-7 years is good, competent govt. And the last two years haven't been a great example of that.
What Biden said is not okay. When he talks at length about democracy being on the ballot this election, the only logical conclusion is you must vote for his party to save democracy.

Trump would at least get out there and target Biden directly even if the forum wasn’t correct to be doing so.

Your disdain for GOP populists clouds your judgement.
Thanks for the unbiased opinion lol
@outside shooter Hey can you two explain something to me? The democrats gave big dollars to republican candidates in primaries. Those same candidates are now giving the democrats a run for their money. Our great president and other democrats are now saying they’re a threat to democracy. Why did they give money to threats to democracy?
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@outside shooter Hey can you two explain something to me? The democrats gave big dollars to republican candidates in primaries. Those same candidates are now giving the democrats a run for their money. Our great president and other democrats are now saying they’re a threat to democracy. Why did they give money to threats to democracy?
Because they were being idiots. They underestimated the stupidity of a good portion of the electorate.

Although those candidates haven't won yet.
Is this all democrats have? This junk isn’t getting the votes the democrats need.

Hey man, Democracy is at stake unless you vote Democrat!
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Because they are dumbasses, Some Democrats are dumbasses. Some (well, more than just some) Republicans are dumbasses.

It's always a dumbass move to do that.
Non-responsive. They gave money because they thought those candidates would be easier to beat. And as cynical as that may be, you still don’t give money to someone if you believe they’re a true threat to democracy. You do everything in your power to stomp that threat out.

Which leads us to the real point, the “threat to democracy” stuff is all bullshit politics that democrats don’t actually believe, it’s just a way to silence and smear people. Similar to when you guys use “racist!”
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Non-responsive. They gave money because they thought those candidates would be easier to beat. And as cynical as that may be, you still don’t give money to someone if you believe they’re a true threat to democracy. You do everything in your power to stomp that threat out.

Which leads us to the real point, the “threat to democracy” stuff is all bullshit politics that democrats don’t actually believe, it’s just a way to silence and smear people. Similar to when you guys use “racist!”
The first part is correct. Obviously when the economic landscape is as rough as it is, to win you're going to have to attack your opponent as alt right, Christian nationalist, conspiracy laden, self righteous violent loons because that should transcend an economic low.

Ya know, this kind of fear messaging.


The 'threat against democracy' is because Bannon and Stone has bragged about their game plan (intimidate with poll watchers, threaten election workers so they quit as 1 in 3 have, put in alt right election deniers in positions to verify elections, muck up election day to slow down and suppress the voting, then if you still lose claim fraud and try to have the race kicked to the state or state courts).

In summary putting election deniers, particularly fact lacking deniers into positions to determine the winners of elections is a threat to having real free and fair elections.

So it's critical that we get out and vote to make sure these nutbags don't get into those positions.

Who knows how we'll be able to get them out if our elections become irrelevant so, try to prevent it now.

That's not even considering how our faith in our elections are going to be shaken by the left if these loons start overriding votes.

That won't be pretty.
@outside shooter Hey can you two explain something to me? The democrats gave big dollars to republican candidates in primaries. Those same candidates are now giving the democrats a run for their money. Our great president and other democrats are now saying they’re a threat to democracy. Why did they give money to threats to democracy?
They were elected by Republicans. Dems didn't vote for these loons, the base did.

If they end up winning and send us into the dark ages, that's on the base.

Yeah it's a strategy to go up against an election dening extremist but Dems didn't cast any votes, that's all pubs.

The pubs chose these candidates.
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The first part is correct. Obviously when the economic landscape is as rough as it is, to win you're going to have to attack your opponent as alt right, Christian nationalist, conspiracy laden, self righteous violent loons because that should transcend an economic low.

Ya know, this kind of fear messaging.


The 'threat against democracy' is because Bannon and Stone has bragged about their game plan (intimidate with poll watchers, threaten election workers so they quit as 1 in 3 have, put in alt right election deniers in positions to verify elections, muck up election day to slow down and suppress the voting, then if you still lose claim fraud and try to have the race kicked to the state or state courts).

In summary putting election deniers, particularly fact lacking deniers into positions to determine the winners of elections is a threat to having real free and fair elections.

So it's critical that we get out and vote to make sure these nutbags don't get into those positions.

Who knows how we'll be able to get them out if our elections become irrelevant so, try to prevent it now.

That's not even considering how our faith in our elections are going to be shaken by the left if these loons start overriding votes.

That won't be pretty.
Adding on, the physical mucking up and slowing down polls on election day is I believe the biggest reason why mail in voting is enemy #1 from the right.

That's hard to intimidate, muck up, slow down, etc so if the right can get it minimalized and get more people to have to go to the polls....the easier it is to slow and suppress using a myriad of ways previously discussed.

This is basically laid out by Bannon and Stone and why again there has been such a strategy to vilify mail in voting.

I am anticipating election day will be a purposely sabotaged clusterf#$k.

We'll see.
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Ha, you act like there is a “solution”. The first thing we must do is take the problem seriously. There is a lot of money, power and influence involved at many levels around the world.

State sponsors of terrorism are using it to attack US and Western Europe. It’s a very high level diplomatic issue.

International terror groups use it th fund operations. It’s an economic problem.

Locals use it to accumulate wealth and accumulate power. It’s a corruption problem.

The stuff needs to be transported, it’s an interdiction problem.

It comes in illegally. It’s a border problem

Users are hooked, it’s a mental health and local criminal problem.

And George Floyd. A pathetic individual ruined by the stuff. And our dumbass Democrats name a law after him for all the wrong reasons. The purveyors have us by the short ones and we don’t even know it.
That's a lot of words to say you have nothing.
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Because they are dumbasses, Some Democrats are dumbasses. Some (well, more than just some) Republicans are dumbasses.

It's always a dumbass move to do that.
We can agree there are dumbasses in both parties.

The discouraging thing is if you take out the far right and far left, those in between can’t even compromise right now.
If I was operating like some you would be banned.

You can say whatever you please to me.
And are there reasons as to why you aren’t “operating like some”? Further do we know how long Cray has been banned? Can he be bonded out? What’s the procedure?
And are there reasons as to why you aren’t “operating like some”? Further do we know how long Cray has been banned? Can he be bonded out? What’s the procedure?
No further comment. I might be banned.
If I was operating like some you would be banned.

You can say whatever you please to me.

Yes, because your opinion on what is appropriate for a liberal to post is different from your opinion on what is appropriate for a conservative to post.
Well it's believed that our fentanyl problem is coming through our ports and not through the southern border from evil southern please stop trying to kill two birds with one stone with your fear mongering.

Secondly Trump make a nice (and I'm not being snarky) initial step in 2017 by creating an opioid and fentanyl act committee.

Only to sideline and defund it the next year which meant we ended up going two years without a national strategy on it.

Supposedly we're trying to pass this. Do you think it will get Republican support? I don't.
I haven't seen the GOP plan to combat fentanyl unless you count "MEXICANS ARE COMING!!!" as a plan.
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Those are just words. They can’t be verified. @BradStevens Are you alive?
God you non-paying clients are the worst! So demanding. So needy.

I'm working behind the scenes 24/7 on this. You don't see my posting? That's because I'm fine-tuning discovery requests, trying to keep up with all the banning and deleting and disappearing members on here. It's tough work. My staff is working as hard as they can. My poor paralegal is pulling all-nighters here, just for you! Hasn't seen her family in a week. But we have found a mod procedure that is probably in play here--they call it a Code Red.

We can't find Cray, though we have figured out his real name is Santiago. And Stoll, well he's like Markinson--he's in the wind. We might never find him.

(and yes, I do look like a young Tom Cruise).

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