Any guesses on the staff Alford hires?

Mar 28, 2014
seems obvious that we are waiting to hire Alford after they get eliminated. Guesses on his staff?
Well I would love Keith Smart somewhere on the staff or Randy Wittman. I would also like a defensive mind coach who would handles the defense..
seems obvious that we are waiting to hire Alford after they get eliminated. Guesses on his staff?

I don't think he would fire of any his current assistants without a lot of push back from UCLA alumni. Plus, why are we worried about Alford and UCLA? I am more concerned about talking more around IU. Who will IU's next coach (Donovan, Marshall, Miller...etc) hire as his assistants.
He won't have to hire a staff here because he is not going to be the HC here.

I do hope he stays at UCLA, but if he does end up here I'm going to have a really... really long and enjoyable laugh at most of you guys here! I mean, I laugh at you guys already, but this will be a really hearty laugh... the kind that's good for the soul:)

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