Archie on the Dems

Say what you want about the tenets of the pack line defense, at least it’s an ethos . . . .
It is...and when its actually recruited to, and taught correctly, it is an effective one.

Amazing how good, solid strategies can be stained by horrible, douchey leaders.
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It shows what a great actor Caroll O'Connor was because he was actually a liberal. On a side note isn't it weird when you realize that you are older than Archie was back then?
I don't think this is the exact article, but I remember studies like this on media effects where a not small number of people didn't really grasp that All in the Family was making fun of people like Archie Bunker. Kind of similar to what I've read about The Boys (although I've never watched it).

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This might be the most unintentionally obtusely ironic thread that has ever been posted on this forum.

On second thought, no "might" about it.

We all know that both Carroll O'Conner and Norman Lear were liberals, that All in the Family was an attempt to use humor to take the piss out of racism, sexism and other such controversial issues of the times, and that the Archie Bunker character was the archetypal bigoted and uneducated working man. But they were able to present it in a way that wasn't mean or cruel or even overly judgmental. They humanized every archetype, made us understand where the sides were coming from and why, made us introspective and even if it didn't change our collective minds it certainly led to many a softened stance. A wonderful show, IMHO unmatched since.

The only thing that comes close the past 20 years or so in my mind was the Colbert Report. Even as a libertarian leaning conservative at the time, I could appreciate and be entertained by that show. It was so well done, and one of the reasons I can't stomach watching Colbert rant on The Late Show. It's unwatchable in comparison.

Irony could not only be seen in the OP's post when view through your lens, but also by the OP in your repsonse to him when viewed through his.
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Like America First? Or Medicare for All?

I'll see myself out.

PS. Those two were chosen intentionally b/c they could be synonomous.
There are parts of our own country that make both of those very difficult to pull off...bordering on incompatible with who "we are".

But to your point...if the leader trying to pull them off were better, it would be more possible.

Lots of analogies flowing through my mind...but I'm sure there are gaping holes in all of them. For shits and's an attempt.

Nationalist approaches and universal health care...those can work for smaller, less diverse countries.

Liberals often refer to European countries when championing Universal Health Care, or Medicare for All... Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, etc... they're the size of a medium sized state in the United States...and certainly quite a lot less diverse in pretty much every way. Apples to oranges.

Conversely, Conservatives often lament how inactive some of those same countries are in "pulling their own weight", helping police the world, contributing to the cause, etc... Again...we're talking about countries that are the size of Ohio. The things they say and do don't move the needle internationally.

So...programs like, say, Purdue. That have seemed to be solid by "recruiting locally", not playing in the NIL/Portal game, as far, have been reasonably successful. They're kind of like a European country. Solid, be good at what you do, overall not really competitive on the national/world stage all that often.

Indiana, because of its history and resources...should still strive to be nationally competitive. Just like the United States should still strive to be a leader on the world stage. Because both can. They just need the right leadership.
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We all know that both Carroll O'Conner and Norman Lear were liberals, that All in the Family was an attempt to use humor to take the piss out of racism, sexism and other such controversial issues of the times, and that the Archie Bunker character was the archetypal bigoted and uneducated working man. But they were able to present it in a way that wasn't mean or cruel or even overly judgmental. They humanized every archetype, made us understand where the sides were coming from and why, made us introspective and even if it didn't change our collective minds it certainly led to many a softened stance. A wonderful show, IMHO unmatched since.

The only thing that comes close the past 20 years or so in my mind was the Colbert Report. Even as a libertarian leaning conservative at the time, I could appreciate and be entertained by that show. It was so well done, and one of the reasons I can't stomach watching Colbert rant on The Late Show. It's unwatchable in comparison.

Irony could not only be seen in the OP's post when view through your lens, but also by the OP in your repsonse to him when viewed through his.
I posted to lighten things up. I know what the show was trying to accomplish. Of course that show couldn’t be produced now with the intolerant left out there. They would ban O ‘Conner and Lear from ever working in Hollywood again.

I hoped Goat couldn’t resist poking me.
There are parts of our own country that make both of those very difficult to pull off...bordering on incompatible with who "we are".

But to your point...if the leader trying to pull them off were better, it would be more possible.

Lots of analogies flowing through my mind...but I'm sure there are gaping holes in all of them. For shits and's an attempt.

Nationalist approaches and universal health care...those can work for smaller, less diverse countries.

Liberals often refer to European countries when championing Universal Health Care, or Medicare for All... Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, etc... they're the size of a medium sized state in the United States...and certainly quite a lot less diverse in pretty much every way. Apples to oranges.

Conversely, Conservatives often lament how inactive some of those same countries are in "pulling their own weight", helping police the world, contributing to the cause, etc... Again...we're talking about countries that are the size of Ohio. The things they say and do don't move the needle internationally.

So...programs like, say, Purdue. That have seemed to be solid by "recruiting locally", not playing in the NIL/Portal game, as far, have been reasonably successful. They're kind of like a European country. Solid, be good at what you do, overall not really competitive on the national/world stage all that often.

Indiana, because of its history and resources...should still strive to be nationally competitive. Just like the United States should still strive to be a leader on the world stage. Because both can. They just need the right leadership.
I think we should view Universal Health Care or MFA or whatever we want to call it as our "moon shot". We're America. Why can't we do this? B/c it's hard?

So when we think of "America First" why can' universal health care (which would only benefit those in America) be a top priority under that banner?

Oh, it's b/c somebody meant THEIR version of America First?

We all know that both Carroll O'Conner and Norman Lear were liberals, that All in the Family was an attempt to use humor to take the piss out of racism, sexism and other such controversial issues of the times, and that the Archie Bunker character was the archetypal bigoted and uneducated working man. But they were able to present it in a way that wasn't mean or cruel or even overly judgmental. They humanized every archetype, made us understand where the sides were coming from and why, made us introspective and even if it didn't change our collective minds it certainly led to many a softened stance. A wonderful show, IMHO unmatched since.

The only thing that comes close the past 20 years or so in my mind was the Colbert Report. Even as a libertarian leaning conservative at the time, I could appreciate and be entertained by that show. It was so well done, and one of the reasons I can't stomach watching Colbert rant on The Late Show. It's unwatchable in comparison.

Irony could not only be seen in the OP's post when view through your lens, but also by the OP in your repsonse to him when viewed through his.

Lear was a liberal. Liberals could laugh at themselves. Archie could be right about certain things--like Mike being a meathead.

Now that the liberals are Leftists, that's all gone. All in the Family could not be made today. Nor could Airplane. Or Blazing Saddles. Ask yourself why not. It's not because of the Republicans. Trump, or MAGA. If you're supporting the nonsense, ask yourself why.
I think we should view Universal Health Care or MFA or whatever we want to call it as our "moon shot". We're America. Why can't we do this? B/c it's hard?

So when we think of "America First" why can' universal health care (which would only benefit those in America) be a top priority under that banner?

Oh, it's b/c somebody meant THEIR version of America First?

As Biden's approach to curing cancer shows us, if you label something a moonshot, you can solve the problem rather easily.
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As Biden's approach to curing cancer shows us, if you label something a moonshot, you can solve the problem rather easily.
Good point.

But, and I know you're on the other side of the MFA debate, why can't America pull this off? I think, as a nation, we need to commit to something hard and follow through on it, i.e. the moon shot. We're more money shots these days.
I think we should view Universal Health Care or MFA or whatever we want to call it as our "moon shot". We're America. Why can't we do this? B/c it's hard?

So when we think of "America First" why can' universal health care (which would only benefit those in America) be a top priority under that banner?

Oh, it's b/c somebody meant THEIR version of America First?


We need to decrease the size of the federal government, not increase it.
We need to decrease the size of the federal government, not increase it.
If you cut everything but SS, Medicare/caid and defense you'll have only cut 25-30% of the budget. And that's if those cuts are to $0.

I like the idea of a soverign wealth fund replacing SS and even Medicare or MFA.

Do Americans care if they are paying the government for health insurance or Blue Cross/Blue Shield. If the latter, why? They've done nothing but increase prices for 20 years.
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If you cut everything but SS, Medicare/caid and defense you'll have only cut 25-30% of the budget. And that's if those cuts are to $0.

I like the idea of a soverign wealth fund replacing SS and even Medicare or MFA.

Do Americans care if they are paying the government for health insurance or Blue Cross/Blue Shield. If the latter, why? They've done nothing but increase prices for 20 years.

SS, Medicare, and Medicaid would also need to be addressed. Not saying it will happen. In fact, I'm saying it won't happen. But can we at least not speed the inevitable decline by giving the federal government complete control over health care?
I posted to lighten things up. I know what the show was trying to accomplish. Of course that show couldn’t be produced now with the intolerant left out there. They would ban O ‘Conner and Lear from ever working in Hollywood again.

I hoped Goat couldn’t resist poking me.
Intolerant left?

Lmao. The right can't tolerate lgbtq or women's tolerant means tolerant of straight white guys eh
Good point.

But, and I know you're on the other side of the MFA debate, why can't America pull this off? I think, as a nation, we need to commit to something hard and follow through on it, i.e. the moon shot. We're more money shots these days.
I would like to see it too, just not sure it's feasible.

Do you have another nation's system in mind as an exemplar?
We all know that both Carroll O'Conner and Norman Lear were liberals, that All in the Family was an attempt to use humor to take the piss out of racism, sexism and other such controversial issues of the times, and that the Archie Bunker character was the archetypal bigoted and uneducated working man. But they were able to present it in a way that wasn't mean or cruel or even overly judgmental. They humanized every archetype, made us understand where the sides were coming from and why, made us introspective and even if it didn't change our collective minds it certainly led to many a softened stance. A wonderful show, IMHO unmatched since.

The only thing that comes close the past 20 years or so in my mind was the Colbert Report. Even as a libertarian leaning conservative at the time, I could appreciate and be entertained by that show. It was so well done, and one of the reasons I can't stomach watching Colbert rant on The Late Show. It's unwatchable in comparison.

Irony could not only be seen in the OP's post when view through your lens, but also by the OP in your repsonse to him when viewed through his.
Nah. Not everything travels in both directions. AITF was intentionally ironic. Posting Archie's wisdom at face value is therefore unintentionally ironic. That's simply a mathematical function of how irony works. Noticing it, as I did, isn't ironic. It's just observational.
I would like to see it too, just not sure it's feasible.

Do you have another nation's system in mind as an exemplar?
The more I read about Singapore and the concept of a sovereign wealth fund the more I think the answer lies in a market based approach either through forced saving or taxes. But I would eliminate for profit health insurance. But I think for profit health CARE should exist.

I know. It’s tricky. But I think we should make this investment in our future.
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I posted to lighten things up. I know what the show was trying to accomplish. Of course that show couldn’t be produced now with the intolerant left out there. They would ban O ‘Conner and Lear from ever working in Hollywood again.

I hoped Goat couldn’t resist poking me.
And the right wing intolerant uneducated douche bags that Archie represented, today still wouldn’t get that they were being made fun of.
The problem with that is simple.

It's always the stereotypical conservative, personified by Archie Bunker as a bigot, who thinks the country is headed into the dumper, as those he's predisposed to dislike gain more advantages, i.e. recognition of rights. Meanwhile, the rest of the world, even moderate GOPers realize we learn things along the way which might change how we view others and in some cases how we consume products.

It's still a bunch of old white guys who think the country is heading into the heap.
SS, Medicare, and Medicaid would also need to be addressed. Not saying it will happen. In fact, I'm saying it won't happen. But can we at least not speed the inevitable decline by giving the federal government complete control over health care?
If we are in an inevitable decline why don’t you go elsewhere. Say Russia or China. The Dear Leader idolizes the really good guys that run them. Don’t worry about criticizing the government there. They’ll just send you to a gulag or prison camp for 10 years.
If we are in an inevitable decline why don’t you go elsewhere. Say Russia or China. The Dear Leader idolizes the really good guys that run them. Don’t worry about criticizing the government there. They’ll just send you to a gulag or prison camp for 10 years.

How old are you?

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