Are we a unified Reich in our country

I do not and will never consider a damn thing you say. I know exactly what you are, nothing but a contemptable shyster. So don't waste what little time you have left on this planet typing to me. The only interaction we'll ever have is me ridiculing the dumbest of your rationalizations and feeble attempts at wit ...

So, F.O. but have a nice day.
I love it when you lash out. It’s a glimpse into how truly miserable you are. 😂
You can’t use the word Reich in this day and age without Nazi connotations.

I recognize that the word has been used in different ways over time but since about 1945 if you use the word Reich, people think Hitler.
So since it existed WELL before Hitler, and will NEVER be erased from the history of language, there's only two things to do. Educate the populace and normalize it once again with the exception of "the Third Reich" of course, or create a class of self perceived aggrieved people who identify under this name as a sexual/ mental dysfunction. Storm the democratic large cities and college campuses and create the american Reich as a new protected class. Yes LGBTQM'FERS I'm looking at you.
Fare is only fare. Equality for all. But I am thinking that the LGBTQM'FERS don't want the competition. It would cause MELT DOWN on the butter fly battle ground. (which are the ones in history that are left at the end of the herd, for a reason). It's not mean, it's sociology you poor little bait animals. The "greater good" right, unless it's you. Oh lions love purple hair. yummy.
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So since it existed WELL before Hitler, and will NEVER be erased from the history of language, there's only two things to do. Educate the populace and normalize it once again with the exception of "the Third Reich" of course, or create a class of self perceived aggrieved people who identify under this name as a sexual/ mental dysfunction. Storm the democratic large cities and college campuses and create the american Reich as a new protected class. Yes LGBTQM'FERS I'm looking at you.
Fare is only fare. Equality for all. But I am thinking that the LGBTQM'FERS don't want the competition. It would cause MELT DOWN on the butter fly battle ground. (which are the ones in history that are left at the end of the herd, for a reason). It's not mean, it's sociology you poor little bait animals. The "greater good" right, unless it's you. Oh lions love purple hair. yummy.
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So since it existed WELL before Hitler, and will NEVER be erased from the history of language, there's only two things to do. Educate the populace and normalize it once again with the exception of "the Third Reich" of course, or create a class of self perceived aggrieved people who identify under this name as a sexual/ mental dysfunction. Storm the democratic large cities and college campuses and create the american Reich as a new protected class. Yes LGBTQM'FERS I'm looking at you.
Fare is only fare. Equality for all. But I am thinking that the LGBTQM'FERS don't want the competition. It would cause MELT DOWN on the butter fly battle ground. (which are the ones in history that are left at the end of the herd, for a reason). It's not mean, it's sociology you poor little bait animals. The "greater good" right, unless it's you. Oh lions love purple hair. yummy.
Animated GIF
I see 'unified Reich' and think of both Republicans and Democrats with their asinine approaches to forcing everyone into their favorite behaviors. Instead of following a pretty good constitution and limit government so we can afford to take care of defense, and the environment, but leave people a lot more free to have great lives otherwise.

All I can think of as a 'reich' is , "YOU VILL VALK DIS VAY, UND YOU VILL LIKE IT!"
Oh the irony. People who fall for Trump and his ilk calling others dupes. The whole world knows how stupid Trumpers are. But keep pretending.
Hey, how's that Russian Collusion investigation going, dupe?

Still believe the 51 former intelligence officials who questioned whether Hunter's laptop was real, dupe?
You act like that was some hugely popular mandate, when the opposite was true. It was YUGELY controversial. Secular Jews in Israel didn't really care, and Arabs/Palestinians within Israel were virulently opposed. It was popular within the GOP, but not the US as a whole...

And given that it likely (along with the Abraham Accords) played a major roll in further Palestinian alienation and unrest it's at least a contributing factor in the Oct Hamas attacks. Neither one of those "accomplishments" benefitted Palestinians, esp officially recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel and moving the US embassy there. These are the type of events that increase bitterness and cause the ranks of terrorist organizations (like Hamas) to swell with new recruits...

As far as Palestinians and Arabs in general are concerned they have as much right to claim Jerusalem as their Capital as Israel has. The issue is supposed to be resolved by negotiations, and the official US policy was to avoid alienating either side by maintaing Tel Aviv (which was the original Mandated Capital) as the official Israeli Capital until the issue was peacefully resolved. Jerusalem was designated as an International city, holy not just to Jews and Christians, but to Muslims as well...

Trump shortsightedly upended 7 decades of US policy and inflamed anti-US tensions, in a move designed to virtue signal and appease his Evangelical base.

"US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on Wednesday and announced plans to relocate the US embassy there, upending seven decades of US foreign policy in a move expected to inflame tensions in the region and unsettle the prospects for peace."
Never said it was a popular decision. I said he did it, while others only talked about it.

The rest of your post is nonsensical babble.
Trying to apply reasoning to Trump's brain is beyond my abilities..

Propaganda has two targets, the base and the opposition. As we succumb to the fear of the possibility, we react fearfully and say stupid shit, which makes us look ridiculous?

Fk if I know why... but there been way too many circumstances, staffer mistakes etc .. to believe it's accidental..
It could also be to normalize them and their rhetoric for the more 'mainstream' Trump voters. I don't know that Trump is the driver of that - and I'm not even sure there is an actual conspiracy here - but I think it's not hard for guys like Steven Miller or Steve Bannon to get him to say what they want him to say.

I do think those two - and few others who advise Trump - are despicable and most definitely espouse some pretty horrible views.
I'll make it easier. Do you recall that ominous, red back lite ramblings that biden made last year? It's been reported, that the original draft, had 14 instances removed where biden was referring to his administration as the 4th Reich. They thought that it was too soon and wanted to roll that out a little later.
No, that hasn't 'been reported.' At least not by anyone reputable.

Put up or shut up Joe. Let's see where this has 'been reported.'

I don't bet, but the idea that the Biden Administration labeling themselves the '4th reich' is a new level of bullshit and it not being true is one of the few bets I'd consider putting everything I own on.
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I'll make it easier. Do you recall that ominous, red back lite ramblings that biden made last year? It's been reported, that the original draft, had 14 instances removed where biden was referring to his administration as the 4th Reich. They thought that it was too soon and wanted to roll that out a little later.
Not a chance in hell that’s true. Trumpsters can defend Trump all you want, but it would be nice if you did it truthfully. Problem is Trimpsters don’t know what truth is.
Not a chance in hell that’s true.
I honestly don't know how anyone could believe that could be true. Even people who would want that to be true would recognize that the word 'reich' is way too toxic and would use coded language.

I'm actually curious to see what hair-brained, half-assed site/social media account Joe pulled that from.
Hey, how's that Russian Collusion investigation going, dupe?

Still believe the 51 former intelligence officials who questioned whether Hunter's laptop was real, dupe?
Trumpers can never ever talk about being duped. There’s never been a bigger dupe in the history of duping. And you prove again and again you don’t understand the Mueller report.
No, that hasn't 'been reported.' At least not by anyone reputable.

Put up or shut up Joe. Let's see where this has 'been reported.'

I don't bet, but the idea that the Biden Administration labeling themselves the '4th reich' is a new level of bullshit and it not being true is one of the few bets I'd consider putting everything I own on.

Not a chance in hell that’s true. Trumpsters can defend Trump all you want, but it would be nice if you did it truthfully. Problem is Trimpsters don’t know what truth is.

I honestly don't know how anyone could believe that could be true. Even people who would want that to be true would recognize that the word 'reich' is way too toxic and would use coded language.

I'm actually curious to see what hare-brained, half-assed site/social media account Joe pulled that from.
Not to speak for Joe but I suspect he was being facetious.

14 references?
I do not and will never consider a damn thing you say. I know exactly what you are, nothing but a contemptable shyster. So don't waste what little time you have left on this planet typing to me. The only interaction we'll ever have is me ridiculing the dumbest of your rationalizations and feeble attempts at wit ...

So, F.O. but have a nice day.
More dope might help ...
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No, that hasn't 'been reported.' At least not by anyone reputable.

Put up or shut up Joe. Let's see where this has 'been reported.'

I don't bet, but the idea that the Biden Administration labeling themselves the '4th reich' is a new level of bullshit and it not being true is one of the few bets I'd consider putting everything I own on.

Mike Lindell has the evidence in his pillow case.
Another scary German word. The Nazis had kindergartens. I can't believe kindergartens aren't banned in the US.

Bratwurst...... *shudder*
You do understand the difference between German words and words/symbols that have a connection to Nazis, right?

If you showed someone a swastika and asked them what comes to mind, then what do you think the answer would be?

want to bet the answer is different compared to when you show them other geometrical figures that have no connection with nazis?
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Not a chance in hell that’s true. Trumpsters can defend Trump all you want, but it would be nice if you did it truthfully. Problem is Trimpsters don’t know what truth is.
The biggest problem with have a huge stick up your ass, is that there is a huge stick up your ass.
Everything about Lord Trump, doesn't have to be serious. Even he has a sense of humor. C'mon man.

On a more serious note, Biden endorsed Trump for president this morning. Did you see that?
WAIT..... you actually saw it for what it was... SHOCKING !!! hahahaha... It's seems others seem to have a permanently (what's the word for bruised vagina?), <-- they have that, it seems.
Well context and prior history matters. And let’s face it, this wouldn’t be the craziest thing you’ve spouted here.

Given all that, you I’m sure people can see why no one was wiling to give you the benefit of the doubt.

After years of pushing this crap, “is he joking?” has given way to “pretty much par for the course.”
Maybe. I'm not sure he's done much to earn the benefit of the doubt, but maybe he'll confirm.
I haven't? really? You suck at reading the room.
Am I voting for Trump, you BETCHA !
There is no better choice.
Will I poke fun at Trump (and never trumpers)?
It's easy.
Will I make fun of biden.... well those jokes just write themselves.

Our options are laid at our feet now. Ya'll need to have a little fun with the total hypocrisy that we American's work our panties into, over the only two options that we have now. The pregnancy test have already narrowed it to two options. We will get what we get. One side will laugh at the other... Teh country will survive if Trump wins.
This isn't hard math.
If Joe wins, we need to pull together to prevent the inevitable.