Biden options

Which Democratic option would you prefer?

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I don't understand that statement at all. You think a person should follow a party blindly? What needs to be gotten rid of is those people that blindly follow Trump.
I agree you don’t have to follow them blindly. I haven’t voted for Trump. I want people who are not fiscally conservative to leave the party. You can’t claim to be fiscally conservative and vote for Biden. Whether you call them RINOs or something else, I want fiscally irresponsible and big government Republicans gone.

I’d rather lose the next 10 elections and have a party of Ron Pauls than continue the trend of an ever increasing federal government. It’s the biggest risk to America’s future in my humble opinion.
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Kamala/Pete 2024. Your dreams might come true. 😂😂😂

My god. Replace the American flag with BLM and paint the White House rainbow. Reparations and gender reassignments 1A and 1B for issues facing America.

Tell Pose hold the line

Biden seems strong. That might have been a cheap fake debate. Let’s keep him
I agree you don’t have to follow them blindly. I haven’t voted for Trump. I want people who are not fiscally conservative to leave the party. You can’t claim to be fiscally conservative and vote for Biden. Whether you call them RINOs or something else, I want fiscally irresponsible and big government Republicans gone.

I’d rather lose the next 10 elections and have a party of Ron Pauls than continue the trend of an ever increasing federal government. It’s the biggest risk to America’s future in my humble opinion.
If you’ve been around you would remember my battles with the libs about fiscal matters. I’m a fiscal conservative. It’s one of my biggest concerns. The choice was between to fiscally irresponsible candidates. One of them is totally unfit for the office so I voted against him - and for all the other Republicans on the ballot.
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If you’ve been around you would remember my battles with the libs about fiscal matters. I’m a fiscal conservative. It’s one of my biggest concerns. The choice was between to fiscally irresponsible candidates. One of them is totally unfit for the office so I voted against him - and for all the other Republicans on the ballot.
If Trump would have been in office there would be somewhere between 3-5 trillion less in government. Not to mention the 100s of billions in student loan forgiveness.
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I agree you don’t have to follow them blindly. I haven’t voted for Trump. I want people who are not fiscally conservative to leave the party. You can’t claim to be fiscally conservative and vote for Biden. Whether you call them RINOs or something else, I want fiscally irresponsible and big government Republicans gone.

I’d rather lose the next 10 elections and have a party of Ron Pauls than continue the trend of an ever increasing federal government. It’s the biggest risk to America’s future in my humble opinion.
I would agree with all of that IF it was always a choice between a fiscally conservative candidate and candidates like Biden but it's not. Trump was not fiscally conservative at all. And to me character does matter but I think how a lot of candidates appear in public doesn't really reflect the true person. However, in the end I'll vote base on policies because they are what's most important to me BUT I'm not gonna criticize anyone because they put character above policies. And let me be clear... character is not based on looking good in the public's eyes. RMK could be an AH in public but I think he was a good man.
Kamala baby. Embrace it.
I would agree with all of that IF it was always a choice between a fiscally conservative candidate and candidates like Biden but it's not. Trump was not fiscally conservative at all. And to me character does matter but I think how a lot of candidates appear in public doesn't really reflect the true person. However, in the end I'll vote base on policies because they are what's most important to me BUT I'm not gonna criticize anyone because they put character above policies. And let me be clear... character is not based on looking good in the public's eyes. RMK could be an AH in public but I think he was a good man.
Gotcha. I answered Aloha above on spending. Electing Biden added 3-5 trillion more debt/spending that wouldn’t have happened if Trump was President. Those polices and spending are much more detrimental on 10s of millions of people’s lives, so we’re going to disagree on putting character above policy. It’s not even close in my opinion. Also, I don’t think Biden is a good person either.
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If Trump would have been in office there would be somewhere between 3-5 trillion less in government. Not to mention the 100s of billions in student loan forgiveness.
We don’t know Trump would have spent less. He enjoyed the stimulus bill he signed - and the checks that were sent out. Didn’t buy enough votes for him. If he’d won he probably would have done some additional costly stimulus. Just different. Maybe he’d have finally gotten through the infrastructure he promised. The expensive student loan forgiveness for deadbeats was struck down. I railed against that bull crap. Another vote buying effort. Search “deadbeats” and enjoy.
My god. Replace the American flag with BLM and paint the White House rainbow. Reparations and gender reassignments 1A and 1B for issues facing America.

Tell Pose hold the line

Biden seems strong. That might have been a cheap fake debate. Let’s keep him
Can you imagine her and Pete and them both announcing their pronouns everywhere they go? Lol.

Gotcha. I answered Aloha above on spending. Electing Biden added 3-5 trillion ij debt and spending. Those polices and spending are much more detrimental on 10s of millions of people’s lives, so we’re going to disagree on putting character above policy. It’s not even close in my opinion. Also, I don’t think Biden is a good person either.
First, Aloha has never said he's gonna vote for Biden this time, he's just said he will not vote for Trump. Yeah, like you I put policies above character even though I don't trust Trump at all. Like you, I think Biden is not a good person either. Aloha puts more weigh on the fact that Biden and Pence willingly gave the classified documents back than I do but I respect his opinion. To me, it's kinda like robbing a bank and if you get caught the penalty is more if you don't willingly give the money back. I don't want to drive people like Aloha away from the Republican party but I'll guarantee you he's not gonna be one of those (like a few others on the forum) where they say they used to be a Republican but then support every liberal policy.
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Hunter is sitting in on all of the meetings, so whatever happens with the decision to stay or drop, I'm sure it will turn out for the best.

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A Biden replacement is, in my view, a worst-case scenario for Trump and a scary proposition for MAGA. That's why the Heritage Foundation/Project 2025 and other Trump-aligned organizations are already talking about legal challenges.

See Lars post above.

In addition, a Biden withdrawal would suck most of the oxygen from the RNC convention in a few weeks - - - no target (except a generic socialist boogeyman), no more "Let's Go Brandon!" or "Fvck Joe Biden" chants. Who's going to care except the MAGA-third of the country?

In contrast, there would be much buzz and anticipation leading up to the Dems' convention in August, with excitement and energy surrounding the nomination of a fresh, new, young(er), articulate candidate, and with all the momentum leading into the last few months of the election season. Trump would suddenly be in an incumbent-like position, forced to defend his absymal and anti-democratic record, his criminal activity and his mob boss mentality. And if a subsequent debate performance is anything like what he displayed last Thursday, he would be shredded.
“No target”, now that made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that.
I'll guarantee you he's not gonna be one of those (like a few others on the forum) where they say they used to be a Republican but then support every liberal policy.
You have accused me if this and I come down about 50-50

-with the GOP on cutting spending
-with the GOP on avoiding foreign wars
-with the GOP on (what used to be) their stance on support of free trade
-with the GOP on more border security
-with the Dems on higher tax burdens on the wealthy and / or fewer loopholes
-with the Dems on extending the runway on social security by the rich paying on more of their income
-with the GOP on raising the retirement age, gradually, to cut spending, perhaps automatically aligned with life expectancy stats
-with the Dems on better funding of basic research, especially in health care
-with the Dems on most of the issues with respect to environment
-with the GOP on a higher commitment to nuclear
-with the Dems on LGBTQ rights
-in the middle on abortion. Say, none after 20 weeks except for rape, incest, and health of mother
I have a hard time believing that a candidate cannot get off of any state ballot for being unable or unfit to run.
We don’t know Trump would have spent less.
You’re being disingenuous. We do know. ARP Act passed with zero votes from Republicans in the Senate and added 1.9 trillion. The Inflation Act added another trillion with no support from Republicans. Neither would have passed if Trump was President. That’s 3 trillion. The Infrastructure Bill might have passed because it did have bipartisan support.
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You have accused me if this and I come down about 50-50

-with the GOP on cutting spending
-with the GOP on avoiding foreign wars
-with the GOP on (what used to be) their stance on support of free trade
-with the GOP on more border security
-with the Dems on higher tax burdens on the wealthy and / or fewer loopholes
-with the Dems on extending the runway on social security by the rich paying on more of their income
-with the GOP on raising the retirement age, gradually, to cut spending, perhaps automatically aligned with life expectancy stats
-with the Dems on better funding of basic research, especially in health care
-with the Dems on most of the issues with respect to environment
-with the GOP on a higher commitment to nuclear
-with the Dems on LGBTQ rights
-in the middle on abortion. Say, none after 20 weeks except for rape, incest, and health of mother
im horny jack nicholson GIF
You’re being disingenuous. We do know. ARP Act passed with zero votes from Republicans in the Senate and added 1.9 trillion. The Inflation Act added another trillion with no support from Republicans. Neither would have passed if Trump was President. That’s 3 trillion. The Infrastructure Bill might have passed because it did have bipartisan support.
We really don’t know. We can only guess. IMO Trump showed no spending restraint and enjoyed doling out cash during COVID. I don’t know that he would have shown any restraint in a second term, and if Trump proposed big spending bills, do you think Republicans in congress would buck him? They rollover like dogs for the guy. However, your opinion could be right and he may have pushed for less. Maybe the infrastructure finally getting done would have been enough. We’ll never know.
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This must be the most ironic and silliest comment I’ve ever seen on here. Donald Trump will NEVER be characterized as having integrity and values. For that matter most republicans who support a liar, conman, and convicted felon won’t either.
Convicted felon 🤣 Harry shins it’s gonna be ok..
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First, Aloha has never said he's gonna vote for Biden this time, he's just said he will not vote for Trump. Yeah, like you I put policies above character even though I don't trust Trump at all. Like you, I think Biden is not a good person either. Aloha puts more weigh on the fact that Biden and Pence willingly gave the classified documents back than I do but I respect his opinion. To me, it's kinda like robbing a bank and if you get caught the penalty is more if you don't willingly give the money back. I don't want to drive people like Aloha away from the Republican party but I'll guarantee you he's not gonna be one of those (like a few others on the forum) where they say they used to be a Republican but then support every liberal policy.
He's not a Republican. He's wishy-washy. He used to be a Democrat and then jumped on the Reagan train and voted Republican. Do we know whether he voted for Clinton or not? He's never said, as far as I know. My bet is, he voted for Bush Sr. and then Clinton for a second term, but I don't know.

He was duped, like many of us, into voting for W. I don't blame him for that, but look who W was running against?

Did he vote for Obama? I don't think we know.

He claims he voted for Trump in 2016. What changed between 2016 and 2020? Well, in 2020, he voted for a clearly declining Biden, after he'd voted for Trump in 2016? Did he think Biden was going to be better?

Aloha is one who leans with whatever side the media - and his military superiors - leans. Ask him if he thinks the Russian Collusion investigation was warranted?

I've got no respect for a supposed Republican who can't bring himself to criticize a Democrat more than he does a Republican.
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He's not a Republican. He's wishy-washy. He used to be a Democrat and then jumped on the Reagan train and voted Republican. Do we know whether he voted for Clinton or not? He's never said, as far as I know. My bet is, he voted for Bush Sr. and then Clinton for a second term, but I don't know.

He was duped, like many of us, into voting for W. I don't blame him for that, but look who W was running against?

Did he vote for Obama? I don't think we know.

He claims he voted for Trump in 2016. What changed between 2016 and 2020? Well, in 2020, he voted for a clearly declining Biden, after he'd voted for Trump in 2016? Did he think Biden was going to be better?

Aloha is one who leans with whatever side the media - and his military superiors - leans. Ask him if he thinks the Russian Collusion investigation was warranted?

I've got no respect for a supposed Republican who can't bring himself to criticize a Democrat more than he does a Republican.
You’re an idiot. I’ve voted this way - Reagan, GHWB, Dole, GWB, GWB, McCain, Romney, Johnson (couldn’t vote for Trump or HRC), Biden (Trump is unfit).

I NEVER said I voted for Trump. I was adamantly against him from the day he announced for the GOP primary. You’re a liar and should apologize.

Fact is that you’re a simpleton. You’re a Trump loving fool. I would prefer you stop thinking you’re a Republican. I’m a Republican and you’re simply a Trump sycophant. You’re dbm with fewer links to Trumpster Twitter Twits. I laugh at your idiocy.
You’re an idiot. I’ve voted this way - Reagan, GHWB, Dole, GWB, GWB, McCain, Romney, Johnson (couldn’t vote for Trump or HRC), Biden (Trump is unfit).

I NEVER said I voted for Trump. I was adamantly against him from the day he announced for the GOP primary. You’re a liar and should apologize.

Fact is that you’re a simpleton. You’re a Trump loving fool. I would prefer you stop thinking you’re a Republican. I’m a Republican and you’re simply a Trump sycophant. You’re dbm with fewer links to Trumpster Twitter Twits. I laugh at your idiocy.
Do apologies occur? Seems to be quite a bit of rancor on this forum