another elementary school shooting

So then Biden should take a flyer on banning these weapons via EO. Let it go to SCOTUS.
Harris campaigned on that. It wouldn't last. But there are other things. Public health emergency blah blah blah. Congress is lasting and IGW is right re them
Do you want to go throught a background check and pay to have a license to buy fertilizer?
You were talking about taking away guns and I have no problem with denying some people access to guns that have been frequently used in mass murder situations. The lives of innocent human beings ( particularly children) are more far more valuable than an individual's right to own a AR-15 or a similar weapon. I have stated before that I own several guns, have been a member of the NRA, and support the Second Amendment. But certain guns are a huge part of the mass murder problem infecting this nation and we should seriously consider limiting access to them.
Good luck with that when we can't get a simple vote to pass in congress.

Both sides suck.
After the 2018 school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida lawmakers took steps to tweak the state’s mental health system. They added hundreds of millions in funding for school safety officers. A historic 2018 bill even included several gun control measures that passed with Republican support, including that the minimum age for buying long guns in FL be raised to 21 from 18.

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He's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see his face
He takes me away to that special place
And if I stare too long, I'd probably break down and cry
Whoa, oh, oh, sweet child o' mine
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, sweet love of mine
He's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I'd hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain
His hair reminds me of a warm, safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder and the rain to quietly pass me by
Whoa, oh, oh, sweet child o' mine
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, sweet love of mine
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, sweet child o' mine
Oh, oh, oh, oh, sweet love of mine
Where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Oh, where do we go now?
Where do we go?
Where do we go?
(Sweet child)
Ooh, where do we go now?
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, Where do we go?
Oh, where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go?
Oh, where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Now now now now now now now
Sweet child, sweet child o' mine
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They took "casualties" and decided to write off the kids already stuck with him. Including at least 1 girl who laid there for an hour bleeding out.

They should be told to resign or be fired. The directive on this stuff has been clear since Columbine and it was highlighted in Broward. You go and get the bad guy. Period. They chickened out. Simple as that.

they should be found criminally negligent
You were talking about taking away guns and I have no problem with denying some people access to guns that have been frequently used in mass murder situations. The lives of innocent human beings ( particularly children) are more far more valuable than an individual's right to own a AR-15 or a similar weapon. I have stated before that I own several guns, have been a member of the NRA, and support the Second Amendment. But certain guns are a huge part of the mass murder problem infecting this nation and we should seriously consider limiting access to them.
I just took your argument to it's logical conclusion.
One of my best friends is a recently retired cop here. He said standard practice for cops is to go in immediately, as fast as humanly possible, to stop the shooter. You don't wait. You don't even think about waiting. First to arrive goes straight in
They waited a ****ing hour because they thought he was barricaded and was done killing.

I guess they didn't bother with the ones that were bleeding out.

19 officers in the hallway, with shields. And they waited for the janitor to bring keys to the door.

If that was in a novel, no one would think that's realistic.
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They waited a ****ing hour because they thought he was barricaded and was done killing.

I guess they didn't bother with the ones that were bleeding out.

19 officers in the hallway, with shields. And they waited for the janitor to bring keys to the door.

If that was in a novel, no one would think that's realistic.
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They waited a ****ing hour because they thought he was barricaded and was done killing.

I guess they didn't bother with the ones that were bleeding out.

19 officers in the hallway, with shields. And they waited for the janitor to bring keys to the door.

If that was in a novel, no one would think that's realistic.
They are saying the commander said to wait. I can't believe there wasn't at least one officer who said, "to hell with that". They say that kids were still calling 911, so he had to still be shooting. What did the commander think he was shooting at, raccoons?

This is so frustrating, 19 officers did nothing. I can't believe they didn't have the training in a school shooting to get in ASAP. So where is the failure, and what do we need to change?
They are saying the commander said to wait. I can't believe there wasn't at least one officer who said, "to hell with that". They say that kids were still calling 911, so he had to still be shooting. What did the commander think he was shooting at, raccoons?

This is so frustrating, 19 officers did nothing. I can't believe they didn't have the training in a school shooting to get in ASAP. So where is the failure, and what do we need to change?
According to my buddy they deviated from any standard procedure he's every heard of. Long time cop; detective; major case squad, blah blah. Sounds like a combination of a major F up and pussies. Hopefully there is nothing to change. This was negligence; deviation from sop; isolated f up
They are saying the commander said to wait. I can't believe there wasn't at least one officer who said, "to hell with that". They say that kids were still calling 911, so he had to still be shooting. What did the commander think he was shooting at, raccoons?

This is so frustrating, 19 officers did nothing. I can't believe they didn't have the training in a school shooting to get in ASAP. So where is the failure, and what do we need to change?
Apparently some of THEIR OWN CHILDREN were in the school. This is truly remarkable.

I'm being careful not to paint all police b/c I have to believe this just wouldn't happen elsewhere but I don't think we can be that naive.
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I saw that. A great deal of their advertising wraps in the bible. Very disturbing but people eat it up.
Something I saw today that made me cringe. The opening to Obi Wan(released today)had scenes of the Jedi temple being attacked. Teachers fighting the bad guys killing children. Typical Hollywood. Probably won’t get any mention either.
An 11-year-old girl told CNN she thinks that she lived because she smeared her friend’s blood on herself so that the shooter would think that she was already dead.

Let that sink in, and if it doesn't turn your stomach, I don't know what will.
Many people in this country and right here on this thread have clearly spoken. They are willing to absorb this type of horror time and again to align with the political jersey of their choice.
Good luck with that when we can't get a simple vote to pass in congress.

Both sides suck.
They both suckuth the most.
Many people in this country and right here on this thread have clearly spoken. They are willing to absorb this type of horror time and again to align with the political jersey of their choice.
Can’t blame one side or the other more. Both have used these horrors to further their positions. People on both sides are to blame.
According to my buddy they deviated from any standard procedure he's every heard of. Long time cop; detective; major case squad, blah blah. Sounds like a combination of a major F up and pussies. Hopefully there is nothing to change. This was negligence; deviation from sop; isolated f up
I think the first officers on the scene got grazed by shots and they didn't go in because, I guess, they were afraid of getting shot again.

These guys have body armor and, presumably, shields. There had to have been 2 doors - one for each of the connecting classrooms. They couldn't keep the guy distracted from one door while going in the other?

It is beyond shameful.
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Apparently some of THEIR OWN CHILDREN were in the school. This is truly remarkable.

I'm being careful not to paint all police b/c I have to believe this just wouldn't happen elsewhere but I don't think we can be that naive.
Yeah, and some cops rushed into the school to get their own kids out.

You can't make it up.
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Both sides are putting up obstacles to serious background checks, waiting periods and bans on military-grade weaponry?
Yes. The Dems trying to pass a bill that doesn’t do any of that. The Republicans trying to introduce a school safety bill. Neither one do anything but try and look good. It’s all optics. We are better off focusing on states. The feds will do nothing. They might but the back end of the bills will have a bunch of junk thrown in. If they truly cared they wouldn’t posture.
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Yes. The Dems trying to pass a bill that doesn’t do any of that. The Republicans trying to introduce a school safety bill. Neither one do anything but try and look good. It’s all optics. We are better off focusing on states. The feds will do nothing. They might but the back end of the bills will have a bunch of junk thrown in. If they truly cared they wouldn’t posture.
Excellent points. The states should step in to protect their own citizens. Florida certainly did. But, I guess since they had a Republican Governor, it doesn't count.

As long as the SC says the laws aren't in conflict with the 2nd Amendment, it's a good solution to take the national politics out of it.
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Excellent points. The states should step in to protect their own citizens. Florida certainly did. But, I guess since they had a Republican Governor, it doesn't count.

As long as the SC says the laws aren't in conflict with the 2nd Amendment, it's a good solution to take the national politics out of it.
HR8 is poorly written. It states “utilizes current system”. The biggest problem with background checks is the current system.
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Apparently some of THEIR OWN CHILDREN were in the school. This is truly remarkable.

I'm being careful not to paint all police b/c I have to believe this just wouldn't happen elsewhere but I don't think we can be that naive.
Yes and some of them at least according to witnesses, got their own kids out while leaving others.

There was a barrage of gunfire shortly after Ramos entered the classroom where officers eventually killed him, but those shots were “sporadic” for much of the 48 minutes when officers waited in the hallway, McCraw said. He said investigators do not know if or how many children died during that time

Throw them in jail.
An 11-year-old girl told CNN she thinks that she lived because she smeared her friend’s blood on herself so that the shooter would think that she was already dead.

Let that sink in, and if it doesn't turn your stomach, I don't know what will.
**** cnn for interviewing a damn 11 year old about this horrible act.
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They are saying the commander said to wait. I can't believe there wasn't at least one officer who said, "to hell with that". They say that kids were still calling 911, so he had to still be shooting. What did the commander think he was shooting at, raccoons?

This is so frustrating, 19 officers did nothing. I can't believe they didn't have the training in a school shooting to get in ASAP. So where is the failure, and what do we need to change?
Hopefully police organizations will reengage in support of an assault weapons ban. LEOs shouldn't be in situations where they are badly outgunned. Doesn't excuse the negligence here, but it's another aspect of the problem with these weapons.
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Her parents allowed her. So your one takeaway from all this mess is to call out CNN? Seems about right for you.
Both are terrible. IMHO
Cnn and all the other news outlets may be the problem too.. Hell they show up an hour after these shootings! Seems to me they enjoy it.
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Yeah, and 1 Oklahoma City killed as many as 15 Uvaldes.

It's clear that, as soon as guns aren't available, these walking suicides will find some other way to take others out with them and make a name for themselves.
I really don't think it's "clear that, as soon as guns aren't available, these walking suicides will find some other way to take others out with them and make a name for themselves."

But, even if you're right, so what? When some other threat develops, we'll just have to come up with a cure for that one, too,

As it is, your post reads like another excuse to do nothing about the immediate threat of gun violence. I hope that's not what you meant to say.
**** cnn for interviewing a damn 11 year old about this horrible act.
All the stations have been interviewing children. Parents must be wanting it to happen and we need their testimony since police are obviously covering up.
There will always be a John Wilkes Booth or a Mark David Chapman or even a Timothy McVeigh. No laws are going to eliminate gun deaths or other murders, even mass murders, and that's a fact.

How that fact gets conflated to the argument that we then ought to do nothing to REDUCE this awful epidemic of mass murder is... well... mystifying.
Maybe I missed your point, but none of those three men used any weapon comparable to the assault weapons used in recent school shootings. It's highly debatable whether Booth or McVeigh could duplicate their crimes under current law.

McVeigh used a bomb, Booth used a single-shot muzzle loader and Chapman used a revolver.

Regardless, I agree we should do all we can to reduce gun deaths.